Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 139 The Magic Saber Fu Hongxue, 8 Dragon Subduing Palms Advanced

Chapter 139 Demon Sword Fu Hongxue, Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms Advanced

Longwu Road, Anwu Mansion.

Outside Anwuhou's mansion, demonic flames lingered.

Inside the mansion, Jia Xu's eyes dimmed slightly.

Today's him, although his realm has improved somewhat during this period of time, he is only at the seventh level of the cave.

But the outside world is coming from the realm of the Seven Absolute Demon Palace.

Forcibly fighting, he is definitely not an opponent.

Even if it is a sneak attack with poison, it is difficult to kill the enemy.

In the mind, all kinds of thoughts frantically surged.

Jia Xu tried to find a way to break the situation.

"An Wuhou, if you don't get out of this deity, you dare to kill my son. Today, this deity will slaughter your entire Anwuhou mansion!"

The roar of the outside world came to his ears, and a strange look flashed across Jia Xu's face.

He never thought of it.

The subordinate An Wuhou he killed before claimed to be a member of Qijue Demon Palace.

There is even a Faxiangjing father.

"Master Jia Xu, what should we do?"

An Wuhou is now like an ant on a hot pot.

Scared to death.

He was afraid that the Faxiang Realm from outside would rush in and wipe out the whole family of Marquis Anwu's mansion.

"Don't panic, let me think again, you arrange people to evacuate from the secret passage in your house first."

Jia Xu waved his hand and frowned.

Although the outside world's Seven Absolute Demonic Realms are approaching menacingly, he is only one person after all.

As long as An Wuhou arranges carefully.

Most people in Anwuhou Mansion should be able to escape through the secret path first.

As for him, if it doesn't work, he also plans to slip away first.

After all, he Jia Xu, the first-class method in his previous life was to save his life.

Jia Xu has a lot of experience in saving his life.

No way, especially his poisonous plan.

"Death to the deity!"

However, Jia Xu didn't wait to think about it.

The Faxiang Realm of the Qijue Demon Palace was killed.

The guards of Anwuhou Mansion were all beaten into blood mist.

"Ding, you dare to be presumptuous in the mere Qijue magic palace's magic state, and the panel of civil and military officials is really hard to see."

"Ding, in the cycle of reincarnation, Fu Hongxue, the magic knife of revenge, reached an agreement with the panel of civil and military officials and decided to be born."

"Ding, Fu Hongxue has already been demonized, and his strength has doubled. With the help of civil and military officials, he has reached the third level of the Realm of the Realm."

"Ding, guided by the power of destiny from the Mandate of Heaven, Fu Hongxue has obtained a native identity."

[Name: Demonization · Fu Hongxue]

【Affiliation: Legend of Martial Arts】

[Martial Arts Qualification: Monstrous Level]

[Martial Arts Potential: Nine Stars]

【Martial Dao Realm: The Third Stage of the Faxiang Realm】

[Identity: Abandoned from the Seven Absolute Demon Palace 18 years ago]

"You are An Wuhou, right?"

Qijue Magic Palace Faxiangjing looked at Jia Xu and smiled coldly.

He saw that Jia Xu was extraordinary, but the real Marquis An Wu was already in chaos.

When the time came, he recognized Jia Xu as Marquis An Wu.

"who are you?"

Jia Xu didn't answer the question instead.

"Forget it, the deity will let you be a sensible ghost."

"I, Mo Dahua, the Qijue Demon Palace, Mo Fan, who died in your house before, is my only son."

"I really want to know why you killed my son, and why you dare to kill my son. Could it be that my son didn't tell you that he is from the Qijue Demon Palace?"

Mo Dahua glanced at Jia Xu, as if looking at a dead person.

However, he also had doubts in his heart.

He didn't understand, relying on a mere An Wuhou.

Even if he knew that Qijue Demon Palace was plotting against him, why would he dare to kill his son?

Jia Xu smiled.

