The sword rises

Chapter 97 Title: Odd Shuang

Chapter 97 Title: Odd Shuang

Chapter 97 Title: Odd Double

Today, not long after Han Ruian left, an imperial edict came from the depths of the palace and descended on the Gu family.

The imperial decree: The Gu family, Gu Hengsheng, was born in the Yanxing Pass to frighten the enemy, exalt our heavenly wind and national prestige, inherit the wind of the generals, and be unparalleled in heaven.Therefore, the Gu family, Gu Hengsheng, was granted the title of General of the Fourth Rank Guards, thinking of his father's great military exploits and martyrdom, and the special title: Qi Shuang.

"Thank you sir."

Mr. Gu accepted the imperial decree for Gu Hengsheng, and held the imperial decree into the room respectfully, the excitement on his face could not be concealed at all.

Gu Hengsheng did not go to receive the order in person, but asked Mr. Gu to temporarily receive the order for him on the grounds that he was ill.Because, if Gu Hengsheng showed his face, he would not be able to kneel down. This was due to his arrogance and Dao heart.Simply, Gu Hengsheng did not show up, which saved a lot of trouble.

Title: Qi Shuang.

A strange son in the world, unparalleled in the battlefield.

His Majesty Tianfeng directly bestowed the fourth-rank general and honorary titles for this battle, which can be described as a great reward.Among them, there are many factors related to the death of Gu's family and Gu Hengsheng's father.

Afterwards, the imperial list was posted, and Gu Hengsheng was immediately crowned General Sipinwei, titled General Qi Shuang.When this news came out, the entire Tianfeng Nation was shaken again.Although many people were jealous and dissatisfied, they had no choice but to accept it secretly angrily.

"General Qi Shuang... This battle really pushed Gu Hengsheng's limelight to the top." After hearing the news, some aristocratic family patriarchs fell into deep thought, looking at the direction of the Gu family and the palace, talking to themselves.

"The Battle of Yanxingguan in Northern Xinjiang made his Gu family Gu Hengsheng's prestige. General Qi Shuang! The Gu family... is there another general who will be proud on the battlefield?" The older generation seems to have returned to the heyday of the Gu family. days, muttering to himself.

"For so many years of pretending to be crazy, the young master of the Gu family really thought carefully and lied to everyone in the world. After this one battle, he became famous all over the world and made countless people come to power. What exactly is he planning?"

The name of General Qi Shuang slowly spread to the ears of many people, pushing Gu Hengsheng to the cusp of the storm.

Gu Hengsheng didn't care about this. In his previous life, he was a supreme powerhouse at the peak of the Profound Sky Realm, and he didn't know how many corpses crawled under his feet.A mere general's name can't arouse Gu Hengsheng's interest at all.

As for why the emperor of Tianfeng Kingdom wanted to promote him, I'm afraid it was because he wanted to test Gu Hengsheng's depth and let some people come to explore the wind.

However, Gu Hengsheng didn't care about soldiers coming to block him and water coming to cover him.Now he is just preparing for the next step of Gu Youmo's healing, and he is practicing, so he doesn't have so much free time to worry about it.

For the next ten days, Gu Hengsheng stayed in the house silently polishing his sword intent, and occasionally went out to take a few steps with Li Qiurou.Moreover, in his spare time, Gu Hengsheng sent people to Beijing to buy some spiritual grass and elixir, and asked Yan Chenge to hide his body and pick up a low-level pill furnace at will.

Nowadays, countless people are secretly watching Gu Hengsheng's every move, so in order to reduce trouble, Gu Hengsheng has never shown up, and has always let Yan Chenge do chores for him.

"Chen Ge, these bottles of spirit-gathering pills are enough for those four people who have reached the early stage of the Spirit Profound Realm." Gu Hengsheng threw the pill he made at hand to Yan Chenge, He said nonchalantly: "Also, these are Qingxuan pills, which can allow those little guys to start formal cultivation quickly."

Yan Chenge took all the pills that Gu Hengsheng handed over, and after looking down, the fragrance of the pills went straight to the tip of his nose, making him feel sober and comfortable.

"Master, this is..." Yan Chenge hesitated curiously.

"Some little gadgets, I will refine some for you when I improve my cultivation." Gu Hengsheng doesn't pay much attention to these low-level elixir, they can be obtained by refining them at will.

Although Gu Hengsheng was able to refine the elixir that would promote cultivation and breakthrough, Gu Hengsheng did not intend to take it himself.

Because what he is after is the ethereal and illusory realm above the Sky Profound Realm, the foundation of practice must be solid, without any blemish, so that it is possible to touch it in the future.

"I... I can also take it in the future?" Yan Chenge stared, and exclaimed softly in disbelief.

For so many years, Yan Chenge has never heard of such a thing in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms. It is unbelievable that a single pill can help a cultivator break through.However, in Yan Chenge's eyes, Gu Hengsheng was unfathomable, and it might be possible to refine this kind of elixir.

"Of course." Gu Hengsheng nodded seriously.As far as he is concerned, as long as it is not a panacea for cultivators in the Profound Sky Realm to break through, it will not be on the table.

"Thank you, Lord." Yan Chenge no longer doubted, and immediately bowed and saluted, with a somewhat excited look on his face.

"Well, let's go down! Supervise and guide them in their cultivation, maybe you will be useful in the future." Gu Hengsheng waved his hand, signaling Yan Chenge not to care.

"Yes." After Yan Chenge finished speaking, he hid in the void and disappeared.

Before I knew it, ten days had passed.

Gu Hengsheng then stepped towards Gu Youmo's deep courtyard.

There was no one in the deep courtyard, and the empty atmosphere seemed somewhat depressing.However, Gu Hengsheng felt a few deep breaths inside and outside the courtyard, presumably he was protecting Gu Youmo and preventing others from disturbing him.

"Second Uncle, can I come in?"

Standing outside the attic, Gu Hengsheng called softly to Gu Youmo who was inside the closed door.

Gu Youmo, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately opened his eyes that had been closed for a long time when he heard it, and said in a deep voice, "Come in!"

click -

Immediately, Gu Hengsheng pushed the door open and entered.

Entering the house, Gu Hengsheng saw Gu Youmo's same movements as ten days ago, without moving a bit.Because Gu Youmo was afraid that the healing effect would be caused by his movement, so he sat quietly like a stone for ten days.

Five years of disability and loneliness, Gu Youmo no longer wants to do that anymore, it's just ten days of being motionless, he can definitely survive it.

"The congealed and blocked flesh and blood have suppurated, and the meridians are at their weakest." Gu Hengsheng glanced at Gu Youmo's legs in the liquid medicine, and whispered: "It can reshape the meridians and blood, open the common sense."

"Second Uncle, are you ready?" Gu Hengsheng walked up to Gu Youmo's side without hesitation, and asked softly.

"Come on!" Gu Youmo was already ready, he was so eager to feel the existence of his legs, he didn't want to be bound to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

A strong look of hope diffused from the depths of Gu Youmo's pupils.

"it is good."

Gu Hengsheng nodded solemnly, and began to circulate the profound energy of the Spirit Profound Realm in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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