The sword rises

Chapter 744 Human Race Domain

Chapter 744 Human Race Domain

Chapter 740 The Territory of the Human Race

The two sword glows just appeared suddenly, and everyone couldn't see Gu Hengsheng's sword movement at all. They only saw the scene of Xue Lingmang's head and body being separated and the blood all over the ground.

"That spiritual herb is not of much use to me, you pick it first, and then leave it to whoever needs it!"

Gu Hengsheng slowly put the Xuexiao Sword back into its sheath, and put it back around his waist.

The scabbard of the Xuexiao Sword was prepared for Gu Hengsheng by Chu Xiaoyao, the seventh senior brother, and it is very extraordinary.

With the sword back in its sheath, Gu Hengsheng returned to a calm state, nothing unusual.

If it weren't for Gu Hengsheng's fierce sword strike just now, it would be absolutely difficult for everyone to combine Gu Hengsheng with the appearance just now, as if they were two people.

"Team...Captain, Xue Lingmang died just like that?"

Ma Weining suppressed the panic in his heart, and asked softly in disbelief.

From this moment on, everyone truly recognized Gu Hengsheng's status from the bottom of their hearts, and they no longer had any grudges.

It's just that with the two sword strikes just now, none of the five people present could guarantee that they would be safe and sound, and they couldn't even block a single sword strike.

"Well, it's just a spirit, nothing to worry about."

Gu Hengsheng nodded in disapproval.

"..." Everyone looked at each other.

That is Ling Mang of the fourth realm of the Great Dao, so you were beheaded, and you didn't make any waves.

At this moment, everyone may understand why Gu Hengsheng was able to get the recommendation token. With such strength, he should have this qualification.

Qian Moran, one of the team members, flashed to the side of Xue Lingmang's corpse, and picked the long-growing spiritual grass at the foot of the mountain in his hand. He couldn't help but glanced at Xue Lingmang's tragic death, and couldn't help feeling terrified. a chill.

Afterwards, Qian Moran handed the spirit grass to Gu Hengsheng's eyes, and said in awe: "Captain, you should keep this spirit grass for now! After all, we didn't contribute anything."

While talking, Qian Moran glanced at Xue Lingmang who died tragically in the distance, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes, and his throat rolled.

Everyone was silent. Although they had some ideas about the Meditation Demon Vending Herb, they still had some self-knowledge.

"Okay!" Gu Hengsheng didn't refuse, and threw the spirit grass into the dantian space casually: "Whoever needs to overcome the heart disaster in the future, you can come to me and ask for this spirit grass."

In fact, Gu Hengsheng had no interest in these spiritual herbs.

Because on Fusheng Mountain, on the halfway up the mountain where Fifth Senior Sister lives, there are countless spiritual herbs and precious medicines, and Gu Hengsheng has already been immune to them.

"Master Gu, I wonder how far your sword intent has reached?"

Su Ningyi, who also practiced swordsmanship, found that she hadn't even seen Gu Hengsheng's sword movement just now, she was shocked to heaven.

Su Ningyi was very curious. She thought she had extraordinary talent, but she had just stepped into the path of swordsmanship.

"I have passed the sword path, but I have not reached immortality."

Gu Hengsheng pondered for a while, and gave Su Ningyi a vague answer.

Ding Dong!

Everyone's heart trembled slightly, they were all the arrogance of the powerful, and their vision was extraordinary.Once a sword cultivator reaches the realm of immortality, then he will truly be able to fight ten times with one force, and his combat power will be unrivaled in the world.

As for Gu Hengsheng's words, they were very vague, making it impossible for everyone to guess where he was going.

"In the future, can I ask you about the way of the sword?"

Su Ningyi bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, and said with complicated emotions.

Gu Hengsheng stared at Su Ningyi, nodded indifferently and said, "Yes."

"Thank you team...captain." Undoubtedly, Su Ningyi also fully recognized Gu Hengsheng's status.

Gu Hengsheng walked slowly to a corner of the valley, leaned against a boulder, and closed his eyes.

The night still hadn't receded, so Gu Hengsheng and others naturally didn't dare to step out of the valley easily, lest they encounter unpredictable dangers.

Everyone stayed silently in the valley, and the image of Gu Hengsheng cutting Xuemang with two swords kept appearing in front of his eyes, and fell into deep thought.

Such a young swordsman, why has he never heard of his name?

Gu Yun, where did he come from?
The two swords he slashed just now seemed extremely random, and they definitely could not be his real strength.

How strong will his full strength be?

Everyone kept looking at Gu Hengsheng out of the corner of their eyes, but they couldn't think of such a great energy hidden under such an ordinary face.

These questions, echoing in everyone's mind, lingering.

The sun finally swayed on the earth.

Gu Hengsheng slowly opened his eyes, walked out of the valley, and said softly: "There is a human territory in the ancient battlefield, it must not be far from here, let's go!"

Gu Hengsheng and the others teleported to the ancient battlefield through the city of hundreds of clans, presumably the location of the teleportation is not too far from the territory owned by the human race.

"it is good."

The crowd had no objection.

The huge storm last night seemed to wash over the entire land, making it extraordinarily deserted and silent.

Gu Hengsheng and his party rode the breeze and headed towards the east.

Along the way, Gu Hengsheng secretly used his sky-watching pupils, and observed some abnormalities.

"After the storm last night, today's spiritual energy seems to be more intense, which is a bit strange."

Gu Hengsheng thought to himself, he didn't think it was a good omen.

With the opening of the ancient battlefield, more and more Tianjiao stepped in one after another.

Human Race, Giant Race, Silver Moon Wolf Clan, Black Phoenix Clan...

The arrogance of a hundred clans came to the battlefield together. They all wanted to use the ancient battlefield as a springboard, and then go to the emperor's road to compete with the world's mighty ones.

In the realm of the human race, there are two cities in the ancient battlefield.

One is called Zhen'an City, and the other is called Yongtong City.

These two cities were built by the ancestors of the human race for countless years, and they laid a foundation for the human race on the ancient battlefield.

Many ethnic groups don't even have a city to live and live in. They can only stay in the territory of other clans, without dignity.

The human race is not at the top of the ancient battlefield, but it is not at the bottom either.

In the east of the ancient battlefield, Yongtong City spans a vast area, the city wall is strong and tall, and there are many formations. Except for the city gate, there is no other way to enter the city to prevent spies from other clans from lurking in.

"It seems that many forces of the human race have already occupied Yongtong City and grabbed the upper hand."

Gu Hengsheng led the crowd and finally arrived at Yongtong City.

They saw the well-defended Yongtong City, and stepped into the city in an orderly manner.

"Let's inquire about the news in the city first, and then decide what to do."

Gu Hengsheng didn't want to be ignorant of the battlefield. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

Everyone followed Gu Hengsheng silently, without rebuttal.

If Gu Hengsheng hadn't shown his talent before, perhaps some people might plan to leave the team and look for stronger people as partners.

But now, they have no such plan for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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