The sword rises

Chapter 793 Fighting Changchang to win the sword fairy, shocking 8 parties

Chapter 793 Fighting the Changchang Sword Immortal, Shocking all directions
Chapter 790 The third chapter fights forever and wins the sword fairy, shocking all directions
After many years of preparation, he has been honing his swordsmanship. If Gu Hengsheng's sword is out of its sheath, he will surely go upstream on the ruins monument, and see the youthful talents of the eternal powerhouse.


Liu Yunxiao of the Jinwu tribe followed Gu Hengsheng's eyes and looked at the ruins monument, slightly puzzled.

All the monsters were silent in unison, guessing the reason for Gu Hengsheng's visit.

"The great emperors from all ages are the goals I pursue. In the eyes of the world, they are towering and insurmountable mountains, but I want to hold a three-foot green spear and climb to the top of the mountain."

Gu Hengsheng murmured, and slowly stepped towards the monument.

Liu Yunxiao was very close to Gu Hengsheng, and he couldn't help being surprised when he heard Gu Hengsheng whispering to himself.

Aiming at the Emperors of the Heavens?
Looking at Gu Hengsheng's back, Liu Yunxiao realized that he had lost from this moment.

Regardless of strength, it is this Dao heart that goes straight to Qingyun.

"I came from the mundane world, and I want to compete with the God of Heaven."

Gu Hengsheng took a big step forward, and that Taoist heart was already indestructible.

Tianjiao of Hundred Clans looked at the picture of Gu Hengsheng walking towards the ruins monument: "Is Ren Zun planning to fight against the ruins monument again?"

"This time, will Renzun still be the same as before, slowly stepping down the heroes? In that case, it will take at least a few years before he can catch up with the evildoers of the Qing family. Moreover, Renzun's strength can surpass Up to the top [-]?"

"Every time he takes a step forward, the sword on his body will become stronger."

"Is Renzun's strength comparable to Qing Yutian's?"

Many people's hearts were seized, with anticipation and awe mixed in half.

Gu Hengsheng walked slowly under the Wanmixu stele, looked up at the names at the front of the stele, and slowly sat cross-legged and closed his eyes, thinking into the stele.


In an instant, the scene in front of Gu Hengsheng's eyes changed, and his spiritual consciousness stepped into the ruins monument again.

Stone tablets are lined up in the empty space in front of you, and each stone tablet represents the footsteps of an outstanding person from the past.

"Three thousand six hundred."

Gu Hengsheng glanced at his own stele, and a slight smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng looked into the depths with his thoughts and walked directly over the steles, pointing his sword at the deepest part of the steles, which was the phantom of will of the heroes who ranked at the top of the ruins steles.

"Yun Xihua."

After a long time, Gu Hengsheng stopped in front of a stone tablet. Looking at the name engraved on the tablet, there were ripples in his eyes: "Could it be the Changsheng sword fairy from 15 years ago?"

Gu Hengsheng lowered his eyebrows and pondered for a while, then slowly rested his left hand on the stone tablet, intending to experience the youthful talent of Yun Xihua, the immortal swordsman who once shocked an era.

call out!
In a blink of an eye, Gu Hengsheng's will came to an empty space. In front of him was a man in a black and white gown, holding a sharp long knife in his hand.

"Such a strong saber momentum, as expected of Changsheng Daoxian who was only one step away from the emperor. It is really extraordinary."

When he saw Yun Xihua for the first time, Gu Hengsheng had the feeling of facing a strong enemy, and the fighting spirit in his heart subconsciously surged.

Changsheng Dao Immortal, Yun Xihua, was the one who brought Dao of Dao to a glorious state, carried forward Dao of Dao, and spread it to the world.


The Xuexiao sword on Gu Hengsheng's waist uttered a series of sword sounds, which was a strong reaction to a strong enemy.

Gu Hengsheng put his right hand on the hilt of the Xuexiao Sword, and pulled out the three-foot Qingfeng from its sheath, the sword rolled like a tsunami.


In the empty space, Yun Xihua, the Changsheng Sword Immortal, stood the long sword horizontally in front of his chest, and then raised his voice and roared with fierce fighting spirit.

"Then fight!"

Gu Hengsheng felt Yun Xihua's monstrous saber force, and charged forward.

Immediately, Gu Hengsheng slashed out with a sword, and the sword intent of Immortal Xiaocheng pierced through layers of void, and slashed directly at Yun Xihua.

With a loud bang, Yun Xihua held the long knife in his right hand and slammed it down. The overwhelming knife fell down like a waterfall of hundreds of millions of catties, and landed on Gu Hengsheng's head.

What a terrifying knife intent!
Gu Hengsheng said something in his heart, and his eyes were burning with the flames of a battle.

This is the real evildoer, crushing the existence of countless outstanding people.

Even the phantom of will in youth has already become invincible.

The fierce confrontation between a sword and a knife made the entire void tremble.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Hengsheng stopped holding back and walked away with his sword.

And Yun Xihua also rushed to kill with a sword, and the indomitable sword intent permeated in all directions.

dong dong dong...

In an instant, the two had already started fighting.

The aftermath caused by the collision of the long knife and the sharp sword rippled towards the distance of the space like waves and ripples, almost causing the entire space to show signs of cracking.

"One sword, split the ground."

Gu Hengsheng used all his strength, and wherever the sword light passed, it directly tore apart the void.

Yun Xihua held the long knife tightly in both hands, raised the knife to the top of his head, and then slashed at Gu Hengsheng fiercely.


The sword light is like a silver-white giant dragon, roaring and swallowing it.

The ground-splitting sword directly split the void in front of Gu Hengsheng, forming a terrifying abyss of sword marks.

The sword glowed like a dragon, and it collided with Jian Zhan in an instant.


The central area where the sword glow and the sword cut were fighting, immediately shattered, and then the cracked traces went in all directions of the space.

In the end, this space was fragmented and turned into powder.

After a few breaths, the space was restored to its original state under the power of the Great Dao of the Ruin Stele.

"The name of Sword Immortal is well-deserved."

If Gu Hengsheng hadn't comprehended the Red Dust Nine Extremes Sword and truly understood his own way of swordsmanship, then he would definitely not be able to stop Yun Xihua's knife.

Most importantly, it was the little princess' drop of natal blood that greatly improved Gu Hengsheng's cultivation and sword intent.

"Come again!"

Gu Heng let out a growl, his white shirt fluttering, and he raised his sword to fight again.

The phantom of the will of Yun Xihua, the Changsheng sword fairy, roared, and the sword rolled like thunder.


The outside world, the land of ruins, was silent.

A group of evildoers and the arrogance of hundreds of clans stared at Gu Hengsheng's figure and the monument, quietly waiting and looking forward to it.They wanted to know how far Gu Hengsheng could go from the [-]th place.

an hour.

"Renzun's name disappeared from the [-]th place, where did he go?"

Tianjiao, who had been staring at the monument, noticed the change in the name on the monument, and raised his voice.

Everyone tensed up immediately, and began to search for Gu Hengsheng's name on the monument.

Between the [-]th and [-]th, no.

There is no one between the [-]th and [-]th.

Even among the [-]th and [-]th, there were still none.


Suddenly, someone found Gu Hengsheng's name and shouted loudly.

On the Ruins Monument.

Gu Yun, No. 190.


For a moment, the world was silent, and everyone was sluggish.

(End of this chapter)

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