The sword rises

Chapter 755 What is Immortality?

Chapter 755 What is Immortality?

Chapter 750 What is Immortality?

Almost all the hundreds of people on the top of the mountain were comprehending the Daoist text left on the stone wall, and few people paid attention to the sword marks on the stone wall.

There is no way, everyone can only see that the sword mark only contains sword intent.

The appearance of Gu Hengsheng attracted the attention of some people, and many people tensed up to prevent Gu Hengsheng from disturbing them.

Gu Hengsheng didn't take the vigilant eyes of the people seriously, but walked straight to the left side of the stone wall, looking at the sword marks engraved on it, feeling extremely excited and joyful.

"We have taken a fancy to this place, please leave."

Just as Gu Hengsheng was about to reach the bottom of the stone wall, a group of people came to Gu Hengsheng's side with a fierce momentum.

There were eight people in this group, and it seemed that they had just arrived at the top of the mountain.

They saw that the left side of the stone wall was relatively empty, and the other places were occupied by people, so they wanted to come over to occupy a place.

In their eyes, although the sword marks on the stone wall are not as good as Daowen, they were once left by the Sword Immortal of Hentian, and enlightenment must be of great benefit to practice.

However, seeing Gu Hengsheng came to the bottom of the stone wall, he was about to occupy that position.A group of eight people, of course, blocked Gu Hengsheng's way.


Gu Hengsheng narrowed his eyes, a chill emanated from his body, his expression was indifferent, and he said in a low voice.

These eight people were obviously not human races, with a few scales on their faces, presumably they were the arrogance of the murloc race.

The eight arrogances of the murloc tribe, they saw that Gu Hengsheng was alone, and his cultivation was only at the third level of the Great Dao, so they didn't pay attention to Gu Hengsheng at all.

"What did you say?"

A tall and thin man from the murloc race turned dark and asked angrily.

I thought that Gu Hengsheng would roll aside tactfully, but who knew he would be so stubborn.

On one side, many people heard the movement here, and looked sideways, without any emotional fluctuations.This kind of bullying by the strong and the weak, bullying the few with the more, has long been familiar to everyone.

Gu Hengsheng turned around slowly, and looked at the eight arrogance of the murloc with his indifferent eyes.

Suddenly stared at by Gu Hengsheng's indifferent eyes, the eight murloc geniuses could not help but shudder, as if their souls had fallen into an abyss.

What kind of eyes are these...?Why is there a feeling of terror?

Tianjiao of the eight murlocs was startled.

"Go away!"

Gu Hengsheng spoke again, extremely sharply.

The eight arrogances did not dare to look directly into Gu Hengsheng's eyes, and there was an endless chill in their hearts. They felt that as long as they and others dared to do something, they would definitely be the ones who died.

This illusion, constantly magnified, goes deep into the soul.

However, if they left because of Gu Hengsheng's scolding, where would the face of the eight of them be saved?

Therefore, a murloc Tianjiao took half a step forward, cupped his hands and said, "We are from the murloc tribe in the East China Sea. I don't know which holy land you are from?"

The murlocs in the East China Sea of ​​Zhongzhou are not top-notch in strength, but they cannot be ignored.

The eight arrogances of the murloc tribe wanted to use the forces behind them to support the situation, thereby oppressing Gu Hengsheng, and inquiring about Gu Hengsheng's identity.

"You are not qualified to know."

Gu Hengsheng sneered, and after saying this, he continued to walk down the stone wall.

The murlocs in the East China Sea are stronger than ordinary holy places.With such strength, it would be ridiculous to want to suppress Gu Hengsheng's limelight.

In today's world, the power that can be compared to the Floating Life Tomb is absolutely no more than one hand.Just like the Emperor Palace where Emperor Nangong sits, there is still an unknown existence in the ancient taboo Nine Nether Seas.

And the mere murlocs of the East China Sea are nothing more than a joke in front of the Floating Tomb.

"You..." All the talents of the murloc tribe clenched their fists sullenly, but they still dared not make a move.

Gu Hengsheng's indifferent glance just now revealed a trace of disregard for life, as if he was looking at a dead person.

Regarding this, no matter how much anger the murlocs had, they could only hold back and snort coldly.

On one side, hundreds of people watching were suspicious.

I thought that Gu Hengsheng would probably bleed on the spot, but the eight people of the murlocs didn't dare to move. This is a bit strange!
"Strange person." Many people glanced at the plain-looking Gu Hengsheng, and whispered with a slight frown.

At this time, five people including Su Ningyi and Ma Weining also came to the top of the mountain.

When they looked around, they saw Gu Hengsheng's figure, who immediately flew up into the sky.

"Captain, you're a little too fast, and you almost couldn't catch up."

Ma Weining said out of breath.

"Is this the place where Hentian Sword Immortal used to cultivate his sword?"

Su Ningyi glanced around and muttered to herself.

"This huge stone platform on the top of the mountain seems to have been cut open by a sword, without any flaws."

Han Xinxue stepped on the smooth stone ground, slightly surprised.

Gu Hengsheng slowly walked under the stone wall, feeling the sharp sword marks left by the sword fairy who once hated the sky, his heart was very excited.

"Defend the way for me, don't let people disturb me."

Gu Hengsheng was eager to practice, and turned his head to Su Ningyi and the others.

Without any hesitation, Su Ningyi and the others protected Gu Hengsheng's body and nodded solemnly: "Captain, don't worry, we will definitely not let anyone get close."

They have all been favored by Gu Hengsheng, and now they will do their best to protect Gu Hengsheng.

After a word of instruction, Gu Hengsheng sat cross-legged on the ground, ignoring the gazes of others.Then, Gu Hengsheng put a few restrictions on his surroundings to prevent interference.

If there is a sudden crisis, Gu Hengsheng will be able to detect it immediately through the restrictions placed.

"The sword mark of Hongchen Jiuji Sword records the traces of his sword practice and perfect swordsmanship all the way."

Gu Hengsheng has absolutely no shortage of Taoism and secret arts.If he wants, he can choose from a bunch of imperial techniques in Zangshuge.

However, the process of practicing swordsmanship is extremely precious.Gu Hengsheng can make up for his lack of sword intent by comprehending these sword marks, and find his own sword path.

The nine poles of the world of mortals contain the lifelong perception of sword cultivation and the strongest swordsmanship of Hentian Sword Immortal.

Breaking the sea, the sword intent spreads horizontally, up to the top of the sky, down to the underworld.

Cracking the ground, the sword came out of shocking clouds, burning and cracking the ground until the end.

Kaitian, Zhenshi, Zhanxian, Fudi, Fanghua, Reincarnation, Eternity.

A total of nine swords, containing the supreme sword intent.

It's a pity that the current Gu Hengsheng can barely cultivate to the second level of sword breaking, and he is still unable to display one-thousandth of the true power of the sword.

And the sword marks on the stone wall carried the Jiuji swordsmanship of Hentian Sword Immortal, as if Gu Hengsheng had witnessed the scene of Hentian Sword Immortal wielding his sharp sword.

"What is immortality?"

Gu Hengsheng sat cross-legged on the ground, asking himself in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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