The sword rises

Chapter 784 Visiting the Little Princess

Chapter 784 Visiting the Little Princess

Chapter 780 Visiting the Little Princess

In Gu Hengsheng's mind, the domineering figure of Hate Heaven Sword Immortal flashed, and it was constantly erased.

"I have my own way of swordsmanship, and I don't need to build on the shadow of others."

In his mind, a sword appeared, cutting off the figures of Heantian Sword Immortal.

A quarter of an hour later, Gu Hengsheng suddenly opened his eyes, raised his sword and slashed at the stone wall in front of him.

Suddenly, a crack appeared on the stone wall, which was the mark of Gu Hengsheng's sword cut.

This time, Gu Hengsheng's sword intent was not devoured, but left a sword mark on the stone wall.

The completely different breath of swordsmanship, and the sword intent left by Hentian Sword Immortal are constantly competing for the front.

Although Gu Hengsheng's sword mark was suppressed by the sword intent left by Hentian Sword Immortal, there was no sign of it breaking.

"I see."

Seeing this, Gu Hengsheng's brows and eyes flashed with joy. He knew where he was wrong before.

In the past, Gu Hengsheng paid too much attention to sword shape and sword moves, no matter how hard he practiced, he couldn't escape the shadow of his predecessors.

Now, Gu Hengsheng completely discarded all distracting thoughts, took the sword intent and slashed, leaving his sword intent on the stone wall.

"My path of swordsmanship can only be regarded as a clear sword heart until now. Only the current immortal sword intent can be called a small success at the beginning."

Gu Hengsheng didn't care about the arrogances of hundreds of clans around him, and he sat cross-legged on the ground with his sword in his hand.

A lot of people who were ungrateful but not daring stared at Gu Hengsheng closely, as if they saw a plant of great medicine placed in front of them, but they never dared to take it.

Leaving aside whether he would be beheaded by Gu Hengsheng's sword, even if he got the Daobao medicine, he probably wouldn't live long.

The treasure of heaven and earth, the entire Ruin World, I am afraid that only these evildoers of the world are qualified to compete.Ordinary Tianjiao's generation, if they have the heart to get their hands on it, I'm afraid they don't have that life to enjoy.

Half an hour passed quietly.

The spiritual energy from the top of the mountain came roaring like a tidal wave, hitting Gu Hengsheng's body, causing waves of disturbance.

"Aura changes, is there a treasure born? Or something important?"

Everyone looked around and said nervously.

"Spiritual Qi rushed to Ren Zun, this is... an epiphany!"

Someone noticed the direction of the spiritual energy flowing, stared at Gu Hengsheng who was sitting cross-legged on the ground in a blink of an eye, and raised his voice.


Spiritual energy flowed into Gu Hengsheng's body like a sea, and went straight into his dantian.

After a while, Gu Hengsheng's body breath underwent a shocking change.

His cultivation has broken through to the fifth realm of the Great Dao.

A breakthrough in cultivation, this is not the biggest change, but Gu Hengsheng's sharp sword intent that may be unsheathed at any time.

After ten years of retreat at the master's door, eleven years of retreat at the Ruins Realm, and more than a year of fighting at the Ruins Monument, he finally knew the path of swordsmanship he was going to take today.

"Now I can be regarded as a real sword cultivator!"

Gu Hengsheng gently pressed his left hand to his side, and his body slowly floated in the air, and his feet slowly stepped on the void.

Raising his eyes, he took another look at the sword marks left by the Hentian Sword Immortal on the stone wall. The corners of Gu Hengsheng's mouth slowly curved up, smiling from the bottom of his heart.

"I will definitely explore the realm that you failed to reach in the past, and I will not regret it."

The ultimate sword intent of Yonghen is the last sword of Hongchen Jiujijian.However, that was only deduced by Hentian Sword Immortal, he himself has never reached that state.

If not, in the battle 10 years ago, if Hetian Sword Immortal had cut out a ray of eternal and ultimate sword intent, Emperor You would definitely not be able to stop it.

"People in the world say that Emperor Nangong is lonely and domineering, and that being born in this era is the sorrow of the arrogant and evildoers. I don't believe it. I am willing to hold the three-foot green sword in my hand and explore the heights of the sky."

"If there is no way in the sky, I will cut out a way to prove the Tao, even if I pay the price of my life for it."

"With one wave of the glorious great world, I believe it will not end here. A new emperor world will definitely come."

Gu Hengsheng looked up at the top of the sky, and the soaring will in his heart began to sprout, and he believed that it would grow into a towering giant tree one day in the future.

Gu Hengsheng lowered his head and looked down at the Tianjiao of hundreds of clans here, making all the Tianjiao feel like falling into an abyss, trembling and uneasy.

Now Ren Zun is stronger.

This was everyone's inner voice. They found that Gu Hengsheng, who had experienced an epiphany in just a short period of time, was even more terrifying than before.

Gu Hengsheng took a look at the Tianjiao, then rode away in the clouds and fog, leaving behind a shadow of his back.

After Gu Hengsheng left, the Tianjiao of the Hundred Clans here let out a long breath and kept wiping the cold sweat off his forehead.

"Just now, Ren Zun's eyes are too scary. Just by him looking at me, I feel like I'm being targeted by countless sharp swords."

"You say, Chu Xiaosheng of the fish-human race and other evildoers can defeat Renzun?"

"They are all in the ranks of monsters, how would we know? However, I can be sure that the situation in the Ruins World will be completely overturned, and the status of the human race will also be greatly improved."

Following that, the news that Gu Hengsheng had descended on the top of the mountain spread throughout the market.

No one knew where Gu Hengsheng went after he left the mountain, but only knew that there would be a shocking battle in the near future.

Chu Xiaosheng of the Murloc Clan, Xue Shaoyi of the Shura Clan, Wang Chiya of the Ancient Clan, Qing Yutian of the Qing Clan of the Imperial Clan...

Either they didn't have any grievances with Gu Hengsheng, or they coveted Gu Hengsheng's great medicine.

Once these evildoers are all out, a huge storm will be set off in the Ruins World, and even sweep the entire ancient battlefield.

Gu Hengsheng rode the wind and controlled the sword, hid in the void, and disappeared from the eyes of the world.

All the way south, Gu Hengsheng wanted to find an old friend.

In the south of the ruins world, one day the proud daughter sits in town, she is the little princess of the ancient Longli clan, Hong Yuanyi.

For more than ten years, the little princess has rarely fought in battles, but every time she fought, she surprised the Tianjiao of the Hundred Clans and was deeply respected by the Tianjiao of the Hundred Clans.

In the southern land, there is a secret realm of cultivation.

Gu Hengsheng came to the door of the secret realm, his clothes were spotless and elegant.

"Who is coming?"

There are ten people at the gate of the secret realm. They are all the pride of the Dragon Carp Clan, and they look proud.

"Human race, Gu Yun."

With his left hand behind his back and his right hand gently drooping by his side, Gu Hengsheng said calmly.


Human respect of the human race!
Ruins Monument ranked [-]th!

Hearing this, the ten arrogances of the Dragon Carp Clan all backed away, shocked.

"I have seen Ren Zun."

Immediately, Tianjiao reacted and bowed in salute.

"Human respect."

All the Tianjiao bent down and called out in unison.

For the real monstrous powerhouse, the pride of the Dragon Carp Clan did not dare to be proud, and was very respectful.

"I'm here to visit the little princess, please let me know."

Gu Hengsheng nodded slightly, and said expressionlessly.

"Ren Zun, please wait a moment, I will report to the little princess right now."

Immediately someone stepped into the secret realm without any hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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