The sword rises

Chapter 767 Three Great Evildoers

Chapter 767
Chapter 760 The Seven Great Monarchs
The little princess retreated into the crowd, her long dress was dragging on the ground, she was extremely dignified.

Tianjiao who was close to the little princess stepped back tens of meters, not daring to run into the little princess.

In that battle just now, the unrivaled coercion that filled the sky made the souls of countless people tremble non-stop, unable to raise the slightest thought of resistance.

Many people know that they may not even be able to take a punch from the little princess.

"Why did Mr. Jiu hide his identity?"

The little princess was very curious and murmured to herself.

No matter how curious and puzzled the little princess was, she never revealed Gu Hengsheng's true identity, her face was like frost, and she kept people away thousands of miles away.

Gu Hengsheng secretly exhaled, if he continued to fight, he would not be sure of victory.

The little princess with the blood of returning to the ancestors, the real capital of the emperor.It is extraordinary, as if it has the unrivaled demeanor of its ancestor, the great emperor.

"If no one does it, then I will take this great medicine."

Gu Hengsheng was still standing in the void, holding a sword and looking down at the thousands of Tianjiao, and said in a deep voice.

Everyone was still engrossed in the battle between Gu Hengsheng and the little princess just now. Why did the two people who were fighting like a catastrophe suddenly stop fighting?
What happened just now?Why did both sides stop, and it was considered a tie?

These questions, everyone can't figure it out.

However, having said that, everyone's eyes showed awe, and they finally understood the true combat power of the great evildoer, which cannot be estimated by the realm of cultivation.

The evil sword cultivator of the human race, and the little princess of the dragon carp clan are all unparalleled evildoers in the world today. If they don't die young in the future, they will surely stand on the pinnacle of the world and overlook the sentient beings of all races.

"I want to see how sharp the sword in your hand is."

With a bang, a man surged up into the void with momentum like a rainbow.

The man is the evildoer of the murlocs, Chu Xiaosheng.The battle between Gu Hengsheng and the little princess that he had just witnessed with his own eyes, not only did he not fear, but his blood boiled with passion.

Not long ago, the eight arrogances of the murlocs died at the hands of Gu Hengsheng. According to the murloc's character of vengeance, they would definitely not let it go.

Now, with Gu Hengsheng adding a Daobao medicine, Chu Xiaosheng had no choice but to make a move.

After seeing Gu Hengsheng's sword light, all the Tianjiao had retreated and feared. They knew that they couldn't even defeat Gu Hengsheng's sword, so they didn't dare to think about the treasured medicine.

At least, now it is impossible to covet the great medicine.

"Your Excellency's sword skills are extraordinary, and if you add me, there should be no problem!"

Just as Chu Xiaosheng of the Murloc tribe stepped out, another man came out immediately after, his whole body was billowing like a sea of ​​energy and blood, knocking back more than a dozen arrogances around him.

"Blood Shaoyi of the Asura Clan!"

A cry of exclamation came out from the crowd, causing a commotion.

"The one from the Asura clan, my god! That one was actually hiding among us just now, it's too scary." Someone trembled, feeling frightened for a while, and said in cold sweat.

The appearance of the Shura tribe is no different from that of the human race, but their skin color is blood red, and their hair is as scarlet as blood, which is very strange.

The Shura clan, whose number does not exceed one hundred thousand, is extremely rare.In the vast universe, there are hundreds of millions of human beings, and the numbers of other races are also huge and immeasurable.

And the Shura clan is too rare, because it is very difficult for them to have children.However, it is precisely because of this that every member of the Asura Clan is born to be a genius, with extraordinary talents.

They enter the Tao by killing, and the more people they kill, the stronger they will be.

Xue Shaoyi is a tripod-legged evildoer of the younger generation of the Shura tribe. He once beheaded hundreds of Shuras among his generation, and swallowed the blood and energy of his generation. He has a great reputation.

"Since even the Shura clan has come forward, I have no way to see the great medicine fall into Your Excellency's hands."

Then, a masked man flashed into the void with a hoarse voice.

The man took off the mask, and the hidden aura burst out, stirring up a raging storm.

"The Ancient Saint Clan, he is from the Ancient Clan!"

Liu Mei, the little princess who has always been calm, couldn't help frowning slightly, feeling worried.

"Wang Chiya of the Wang family of the ancient clan was born with a barren body, and his combat power is unparalleled."

"My God! The evildoer of the ancient royal family was born, it's a shocking event."

"Chu Xiaosheng from the Murloc clan, Xue Shaoyi from the Shura clan, and Wang Chiya who possesses a desolate body of the Dao. There are three great monsters in the world. Will the sword cultivator of the human race bow their heads?"

With the appearance of unrivaled monstrosities, all the arrogances are boiling.

Chu Xiaosheng, Xue Shaoyi, and Wang Chiya, these three people are all famous evildoers in the world, and the strength of each of them can be described as terrifying.

And these three people stood up at the same time, as if they planned to join forces to deal with Gu Hengsheng.

The temptation of the Daobao medicine is enough to make many people put down their proud heads.

Gu Hengsheng's sword intent has reached a small level of immortality, and his sword talent can be said to be unparalleled in all ages.

Chu Xiaosheng and the three of them knew very well that if they went up one by one, it was absolutely impossible to beat Gu Hengsheng, and the best outcome would be a tie.

And the three of them shot together to snatch the great medicine with an overwhelming advantage.

The murloc Chu Xiaosheng stood directly in front of Gu Hengsheng, looking aggressive and might strike at any time.

Xue Shaoyi of the Shura tribe was located on the left side of Gu Hengsheng, and a strong smell of blood surrounded his body, full of killing intent.

Wang Chiya of the ancient royal family stood on the right side of Gu Hengsheng, staring at him.

Three unrivaled evildoers tacitly surrounded Gu Hengsheng with only one purpose, and that was the precious medicine of the great way.

"It's such a strong sense of oppression, it's worthy of being a monster of a hundred clans."

Gu Hengsheng glanced at the three evildoers around him, he had no fear, only a fighting spirit welling up in his heart.

In the crowd, Su Ningyi, Han Xinxue and the others held their breaths, extremely worried.Although they knew that Gu Hengsheng was extremely powerful, but facing the three monsters from hundreds of clans, they feared that it would be more dangerous than good.

"Captain, nothing will happen."

Su Ningyi and the others could only pray silently in their hearts.

The little princess Hongyuan Yiyu put her hand lightly on the waist of the willow, she hesitated in her heart, and wanted to step forward to help Gu Hengsheng face the powerful enemies.However, Gu Hengsheng hinted at the little princess with a look, telling the little princess not to make a move, and not to reveal his identity.

"Mr. Jiu, what exactly do you want to do?"

Gu Hengsheng planned to fight the three evildoers alone, which made the little princess very worried, her heart tightened, and she whispered in her heart.

The ancestor of the Dragon Carp Clan once said that if there is anyone in this world who can help you survive the great calamity, only Mr. Jiu from the Fusheng Tomb is the only one.Because Mr. Jiu is not in the Dao, it is the only variable in the world.

"I hope you are really like what the ancestor said, you are a variable in the world! Otherwise, today's catastrophe may be difficult to survive."

The little princess thinks she has the qualifications of a great emperor with the blood of returning to her ancestors, and she is absolutely unable to deal with the three evildoers of the world, so she can only pray secretly in the bottom of her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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