Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 118 Indeterminate Buddha Bone, Three-Eyed Devil Snake Body

Chapter 118 Indeterminate Buddha Bone, Three-Eyed Demon Snake Body
[Absorption Dafa: Heaven-level middle-grade exercises, during reincarnation, this exercise has also undergone unknown mutations, and the exercises are divided into twelve layers]

"Ding, congratulations, you have successfully synchronized "Suction Dafa" to the No.12 weight."

Stepping forward casually, Ying Xi disliked the young man for being too noisy, so he slapped him unconscious with a palm and began to search for his soul.

"Nangong Hao, you are courting death!"

After searching the soul, Yingxi knew everything.

This young son's name is Nan Gongyu, and he is Nan Gonghao's loyal dog leg.

This time, Nangong Hao specially invited three Dharma Aspects to deal with Nangong Qingyin. At this moment, Nangong Qingyin was trapped in the backyard of Yanshuiju.

"Ding, it was detected that Nan Gongyu was carrying the Wuding Buddha bone, and the Buddhist door panel asked you if you want to peel it off."

"Ding, the Buddhist door panel reminds you that you can fuse this indeterminate Buddha bone, and it will have a great effect on your Buddhist skills."

"Peel off."

"Ding, the Buddhist door panel has stripped the Wuding Buddha bone from Nangong Yu's body, and it has been stored in the system space, and you can use it at any time."


After killing Nan Gongyu with a random palm, Ying Xi led his men towards the backyard in stride.


Zhu ignored it, the four secret agents did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly followed Yingxi to the backyard.

One into the backyard.

Ying Xi saw that the small attic where he met Nangong Qingyin before was already surrounded by groups.

Above the void, there are three great auras besieging an old woman.

Not surprisingly, this should be Grandma Faxiangjinghua who has been secretly protecting Nangong Qingyin.

Outside the small attic, at this moment, the side protecting the small attic has suffered heavy casualties, and is gradually losing its hold.

Not long after, I heard a man with a strange face shouting into the small attic: "Nangong Qingyin, come out quickly, let your brother and I be very pampered, in the future, you and I will be in charge of Yanshuiju together, It's not impossible."

"Nangonghao, you are really a beast."

In the small attic, Nangong Qingyin rushed out, her eyes were full of hatred.

Nangong Hao, Nangong Qingyin's real brother, actually wanted to plot against her.

This is simply a beast!

"Heh, bitch, do you think you can stand up if you rely on Emperor Qin?"

"Tell you, today, I will take you down. In the future, I will help the Marquis of Dongshan, send troops to Xianyang, capture Emperor Qin alive, and let you see with your own eyes how he was beaten into a dog by me."

Nangong Hao pointed at Nangong Qingyin, his words were frivolous to the extreme.

"I will beat you into a dead dog today!"

Hearing this, Yingxi rose straight into the sky, came to Nangong Qingyin, faced Nangonghao, and shouted heavily, with awe-inspiring murderous intent.

"Emperor Qin?"

"It seems that Nangong Yu and the twenty Dongtian realms under his command are all trash, and even you haven't been able to stop them."

"However, it doesn't matter, Mr. Zhang, kill him."

No matter how powerful Yingxi was rumored by the outside world, Nan Gonghao didn't believe it anyway.

He thought to himself, no matter how strong Ying Xi is, it is impossible for him to be stronger than the Faxiang Realm.

First of all, he was surprised that Yingxi was able to kill Nan Gongyu and his twenty Dongtians.

Afterwards, he gave instructions to an old man behind him without hesitation.

That's right.

In fact, this time, in order to complete the lore of Nangong Qingyin.

He has prepared four Dharma Aspect Realms.

Now, the three Dharma Aspects are besieging Grandma Hua. It can be seen that Grandma Hua is already scarred and almost unable to support her.

Zhang Lao is also a Faxiang Realm, Nan Gonghao believes that as long as Zhang Lao makes a move, Qin Huang will undoubtedly die.

"Oh, die for me!"

Mr. Zhang is only at the first level of Faxiang Realm, and Ying Xi doesn't pay attention to him at all.

Flying dragon in the sky!

hold head high!
With a random slap, the old man didn't even have time to react, so he was blasted into a cloud of blood mist.


Nangong Haodeng was so shocked that his face turned pale.

Mr. Zhang is the supreme master of the Faxiang Realm!

Just like that, Qin Huang Yingxi just killed him with a palm at will?

How can it be?

Could it be that the rumors are true?
Thinking of the Great Court Meeting, it was widely rumored that Yingxi, on top of the Great Court Meeting, suppressed Shaolin Temple Guangzhi and Longhushan Chongyangzi with his own strength.

If this is true, isn't he finished today?

Thinking of this, Nangong Hao couldn't help backing back again and again, as if staying away from Ying Xi could give him enough sense of security.

"Slaves welcome Your Majesty, Your Majesty Wan An!"

At this time, Nangong Qingyin was already moved to tears.

Regardless of the face of Fairy Qingyin, she saluted Yingxi in public, almost prostrate on the ground.

What a fine licking dog.


"You slut is willing to degenerate!"

"Yan Shuiju's face has been completely lost by you."

Hearing Nangong Qingyin's words, Nangong Hao immediately became startled, and even forgot his fear of Yingxi for a while.

He was really astonishing, he couldn't imagine that Nangong Qingyin, whom he had been asking for all along, would voluntarily serve Yingxi as his master?
This made his heart instantly unbalanced and completely distorted.

"Hmph! Noisy!"

Ying Xi slammed out his palm, which directly knocked Nangong Hao unconscious.

"Zhu Wushi, why are you still standing there, kill me!"

Giving instructions to Zhu Wushi and the others, Yingxi glanced at the battle in the void again. Grandma Hua is a second-level Dharma Aspect, and there are three besieging Grandma Hua, two second-level Dharma Aspects, and one first-level Dharma Aspect.

To Yingxi, it was nothing!
Just when Ying Xi was going to kill the three of them directly, he suddenly remembered the Dafa of changing the sky and striking the earth.

Ever since, he decided to try the power of the Great Law of Changing Heaven and Strike Earth.

Change the sky and strike the earth!

In an instant, a spiritual sword condensed in Yingxi's mind.

The spiritual sword is invisible and invisible, and it cuts directly into the mind of a double-layered dharma, piercing through his mind in just an instant.


The Dharma Phase Duo fell to the ground without a sound.

Grandma Hua, who was still fighting, and the two people who were besieging immediately felt a burst of horror.

Especially the two people who besieged Grandma Hua, they didn't know what happened just now, they died just like that after a good Dharma Phase Double Layer?

Whispering to himself, Ying Xi once again condensed the sword of spirit, and in less than ten breaths, the two dharma realms that besieged Grandma Hua lost all consciousness and died.

"Ding, your "Dafa of Changing the Sky and Earth" has successfully killed three Dharma Aspect Realms, and I feel very satisfied. After advancing to the realm of Xiaocheng, "Dafa of Changing the Sky and Strike the Earth" is eager to kill more Dharma Aspect Realms."

"Ding, it was detected that Nangong Hao has the body of a three-eyed snake. The panel of civil and military officials can help you peel it off. Would you like to peel it off?"

"Peel off."

"Ding, congratulations, the panel of civil and military officials has successfully stripped the body of the three-eyed snake for you, and it is now stored in the system space, and you can use it at any time."


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(End of this chapter)

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