The sword rises

Chapter 80 Those who offend my Tianfeng Kingdom, beheaded!

Chapter 80 Those who offend my Tianfeng Kingdom, beheaded!
Chapter 80 Those who offend the Heavenly Wind Country, beheaded!
The news that the [-] troops of the North Vietnam Kingdom had suddenly invaded the Yanxing Pass in the northern border reached the capital of the Tianfeng Kingdom.

When this news spread to the capital, there was an uproar in an instant.

In the courtyard of Gu's house, Mr. Gu tightly packed the urgent military newspaper in his hands into a ball. He kept a straight face without anger and prestige, and the raging power swept from his whole body.

"Old Yi, lead people to Yanxing Pass immediately, and bring Hang Seng back safely." Mr. Gu puffed up his cheeks, his eyes burst into frightening eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Also, pass the letter through Feige immediately, and add Urgently dispatch the troops stationed near Yanxing Pass to support, and we must smash the North Vietnamese enemies with blood!"

"Yes!" Yi Bo was wearing a gray-black robe, and at this time he also erupted with an aura that had been silent for many years.

In the blink of an eye, Yi Bo's figure disappeared in place.

Kyoto is extremely far away from Yanxing Pass, and it would take more than ten days for ordinary people to ride horses and travel day and night.

But now that the war was already raging, Yi Bo didn't have time to waste it at all. He gave an urgent order for support according to the old man's words, and quickly picked out the best thousand-mile BMW in the mansion, and led a group of calm and deep-spirited people. , and rushed towards Yanxing Pass.

Mr. Gu's pale hair was swept up by the sudden gust of wind, and anger rose in his eyes, mixed with a ray of worry.

Originally, Mr. Gu only agreed to let Gu Hengsheng go to the Yanxing Pass in the frontier alone to experience it. Who knew that the sudden outbreak of war was really unexpected. How could the old man not be worried?
"This brat is quite clever, I guess nothing will happen..." Looking at the direction of Yanxing Pass far away in the sky, old man Gu's heart sank and he tightened his wrinkled palms.

In the deep courtyard of the Gu family, Gu Youmo also heard the news that the [-] troops from the North Vietnam had attacked. He couldn't help but tremble, and countless complex thoughts flashed in his eyes.

Back then, it was because of the 20 troops from the North Vietnam that stormed the Yanxing Pass that Gu Youmo was crippled by defending the city pass.

Now, when I heard that the North Vietnamese army was coming, I thought of Gu Hengsheng who had just gone to the frontier for some experience, and murmured with extreme concern: "When this happened, the brat should run faster than anyone else. Presumably The old man has already arranged for someone to pick it up, it won't be a big deal..."

That's what Gu Youmo muttered to himself, but the look of worry in his eyes not only didn't diminish, but increased a bit.

At the same time, the civil and military ministers of Tianfeng Kingdom all had solemn expressions, extremely worried about the battle at Yanxing Pass.

Although over the years, the North Vietnam Kingdom occasionally made disturbances in the border areas, but it was only a minor incident, and no disturbances occurred.But now, [-] troops stormed Yanxing Pass, which was an extremely bad omen.

Because, everyone knows that the [-] troops of the North Vietnamese Kingdom are probably just a stone used to test the depth of the Tianfeng Kingdom.

If the Tianfeng Kingdom could easily repel the [-] troops, then the Beiyue Kingdom would definitely not dare to come easily again.But if Tianfeng Nation tried its best to resist the [-] army, the consequences would be unpredictable.

Beiyue Kingdom has been staring at this prosperous land of Tianfeng Kingdom for many years, as long as Tianfeng Kingdom is a little careless, it will be bitten by Beiyue Kingdom like a poisonous snake.

A thick, dignified and oppressive atmosphere spread from the Yanxing Pass in Tianfeng Kingdom to all directions.


Wild Goose Pass, Battlefield
As time went by, Gu Hengsheng's body was filled with menace. He charged forward, and the ink-colored spear in his hand turned blood-red.

The soldiers of the Chifeng Battalion who followed Gu Hengsheng rushed towards the North Vietnamese army without fear of life and death, showing their youth on the battlefield.


Suddenly, a deep roar sounded from the Beiyue army on the battlefield: "Yanxingguan, you can hold it for a while, but you can't hold it forever! Why don't you just surrender and become the general of our Beiyue Kingdom. How about it?"

