Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 152 Medicine King Sun Simiao, Destiny of the First Life

Chapter 152 Medicine King Sun Simiao, Destiny of One Life

Temporary palace, inner hall.

Not long after, Shangguan Haitang was seen slowly entering the room with an old man in white robes.

"Old man Zhang Yinian, I pay my respects to Your Majesty."

The owner of the Danwu Pavilion seems to have done his homework in advance.

There is nothing wrong with etiquette.

He knelt down and saluted Ying Xi directly.

It seems that Danwu Pavilion came here today with sincerity.


Toss it with a peach and return it with a plum.

Since Zhang Yinian came here with good intentions, he didn't do anything presumptuous.

Even Ying Xi didn't intend to embarrass Zhang Yinian.

He was very curious about what kind of conditions Zhang Yi Nian would put forward.

"Your Majesty, the old man came here on behalf of the Danwu Pavilion."

"Today, I just want to ask His Majesty for a chance to make a bet."

Zhang Yinian did not procrastinate, and spoke sincerely.


"You said."

Ying Xi made a gesture of invitation to Zhang Yinian.


He felt rather interested.

"Your Majesty, my Danwu Palace has always worshiped alchemy experts, and there is nothing wrong with surrendering to alchemy experts."

"After one month, the Hall of the Medicine King will host the alchemy conference held every 30 years."

"Therefore, I would like to make a gentleman's agreement with Your Majesty."

"If Your Majesty can send someone to win the No. 1 Alchemy Dao Conference, then I, Danwu Pavilion, will directly submit to Your Majesty, and let Your Majesty take life or death."

"If Your Majesty can't send someone to win the No.1 of the Alchemy Dao Conference, then I, Danwu Pavilion, hope to retain the first-line sovereignty, but I will still pay tribute to Your Majesty every year. What does Your Majesty think?"

Zhang Yinian's bet is a bit interesting.

It also shows from the side that Danwu Pavilion has been inclined to accept fate and choose to surrender to Yingxi.

However, he didn't want to surrender completely, so he made this bet.

If Yingxi agrees to the bet.

They should be sure that the people sent by Yingxi will not be able to win the No. 1 alchemy conference.

In other words, they are sure that the people sent by Yingxi will not be able to win the No.1 of the alchemy conference.

In this way, their Danwu Pavilion can logically retain the first-line sovereignty.

This is undoubtedly a bet that can not see weapons, but is extremely beneficial to Danwu Pavilion.


At the first moment, Yingxi planned to refuse.

After all, he doesn't have a single alchemy talent under his command now.

It can be said that as long as you agree to make this bet.

It is equivalent to Yingxi acquiescing to give Danwu Pavilion first-line sovereignty.

Ying Xi fell into deep thought unconsciously.

On the issue of Danwu Pavilion, he really didn't want to use swords.

However, this is also conditional.

That was based on the premise that Danwu Pavilion was completely surrendered, and he didn't want to use weapons.

If Danwu Pavilion is unwilling to surrender.

Even if he just wanted to retain the first-line sovereignty, Yingxi couldn't rest assured.

Ying Xi was thinking about whether to do it or not.

"Ding, the bet from the Danwu Pavilion has aroused the fighting spirit of the Alchemy Tower."

"Ding, although the Alchemy Pagoda can't take action in person, the Alchemy Pagoda's status is extremely high. Under the command of the Alchemy Pagoda, Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, chose to be born under the order of the Alchemy Pagoda in the cycle of reincarnation."

"Ding, Medicine King Sun Simiao, in the cycle of reincarnation, entered martial arts with the way of medicine. The King of Medicine is on the throne, absorbing a lot of the power of the Blue Star Faith, and the initial state reaches the sixth level of the Dharma Realm."

