Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 154 Earth Violent Bear, "The Heavenly Demon's Eclipse of the Sun"

Chapter 154 Earth Violent Bear, "The Heavenly Demon's Eclipse of the Sun" (Fifth Watch, please subscribe)

"Ding, after your "All Things Rejuvenate" slowly devoured the entry-level version of "Tai Yi Dao Zang", I felt a strange feeling."

"Ding, the introductory version of "Tai Yi Dao Zang" has a strange smile. He has successfully penetrated into "The Rejuvenation of All Things". From then on, there is me in you, and you in me."

"Ding, your "All Things Rejuvenate" yelled and cursed, but in the end it didn't help. You can only acquiesce in the terrible situation with the entry version of "Tai Dao Zang", one body and two souls."

"Ding, your "All Things Rejuvenate" has also naturally obtained everything in the entry version of "Tai Yi Dao Zang", directly advancing to the tenth stage."

Yingxi is here.

After making a bet with the owner of the Danwu Pavilion last time, there is no obstacle in Cangbei Road.

In the entire Cangbei Road, except for one Danwu Pavilion, the rest of the big and small forces are also completely included in the gang panel and the aristocratic panel.

So far, it can be said that Yingxi's personal conquest has yielded a lot.

The second of the seven roads in Zhongzhou, Beilin Road and Cangbei Road, are almost all in Yingxi's hands.

Shannan Road, the source of Wumo Mountain.

After killing the enemy one after another, both Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei chose to rest on the Yuanwu Demon Mountain for a while.

By the way, tidy up all the things that can be taken away in the Tianmo sect and take them away.

How to put it, the Heavenly Demon Sect is also one of the Nine Prison Demons, and after destroying its sect, the harvest is also great.

Suddenly, in the depths of Yuanwu Demon Mountain, it felt like a big earthquake.

For a moment, Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei sat up in surprise.

"Not good, Zilong, quickly lead the army to evacuate from Yuanwu Demon Mountain."

Together with Yukong, they looked into the distance.

Even Zhang Fei couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle.

Surprisingly, in the depths of the Yuanwu Demon Mountain, there are a large number of monsters galloping crazily toward the periphery.

Roughly estimated, no less than [-], and this number is still growing.

There are monsters down to the first level and up to the fifth level.

Especially the fifth-order monsters, which are comparable to the existence of the Faxiang Realm, Zhang Fei saw that there were quite a few of them at a glance.

"it is good!"

"The whole army listens to the order and evacuates at full speed, fast!"

Zhao Yun also did not dare to be sloppy at all.

At the moment, he was crazily tearing his throat and drinking again and again.

In an instant, tens of thousands of troops, under the command of Zhao Yun, quickly moved away from Yuanwu Demon Mountain.

Zhang Fei looked at the group of monsters that were getting closer.

His eyes flickered, and finally, Zhang Fei made a bold decision.

Shen Sheng said: "Zilong, the speed of the monster is too fast, I will stop it first and try to buy time for the army to retreat."

"then you?"

Zhao Yun's eyes were full of worry.

"It's okay, I'm sure."

Zhang Fei patted his chest and said.

He is very confident in his own strength.

He is confident that he can go deep into the group of monsters without being swallowed by them.

"Then be careful."

Zhao Yun nodded heavily and didn't say much.

He still has to seize the time and command the army to evacuate.

"Monster beast cubs, your grandpa Zhang is here too!"


With a burst of charge, Zhang Fei rushed into the galloping group of monsters.

But in just a short moment, Zhang Fei used one spear after another, cutting a bloody path among the torrent of monster beasts.

Soon, Zhang Fei's actions aroused the wrath of the monsters.

In time, the torrent of monsters stopped for Zhang Fei alone.

All the monsters rushed towards Zhang Fei crazily.

Zhang Fei was alone, among the monsters, blocking from left to right, and for a while, he was able to do so with ease.

Especially when these monsters were completely messed up because of their anger.

Some of them even started to collide with each other because they couldn't find Zhang Fei, causing accidental injuries one after another.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

At this time, Zhang Fei was already red-eyed.

Bathed in the blood of monsters all over his body, Zhang Fei's appearance was once breathtaking like that of a god.

It's a pity that at this moment, Zhang Fei is surrounded by a group of monsters.

The blood will only arouse their latent madness and make them attack Zhang Fei even more frantically.

At this moment, a terrifying roar suddenly came out.

I saw a giant bear, at least ten feet tall, stepping down, countless monsters would be trampled into meatloaf on the spot.

"Earth Bear!"

Zhang Fei has also studied some books in Tianmozong these days.

He is especially interested in books about monster records.

At this moment, he also recognized it at a glance.

This is a monster named Earth Violent Bear.

This is the absolute powerhouse among monsters, his physical strength is extremely tyrannical.

Adult earth storm bears are at least at the beginning of the fifth level, and their combat power is comparable to that of the third level of the magic phase.

Even, it is stronger than the general third level of Dharma Aspect Realm.

And Zhang Fei could clearly perceive the violent earth bear in front of him, which was actually comparable to the sixth level of Faxiang Realm.

In terms of combat power, I am afraid that Zhang Fei may not be his opponent.

After all, his physical strength is too terrifying.


Zhang Fei was even more excited when he saw the violent bear on the ground.

With a sharp whistle, the vision of the cave sky was fully in full bloom.

Two hundred caves, two natal supernatural powers.

All strength gathered in one shot.

This spear, as soon as it was stabbed, set off a burst of terrifying demonic flames, devouring all the monsters.

The violent earth bear slapped its chest vigorously.

Staring at Zhang Fei's shot, there was a hint of disdain in his pupils at the vague moment.

next moment.

When Zhang Fei's shot pierced through the chest of the Earth Violent Bear.

The Earth Violent Bear stared red, furious.

One palm after another, wanting to slap Zhang Fei to death.

That posture seemed to say that no one could hurt him before, Zhang Fei was the first, and he wanted to beat Zhang Fei into meatloaf!
And as the two continued to fight, the advancing pace of the monster group gradually stopped.

Zhao Yun also had enough time to lead the army to evacuate Yuanwu Moshan.

More and more monsters also died in the aftermath of the battle between the two.

"Ding, Zhang Fei wantonly killed a large number of monsters, and the monster panel successfully collected a large amount of monster energy."

"Ding, aware of your needs, the monster panel has specially transformed a large amount of monster energy into a large amount of monster perception."

"Ding, after impatiently absorbing a lot of insights from the demon way, your "Heavenly Demon Howling the Moon Kungfu" has successfully been promoted to the best king rank, and transformed into the best king rank kung fu "Sky Demon Eclipse Sun Jue"."

[Sky Demon Eclipse the Sun Jue: Wang-level top-grade exercise, advanced from "Sky Demon Xiaoyue Kungfu", the exercise is divided into fourteen layers]

"Ding, Zhang Fei is extremely quick to kill monsters. The monster panel rewards Zhang Fei in order to get more monster energy."

"Ding, after receiving a large amount of martial arts aura, Zhang Fei has entered the fifth level of the Dharma Aspect Realm."

"Ding, your "Heavenly Demon Eclipse Sun Jue" is eager to gain more understanding of the demon way to strengthen itself."


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(End of this chapter)

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