The sword rises

Chapter 93 Start the treatment

Chapter 93 Start the treatment

Chapter 93 Beginning Treatment

The next day, Gu Hengsheng came to Gu Youmo's courtyard.

Gu Hengsheng and Gu Youmo stared at each other and were silent for a moment.

"Second Uncle, in the past month, have you dredged the meridians of your legs with profound energy as I told you?" Gu Hengsheng was the first to break the silence and asked.

Hearing this, Gu Youmo shivered with a hint of hope, then stared at Gu Hengsheng with complex meaning in his eyes, and said hoarsely: "Brat, what do you mean? "

"Second Uncle, would you believe me if I said that I could heal your crippled legs?" Gu Hengsheng glanced at Gu Youmo's white hair, and said solemnly.

"What did you say!"

Gu Youmo had vaguely guessed a little bit, but when Gu Hengsheng really said it, his calm and stable mood was instantly shattered, and his body shook involuntarily, causing the wheelchair to shake.

"Second Uncle, I am very sure that I can heal your legs." Gu Hengsheng could feel the deep wound buried deep in Gu Youmo's heart, and replied very solemnly.

"You...Are you serious? You didn't lie to me?" Gu Youmo grabbed Gu Hengsheng's arm tightly, and asked incoherently, unwilling to let go: "Can you really heal my legs? ?”

"Second Uncle, I'm serious. I have absolutely no intention of deceiving you." Gu Hengsheng could clearly see the bloodshot eyes in Gu Youmo's eyes, and could feel Gu Youmo's breath fluctuating in disorder.

"" Gu Youmo's expression changed extremely complicated, staring at Gu Hengsheng with excitement, disbelief, and hope.

Seeing Gu Youmo's extremely excited and unbelievable emotional changes, Gu Hengsheng gently patted Gu Youmo's callused palm, and said very solemnly: "Second Uncle, don't worry, I won't lie to you. Before I had a chance, and I just found a way to heal your legs."

"Really?" Gu Youmo still couldn't believe it, and asked subconsciously.

"Really." Gu Hengsheng nodded.

For five years, sitting alone in a wheelchair, Gu Youmo's loneliness and desolation were beyond comprehension.

For the past five years, the purpose of being alone in the deep courtyard of the Gu family was to escape the ups and downs of the outside world and...people.

In the past five years, if Gu Hengsheng hadn't often come to the deep courtyard to disturb him, make trouble for him, and relieve the depression in his heart, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to persist until today.

Because, back then, he was the pinnacle blood hero general standing on the battlefield.One word from him can frighten all countries and make them not dare to act rashly.With one shot, he can wipe out the enemy's army, and let the blood splash on the whole Qingcang and the earth.

Suddenly, he fell from the altar to hell. Who knows the sadness in his heart.

Now, Gu Hengsheng told Gu Youmo very solemnly that he could heal his legs, how could he not tremble all over with excitement?
"Good! Good... good!" Gu Youmo held Gu Hengsheng's arm tightly, as if he was afraid that Gu Hengsheng's hope would leave, and tears could not help but glisten in his eyes.

"Second Uncle, it's just that you have to listen to me in the next few days." Gu Hengsheng looked at the bloodshot and tear mist in Gu Youmo's eyes, and secretly clenched his hands tightly in his heart.

"Okay, Second Uncle will do what you say." Gu Youmo nodded vigorously without any hesitation, his voice was hoarse and sobbing.

"Well." Gu Hengsheng wanted to break through the Lingxuan Realm with the baptism of blood in such a hurry, just to heal Gu Youmo's legs: "Second Uncle, take it easy. I'll go get ready first, and I'll take it tonight." Come here and officially start treating you."

"Okay, okay." Gu Youmo suddenly realized that he couldn't see through his nephew Gu Hengsheng at all.But, it doesn't matter, he only knows one thing, that is, Gu Hengsheng is the seed of his Gu family, that's enough.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng temporarily left here under Gu Youmo's fiery hopeful eyes.

