The sword rises

Chapter 751 Young Emperor!

Chapter 751 Young Emperor!

Chapter 750: Young Emperor!

Gu Hengsheng had noticed the stone cave on the mountainside in front of him a long time ago. He secretly operated the sky-watching pupil and found some restrictions near the cave.

Someone must have been here before, otherwise it would be impossible to impose restrictions.

"Since they're all here, of course we can't miss the opportunity."

Gu Hengsheng looked around and smiled lightly at everyone.

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard the words.

With Gu Hengsheng's consent and company, everyone could have some confidence in their hearts.

Otherwise, relying on their strength, they really dare not explore unknown places, that would be too dangerous.

But with Gu Hengsheng joining, it will be completely different.

Just now, Gu Hengsheng pointed to the sword, pulled everyone back from the brink of death, and crossed the River of Death.This kind of terrifying strength directly made everyone feel awed from the bottom of their hearts.

At this moment, they were really glad to have joined Gu Hengsheng's team.

Immediately, Gu Hengsheng led the crowd to the halfway up the thousand-meter-high mountain, and stood outside the cave.

"It seems that someone once set up a restriction." Han Xinxue squinted her eyes, and said her own opinion: "However, it seems that the time is too long, and the restriction here should not have much power."

"Could it be that someone used to practice in seclusion here, so the restriction was put in place just in case."

Ma Weining looked at the crowd, pointed at the entrance of the cave, and said suspiciously.

"I'll go explore the road first, and if I encounter anything, I'll ask the big guys for help." Qian Moran knew that as a team, everyone should have at least the minimum level of trust, so he summoned up his courage and said solemnly.

In a team, the most frightening thing is not the external crisis, but the internal suspicion.

It is because of Gu Hengsheng's great strength that everyone has been able to live in harmony so far.

However, if you fail to show your value as a team member and keep dragging down the entire team, no one will feel uncomfortable.After all, we are just acquainted and have no obligation to take care of you.

"Okay." Gu Hengsheng nodded.

Qian Moran's move undoubtedly made everyone feel ashamed.

Because some people are counting on Gu Hengsheng to break the restriction, even if they drink some soup, it's not life-threatening anyway.

And Qian Moran thought very thoroughly, the captain can protect himself once and take care of him twice, but he will not always protect himself and others without obligation.

If it were him, Qian Moran would definitely not drag himself down for a group of strangers.

Comparing his heart to his heart, Qian Moran stood up and made a statement for everyone.

"Be careful." Gu Hengsheng warned.

Then, Qian Moran nodded, and slowly approached the cave.

Holding a halberd in his hand, Qian Moran stepped within the restricted range.

A dazzling light shot out from the entrance of the stone cave in an instant, killing and attacking.

Qian Moran's eyes widened, holding a halberd in his right hand, he stabbed fiercely at the forbidden light beam.

When the halberd collided with the killing beam, the mountains thousands of meters trembled for a while.But Qian Moran retreated hundreds of meters due to the huge impact force, before he managed to stabilize his figure in the void.

The restriction at the entrance of the stone cave seems to have gone through too many years, but with the burst of this killing beam, it no longer has power and is bleak.

"Fortunately not humiliated."

Qian Moran let out a long breath, he had just been enveloped by the intention of boundless killing, and almost thought he was going to die.Fortunately, the power of this prohibition has been reduced by half, otherwise the result would be hard to say.

Seeing that Qian Moran was not seriously injured, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come on, let's go in and have a look."

Gu Hengsheng remained calm, as if nothing happened just now.

As for the killing beam just now, Gu Hengsheng was sure to kill it with a single strike.However, he didn't make a move because he believed that Qian Moran would succeed.

Qian Moran put the halberd in the dantian space, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead secretly, and followed Gu Hengsheng into the cave.

The inside of the cave was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers.

It's just that Gu Hengsheng and others are in the realm of the Great Dao, even when night falls, it is like day.

"so cold!"

A bleak cold wind blew from the depths of the cave, making Su Ningyi shiver uncontrollably.

There can be air flow, and the inside of the cave is definitely not closed.


After Gu Hengsheng and the others walked for a quarter of an hour, they were surprised to find that there was a glimmer of light at the corner in front of the cave.

Gu Hengsheng and the others immediately accelerated their pace.

In the blink of an eye, Gu Hengsheng and others came to the corner of the cave and found the light source.

"What a beautiful place! A fairyland on earth."

Su Ningyi looked at the scene of another universe in the cave, and exclaimed with her red lips slightly parted.

In the middle, there is a clear pool with a radius of [-] meters, where countless lotus flowers are in full bloom, delicate and beautiful.There is a meandering stream on Qingtan, which seems to flow from the inside of the mountain, creating this quiet fairyland.

On the edge of Qingtan, there is a small thatched cottage, which seems to be integrated with this magnificent scene.

I never thought that there is such a world in this cave, it is really a good place to retreat into the world.

"Let's go and have a look."

Gu Hengsheng looked around, but did not notice any danger.

The crowd came from the sky, tapped the water surface of the clear pool lightly, rippled layer after layer, and landed on the ground beside the clear pool.

"This thatched cottage looks abandoned for a long time. I don't know who used to live here in seclusion."

Chilling Xueying said a word.

"There seems to be something in the house." Su Ningyi looked through the broken window and saw something in the thatched cottage.

So, everyone carefully pushed away the thatched cottage and walked in.

The thatched cottage is full of dust, and no one has lived in it for many years.

"Don't move!"

Gu Hengsheng called out sharply.

"Captain, what's the matter?" Everyone was shocked, and they all stopped walking and remained motionless.

"This is..." Gu Hengsheng slowly lowered his body, and gently swept his left hand on the ground to dissipate all the dust under his feet.

Then, some words buried in dust appeared before everyone's eyes.

Every word here is simple and simple, containing the meaning of the great way.

Everyone tensed up, and they all retreated outside the thatched hut to remove all the dust on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a line of words containing Dao rhyme was printed in the depths of everyone's soul, shocking and exciting everyone.

When they saw the last line, everyone including Gu Hengsheng was taken aback.

"Leave your name—Bai Shaoqing."

The person who signed it was named Bai Shaoqing.

"Emperor Young Qing!" Gu Hengsheng said in surprise, "These insights on cultivation are actually left by Emperor Young Qing."

No. 70 of the ruins stele is named four, Bai Shaoqing, who is also the young emperor Zeng Zhenshuo in ancient and modern times.


Everyone's hearts trembled heavily, their throats rolled subconsciously, and their breathing became a little short.

(End of this chapter)

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