Chapter 10
"It turned out to be the third elder personally!"

Fang Ziling was shocked immediately.

His sect is the Blood Shadow Sect, one of the eight heretical sects in today's world, and the third elder is even the top five masters in the sect.

One can imagine the shock in his heart when such a person came in person.

"Master, is there something big going to happen?"

Instinctively, Fang Ziling realized something was wrong.

Logically speaking, for the contributions he has made over the years, it is already a blessing to be able to get an elder from the sect at the bottom of the ranking to come.

After all, his son Fang Hu's aptitude is mediocre. If it weren't for his great contributions, I am afraid that with Fang Hu's aptitude, it would be very difficult to become an inner disciple of the Blood Shadow Sect.

"Not bad, Ziling, the old man accepted you because he liked your cleverness."

"To tell you the truth, there is already news in the Pavilion of Heavenly Secrets confirming that the useless Emperor Qin knows the whereabouts of Emperor Qin's secret key, and the third elder came here for the secret key of Qin Emperor this time."

The shady old man valued Fang Ziling very much, so he told him frankly.

"What? The Emperor Qin's secret key? So, early this morning, the Heavenly Demon Sect led people into the Great Qin Imperial Palace for the Qin Emperor's secret key?"

"Master, then should we take people to the Great Qin Palace first, so as to prevent the Demon Sect from succeeding?"

Fang Ziling hurriedly said anxiously.

In the morning, the Heavenly Demon Sect led people to rampage without much concealment. Naturally, their identity could not be hidden from people like Fang Ziling.

"It doesn't matter, now, in Xianyang City, it's far more than our Blood Shadow Sect staring at the Emperor Qin's secret key. People from the Heavenly Demon Sect are just a bunch of jumping clowns. Even if they get the Qinhuang's secret key, they will definitely not be able to bring it back .”

The shady old man shook his head.

At this moment, a servant rushed into the lobby in panic: "It's not good, master, Master Fang Hu is dead."


"Hu'er is going to defend the city camp. With Gao Cheng around, who can kill him?"

"You better tell me clearly, otherwise, I will kill you now."

Fang Ziling was shocked and angry when he heard the words.

"Master, just now, someone saw a large number of guarding troops heading towards the Great Qin Palace."

"There are some people who are curious and want to go to the camp guarding the city to inquire about the situation."

"As a result, there was no living person in the camp defending the city. General Gao Cheng and Master Fang Hu were all killed in the camp."

The servant turned pale from fright, and with a trembling voice, he told what he knew as quickly as possible.

"Ah! Who is it, who killed my Hu'er, I will tear you to pieces!"

In a fit of rage, Fang Ziling tore the servant's shoulders apart.

"My lord, spare my life, my lord, spare my life"

The servant kept begging for mercy.

"My tiger is dead, why are you still alive, die for me!"

Kick after kick, Fang Ziling seemed to be insane, kicking the servant into a puddle of flesh.

"Ziling, calm down, now, the most important thing is to find the murderer who killed Hu'er."

Seeing that Fang Ziling was about to lose his mind completely, the shady old man got up immediately, restrained Fang Ziling, and yelled heavily.

"Master, the Heavenly Demon Sect must have done it!"

"Please make the decision for the apprentice and avenge Hu'er."

Fang Hu died in the camp guarding the city, and the army guarding the city went to the Great Qin Palace. At this time, the Great Qin Palace, in his opinion, had been ruled by the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Thoughts were spinning, Fang Ziling had already concluded that Fang Hu's death must have something to do with the Demon Sect.

"Ziling, you are my proud disciple, and I also watched Hu'er grow up."

"Don't worry, if the Heavenly Demon Sect really killed Hu'er, I will definitely make the Heavenly Demon Sect pay the price and kill the murderer to pay homage to Hu'er's spirit in the sky."

"Come on, you can follow me to the Great Qin Palace now to find out."

Flicking his sleeves, the gloomy old man's expression became much colder.

"But Master, just the two of us, will it be?"

Before Fang Ziling finished speaking, he was interrupted by the shady old man: "It's okay, the old man is also the deacon of the Blood Shadow Sect after all, so people from the Heavenly Demon Sect don't dare to mess around."



At the same time, on the top of the lobby, a black shadow also left quietly.

Daqin Palace.

In the Tieying school grounds, You Ziying, who followed Yingxi all the way, unknowingly set off a storm in her heart.

But it turned out.

This Tieying school field hides heaven and earth.

From the outside, it looks unremarkable, not much different from ordinary school grounds.

But as soon as he stepped into the Iron Eagle Academy, it seemed as if he had come to another world.

The sound of Iron Horse and Golden Ge kept lingering in his ears.

From time to time, when one looks up, one can still see fragments of black-armored cavalry criss-crossing the battlefield, invincible.

There is also a phantom in black armor, constantly repeating various military skills, including sword skills, riding skills and so on.

You Ziying tried to deduce these skills, and was shocked to find that these were the top killing skills in the army.

Just imagine, if Ying Xi puts a large army into the Iron Eagle Academy and trains with these black-armored phantoms, then on the day of his success, Ying Xi will definitely get an army that will shock the world!

"Your Majesty, is this a small world?"

After hesitating for a long time, in the end, curiosity overcame fear.

You Ziying dared to ask.

"That's it."

Ying Xi was noncommittal.

Iron Eagle Academy is a special training space, but it also has certain small world characteristics.

"Ding, you personally inspected the Tie Ying school grounds, which flattered the Tie Ying school grounds, and I can't wait to show off his characteristics to you."

【Iron Eagle School Field—Space for Troop Training】

[Characteristic 1: Soldiers who have reached the third level of body training can be sent to the Iron Eagle Academy and trained as a special unit——Iron Eagle Sharp Warrior]

[Characteristic 2: In the Iron Eagle Academy, the flow rate of time is ten to one with that of the outside world, that is, ten days have passed in the Iron Eagle Academy, and only one day has passed outside]

[Characteristic 3: After the training is over, the Iron Eagle has a 50.00% chance to be demonized, doubling its strength]

Iron Eagle Ruishi!

Blue Star Qin's most elite troops!
According to legend, Sima Cuo selected 20 people from the 600 new Qin army to form the Tie Ying Rui Shi.

But now, Yingxi has the Iron Eagle Academy, which means that as long as Yingxi has enough resources, he can train a steady stream of Iron Eagle fighters.


Ying Xi nodded slightly.

"Ding, I feel your appreciation, and the Iron Eagle Academy is very moved. The training speed of the Iron Eagle Academy has increased by fifty times."

"Let's go."

After wandering around the grounds of Tieying School for a while, Yingxi glanced at You Ziying who was still full of curiosity behind her and gave orders.


"No, the servant will obey."

You Ziying was about to say something, but when Ying Xi's majestic eyes swept her away, she resolutely shut up, followed Ying Xi obediently, and walked out of the Tieying school grounds.

"Your Majesty, the last general has assembled the city's defenders, a total of 510 people."

At this time, Gao Shun came to deliver the order.

(End of this chapter)

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