Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 134 Swallowing 2 Major Physiques, Promoted to the 5th Layer of the Cave

Chapter 134 Swallow two major physiques and promote to the fifth level of the cave

Knowing the cause and effect, Ying Xi also felt relieved.

At the same time, he had some calculations in his mind.

He seemed to be able to support Jiang Yueying's successor to the Renzong, so that he could extend his hand into the Renzong until he took control of the Renzong.

As for the Marquis of Dongshan and Yuanyang Taoist Palace, Ying Xi didn't take it too seriously.

First of all, Dongshanhou is the target that Yingxi must destroy.

As far as Yuanyang Taoist Palace is concerned, as long as he doesn't risk his life to provoke Yingxi, Yingxi won't have time to talk to him for the time being.

Ying Xi's main energy now is to focus on taking over Zhongzhou again.

"Your Majesty, in a month's time, it will be the Renzong Inheritance Ceremony."

"Because of Yuanyang Taoist Palace, maybe Renzong will choose a successor again."

"Look, after a month, I want to go to Renzong to fight."

After becoming Yingxi's licking dog, Jiang Yueying also directly handed over the decision-making power to Yingxi.

In her mind, there were no more complicated thoughts than before.

For her now, Yingxi's orders are everything.

"Go, why not go?"

Ying Xi quickly gave the answer.

Since Yingxi wanted to control Renzong, Jiang Yueying's identity as the contemporary successor of Renzong must not be lost.

She must accept the Renzong inheritance.


After getting an affirmative answer, Jiang Yueying respectfully accepted the order.

"By the way, Your Majesty, I still have a detailed list of the big and small forces in Beilin Dao."

As if thinking of something again, Jiang Yueying took out another list and handed it to Yingxi.

This was the bargaining chip she originally wanted to negotiate with Yingxi, and all the forces and forces in the entire Beilin Road were on this list.


After receiving the list, Ying Xi smiled with satisfaction.

With this detailed list, he will save a lot of trouble.

"Okay, if there is nothing else, you can retreat."

Waving his hands, Ying Xi felt the restlessness of the Heavenly Mandate Emperor Body in his body, and he also planned to take advantage of the time to swallow the Three-eyed Demon Snake Body and Qingyue Dao Body first.


After Shangguan Haitang and Jiang Yueying retreated, Ying Xi directed the system directly and said, "System, immediately extract the three-eyed demon snake body and Qingyue Tao body from me."

"Ding, the Three-Eyed Demon Snake Body and Qingyue Dao Body have been extracted."

"Give it to me to devour."

No longer suppressing the desire of the Mandate of Heaven, the Emperor of Heaven began to devour it with all its strength.

Ying Xi's whole body was vaguely filled with strands of pure Dao rhyme.

In the dao rhyme, there is also a phantom of the three-eyed demon snake, which evolves into a terrifying magic.

Ying Xi could clearly perceive that in the process of continuous devouring, the body of the Mandate of Heaven had greatly improved.

This is enough to show that the three-eyed demon snake body and the Qingyue Dao body are not ordinary physiques, they are very strong!
After a long time, Ying Xi felt that the body of the Mandate of Heaven had almost been swallowed up.

Then he ordered to the system again: "System, please extract the Wuding Buddha bone immediately."

"Ding, the Wuding Buddha bone has been extracted."

"Give me fusion."

Suddenly, the Buddha's light suddenly appeared.

The moment the Wuding Buddha bone merged into Yingxi's body, the entire hall was illuminated by Buddha's light.

At this moment, Yingxi is even more majestic, like a reincarnated Buddha.

In an instant.

This terrifying power of Buddha actually spread to the entire Tianluo City.

"Buddha bless."

As soon as the time came, the people in Tianluo City actually knelt down towards the main hall where Yingxi was located, begging incomparably devoutly.

Sensing these prayers, something even more miraculous happened. The indeterminate Buddha bones in Yingxi's body unexpectedly bloomed with buddha lotus, when the buddha lotus filled the entire Tianluo City.

In Tianluo City, everything rejuvenated, and the wounded and sick all miraculously returned to normal.

Even those who were on the verge of death were given new life.

For a while, the people in Tianluo City all thought that the real Buddha came to the world.

It was not until a long time later that Yingxi completely fused the Wuding Buddha bone, that all the visions completely dissipated.

"Ding, congratulations, while devouring the body of the three-eyed demon snake, clearing the body of the moon, and merging the bones of the indeterminate Buddha, you once again transformed a hundred purple mansions into a cave, and successfully promoted to the fifth level of the cave."

"Ding, the five hundred caves in your body have all successfully inscribed the supernatural powers of your destiny: Xuansha Heavenly Ghost, Devil Dragon True Body, Haoran Jiangshan, Taiyi Body Entry Edition, Angry King Kong."

Feeling the soaring power in her body, Ying Xi's eyes dimmed, and she slowly fell into thought.

Today, the fusion of the Wuding Buddha's bone caused too much noise, and Yingxi expected that it would spread all over the world soon.

At that time, it must be rainy and windy.

Xiangxi Road, in the Baigu Mountain Range.

These days, Dongfang Bubai has been wandering inside, trying to find the secrets of the recovery of bones.

Unfortunately, she still got nothing.

Of course, she didn't do nothing all the time.

In the outside world, there are many so-called upright people in Xiangxi Road. After learning that she is still in the White Bone Mountain Range, people continue to enter the White Bone Mountain Range and try to kill her.

One by one, they all advertised that they were doing justice for the heavens and beheading the oriental devil.

It made Dongfang Bubai feel ridiculous.

Since he was also one of them, he sent them to see the King of Hades.

at this time.

Dongfang Bubai felt a terrifying chill coming from his surroundings.

"You are Dongfang Bubai, the illegitimate daughter of that old man Dongfang Wentian?"

The hoarse voice reached Dongfang Bubai's ears, causing Dongfang Bubai's pupils to shrink suddenly.

With such a terrifying aura, Dongfang Bubai can be sure that it is definitely an existence above the third level of the Faxiang Realm.

Faced with such an existence, even if she had 250 holes in the sky, it would be very difficult to engrave the two natal supernatural powers into the advanced law realm.

"who are you?"

When he saw an old woman with a cold face, leaning on crutches, approaching step by step, Dongfang's eyes sharpened sharply, and he shouted.

"Who am I?"

"You probably haven't heard of me."

"But, today, I came here to kill you, so I want you to be a sensible ghost, old Yin Demon Sect, Shangguan Yin'e."

The Yin Demon Sect is also one of the Nine Prison Demons.

The name Shangguan Yin'e made countless people in the Jianghu terrified when they heard about it decades ago.

This is a female devil who kills without blinking an eye.

She was also chased and killed by Shaolin Temple, Yuanyang Dao Palace and other righteous forces, but she actually killed two masters of the Dharma Xiangjing in Shaolin Temple. Since then, many people even threatened to kill her, but most Thunder, little rain.

"Shangguan Yin'e, did you come to kill me because Dongfang asked the genius?"

Dongfang Bubai's eyes are tiny.

She has never had any enmity with the Yin Mozong, let alone offended Shangguan Yin'e.

Then Shangguan Yin'e's coming to kill her must have something to do with Dongfang Wentian.

"That's right, it's because of that old thing Dongfang Wentian."

"Back then, the day Dongfang Wentian abandoned me, I swore that as long as Dongfang Wentian had descendants, I would kill them."

"I want Dongfang Wentian to cut off all children and grandchildren."

As she said that, Shangguan Yin'e's face showed a hint of madness.


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(End of this chapter)

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