To be honest, he has never really cared about Qijue Demon Palace.

Because, he knew that with his majesty's development speed, it wouldn't take long to easily overthrow the Qijue Demon Palace.

"If you don't answer, you will die!"

Mo Dahua obviously didn't have much patience.

Seeing that Jia Xu was silent, he drew his sword and wanted to kill Jia Xu.

"Draw a knife in front of me, you are not worthy!"

In the void, an extremely domineering voice suddenly came out.

Just as you can see, a flash of knife light pierces the sky, like a shooting star, stunning the world.

When the knife falls, people die!

Mo Dahua didn't even see where the saber light came from, and he had already returned to the underworld.

It's sad and deplorable, a person with a Dharma Aspect Realm at the first level is easily killed by someone with a single blow.

"Fu Hongxue, I have met Lord Jia Xu."

Fu Hongxue stood tall in the void, like a knife, like a knife.

The momentum of the magic knife seemed to have already merged with Fu Hongxue.

The other person is a magic knife, a magic knife that can be drawn out of its sheath to see blood at any time!

"Thank you."

Jia Xu is also a gift of return.

The reason why he didn't have the slightest thought of running away or resisting later.

It was entirely because he had felt that Fu Hongxue was born.

This crisis is over.

"Farewell, for some reasons, I need to kiss Qijue Demon Palace to end it."

After being born this time, after Fu Hongxue gained a native identity, he naturally had a lot of karma with Qijue Demon Palace.

This time, Fu Hongxue wanted to kiss Qijue Demon Palace and settle all grievances with the knife in his hand.

"Ding, Fu Hongxue instantly killed Mo Dahua of the Qijue Demon Palace with a single blow, and because of his local status, the Demon Dao panel conveniently plundered 5.00% of Qijue Demon Palace's Qi Luck."

"Ding, congratulations, you have successfully obtained the feedback of the exercises, and you have been introduced to the magic palm of Qijue."

[Seven Absolute Devil's Palm: King-rank top-grade exercises, the untold secret of the Seven Absolute Devil's Palace]

"Ding, Qijue Demon Palm and Qianye Tathagata Palm, one demon and one Buddha, hate each other. When they meet, they will fight to the death."

"Ding, because Qianye Tathagata's palm has a higher realm, it has the upper hand. For a while, it mocked Qijue Demon Palm."

"Ding, the Devil's Palm of the Seven Absolutes is deeply demonic, how can I bear this kind of grievance, even holding Qianye Tathagata's palm and shouting that we will die together."

"Ding, as the Qijue Demon Palm went berserk, it didn't take long for Qianye Tathagata Palm and Qijue Demon Palm to be both injured and dying."

"Ding, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms seized the opportunity and stretched out the hand of An Lushan. Without respecting the morals of the world, they took advantage of Qianye Tathagata Palm and Qijue Demon Palm to swallow them forcefully."

"Ding, after the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms devoured Qianye Tathagata Palm and Qijue Demon Palm, he successfully advanced to the top-rank king rank."

"Ding, although the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are advanced, but I don't want to change the name, it is still called the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, but the power is vastly different from before."

"Ding, your "Dan Ling Heart Sutra" took advantage of the many exercises to condemn the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms for not emphasizing martial arts, and swallowed all your luck."

"Ding, washed away by luck, your "Dan Ling Heart Sutra" has advanced to the eighth stage."

Changchuan Mansion.

After sending Xuanfa and Ji Yuangang into the heavenly prison.

Yingxi's reputation rose again.

Wherever the Changchuan Mansion passed, forces of all sizes bowed their heads one after another.

The gang panel and the aristocratic panel are also constantly being recorded, and they are extremely busy.

In short, along the way, very smooth.

Ying Xi was also happy and relaxed.

"Your Majesty, there is no big force in Changchuan Mansion. It seems that we can take Changchuan Mansion very quickly."

The situation was so good, Shangguan Haitang couldn't help but relax a lot.


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(End of this chapter)

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