The sword rises

Chapter 711 Are You Really Mr. 9?

Chapter 711 Are You Really Mr. Nine?
Chapter 710 Are You Really Mr. Nine?
In the imperial study room, Gu Hengsheng and Junhuang Luo Hongsheng sat and looked at each other, while Li Qiurou leaned lightly on Gu Hengsheng's side.

Through some exchanges, Gu Hengsheng knew the current urgent situation of the Qiansu Dynasty.

Now the former Su Dynasty is besieged on all sides, with external and internal troubles.

Because the former Su Dynasty announced a spiritual vein found at the beginning, and told it to the Panshan Sect, which is relatively powerful in the border area of ​​Beizhou.

Therefore, the Panshan Sect sent some people to the Qiansu Dynasty, temporarily deterring Xiaoxiao from all sides.

However, Panshanzong had a big appetite. He wanted to swallow the entire Qiansu Dynasty, and wanted to make the Qiansu Dynasty a subsidiary force.

In the past few days, Emperor Luo Hongsheng has been negotiating with Panshanzong, but no matter what Luo Hongsheng said, Panshanzong was unwilling to let go, just like the former Su Dynasty.

Now that the Qiansu Dynasty is in the most critical period, a little carelessness can cause the dynasty to overthrow. Panshanzong wants to take advantage of this opportunity to eat the entire Qiansu Dynasty without any effort, and what it consumes is only Panshanzong. It's just a name, a huge profit.

"Duke, where have you been all these years?"

Finally, Junhuang Luo Hongsheng couldn't help but brought the topic to Gu Hengsheng and asked.

Gu Hengsheng pondered, "Zhongzhou."

Luo Hongsheng's pupils shrank, and his body trembled unavoidably. Could it be that the rumors in the world are true?

"Guo Gong, is the Mr. Jiu that the world talks about really you?"

Luo Hongsheng clenched his fists, tried his best to keep his shocked heart calm, and said hesitantly.

Gu Hengsheng and Luo Hongsheng looked at each other, nodded slowly: "It's me."


Luo Hongsheng had already guessed in his heart, and when he heard Gu Hengsheng's confession, he secretly sucked in a breath of air.

The mighty Mr. Jiu who slaughtered dozens of statues by himself many years ago is really the former Duke of my former Su Dynasty!
Luo Hongsheng's mind went blank for an instant, and Gu Hengsheng's confession kept echoing in his ears.

The news from the border area of ​​Beizhou was relatively congested. Luo Hongsheng didn't know that Gu Hengsheng had crushed many younger generations in the Holy Land, otherwise he would have been even more confused.

After a long time, Luo Hongsheng stabilized his restless and terrified mood, and focused his eyes on Li Qiurou's delicate body.

It is rumored that Mr. Jiu rushed to Zhongzhou with the Emperor Sword in his hand, just to rescue his wife.

If Gu Hengsheng is really Mr. Jiu in the world's population, then the woman next to him is the contemporary palace owner of Zhongzhou Guyou Palace! More than 2000 years ago, the Geshiqi girl who shocked an era!

This... is so shocking!

"I've seen Mr. Jiu, Palace Master Guyou."

Knowing Gu Hengsheng's current identity, Junhuang Luo Hongsheng couldn't sit still, so he immediately got up from the dragon chair and bowed to worship.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to be like this. I am the former Duke of the former Su Dynasty, so it should be the same as before!"

Gu Hengsheng held up the emperor's bent waist with profound energy, and said solemnly.

What kind of cultivation is he now, why I don't even have the ability to resist.

Junhuang Luo Hongsheng was shocked again, he found that when facing Gu Hengsheng, he didn't have the slightest ability to resist.One must know that Gu Hengsheng a few years ago had only just stepped into the Sky Profound Realm.

He has at least passed the threshold of the Great Dao Realm.

In just a few short years, Gu Hengsheng has reached the realm of the Great Dao from the Profound Sky Realm, what a monstrosity this is!

Luo Hongsheng was both surprised and delighted. When he learned that Gu Hengsheng was really the rumored Mr. Jiu, he knew that the crisis of the former Su Dynasty would pass safely.

"Mr. Jiu...Mr. Jiu, you don't need to care, but I can't pretend to be confused. Due courtesy is still necessary."

Luo Hongsheng kept his posture very low, he didn't dare to show off in front of the respected Mr. Jiu.

In Luo Hongsheng's mind, he still remembered the event that caused a sensation in the whole world a few years ago. Gu Hengsheng cut a bloody path with his sword and killed dozens of powerful people.

Even if Gu Hengsheng borrowed the might of the Emperor Sword, it would be enough to make the world panic.

That's great power!He is not a martial artist in the Sky Profound Realm.

Luo Hongsheng suddenly became cautious, wondering if he should go back to the dragon chair.

Of the two people in front of me, one is the former unrivaled powerhouse, Palace Master Gu You.The other one is the honorable Mr. Fusheng Tomb Nine.

No matter how strong Luo Hongsheng's xinxing was, he was also a little apprehensive and nervous.

Until now, Luo Hongsheng may not know how the Supreme Emperor died, nor what the Supreme Emperor's real combat power means.

Only one step away from Sendai, the existence of Emperor Road who once fought.

If the Supreme Emperor hadn't lost his sharpness, the Qiansu Dynasty could at least make a name for itself in the central area of ​​Beizhou and stabilize the country.

However, because the Supreme Emperor left the Emperor's Road and the Dao Foundation was damaged, he just wanted to live in peace and did not reveal his identity to anyone, even his own son Luo Hongsheng.

"Your Majesty, let's be more casual."

Gu Hengsheng sighed in his heart, he knew that as his strength and identity changed, it would definitely affect the views and attitudes of his old friends towards him.

Luo Hongsheng nodded with a smile, but his heart was trembling, and he couldn't go back to the beginning.

"Your Majesty, is the Seventh Prince okay?" In order to relieve the heavy atmosphere in the imperial study, Gu Hengsheng thought of someone.

The seventh prince of the former Su Dynasty, named Luo Qing, was a close friend of Gu Hengsheng back then, and shared weal and woe with Gu Hengsheng.

"This kid has lived up to Mr. Jiu's cultivation, and now he has gained a firm foothold in the court, and his means are not small."

Luo Hongsheng replied immediately.

"That's good." Hearing that his old friend was fine, the worry in Gu Hengsheng's heart dissipated: "Your Majesty, tomorrow I will meet with the people from the Panshan Sect and solve these troubles for the dynasty."

"On behalf of the hundreds of millions of people of the dynasty, I thank Mr. Jiu."

Luo Hongsheng had been looking forward to Gu Hengsheng's words in his heart, and when he heard it now, he said with great joy.

"Your Majesty, don't forget, I am the former Duke of our dynasty, and I should be so."

Since Junhuang Luo Hongsheng couldn't change his words, Gu Hengsheng let him go.

Hearing the sound, Luo Hongsheng smiled happily.

The symbolic meaning of Gu Hengsheng's words is extraordinary. As long as the former Su Dynasty does not make principled mistakes in the future, it will become more and more prosperous because of Gu Hengsheng, and no one will dare to deceive it.

"Mr. Jiu, Palace Master Guyou, the dinner must be ready, please."

Luo Hongsheng didn't dare to call himself "solitary" in front of Gu Hengsheng anymore, he was very clear about the gap between his identity and the real behemoth.

"it is good."

This was Luo Hongsheng's wish, of course Gu Hengsheng would not refuse, he nodded.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou followed Luo Hongsheng out of the imperial study room, following his desire to throw a banquet to welcome the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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