The sword rises

Chapter 86 This battle shocked the world

Chapter 86 This battle shocked the world

Chapter 86 This battle shocked the world

After Junshang Mo Xiuyang left, the civil and military officials really let go of the discussion, and they all started the topic around Gu Hengsheng.

But because Mr. Gu was still at the beginning, most of the people said it flatteringly, or kept questioning in their hearts.

"Old man Li, did you already know?" Mr. Gu is not a single-minded general who can stand at the top of the officialdom. He immediately turned around and questioned Li Tianyuan, who was also a first-rank minister.

Mr. Gu was puzzled. Li Tianyuan agreed to allow Gu Hengsheng to marry into Li's family, but he was already selling his old face.Why did Li Tianyuan let his precious granddaughter Li Qiurou marry into Gu's family suddenly when it was time to marry?

Then Mr. Gu combined with the meeting between Gu Hengsheng and Li Tianyuan before, and immediately thought of the key point.

"Hey, it's a little bit more than you know." Li Tianyuan laughed a little bit awkwardly, then walked side by side with Mr. Gu towards the gate of the palace hall.

"Okay! You bastard Li, how can I say that you suddenly changed your mind and agreed to let Qiu Rou marry Hang Seng? So you already knew about it."

Old man Gu pretended to be angry and blew his beard and stared, but the joy in his brows became more and more intense.

"Old man Gu, why are you swearing at people? Besides, this is obviously your own problem. You have been with Hang Seng day and night for 20 years, and you don't see it. Blame me! There is no such reason, really."

Li Tianyuan rolled a blank look at Old Master Gu, and deliberately said with a hint of sarcasm.

"You!" When Mr. Gu thought that he had been cheated by Gu Hengsheng, and this cheating might last for more than ten years, the anger in his heart would not come to a single place, and he gritted his teeth viciously: "When this brat comes back, Seeing that I don't take off a layer of skin, I even hide it from him, how wonderful it is!"

"Really?" With a smile on the corner of Li Tianyuan's mouth, he walked down the stairs with Mr. Gu, jokingly said, "Old man Gu, are you still willing to take off the skin of that brat now? Don't think that the old man can't see it." Wearing you, I'm afraid you're secretly having fun in your heart!"

"Old man Li, what do I do, do I need to tell you?" Mr. Gu and Li Tianyuan have been arguing for a lifetime, and their friendship is so deep that ordinary people really can't understand: "If I don't take off that brat's skin, From now on, Lao Tzu will take his surname."

"..." Li Tianyuan opened his mouth, gave Mr. Gu a big roll of his eyes, and said softly in his heart: "Bastard, you are bluffing me. You and his surname are also Gu! You just steal it in your heart." Have fun!"

Before he knew it, Mr. Gu and Li Tianyuan descended the white jade steps and were about to head towards the palace.

"Old man Gu, can I discuss something with you?" Li Tianyuan turned his head and called out to old man Gu, and then pretended to be solemn.

"What's the matter?" Mr. Gu replied casually with an unconcealable excitement still on his face.

"Didn't you say that Hang Seng was allowed to marry into my Li family? Do you think it's okay? Don't worry, the old man will definitely treat Hang Seng as his own grandson and never let him suffer any grievances."

A sly look flashed across Li Tianyuan's old eyes, and he said intentionally and with great interest.


Mr. Gu's chest sank and he shouted loudly.

Thinking of this, Mr. Gu became angry. Back then, in order to let Gu Hengsheng marry into the Li family, he still played the emotional card with Li Tianyuan in an old-fashioned way.There was no way, the original Gu Hengsheng was too much of a jerk, he couldn't do anything other than make trouble.

But now, his grandson, Gu Hengsheng, single-handedly stands on the battlefield, intimidating thousands of armies and enemies, how arrogant and unparalleled.If you are letting Gu Hengsheng into the Li family, unless your head was kicked by a donkey.

He takes care of his family, so there is someone who will succeed him!

Old man Gu couldn't help laughing out loud, strode out of the palace gate, and headed towards Gu's mansion.

But all the civil and military officials in the back still couldn't imagine and accept the news, and they kept talking about it.

Thinking of how the notorious young master of the Gu family suddenly became as arrogant and unparalleled as his father, everyone felt a sense of suffocation.

"From now on, the Gu family can't be offended..." I don't know who, sighed a long time in the crowd filled with emotion.

yes!Now the Gu family is even more unable to offend and bully.

In today's Gu family, there is Mr. Gu sitting in charge on the top, and Gu Hengsheng, who is like a general and unparalleled in heaven, who would dare to offend him?

"It's really fucked up. The young master of the Gu family who only caused trouble in the past has suddenly become a generation of peerless geniuses who are famous all over the world. I'm afraid it will take a long time before I can digest this fact."

Among all the officials, someone couldn't help but smiled wryly, it was really hard to describe the complicated emotions in his heart.

Some people are happy and some are sad. The news of the Battle of Yanxingguan spread to all parts of Tianfeng Kingdom, causing countless disturbances.


Gu's family, in the deep courtyard
Naturally, Gu Youmo also learned about the military report of the Battle of Yanxing Pass.

He was holding the military newspaper tightly with his left hand, and the armrest of the wheelchair with his right hand. His whole body was trembling as if he was a little excited, and the joy and excitement on his face could not be concealed at all.

I don't know how long it took before Gu Youmo's heaving chest calmed down, and the joy that was about to fly into the sky also calmed down a little.

"Okay, good boy!" Gu Youmo looked in the direction of Yanxing Pass, raised his head and laughed loudly: "What a Gu Hengsheng from the Gu family, hahaha..."

For many years, Gu Youmo has not laughed so openly.

Now Gu Youmo raised his head and smiled, not only sweeping away the worries in his heart, but also comforting that there are successors in the Gu family, how could he not be happy.

"I'm Gu's family, there is someone who will succeed me!" Gu Youmo patted his unconscious legs fiercely, and two lines of tears slowly flowed down from his eyes.

Since his legs were disabled five years ago, Gu Youmo has been in deep grief. Now that he finally sees Gu Hengsheng's heroic posture of carrying the banner of the Gu family, he can't help crying.

"This brat asked me to use mystic energy to dredge the meridians of my legs at five o'clock every day, could it be..." Suddenly, Gu Youmo thought of Gu Hengsheng's previous advice, and looked down at his unconscious legs tremblingly. There was a deep look of hope.

"Bastard boy, you are able to practice, but you even hide it from me and the old man. When you come back, let's see if I don't beat you to death, you bastard."

Having said that, Gu Youmo's eyes were not only full of accusation and anger, but full of pampering and comfort.

So far, the battle of Yanxing Pass, the Gu family, Gu Hengsheng, has become famous all over the world!Shake the Heavenly Wind Nation up and down!

(End of this chapter)

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