Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 113 Absolute Sword Bone

Chapter 113 Ten Absolute Sword Bone (Fifth Watch, please subscribe)
boom! boom! boom!
However, Patriarch Sunflower didn't pay any attention to the pleas of the monks in Shaolin Temple.

When the insidious palm falls.

In an instant, a group of Shaolin monks evaporated and turned into a pool of dirty blood.

In the Taiji Palace, for a while, there was silence like a cicada.

For a long time, no one dared to make even the slightest sound.

too frightening.

From the moment they stepped into the Great Qin Palace, the script was completely different from what they expected.

Shouldn't it be Qin Huang Yingxi who was oppressed by them and couldn't raise his head?
How did it turn out that they really came to have an audience with the Emperor Qin, all lying on the ground like dogs?

"Very well, I like you as you are now, be nice, isn't it good?"

Yingxi tapped the dragon chair lightly with her knuckles, deliberately letting everyone hang out for a long time before she slowly made a sound.

"Now, I will give you a chance to speak freely. Come on, tell me why you came to the Great Court Meeting."

Great court meeting, it must be 'speak freely'!
Ying Xi's eyes swept over everyone, making everyone startled unconsciously.

They couldn't figure out what Yingxi was trying to do.

However, no one would take Yingxi's words seriously.

What are you kidding, if you really speak freely, tell what they think in their hearts, and the original intention of coming here, will they still have their lives?

This Emperor Qin even dared to touch Shaolin Temple Guangzhi, Longhushan Chongyangzi, and Yaowangdian Zhang Bainian, let alone them.

"Why don't you talk."

"If you don't talk, I will be unhappy. When I am unhappy, I like to kill people."

"So, let's play a game. When I count to three, every time I count, if no one makes a sound, I will kill a random person. What do you think?"

The corners of Yingxi's mouth were slightly raised, and his unhurried tone was heard by everyone, but it was like a magic voice.

Omg this is just horrific.

"Three, two, one!"

After the first count of three two one, everyone was still in a daze.

Ying Xi lightly tapped his fingers, and in the crowd, the body of a master of the Purple Mansion suddenly exploded.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say."

Not waiting for Yingxi to start counting again.

Nan Xiuwen spoke out first.

"You said."

Yingxi smiled.

It seems that the effect is good.

"Your Majesty, I'm here just out of curiosity, and I want to see what the Great Qin Palace looks like that has been rumored recently."

Nan Xiuwen spoke frankly.

He came here for no other purpose.

Therefore, he was not afraid of what Yingxi would do to him.

After all, until now, he asked himself that he should not have offended Emperor Qin, right?

At least, no crime, right?

Anyway, without a valid reason, Qin Huang probably wouldn't touch him, right?
Thinking in his heart, Nan Xiuwen began to comfort himself crazily.

"Your Majesty, so do I."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Beiyang Qiu should hurry up and make a statement.

An innocent expression on his face, indicating that he really didn't have any wrong thoughts about Da Qin.

"Oh? Really?"

"Why did I hear before that you two are here to represent Nandou Sword Sect and Beidou Sword Sect to be my ministers?"

They wanted to get out of the matter, but it didn't mean that Yingxi would simply let them go.

He glanced at the two of them playfully.

Ying Xi's words made Nan Xiuwen and Bei Yangqiu's heart skip a beat.

Looking at each other, the bitterness in their eyes was even worse than before.

He said silently in his heart, if there were no accidents, it would not be so easy for the two of them to leave safely today.

Sure enough, this Great Qin Palace, just like the rumors from the outside world, is an abyss that devours people!
"Your Majesty, did you hear me wrong? The two of us are here to represent Nandou Jianzong and Beidou Jianzong, and congratulate you on restarting the Grand Court Assembly."

After a haha, Nan Xiuwen avoided the important and ignored it, trying to get away with it.

"You said me, did you hear me wrong?"

"Are you mocking my bad ears?"

Hearing this, Nan Xiuwen and Bei Yangqiu were completely dumbfounded.

What is this with what?
Could it be
With this big hat put on, the two of them were not stupid, and soon realized that if they didn't make a statement, they would have to face Qin Huang's thunderous wrath in the next moment.

Immediately, the two of them were scared to death.

Especially Nan Xiuwen, he was traumatized by Yingxi's coercion before, and he still has lingering fears in his heart.

"Don't dare, dare not, I made a slip of the tongue."

"I implore Your Majesty to forgive me."

"I am indeed here to honor His Majesty on behalf of Nandou Sword Sect."

Nan Xiuwen shivered, as if it was a decision, he agreed verbally first.

As for how to explain to Nandou Jianzong after going back, he has no time to think about it.

In any case, let's get through the immediate hurdle first, and let's talk after surviving.

"My minister, Nan Xiuwen, I greet Your Majesty, Your Majesty is safe."

As he said that, he made another big gift to Ying Xi.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty. I also come here to pay homage to Your Majesty on behalf of Beidou Jianzong."

"Wei Chen, Beiyang Qiu, I greet Your Majesty, Your Majesty is safe."

Beiyang Qiu followed suit, and hurriedly followed suit.

Anyway, he has already decided that as long as Nan Xiuwen doesn't die, he will advance and retreat with Nan Xiuwen.

In this way, he will have something to say when the Zongmen inquires about the crime in the future.

No matter how bad it is, he can still have a sympathetic Nan Xiuwen.

"Those who know the current affairs are outstanding, very good, I appreciate people like you."

The corners of Yingxi's mouth were slightly drawn.

Today's court meeting was much smoother than he had imagined.

"Ding, congratulations, you successfully forced Nan Xiuwen and Beiyang Qiu to surrender, and the panel of civil and military officials took advantage of the opportunity to include them in the panel list."

"Ding, in order to prevent the two from rebelling, the panel of civil and military officials planted the hearts of loyal dogs in Nan Xiuwen and Bei Yangqiu in time."

"Ding, because Nan Xiuwen and Bei Yangqiu verbally represented Nandou Jianzong, and Beidou Jianzong proclaimed to you. Although you can't use this to control the two major sword sects, you can greatly plunder the luck of the two major sword sects."

"Ding, all the boards took action together to plunder the luck of the two major sword sects. They successfully plundered 30.00% of the luck of the Nandou Jianzong and 30.00% of the luck of the Beidou Jianzong."

"Ding, congratulations, you have successfully obtained feedback on the two major sword sect exercises."

"Ding, there is an unknown error in the feedback of the exercise, you have obtained the Ten Absolute Sword Bone!"

[Ten Absolute Sword Bone: A kind of natural sword bone. According to legend, Dacheng’s Ten Absolute Sword Bone can be used to derive ten true meanings of the way of swordsmanship. Its importance is still higher than that of natal supernatural powers.]

"Ding, congratulations, you have successfully fused the Ten Absolute Sword Bone, and your sword practice speed has increased a hundredfold."

"Ding, after absorbing a huge amount of luck, your "Nine Suns Cooking Sea Jue" has advanced No. 13, your "Little Five Elements Emperor Jue" has advanced No. 13, and your "Nine Yin Xuanming Jing" The tenth stage of advancement, your "Holy Light Vajra Jue" is the tenth stage of advancement, and your "Danxin Qidian" is the tenth stage of advancement."


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(End of this chapter)

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