The sword rises

Chapter 73 That Battle!

Chapter 73 That battle!
Chapter 73 That Battle!
Liu Lingwu patted the dust off his body, stood up from the ground, and stared at Gu Hengsheng with astonishment.He didn't know why Gu Hengsheng kicked him over like that. Even though that kick looked soft, it made him fall to the ground.

The most important thing is that Gu Hengsheng didn't have any profound energy fluctuations on his body, and he was still standing quietly like an ordinary scholar.

Liu Lingwu scratched his head frantically, and looked directly at Gu Hengsheng, as if he wanted to fight again.

"Boss, was kicked by this child and knocked to the ground? Did I read it right?" The soldiers of the Chifeng Camp who were watching from the side opened their mouths in disbelief.

"What's going on, I didn't see it clearly, why did the boss fall down in an instant?" A burst of noise buzzed like mosquitoes.

"Am I dazzled? Boss just lost like this? It's too...too fake!"

Everyone in the Chifeng Camp couldn't accept such an abrupt result at all, they all looked at each other and discussed in confusion.

Gu Hengsheng didn't have much time to pay attention to them, he glanced at them coldly, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, you guys practice on your own, I will come over if there is something to do."

Liu Lingwu, who wanted to fight again, looked at the back of Gu Hengsheng who suddenly turned around, hesitantly lowered his head to look at his hands and the kicked waist, after all, he didn't dare to stop Gu Hengsheng, but lowered his head in confusion Muttering: "Am I too weak?"

Just now, Gu Hengsheng saw Liu Lingwu's flaw at a glance, even if he didn't use his profound energy, he could easily defeat his attack.

As for now, Gu Hengsheng just showed his face in front of everyone in Chifengying, and left here.

Gu Hengsheng walked in the barracks at Yanxing Pass, everywhere he could see nervous soldiers and wisps of tension permeating the air.

"Did the second uncle guard here in the past?" In a daze, Gu Hengsheng seemed to see the bloody figure of Gu Youmo standing on the tall city wall of Yanxing Pass, overlooking a million troops.

Five years ago, the Beiyue Kingdom suddenly attacked the Tianfeng Kingdom on a large scale, intending to break a bloody road through the Yanxing Pass.But as the general of Yanxing Pass, how could Gu Youmo allow Yanxing Pass to fall?
Therefore, Gu Youmo led an army of tens of thousands at the Yanxing Pass to guard the Yanxing Pass to the death.It's a pity that the North Vietnam will not give Gu Youmo the time to dispatch troops from other places, and directly mobilize nearly 20 troops to storm the Yanxing Pass.

For the sake of the countless Li people behind the Yanxing Pass and the majesty of the Tianfeng Kingdom, Gu Youmo did not back down even in the face of the Beiyue Kingdom, which had a huge disparity in military strength, and fought with a bloody spear in hand.

The North Vietnam's 20 troops stormed the Tianfeng Kingdom but failed to break through, which led to the Tianfeng Kingdom's reinforcements.The Beiyue Kingdom had no choice but to withdraw its troops and stay away from the northern border of the Tianfeng Kingdom.

That battle was earth-shattering, the color of blood spread for countless miles, the sea of ​​blood soaked the vast land, and dyed Qing Cang red.

During that battle, Gu Youmo held a blood-soaked silver spear and wore dilapidated blood-red armor, standing majestically on the top of the city wall, shaking the world.

In that battle, there were corpses everywhere, broken flesh and blood and broken weapons and armor piled up like a mountain, and the stench of blood permeated for three months and never dissipated.

After the bloody battle at Yanxingguan five years ago, Gu Youmo's legs were crippled, and his body was covered in scars. He lived in seclusion in the deep courtyard of Gu's family dejectedly, never to be born again.

But even though Gu Youmo's figure has disappeared, the legend of General Xuexiong has been passed down. As soldiers of Tianfeng Kingdom, they all know it.

"Second Uncle, it won't be long before you return to the top of the battlefield..." For Gu Youmo, Gu Hengsheng respected him from the depths of his soul, not at all because he was a powerhouse at the peak of the Sky Profound Realm in his previous life. disrespectful.

Because, Gu Youmo is Gu Hengsheng's second uncle.

Every time he thinks of the scenes in his previous life when the six senses were not opened, and the memory has not yet appeared, the corner of Gu Hengsheng's mouth can't help but a wry smile.

Every time something goes wrong, the first thing to do is to go to Gu Youmo's secluded courtyard and call the second uncle, so that the second uncle can settle it with a shy face.

"I hope that the body in this life can experience the baptism of blood as soon as possible, and enter the Lingxuan Realm as soon as possible!" Gu Hengsheng secretly clenched his fists, and continued to step towards the front of the barracks, looking at everything around him.


In a simple tent, a black-faced soldier bowed and cupped his fists and said to Ren Qifeng: "General, I heard that just now, Xiaowei Gu kicked Liu Lingwu to the ground."

"Oh?" Ren Qifeng closed the military text on the table, frowned and muttered: "Although Liu Lingwu's brain is not good enough, his cultivation has already reached the late stage of the Human Profound Realm, how could he be kicked over?"

"General Qi, my subordinates don't know about this matter, but I heard that Captain Gu just kicked at random, and Liu Lingwu fell to the ground." The black-faced soldier replied respectfully.

"Do you know the cultivation level of Captain Gu?" Ren Qifeng tapped on the table lightly and asked in a deep voice.

"The brothers of the Chifeng Camp said that Captain Gu didn't show any aura of cultivation, just like an ordinary person." The black-faced soldier clasped his fists and replied: "But, listening to them, I feel that Captain Gu is not simple. As for where? It’s not easy, and they can’t tell.”

Ren Qifeng lowered his eyebrows slightly, and after a moment of silence, he said: "Okay, the general will know, you step back!"

"Yes, General." The black-faced soldier immediately turned around and left the simple tent.

Ren Qifeng stayed alone in the camp, took out Gu Hengsheng's official official seal, looked at it for a long time and then murmured: "Gu Yun? It's interesting to kick Liu Lingwu over..."

The sky soon darkened.

A raging bonfire was raised in the entire barracks, illuminating the sky as bright as day.

Gu Hengsheng is now a school lieutenant, although his official position is not big, he also has an independent residence, so he doesn't have to squeeze into a big wooden house with all the soldiers, which is relatively clean.

Gu Hengsheng was staying in the residence, when there was a knock on the door, accompanied by a rough voice.

"Lieutenant Gu, are you here?"

Gu Hengsheng responded: "The door is unlocked, come in!"

click -

The wooden door opened suddenly, and a soldier stepped in holding a set of silver and black armor, and said respectfully: "Lieutenant Gu, this is your armor and battle robe, you will need to wear it with you in the barracks in the future."

"Okay, I see." Gu Hengsheng glanced at the more delicate silver-black armor held in the hands of the soldiers, and nodded in response.

Then, the soldier put the armor and shirt on the wooden table, saluted Gu Hengsheng and left.

Gu Hengsheng walked slowly to the side of the wooden table, stretched out his right hand to caress the cold armor, and the scenes of bloody battles in the world in his previous life flashed in his eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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