The sword rises

Chapter 720 Sword Maniac, Dugu Shang

Chapter 720 Sword Maniac, Dugu Shang

Chapter 720 Sword Maniac, Dugu Shang

Elder Jianzong hesitated for a moment. He couldn't see Gu Hengsheng's origin, but he had an illusion in his heart, as if he was facing two mountains that could not be climbed.

"Of course, please come in, both of you."

After thinking about it again, the elder Jianzong dismissed the disciples around him, and welcomed Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou in respectfully.

The elders of Jianzong didn't notice the strangeness in Gu Hengsheng's breath, so they became less vigilant, invited Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou to the Jianzong hall, and offered two cups of fragrant tea.

"You two, please wait a moment, I will send someone to invite Miss Wen over here."

Wen Ruomei is not a disciple of Jianzong, she only stayed here because of Dugushang.

When Dugu Shang stepped out of Jianzong alone with one sword, he asked Jianzong to take good care of Wen Ruomei.

Of course, Jianzong didn't hesitate at all, and vowed to protect Wen Ruomei's safety and prevent her from being hurt in the slightest.

As Dugushang gradually became famous in Beizhou and frightened the forces from all directions, the Yundong Sword Sect's attitude towards Wen Ruomei became more and more kind and polite. Basically, as long as Wen Ruomei made a request, the entire Jianzong would do their best. Everything goes to fulfillment and completion.

After a quarter of an hour, a disciple of Jianzong led a woman with extraordinary temperament to the main hall.

"Gu... Mr. Gu!"

This woman was naturally Wen Ruomei. As soon as she stepped into the hall, she saw Gu Hengsheng sitting quietly on one side, and she was a little surprised.

When Wen Ruomei learned that an old friend came to look for her, she was still thinking about who it was, but she was surprised that it was Gu Hengsheng.

"Miss Wen, I haven't seen you in ten years, but are you okay?"

Gu Hengsheng stood up with a smile on his face.

"Young Master Lao Gu is worried, I am fine."

Wen Ruomei was overjoyed to meet her old friend from the Land of Hundred Kingdoms in this strange world of Beizhou, with an unconcealable excitement on her cheeks.

Li Qiurou learned about Wen Ruomei's identity from Gu Hengsheng, she took half a step forward, and nodded slightly to show her friendship.

"Could this be the Miss Li who haunted Mr. Gu back then?"

When she was in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms, Wen Ruomei heard a lot about Li Qiurou, the Fairy in White.

Wen Ruomei's understanding of Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou still stayed in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms. She didn't know much about Zhongzhou Dashi, and she had always lived in seclusion on a certain mountain of Jianzong.

"Miss Wen, I kind of miss your brewed Baihuazui, so I'm here today to ask for a glass of wine."

The old man reunited after a long absence, Gu Hengsheng seemed to have returned to the scene when he and Wen Ruomei first met, feeling a little sad.

"In that case, please move Mr. Gu and Ms. Li."

Wen Ruomei smiled lightly, a trace of worry and longing flashed across her brows.

Therefore, Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou followed Wen Ruomei to a secluded emerald green mountain, and walked slowly against the gentle breeze.

Seeing that Gu Hengsheng and Wen Ruomei really knew each other, the elders of Jianzong and his disciples didn't bother them, and let him go, as long as they didn't violate the rules of Jianzong's sect.

In the quiet and deep mountain, halfway up the mountain, a hundred flowers are blooming here, and the fragrance is tangy.

Every flower here is planted by Wen Ruomei herself. She picks the dew and petals every year and brews a lot of Hundred Flowers Drunk just to wait for one person to return.

"Mr. Gu, Miss Li, there are only some bad things, so don't dislike them."

Wen Ruomei personally poured two cups of pure wine for Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou, her voice was like a warbler, making the spring breeze even warmer.

"If the wine made by Miss Wen is all miscellaneous, then there won't be many good wines in the world."

This sentence was not a compliment from Gu Hengsheng, but a fact.

The Baihuazui brewed by Wen Ruomei has a taste that other fine wines don't have. Compared with many old treasure medicine spirit wines, it is extraordinarily mellow.

If Gu Hengsheng brought the Hundred Flowers Drunk to Chu Xiaoyao, the seventh senior brother, it would probably make the seventh senior brother linger on and praise him.

"Mr. Gu, this is Baihuazui brewed ten years ago. Try it." Regardless of whether Gu Hengsheng's words were a compliment or not, they fell into Wen Ruomei's ears and made her very happy.

Gu Hengsheng did not raise his glass, and Li Qiurou also sat quietly on the stone bench without moving.

"Don't rush to drink the wine yet."

Gu Hengsheng said softly.

"Why?" Wen Ruomei frowned slightly, puzzled.

"There is still an old friend here, how can we raise a glass first?" Gu Hengsheng should have felt a faint breath coming gradually, looked into the distance and said slowly: "What's more, I'm here for a drink For drinking, the master’s family is still on the way, so don’t lose your etiquette.”

Hearing this, Wen Ruomei was startled, and froze like a sculpture.

Soon, Wen Ruomei caught a hint of deep meaning from Gu Hengsheng's words, and asked eagerly, "Young Master Gu, do you know where he is? Is he okay?"

"These words, Miss Wen, let's talk to him slowly later!"

The breath in the distance became more and more intense, and Gu Hengsheng knew that he was back.

Wen Ruomei's originally calm heart trembled at this moment. She turned to look in the direction Gu Hengsheng was looking at, her eyes filled with endless expectation and deep affection.


Not long after, a gust of fresh wind howled from afar and blew everywhere in Jianzong.

He, riding the wind and controlling the sword, came from the depths of Beizhou.

He, one man and one sword, leveled the arrogance of the younger generation in Beizhou. He was called a real monster of the world by countless people in Beizhou.

Some people call him a sword lunatic, while others like to call him a sword demon.

In order to improve his kendo, he even joined Jiuyou Sword Sect a year ago and defeated everyone in the younger generation of Jiuyou Sword Sect.

Jiuyou Sword Sect is a real behemoth in Beizhou. There are many great powers in the ninth realm of the Dao, and there are also peerless powerhouses who have entered the realm of Xiantai.

And what about him?
He is just a sword cultivator who has just stepped into the Dao realm, but in order to pursue the path of swordsmanship, he resolutely held his sword and fought against Jiuyou Sword Sect, and was called a sword lunatic by the world.

Fortunately, Jiuyou Jianzong cherished his talent and didn't do anything to him. Even if he leveled the younger generation's Tianjiao, he was allowed to leave safely.

Before he left, even the immortal strongman from Jiuyou Sword Sect showed up in shock, taught him the way of the sword, and achieved a good result.

Because, when he crushed the younger generation of Jiuyou Sword Sect, he understood his way of swordsmanship on the spot, and realized a trace of immortal sword intent.

Regarding this, everyone in the Jiuyou Sword Sect was shocked, and even promised countless benefits in the hope that he could change the sect.

It's a pity that he refused without the slightest hesitation, because he is a disciple of Yunqu Sword Sect, Dugushang.

"Jianzi, you're back!"

Everyone in Jianzong looked at the figure appearing on the top of the cloud and shouted excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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