Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 127 Blood Feud of the Beggar Gang, 9 Yin Tearing Wind Claws

Chapter 127

Jiangnan Road, Xu'an City.

Today, everyone in the beggar gang is extremely vigilant.

The ten-day period that Guo Jing set for the last time in the Li Mansion compound in Changlong City was today.

In fact, since the past few days, people from all the major families in Jiangnan Road have come to Xu An City.

It's just that everyone gathered in the inn, and no one came to surrender to the beggar gang.

They were together in groups of three or four, as if they were waiting for something.

Today, the ten-day period has come.

Guo Jing had a premonition that something was going to happen, so early in the morning, he told the Beggar Gang to be vigilant enough.

He always felt that the Murong family of Great Yan Kingdom would never forget what happened last time.

Very likely, today, the Murong family will come to attack.

"Deputy Chief Guo, according to your instructions, we have built a temporary site in the center of Xu'an City, and many family heads have already stepped into this temporary site."

Wu Qingfeng respectfully came to Guo Jing and reported.

Now, in the beggar gang, it can be said that no one dissatisfied with Guo Jing.

Wu Qingfeng respected Guo Jing even more.

Even if Guo Jing is his junior.

He also didn't have the slightest thought of relying on the old to sell the old.

"Go, come in with me."

Those who should come will definitely come, and Guo Jing has no intention of running away.

When even got up, it was time for him to take charge of the overall situation.

After all, in today's beggar gang, before the three of Xiao Feng return, the others are still far from being able to take charge of the overall situation.


When Guo Jing appeared at the temporary venue.

All the heads of the family stood up to greet them one after another.

Although, many people who came here today are not convinced, and there are even many people who do not have other crooked thoughts in their hearts.

However, when Guo Jing faced him, no one dared to act presumptuously.

They still vividly remember the scene of Guo Jingzhen killing Murong's Faxiang Realm that day.

Facing such a strong man, they dare not act recklessly.

"Everyone, since you are all here, you have already made a decision."

"Now, hand over your surrender letter."

Guo Jing stood in the center of the field, waved his sleeves, and spoke domineeringly.

There is no room left for the major families.

Anyway, in Guo Jing's view, none of these families in Jiangnan Road could pose a threat to him or the Beggars' Clan.

"Guo Jing, don't you think that you alone can overwhelm Jiangnan Dao?"

Sure enough, the surprise that Guo Jing expected came.

A Faxiangjing suddenly stepped out from the edge of the field.

The imposing manner of a body with double Dharma Aspect Realm is quite extraordinary.

"who are you?"

Guo Jing was not in a hurry when he was mentally prepared.

At the moment, he asked in a deep voice.

"Danny Zhang!"

As soon as Zhang Danian's name was heard, there was a burst of ebullition in the crowd.

At the same time, among the beggar gang, all the elders headed by Wu Qingfeng glared at Zhang Danian, and the light of hatred in their pupils was extremely strong.

Zhang Danian, this is not a simple character.

Xu Feng, the previous leader of the Beggar Gang, was killed by this New Year's sneak attack. After that, with the death of Xu Feng, the last Dharma Aspect of the Beggar Gang, the Beggar Gang officially went downhill.

The majestic Seven Gangs of the World, the Beggars' Gang, didn't even have a Dharma Realm, which directly put the Beggars' Gang in danger of being expelled from the Seven Gangs of the World.

Until recently, with the appearance of Xiao Feng, Hong Qigong, and Guo Jing, the situation of the Beggar Clan was greatly improved.

Therefore, now, all the elders of the beggar gang wish to eat Zhang Danian alive.

"Guo deputy leader, this thief killed Xu Feng, the previous leader of my beggar gang. Please also help the leader to capture this thief. I will kill this thief and avenge the leader Xu Feng."

When the time came, Wu Qingfeng and other elders of the Beggar Gang knelt down to Guo Jing, begging Guo Jing to avenge Xu Feng.

"it is good!"

Guo Jing did not expect that Zhang Da Nian would still have such hatred for the Beggar Gang.

At that moment, Guo Jing did not hesitate at all, and directly agreed to the request of Wu Qingfeng and others.

"Hahaha, just right, today I will kill another Faxiang Realm member of your beggar gang, so that your beggar gang will never rise again!"

Zhang Danian was not afraid at all, he laughed wildly, implying that he wanted to kill Guo Jing on the spot.


With a heavy hum, Guo Jing's pupils showed murderous intent.

Dragons fight in the wild!

Guo Jing's legs sank, and he pushed horizontally with one palm!
After entering the realm of Dharma, this style, in his hands, is even more proficient.

The dark yellow dragon's blood, wrapped in a ferocious dragon shadow, roared upwards.

With the blessing of the left and right mutual fighting secret method, the power of this palm is doubled!
"Nine Yin Tearing Wind Claw!"

Under one claw, the wind howled, and the yin energy swept in madly.

In the void, the chaotic gray gas condensed into a giant claw several feet long, with the murderous intent to tear everything apart, trying to tear the ferocious dragon shadow into pieces.

hold head high!
The giant dragon roared, the earth trembled, the giant claws raged, and the wind rose in the sky.

For a while, it was difficult for the two sides to tell the winner.

Guo Jing's expression couldn't help but become more dignified. This Zhang Danian is not simple, he was promoted to the Faxiang Realm with a hundred caves, and he also engraved his natal supernatural powers.

Although I don't know the level of the inscribed natal supernatural powers, but, judging from this type of fight, Guo Jing concluded that it will never be lower than the heavenly rank!
It's no wonder that Guo Jing, with 150 caves, is inscribed with the posture of heaven-rank top-grade natal supernatural powers promoted to the realm of dharma, but he still can't suppress Zhang Danian.

You know, Guo Jing can easily suppress it at the second level of the ordinary law state!

"Cave vision, open!"

Thinking of this, Guo Jing no longer stayed behind, and the 150 dharma forms turned into a shocking vision, manifesting the void.

The majestic general trend was overwhelming in an instant, and the power of the dragon doubled again!
hold head high!
Not good!

Zhang Danian immediately wanted to escape directly.

What a joke, one hundred and fifty caves, and engraved with the supernatural powers of the heavenly rank, he is definitely not an opponent!
Even if, he is still a big realm higher than Guo Jing.


But will Guo Jing let him go?

Obviously not!

As the several zhang giant claws were smashed to pieces by the giant dragon, the dragon's shadow rushed and turned into a terrifying palm, hitting Zhang Dahou's heart.

Kneeling down on the ground, Zhang Danian's face was full of unwillingness, but he had no chance to come back.

"I leave it to you to deal with!"

Guo Jing stepped forward and mercilessly destroyed Zhang Danian's dantian, throwing it to Wu Qingfeng and others like a dog.

"Ding, Guo Jing suppressed Zhang Danian, the blood feud of the beggar gang. The gang panel is very interested, and I will synchronize Zhang Danian's top-level martial arts "Nine Yin Tearing Wind Claw" for you."

[Nine Yin Tearing Wind Claws: The best martial skill of the king rank. According to legend, in ancient times, someone practiced it to the extreme, and could tear the sky, which is extremely terrifying.]

"Ding, you have successfully synchronized, "Nine Yin Tearing Wind Claws" has passed the entry level and directly reached the realm of great achievement."


[Four more, ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward~]

(End of this chapter)

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