Bone Spirit Grass, Vein Rock Grass, Tongchen Wood...

From his room, Gu Hengsheng found the spiritual herb that he had prepared early in the morning.

These spiritual herbs were placed on the table in a disorderly manner. At first glance, they looked like ordinary weeds and dead trees, but they were actually rare and precious medicines.

In Gu Hengsheng's previous life, although these things are not precious, they cannot be bought with money.Perhaps because the land of the Hundred Kingdoms is barren, many things, the world does not know their true uses.

"Bones and pulses have been broken for five years, and the flesh and blood are already broken. I'm afraid it will take a little effort." Gu Hengsheng looked at the many elixir on the table, thinking about how to make Gu Youmo get better as soon as possible.

"There are only four months left, and Princess Yong'an is going to Nanyuan Kingdom. This matter can only be handled by the second uncle himself. This is... his way and his love."

Gu Hengsheng whispered to himself with no expression on his face.

Night soon fell to the earth, and everything seemed peaceful and peaceful.

Gu Hengsheng came to Gu Youmo's yard with the elixir.

In the courtyard, Gu Youmo changed into a light black gown and sat quietly in the wheelchair.

At this time, there was no such agitated look on his face, and he thought he had suppressed that feeling to the bottom of his heart, but the hope in his eyebrows still lingered.

"Second Uncle, I'm here." Gu Hengsheng called softly.

"En." Gu Youmo nodded heavily, and let Gu Hengsheng push his wheelchair forward.

After a while, Gu Hengsheng and Gu Youmo came to a pavilion deep in the courtyard. In the entire attic, there were only Gu Youmo and Gu Hengsheng. Those maids and those who secretly guarded here must have been taken care of by Gu Youmo. Worrying ink was cleaned out.

"Second Uncle, I need to break your legs again later, and then put them in the elixir and boiling water." Gu Hengsheng said solemnly: "After ten days, your legs will not be able to leave. Take a medicinal bath, or all previous efforts will be in vain. Ten days later, I will reshape your meridians and flesh and blood, and as long as there are no mistakes, Second Uncle will be able to stand on the battlefield again."

"Okay, everything is up to you." As long as he can stand up again, Gu Youmo is not afraid of anything, his eyes are full of fire.

"Yes." Gu Hengsheng nodded.

Therefore, Gu Hengsheng prepared a bucket of boiling water, submerged the prepared elixir in the water in proportion, and then used profound energy to decompose the potency of the elixir into the water.

After preparing the medicinal bath, Gu Hengsheng bowed to Gu Youmo and said, "Second Uncle, I offended you."

"bring it on!"

After fighting in the battlefield for many years, Gu Youmo has never seen any kind of strong wind and waves. He just asked Gu Hengsheng to shatter his solidified fleshy legs again, not to mention the legs without the slightest feeling. Gu Youmo didn't have the slightest fear, some just There is a lot of hope and excitement.

Then, Gu Hengsheng smashed Gu Youmo's legs one by one according to the positions of the acupuncture points, and the sound of cracking bones came out one after another.

Gu Youmo didn't feel any pain, even though his legs were already bloody at the moment.

Slowly, Gu Hengsheng put Gu Youmo's drooping legs into the medicated bath, and said solemnly: "Second Uncle, don't leave this place for ten days. I'll come back after ten days look at you."

"Okay." Gu Youmo took a deep look at Gu Hengsheng. He didn't ask Gu Hengsheng how he could cure his legs, nor did he ask what happened to Gu Hengsheng, nor did he ask if Gu Hengsheng could guarantee that he could do it. stand up.

All of this is not important.The important thing is that Gu Hengsheng is his nephew, that's enough.

Ten days will pass soon.Five years of grief had been worn away by him, and it was only ten days. He didn't think there was any difficulty at all.

With Gu Youmo's cultivation base, he can do it without eating or drinking for ten days.He, now just wants to sit here and let time pass through his fingers...

(End of this chapter)

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