The sword rises

Chapter 789 All the evildoers come out, let's go to the ruins monument

Chapter 789 All the evildoers come out, let's go to the ruins monument

Chapter 780 IX All the evildoers come out, let's go to the ruins monument

The world of ruins is in all directions, stirring up the wind and clouds.

Gu Hengsheng didn't pay any attention to this matter, but silently found a secret place where no one was there.

The little princess's natal essence and blood contained a ray of imperial prestige from her ancestors, which was a treasure.


Gu Hengsheng flipped his left hand, and a drop of life essence containing Dao Yun appeared in the palm of his hand.

The profound energy in Gu Hengsheng's body slowly surged, and he began to refine this drop of blood essence.


When Gu Hengsheng's profound energy penetrated into this drop of blood essence, Gu Hengsheng seemed to hear a dragon chant, and the might of the dragon was overwhelming, which made Gu Hengsheng's heart tremble unavoidably.

In the blood essence of the little princess's life, there is a trace of the dragon power of the ancestor of the dragon carp clan, Fulong Emperor.

"What a strong coercion."

Gu Hengsheng immediately kept his mind and exclaimed in his heart: "If the little princess's bloodline has completely returned to her ancestors, wouldn't she be equivalent to a young Fulong Emperor?"

After Emperor Fulong ascended the throne, he reversed the world and suppressed the sun and the moon with his hands, creating a glorious era for the Dragon Carp Clan.

Today, looking at the heavens, the Dragon Carp Clan can be regarded as one of the best ancient clans, and no one dares to bully them lightly.

"It's a bit extravagant to polish the sword intent with a ray of imperial power."

Gu Hengsheng muttered a word, and then immersed himself in his practice.

One after another roaring dragon roars came from the blood essence and poured into Gu Hengsheng's ears, as if they were going to disturb his mind.

Gu Hengsheng put his thoughts into the blood essence, and turned his thoughts into swords. Under the pressure, he began to hone his swordsmanship.

All directions of the secret place here are restricted by Gu Hengsheng, making it difficult for others to find out.

"Only by refining the ray of imperial prestige in this drop of blood essence, can I challenge the young emperors on the ruins tablet, and be qualified to fight the ancient monsters."

In order to prove the truth with a sword, Gu Hengsheng went to beg the little princess without hesitation, and was ready to be rejected and turned upside down, begging for a drop of life essence.

Fortunately, the little princess was very generous to Gu Hengsheng and promised to give Gu Hengsheng a drop of life essence to help Gu Hengsheng.

If not, it would probably take a lot of time for Gu Hengsheng to fight against the heroes of the ages who are at the forefront of the monument.

As long as he leaves the ancient battlefield, Gu Hengsheng will definitely fulfill his promise, parting out a spiritual leaf of the Daobao medicine, and giving it to the little princess with both hands.

Don't forget this kindness.

"Emperor Fulong, an unrivaled ancient emperor, is somewhat stronger than Hate Heaven Sword Immortal and Emperor You."

When practicing in the teacher's school, Gu Hengsheng learned a lot of things that no one else could know from the way of Zangshuge and his senior brothers and sisters.

"It's just the ray of imperial prestige generated by returning to the ancestors, which makes me feel powerless."

Gu Hengsheng used his thoughts to become a sword, swung his green sharp sword in this drop of blood essence, and withstood the bursts of pressure from the dragon's might, his soul was tense.

Gradually, Gu Hengsheng began his own way of cultivation in the secret realm.

Gu Hengsheng believes that as long as he completely refines this drop of blood essence, his strength will undergo earth-shaking changes, which is enough to challenge the illusory will of the emperor when he was young.


The place of the ruins is very lively.

As Chu Xiaosheng of the murlocs came to an end, Tianjiao of the murlocs withdrew from the treasure land of the secret realm they occupied.This incident touched the heartstrings of countless people.

It turns out that the life of a great evildoer is really fragile.

Many arrogances of the human race have risen in this way. Because of Gu Hengsheng, they have lost a lot of crises, and the opportunities they have found are few that other races dare to compete for.

There is no other, because the name of the human race is like a peerless sword, hanging above everyone's head.

"Is Ren Zun really just a casual cultivator?"

"Once the matter of the Ruins Realm spreads to the outside world, it may cause a storm, and countless holy land sects will throw olive branches to Ren Zun."

"The murlocs must retaliate. After the ancient battlefield is over, will they secretly persecute Renzun?"

It has been a month since Gu Hengsheng beheaded Chu Xiaosheng of the Murloc with three swords.

For more than a month, every corner of the market has been discussing this matter.

Countless talents of the human race are looking for Gu Hengsheng, hoping to see Gu Hengsheng's peerless talent with their own eyes.

Time flies, and three years have passed.

Renzun disappeared as before.

People in the world can't find the trace of Ren Zun, and they don't know where he went.

However, this time, no one dared to guess Ren Zun casually.Because, the majesty of human dignity has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and has even become the heart demon of many Tianjiao.

Some people said that they saw Ren Zun three years ago, and guessed that Ren Zun should be practicing in seclusion.

"Qing Yutian of the Imperial Clan's Qing Clan has left the customs!"

A piece of news once again broke the temporary stability of the Ruins Realm.

The Qing Family of the Imperial Clan, inherited from the ancestor Qing Emperor, has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, and can be regarded as a truly profound family.

Emperor Qing has not had a great reputation since the ancient times, because he went smoothly all the way, did not meet any old enemies, and directly ascended to the position of the Great Emperor, and has been glorious for [-] years.

In ancient books, there are very few records about Emperor Qing.

Emperor Qing seemed to be a mystery. From the day he rose to the time he proclaimed himself emperor, no one asked him to exert his full strength.Therefore, in the eyes of the world, Emperor Qing's luck is profound, and he has no old enemies, so he should have the luck of a great emperor.

"Finally entered the seventh realm of the Great Dao, and stepped into the realm of the late stage of the Great Dao."

"Conquering the ruins stele, we must push the outstanding people of all ages and rank among the top [-]."

Qing Yutian of the Qing family broke through the gate and stood in the sky with his hands behind his back, possessing the ability to look down on the world.

With one step, Qing Yutian left the spot, pointing his sword at the monument.

For so many years, these evildoers have not gone to fight on the ruins monument, not because they are not sure to leave their names on the ruins monument, but because they are not sure to leave their own names on the front.

Qing Yutian got a great opportunity in the land of the ruins, and has been retreating all the time, just to improve his strength and become famous in one fell swoop.

"The evildoer of the Qing family is also planning to conquer the monument."

"As a member of the imperial family, Qing Yutian must have cultivated imperial skills. His strength is definitely stronger than Chu Xiaosheng three years ago. I don't know how many people he will be able to rank in the monument."

"Ren Zun has not been born for three years, what is he doing?"

Many Tianjiao rushed to the place of the monument, they wanted to see how far Qing Yutian from the Qing family of the imperial family could go.

Qing Yutian, who has been in seclusion for so many years, has just left the seclusion. Firstly, it is to leave a famous monument, and secondly, it is because of the treasured medicine in Gu Hengsheng's hands.

Now that he has not learned of Gu Hengsheng's whereabouts, Qing Yutian plans to visit the monument first.

"Xue Shaoyi from the Asura Clan, Liu Yunxiao from the Golden Crow Clan, and Chiya the Desolate Body King from the Gu Clan, all of them were born!"

Immediately afterwards, another piece of news came out, piercing through the sky and making the Ruins Realm completely boil.

(End of this chapter)

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