[Name: Medicine King Sun Simiao]

【Affiliation: Eternal Heroes】

[Martial Arts Qualification: Monstrous Level]

[Martial Arts Potential: Nine Stars]

[Martial Dao Realm: Sixth Stage of the Faxiang Realm (Supreme Grand Master)]

Suddenly, Ying Xi's eyes lit up.

Medicine King Sun Simiao was born.

It seems that this bet is not a bet that must be lost.

He was willing to believe in Sun Simiao.

Alchemy Conference, heh, if Sun Simiao wins No.1 on behalf of Daqin.

Ying Xi can predict that by then, the whole world will be shaken by it.

Especially Yaowang Palace and Danwu Pavilion, their faces must be very exciting.

Thinking of this, Ying Xi directly said: "Yes, I agree to this bet."

"A month later, I will send people to the alchemy conference."

"So, the old man thanked His Majesty for his grace."

Hearing this, Zhang Yinian breathed a sigh of relief.

From his point of view, he naturally thought that this was Yingxi showing his kindness to Danwu Pavilion and making a compromise.

Through the situation of agreeing to the bet, Danwu Pavilion can take advantage of the trend to retain the first-line sovereignty.


With a slight forehead, Ying Xi guessed what Zhang Yinian was thinking.

But he also didn't mean to explain.

Everything, after a month, should be known.

In an exceptionally magnificent hall.

Faintly, even faint dragon chants could be heard.

Inside, there is an extremely extravagant desk.

The big dragon of the Qinglong Society, Jing Yulong, and the three dragons, Bai Xiaosheng, sit opposite each other.

"Bai Xiaosheng, I want to hear your explanation."

"Why, instead of stamping out the Beggar Gang as originally planned, you allowed the Beggar Gang to become powerful and occupy the entire Jiangnan Road in one fell swoop?"

Jing Yulong's voice seemed calm.

However, there is a terrifying anger brewing in it.

Bai Xiaosheng was slightly taken aback. He knew that if he couldn't give a reasonable explanation next, the great dragon chief might immediately cast down his thunderous fury.

At that time, I'm afraid, even if he is Bai Xiaosheng, the head of the three dragons of the Azure Dragon Association, his life and death will be unpredictable.

"Big dragon head."

"That's right, according to the calculation from the Tianji Pavilion."

"The Golden Dragon of Good Luck in the Great Qin Dynasty has been revived, far exceeding the time when the First Emperor was alive."

When Bai Xiaosheng spoke slowly, it seemed that he had nothing to do with the Beggar Gang.

However, this instantly caught Jing Yulong's attention.

"What did you say?"

Jing Yulong immediately frowned.

This news, seemingly unrelated, is actually very surprising.

Because, now in the world, everyone knows that the Beggar Gang has actually belonged to Qin Huang Yingxi.

It completely belongs to the power of Daqin.

The Great Qin Fortune Golden Dragon is flourishing, does this also mean that the Beggar Gang should use the Great Qin Fortune Golden Dragon to re-emerge?
"That's right, Big Dragon Head, you heard me right."

"The Luck Golden Dragon of the Great Qin Dynasty has reached an unprecedented peak."

"According to the full calculation of Tianji Pavilion, originally, the beggar gang should have lost its luck, and it should be removed from the world recently. However, since the luck of the beggar gang was connected with the luck of Daqin, the future of the beggar gang has completely become a mystery. Even the Tianji Pavilion can't be deduced."

"What's even more frightening is that the future of Daqin is already unpredictable. There is even an ancient existence in the Tianji Pavilion who paid the price with his life."

"It is deduced that Da Qin has the opportunity to fight for the fate of this life!"

As soon as Bai Xiaosheng said this.

When Jing Yulong reached the time, he stood up in shock.

"What did you say? Daqin is expected to compete for the fate of this life?"

All along, in the planning of the Azure Dragon Club, it has never been thought that Daqin has the opportunity to participate in the competition for the fate of this life.

But now. The Azure Dragon Society's long-standing plan may have a big change because of this.


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(End of this chapter)

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