The sword rises

Chapter 716 Battle against Panshan Sovereign

Chapter 716 Battle against Panshan Sovereign

Chapter 710 The Sixth Battle against Panshan Sovereign

Former Duke, are you really crazy?
He actually tried to challenge the current suzerain of Panshan Sect.

Maybe, really crazy!

The civil and military officials of the former Su Dynasty and countless common people all looked at Gu Hengsheng with dull faces, feeling desperate.

"Is he... really planning to fight the suzerain of Panshan Sect? Can he really win?"

Junhuang Luo Hongsheng thought to himself.

Luo Hongsheng knew Gu Hengsheng's real identity, but he didn't believe that Gu Hengsheng could grow to this level in just a few years.

Originally, Luo Hongsheng thought that Gu Hengsheng would reveal his identity and then shock the entire Panshan sect, but Gu Hengsheng seemed to have no such plan and wanted to use his own force to suppress it.

No, it wasn't that Gu Hengsheng didn't want to reveal his identity, but that the Panshan sect didn't know the jade badge that Gu Hengsheng showed to symbolize his identity at all.

"Shuzi is arrogant!"

Some elders of the Panshan Sect turned dark and scolded loudly.

"Just because you want to fight the suzerain, you are looking for death." A disciple of the Panshan sect stared at Gu Hengsheng, furious.

"See how I suppress you here, as an example to others."

An elder of Panshan Sect stepped out from the crowd, raised his hand to stir up the situation, and slapped Gu Hengsheng hard.

The prestige of this elder seems to be very high, and everyone in the Panshan Sect looked at him with respect: "If the Great Elder makes a move, this thief will definitely be able to suppress it on the spot and raise the prestige of our sect."

The Great Elder of the Panshan Sect stepped forward, raised his hand, and slapped Gu Hengsheng across the air.

The palm wind whistled and made chi chi noises.

Gu Hengsheng's expression remained unchanged, he slowly raised his sword and slashed, drawing a bright sword light.

call out!
The sword light flew at a high speed, splitting the palm of the elder's palm in an instant, and slashed at the elder with undiminished sharpness.

The pupils of the elder's eyes shrank suddenly, he thought that his palm would knock Gu Hengsheng back, but unexpectedly, Gu Hengsheng chopped it apart with a sword.

Moreover, this sword became more and more sharp, and it was about to strike the Great Elder in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, before the Great Elder could react, he was sent flying ten thousand meters away by Gu Hengsheng's sword, and a ferocious bloodstain appeared on his body, and blood sprayed out.

After the Great Elder flew upside down for a long distance, he managed to stabilize his figure in the void, showing a terrified look in his eyes.

"How could it be possible to injure the Great Elder with a single sword?" Everyone in the Panshan Sect was stunned and said in horror.

"It seems that this is just a sword that this person swung at will. Is it so terrible?"

"The Great Elder can't even take this person's sword, can't he!"

Many people in the Panshan Sect took half a step back, looking at the bloody and embarrassing figure of the Great Elder, in disbelief.

But the people of the former Su Dynasty were dumbfounded, looking at Gu Hengsheng's back in white, they were astonished.

Zeng Chengrong, the suzerain of the Panshan Sect, suddenly lost his breath. He could see that the sword just now was definitely not Gu Hengsheng's real strength, and the contempt in his eyes disappeared immediately, only a strong look of vigilance.

At this moment, everyone in the Panshan Sect was really nervous as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

The Great Elder of the Panshan Sect has long been a martial artist in the third realm of the Dao. He never thought that he could not even take a single blow from Gu Hengsheng, and his strength was unfathomable.

Maybe only the suzerain can fight this person present!

In fact, not to mention the great elders of the Panshan Sect, even the Tianjiao of the third realm of Zhongzhou's many avenues could not withstand Gu Hengsheng's sword.

"Your Excellency's strength is extraordinary, and I admire it very much. But you hurt the great elder of my sect, don't you think my Panshan sect is too low?"

As a martial artist in the fifth realm of the Great Dao, Zeng Chengrong was very confident in his own strength, and he reprimanded domineeringly.

"The Panshan sect really doesn't catch my eye." Gu Hengsheng said casually in disapproval.

He didn't even know the symbolic jade plaque of the Fusheng Tomb, so what did the Panshan sect do for Gu Hengsheng to pay attention to it?


Zeng Chengrong gave a loud shout.

Immediately afterwards, Zeng Chengrong circulated the profound energy in his body, and the cultivation base of the fifth realm of the Dao burst out, shaking countless people present and fainting.

Suddenly, the sky dimmed, and the void trembled.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zeng Chengrong punched Gu Hengsheng like a rainbow.


The fist wind is mixed with a trace of thunder and lightning, which is extremely powerful.

"Guantian Tong." Gu Hengsheng whispered, a little golden light flashed deep in his eyes.

Running the secret technique of Guantiantong, Gu Hengsheng knew the trajectory of Zeng Chengrong's punch in advance, and raised his sword to cut.


This sword contained a sliver of immortal sword intent that Gu Hengsheng had comprehended, directly piercing through the fist light and shattering Zeng Chengrong's offensive ultimate move.

Gu Hengsheng and Zeng Chengrong's cultivation level differed by three ranks. Even if Zeng Chengrong was not an arrogance and evildoer, Gu Hengsheng did not dare to underestimate him and confronted the enemy very seriously.

"How did he know the weakness of my fist, and he broke it with a single sword?"

Zeng Chengrong's complexion changed, and he was shocked.

Seeing this, Zeng Chengrong completely put away his contempt, stared at Gu Hengsheng with all his attention, and used his true full strength.


Zeng Chengrong roared loudly, and a huge white tiger with teeth and claws loomed from his back, extremely ferocious.


Zeng Chengrong stood in the void and punched again.

This punch turned into a snow-white giant tiger. The giant tiger rushed towards Gu Hengsheng at a speed invisible to the naked eye, roaring with its bloody mouth wide open.

"One sword, extremely ice cut!"

Gu Hengsheng cut out the Xuexiao sword, and the entire void was instantly frozen.

The sword light instantly slashed on the fist light that turned into a giant white tiger.

click -

In the blink of an eye, the fist light that turned into a giant tiger stopped in the void and turned into a huge ice sculpture.

Immediately, the sharp edge of the sword light came together, and the ice cubes split inch by inch, and the fist light that turned into a giant tiger also shattered, losing its previous power and turning into nothingness.


Zeng Chengrong, the suzerain of the Panshan Sect, stared in surprise. This punch was one of his trump cards. Even if he couldn't suppress Gu Hengsheng, let Gu Hengsheng be embarrassed!Why would it be cut to pieces by a sword.

Zeng Chengrong's pupils were bloodshot, and he secretly regretted that the person in front of him had such strength at such a young age, and he would surely be a mighty one in the future. Maybe it was a wrong decision for him and others to provoke the Qiansu Dynasty.

"Beizhou's border area is still not comparable to Zhongzhou Dashi, and there are too few ultimate moves, and they are all common supernatural powers."

I have seen the real emperor's supernatural powers, as well as various Taoist and secret arts that emerge in an endless stream.In Gu Hengsheng's eyes, Zeng Chengrong's supernatural power looked very bad.

Zeng Chengrong gritted his teeth. At the very least, he couldn't embarrass Panshanzong and planned to attack again.


Suddenly, a gust of wind swept across the entire imperial capital.

In the distance, a black figure approached at a high speed.

(End of this chapter)

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