The sword rises

Chapter 791 Renzun was born and descended on the ruins monument

Chapter 791 Renzun was born and descended on the ruins monument

Chapter 790: Renzun was born and descended on the ruins monument

Gu Hengsheng stepped out of the secret realm of practice. He has a little more charm than before, and he has a taste of returning to basics.

"Now I am qualified to see the demeanor of the great emperors of all time. Hate Heaven Sword Immortal, Emperor You, Great Emperor Shaoqing..."

"How strong were you when you were young?"

A hint of excitement and anticipation flashed in the depths of Gu Hengsheng's eyes.

After preparing for so long and practicing in seclusion for so many years, Gu Hengsheng couldn't wait to meet the great emperor since ancient times.

Refining that drop of natal essence blood, and using a wisp of imperial prestige in the essence blood to polish the way of the sword, Gu Hengsheng's sword intent has reached the pinnacle of immortal Xiaocheng, and he is only one step away from entering the realm of immortality.

If the senior brothers and senior sisters in the division knew about Gu Hengsheng's Sword Intent Realm, they would all be amazed.

One must know that even the enchanting sword talent of Chu Xiaoyao, the seventh senior brother, was only in the realm of great power before he reached Xiaocheng immortality.

"If I can reach the top of the ruins monument, can I see the top ten people who really overwhelm the ages?"

Gu Hengsheng still hasn't forgotten the unknown existences in the top ten of the ruins monument. He really wants to know what kind of existence is the unrivaled figure who can crush many great emperors and make it to the top ten.

The second senior sister, known as the first female emperor of all ages, is only ranked No. 11 in the monument.

It is conceivable how terrifying and peerless the existence of the top ten is.

Gu Hengsheng traveled all the way south, pointing his sword at the site of the monument.

Along the way, Gu Hengsheng rarely saw people, so he was a little puzzled.

Logically speaking, the land of the ruins should have ushered in many arrogances of hundreds of clans, with tens of thousands of people.There is no one in this place of practice, which is a bit strange.

"Is something wrong?"

Gu Hengsheng muttered something in his heart.

In front, there are several figures.

Gu Hengsheng immediately rode the wind and came to the side of these figures.

who is it?

These people are the pride of the human race. When they sensed someone approaching, they immediately turned their heads to look to the side.

"Everyone, what happened in the Ruins Realm? Why have all the cultivators in the secret realm disappeared?"

Gu Hengsheng looked at the few human geniuses in front of him and asked directly.

"You... are you... a human being?"

When these people saw Gu Hengsheng's face, they groaned in surprise.

"Yes." Gu Hengsheng nodded slowly and admitted.


It is really the unrivaled evildoer of my human race, Ren Zun.

Human Zun, who had disappeared for more than three years, was born again.This time, will Ren Zun push the entire Ruins Realm?Will it directly suppress the rest of the evildoers of the world?

"Reporting to Ren Zun, because all the evildoers rushed to the ruins monument, the imperial clan Qing Yutian fought against the ruins monument, which attracted hundreds of clans' arrogance, and almost all of them rushed to the ruins monument."

Seeing Gu Hengsheng staring at himself and the others, You Tianjiao immediately suppressed the shock in his heart and opened his mouth to answer.

"I see."

Gu Hengsheng's doubts were resolved, and he nodded.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng stepped into the void in one step, and disappeared from the eyes of several Tianjiao in the blink of an eye.

After a long time, several human geniuses let out a long breath. Facing Gu Hengsheng at such a close distance put a lot of pressure on their hearts: "Ren Zun has also been born, and seems to be rushing to the ruins monument. Monsters gather, the ruins world Is the battle in the land going to break out completely?"

"Let's hurry over."

These people immediately shook their heads, used their supernatural powers, and headed towards the direction of the monument with all their strength.

The Tianjiao's definition of themselves is very clear. In this glorious world, since they can't be the protagonists, they have to witness the rise of an era with their own eyes, so that they will not leave regrets.

In the place of ruins, the atmosphere is extremely dignified.

On the stele, there is a name that suffocates many Tianjiao.

Qing Yutian, number one thousand and four hundred.

Qing Yutian from the Qing Family of the Imperial Clan pushed all the way and directly challenged to the 1000th place.

"How strong!"

Someone swallowed his saliva, looked at Qing Yutian with a look of awe in his eyes, and couldn't help admiring.

Over millions of years, how many monsters and arrogances have been born, and the more than a thousand who can leave their names on the ruins monument are definitely one of the best figures in an era.

Qing Yutian crushed a respectable hero, with peerless talent.

"The name of the stele has changed again."

The Tianjiao who had been staring at the ranking of the monument all raised their voices.

On the [-]-meter-high ruins monument, Qing Yutian's name appeared in another place.

Qing Yutian, ranked 940th.


At this time, tens of thousands of Tianjiao were stunned and shocked.

What kind of strength and talent do you need to be ranked among the top [-] of the monuments!
How strong is Qing Yutian?

The evildoer of the Qing family of the imperial family is really extraordinary, with unfathomable strength.

"Even if Ren Zun hides his strength, can he climb to the top [-] of the monument?"

In the crowd, someone who didn't know said a word leisurely and was shocked.

Many Tianjiao looked down subconsciously and fell silent when they saw the [-]th Gu Yun.

Suddenly, a ray of light appeared on the monument.

The power of the Great Dao of the Ruins Monument around Qing Yutian disappeared, which means that he is no longer challenging, and the power of consciousness has returned from the Ruins Monument.

At this moment, everyone held their breath and stared straight at the handsome and cold Qing Yutian.

Monsters as strong as Xue Shaoyi of the Shura clan, Liu Yunxiao of the Jinwu clan, and other monsters all looked at Qing Yutian with a posture of facing a powerful enemy.Ask yourself, if it were them, they would not have any confidence that they would be among the top [-] names on the monument.

And Qing Yutian did it, which means that Qing Yutian is stronger than other monsters.

All the evildoers are arrogant people, and no one will submit to the other without a real battle.Even if Qing Yutian has peerless resources, they have no intention of bowing their heads.

"At first, I thought I could make it to the top [-] in one go, but I didn't expect the outstanding people from ancient times to be so strong. I underestimated the people in the world."

Qing Yutian's face was a little pale, thinking to himself.

Qing Yutian narrowly defeated the 940th place hero in the ruins monument, so he didn't dare to challenge again, his mind was damaged, and he might need a long time to recuperate.

Taking a long breath, Qing Yutian scanned the surroundings with deep eyes, and slowly stepped towards the monsters.

"You guys, do you want to give it a try?"

Qing Yutian glanced at the ruins monument, and said to the evildoers.

All the evildoers had this thought in their hearts, but they all hesitated.

"Congratulations, Brother Qing, your name will be remembered forever."

Liu Yunxiao of the Golden Crow Tribe had dealt with Qing Yutian before, and clasped his hands together.

Qing Yutian smiled lightly and did not answer.He is still far from the goal in his heart. He plans to practice for a period of time before he comes to fight against the ruins monument, and he must leave his name on the ruins monument.

call out!
Suddenly, there was a sound of howling wind from afar, accompanied by a figure in white shirt.

(End of this chapter)

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