The sword rises

Chapter 714 Overbearing Gu Hengsheng

Chapter 714 Overbearing Gu Hengsheng
Chapter 710 The Overbearing Gu Hengsheng
Qi Yancheng and the other three took a deep breath. They were very angry now, but they knew that even if they joined forces, they could not defeat Gu Hengsheng, so they could only hold back their anger.

Qi Yancheng stared closely at Gu Hengsheng, gritted his teeth and said, "I will tell the suzerain what you said, and hope that you will not regret it then."

"I never regret what I do, get out!"

Gu Hengsheng didn't bother to look at Qi Yancheng and the three of them again, and scolded them.

These three elders of the Panshan Sect have crossed the Great Dao in name, but in fact their foundations are not stable, their auras fluctuate, and they may stop here in their lifetime.

Dao realm disciples from any faction in Zhongzhou can crush Qi Yancheng and the other three, let alone suppress Gu Hengsheng who is full of talents in many holy places.


Qi Yancheng glanced at all the officials in the hall, and finally snorted coldly at the emperor, and walked away in a huff.

Shame, disgrace!
I thought that the Qiansu Dynasty was settled, but who knows where a former Duke popped up, and he was so arrogant, as if he didn't take anyone seriously.

Qi Yancheng thought that he was a Taoist warrior at any rate, and that he represented the Panshan sect and came to the Qiansu Dynasty with an extraordinary status.Who knows that you will encounter such a thing, prepare to be ashamed.

I must make the former Su Dynasty and this son pay the price!

Qi Yancheng immediately sank into the void, and hurried towards the Panshan sect. He wanted to report today's events and let the sect send troops and powerful men to overthrow the Qiansu Dynasty.

Above the Golden Luan Hall, there was a complete silence, no one dared to speak, they just looked at Gu Hengsheng quietly.

Gu Hengsheng just burst out his own aura, which made the three elders of the Panshan Sect disorderly, making it difficult to resist. How strong is his real strength?

This is nothing, but what really shocked everyone was that Gu Hengsheng threatened to make Panshanzong an affiliated force of the former Su Dynasty, shocking the world.

The former Duke had been away from the dynasty for several years, and he didn't know the current situation of the dynasty at all. He was bringing a terrible disaster to the dynasty!
Originally because of the Panshan sect, Fang Xiaocai did not dare to act rashly for the time being.

Now that Gu Hengsheng has completely offended Panshanzong, didn't he push the former Su Dynasty into the abyss?
Things have come to this point, I can only do my best and obey the destiny.

The dynasty is in danger.

"My lord, if we offend the Panshan sect, I'm afraid it will make Xiaoxiao from all directions unable to bear it anymore. Isn't there something wrong?"

An official couldn't keep silent and couldn't help asking.

Others looked sideways, and the official who spoke said what each of them wanted to say, and gave him an admiring look.

Didn't you see that even the three Taoist elders of the Panshan Sect were no match for the Duke? If he questioned the Duke and aroused his dissatisfaction, it would be courting death.

"Don't worry, everything is with me, and there will be no big trouble."

Gu Hengsheng glanced at Baiguan, his expression was still as calm as water.


All the officials looked at each other, speechless.

The former Duke said so, who would dare to refute?

No matter how fearful and doubtful you are in your heart, you have to hold back.

Perhaps, in the huge former Su Dynasty, full of civil and military dynasties, only the emperor Luo Hongsheng was ecstatic!
Mr. Jiu of the Fusheng Tomb is an existence that truly stands at the pinnacle of the world, let alone a Panshan sect, even the entire Beizhou has to serve him respectfully.

Luo Hongsheng couldn't help thinking of his decision-making back then, and felt proud of his long-term vision.

If it hadn't been for Luo Hongsheng's efforts to reject all opinions and insist on canonizing Gu Hengsheng as the former Duke of the State, and then get the approval and approval of the Supreme Emperor, then the former Su Dynasty would not have received Gu Hengsheng's trust and assistance.

Luo Hongsheng seemed to have seen the prosperity of the former Su Dynasty, his heart felt hot, and his eyes were full of longing.

"Okay, this matter is over, let's retreat!"

Luo Hongsheng waved his hand and said loudly.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Hongsheng stood up from the dragon chair, strode to Gu Hengsheng's side, and said respectfully, "Duke, please!"

So, under the eyes of everyone, Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou stepped out of the Golden Luan Hall.

Hundreds of officials left the hall one after another, their minds were completely filled with what happened in the hall, and they couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

The Seventh Prince Luo Qing looked at Gu Hengsheng's leaving back, and murmured, "Where have you come now?"

The aura exuded can frighten the three elders of the Panshan Sect, and even make the emperor such a compliment.

Luo Qing was puzzled, and her heart was full of doubts.

Today, Gu Hengsheng deliberately wanted to anger the three elders of the Panshan Sect, and asked them to bring a message to someone who could be the head of the Panshan Sect, so that he could take down the entire Panshan Sect in one fell swoop.

If the leader of the Panshan Sect had any brains, he would definitely come over to find out Gu Hengsheng's identity first, and then make plans.

If the Panshan sect claimed to be powerful, they would directly lead the troops to attack.Well, it just so happens that Gu Hengsheng can kill chickens to scare monkeys, so as to frighten tigers and wolves in all directions, and establish the national prestige of the former Su Dynasty.

Presumably, after the three elders of the Panshan Sect go back, they will definitely make the big bosses of the Panshan Sect angry and startle the entire sect.

Five days passed in the blink of an eye.

Today, Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou are sitting in a certain courtyard in the palace, enjoying the warm sun and listening to the rhythm of the breeze.


The capital of the former Su Dynasty suddenly trembled, and figures appeared in the void, and they came from the sky with majestic faces.

Someone recognized the clothes on these people and exclaimed: "They are all from the Panshan Sect!"

Hundreds of warriors at the peak of the Profound Sky Realm, as well as dozens of warriors at the Dao Realm, all descended on the capital of the former Su Dynasty.

The leader was wearing a gray robe, and he was the current Patriarch of the Panshan Sect, Zeng Chengrong.

"My former Su Dynasty, after all, I can't escape this catastrophe!" Seeing the battle of Panshanzong, an official's face darkened instantly, and he fell to the ground, talking to himself in panic.

"The Duke's words that day completely offended the Panshan Sect. My former Su Dynasty may be destroyed."

"The strength of the Panshan Sect is more terrifying than other forces. What should our dynasty do about this catastrophe?"

Many people showed helpless and desperate expressions, feeling that the sky of the former Su Dynasty was about to collapse.

In the void, an elder of the Panshan Sect stepped out, looked down at the creatures below, and yelled loudly: "Who is threatening to make my Panshan Sect bow down?"

Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou in the depths of the palace felt a wave of restlessness, knowing that this peace was over, they slowly walked out of the palace.

"My Panshan Sect's people are here, isn't your Excellency afraid?"

Qi Yancheng emerged from the crowd of the Panshan Sect, with a gloomy look in his eyes, and shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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