This voice pierced the sky, and its power was extraordinary. The person who uttered this sentence seemed to have a majestic cultivation in the early stage of the Earth Profound Realm.

The voice of the commander-in-chief of the [-]-strong army of the North Vietnam Kingdom rumbled to the ears of Feng Aojin who was standing on the wall of Yanxing Pass, and then reached everyone's ears.

Feng Aojin's complexion sank, he took a deep breath, and shouted in the direction of the Beiyue army: "The mere small country of Beiyue is trying to invade Tianfeng Kingdom, you should be executed!"


Feng Aojin's response was like a shot in the arm for the countless soldiers of the Tianfeng Kingdom who were fighting, and the morale of the soldiers suddenly increased, which was extremely majestic.

After a long time, a deep roar came from inside the Beiyue army: "Presumptuous! Feng Aojin, do you think you are the bloody general of the past? Just you, how can you stop our Beiyue army?"

The [-] army of the North Vietnam Kingdom continued to rush towards Gu Hengsheng and others, putting the pressure on the soldiers of the Tianfeng Kingdom who were fighting at the front like a huge mountain.

Feng Aojin's deep eyes have never left the battlefield. He looked at the soldiers who were gradually losing strength below him, knowing that he could no longer fight, and immediately ordered: "Ming Jin Ming Drum, withdraw troops! Arrow rain cover!"

Ding!Boom boom boom...

Immediately, the sound of drums on the wall of Yanxing Pass changed, and the sound of thunderous thumping spread to every corner of the battlefield.

The generals and soldiers of Tianfeng Kingdom who were fighting, all trembled when they heard the sound of the golden drum.

"Retreat! Withdraw to the pass!"

General Su Quan heard the sound of the drum, and after beheading two North Vietnamese soldiers, he suddenly raised his sharp knife, raised his head and shouted loudly.

Gu Hengsheng, who was galloping on the battlefield, naturally heard Ming Jin's order to withdraw his troops, but he did not intend to turn around and return to the city immediately.Because he felt that he was just a little bit close to letting his body in this life go through the baptism of blood, and then step into the Spiritual Profound Realm.

Therefore, while fighting, the army of Tianfeng Kingdom began to move back towards the gate of the city in a mighty manner, retreating and fighting in an orderly manner, well-trained.

The commander-in-chief of the North Vietnamese army, of course, would not just watch the somewhat exhausted Tianfeng army retreat just like that. He hastily ordered the army to chase and kill them, intending to cut off the retreat of the soldiers of the Tianfeng army.

As a general guarding the pass, Feng Aojin seemed to have thought of this a long time ago, and quickly ordered: "Shoot arrows towards the sides of the army to intercept the North Vietnamese army!"

When the general order fell, the archers who had been prepared on the wall of Yanxing Pass immediately began to shoot arrows at both sides of the soldiers of Tianfeng Kingdom, so that the North Vietnamese army who wanted to encircle and cut off the back road did not dare to step forward.

call out!call out!call out!
Thousands of arrows were fired, submerged in a pool of yellow sand and blood like a torrential river, and covered the entire sky like a torrential rain.

As the sharp arrow fell, the army of the North Vietnam Kingdom stopped, not daring to take a step forward, and could only watch helplessly as the soldiers of the Tianfeng Kingdom retreated towards the Yanxing Pass.

At this moment, when Gu Hengsheng was about to leave and retreat, taking advantage of the opportunity that the North Vietnamese army did not dare to chase after him, he galloped towards the front of the North Vietnamese army not far away, and directly took away dozens of soldiers. The bright red life of man.

For a moment, it seemed that the whole world was setting off Gu Hengsheng's youth.

Gu Hengsheng's awe-inspiring power made countless North Vietnamese soldiers tremble with fear.

The ink gun in his hand was stained with blood, and strands of frightening aura shot out, shocking countless people.A black helmet, covered in scarlet, seemed to be drenched by countless blood, which made many North Vietnamese soldiers feel suffocated and trembling.

At this moment, Gu Hengsheng was riding on the horse, standing behind the retreating army alone, standing in front of thousands of troops.

"Anyone who offends my Heavenly Wind Country without reason, beheaded!"

The ink gun pointed at the sky, his eyes frightened his soul.

As soon as Gu Hengsheng's roar uttered, the yellow sand and blood pooled in the ground shook, and the North Vietnamese army was shocked to retreat.

The rumbling and deep roar resounded through the sky and went straight to the heart.

(End of this chapter)

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