Chapter 167

"Pass down the order to let Guan Yu immediately lead [-] iron eagle warriors, Gao Shun led the [-] camps as the vanguard, and directly captured Tongtai City."

"Pass down my order to let Wang Jian lead ten thousand iron eagle warriors to attack Changchuan City immediately."

"Pass down my order to let Zhang Liao lead [-] iron eagle warriors immediately to take Wenxiang City for me."

"In addition, let Cao Zhengchun take the Daqin Supervisor Tiansi and the three thousand black-clothed arrows to the White Dragon Mansion, and fully cooperate with Zhu Wushi to inquire about all military situations."

Now, the five prefectures of Gyeonggi-do, except Bailong Mansion, the other four prefectures have been stabilized, large and small forces have also been included in the family panel and gang panel, so that Yingxi does not need to go too much Worrying about internal chaos.

Therefore, this time, the White Dragon Mansion held high the banner of rebellion.

Yingxi directly mobilized the main force of the four palaces.

Except for the iron eagle fighters Sima Cuo was training and the five thousand iron eagle fighters under Ma Chao's control, Ying Xi also used all the remaining [-] iron eagle fighters.


Hearing this, Shangguan Haitang felt startled.

She had a hunch that this time, it must be an extremely terrifying battle.

His majesty's attitude has already explained everything.

Never give up half a point.

This is the rhythm of resolutely crushing all the forces gathered in the White Dragon Mansion and holding high the anti-flag.

"Also, order Sima Cuo to train the iron eagle warriors with all his strength at all costs. I want to see the most iron eagle warriors in the shortest time."

Ying Xi ordered again in a deep voice.

Thirty-five thousand iron eagle sharp men have all been dispatched.

In his hands, he has no soldiers to use.

Therefore, he also paid special attention to Sima Cuo's military training.


After Shangguan Haitang wrote it down, she hurriedly turned around and went to deliver the order.

"Ding, after a long period of hard training, all Iron Eagle warriors have made breakthroughs in their realm."

[Tie Ying Ruishi: Between Tianyuan first level and Tianyuan third level]

[Centurion Iron Eagle: Between the first level of the Purple Mansion and the third level of the Purple Mansion]

[Tie Yingruishi commander: Between the first level of Dongtian and the third level of Dongtian]

[Tie Yingrui Shi Wanfu: Between the first level of Dharma appearance and the third level of Dharma appearance]

Not bad.

Ying Xi didn't expect it.

During this period of time, the iron eagle warriors have been able to make such great progress.

In particular, the existence of the Tie Yingrui Shi Wanfu, the Fa Xiangjing, was also born, which is remarkable.

Qianzhou, Renzong.

Today is exactly one month, the day when the Renzong Inheritance Ceremony begins.

Inside the huge mountain gate.

In the center of the square, there were only dozens of disciples standing in twos and threes.

Two of them stood at the forefront, and their auras were also the strongest.

One person is Jiang Yueying.

One person, named Ye Liangchen.

It was obvious that Ye Liangchen glanced at Jiang Yueying from time to time, deep in the corner of his eyes, there was a trace of evil, which could not be lingered away.


Jiang Yueying stared coldly.

She always felt that something was wrong with Ye Liangchen.

However, since Ye Liangchen is the Great Elder of Renzong, Lingxuanzi just brought him back not long ago.

Before Jiang Yueying had any evidence, she couldn't say much.

"I advise you to be quiet."

"Otherwise, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless."

Another time has passed.

Ye Liangchen became more and more unscrupulous, and the evil in his eyes became more vigorous.

Even, there is already a plan to make a move to Jiang Yueying.

At the moment, I can't bear it anymore, and I don't need to bear it anymore.

Jiang Yueying's eyes suddenly turned cold, and she said softly.

At the same time, the murderous intent in Jiang Yueying's heart suddenly rose.

In her opinion, she is already Qinhuang Yingxi's person.

Any other man who dares to think about her will die!
"Jiang Yueying, I know you, what are you so proud of?"

"Your father, Marquis Dongshan, is dead. Now you don't have any powerful support behind you, but you are just a lonely family."

"Also, you have been targeted by Yuan Qingzi of Yuanyang Taoist Palace, and sooner or later you will become his cauldron."

"Since that's the case, it's better to take advantage of me first."

"If you can serve me comfortably, it's not that I can't save you."

Unexpectedly, when Jiang Yueying opened her mouth, Ye Liangchen's tone was even more arrogant.

In those words, Jiang Yueying was completely ignored.

"you wanna die!"

His eyes were like knives, and he sharpened suddenly!
Jiang Yueying was not hiding.

A body with nine levels of aura, crushed Ye Liangchen in an instant.

During this period of time, with the secret help of the maid panel, his Qingyue Dao body has been developed to the greatest extent.

"All Things Rejuvenate" also advanced to the tenth level in a very short period of time.

Now, it is only one step away from the Faxiang Realm.

It is far from being comparable to Ye Liangchen who just reached the cave realm!


"How can you be so strong?"

Ye Liangchen was stunned.

He never thought that Jiang Yueying, whom he had always looked down upon, would be so powerful.

Before he knew it, he knelt down on the ground in fright, his pupils were full of horror.

He was really afraid that Jiang Yueying would go crazy, so he beheaded him on the spot.


Just when Jiang Yueying was about to get rid of Ye Liangchen.

In the depths of Renzong, there was a sound of roaring.

Soon, an old man in gray robe showed his figure.

Jiang Yueying raised her head and saw that it was Renzong's current Great Elder, the unfathomable Lingxuanzi.

"Jiang Yueying, you wantonly oppressed your fellow disciples, what should you do?"

As soon as he appeared, Lingxuanzi asked Jiang Yueying indiscriminately.

In an instant, Jiang Yueying was so overwhelmed by the terrifying aura that she couldn't even lift her head.

Take a breath.

Jiang Yueying didn't expect it either.

Lingxuanzi, who has always been quiet, will be so powerful.

She only felt that if she continued like this, if she insisted on not kneeling, her waist bones would be shattered inch by inch.

"Ye Liangchen insulted me first, the elder is unfair, I don't accept it."

Holding on stubbornly, Jiang Yueying's eyes were full of unwillingness.

She refuses to accept it!

"Don't accept it? Hahaha, why don't you accept it, bitch!"

When Ye Liangchen reached the time, he was a villain, pointing at Jiang Yueying and yelling and cursing.

"Ding, feeling that your maid Jiang Yueying is being oppressed by Renzong, the maid panel is furious, so I invite Xiaoyaozi from Renzong's Mingyue World in Qin Dynasty to be born out of reincarnation."

"Ding, when Renzong Xiaoyaozi was born, he was assisted by a ray of fate from the Mandate of Heaven, and successfully obtained his native identity."

"Ding, Renzong Xiaoyaozi was born in a very high realm because of his special mission."

【Name: Xiaoyaozi】

【Affiliation: Eternal Heroes】

[Martial Arts Qualification: Monstrous Level]

[Martial Arts Potential: Nine Stars]

[Martial Dao Realm: Suppressed by the general situation of the world, for the time being, I can only display the ultimate combat power of the Ninth Level of the Faxiang Realm]

[Martial arts: Sound transmission of sounds of nature, escape of dream butterfly, first clearing after snow, battle of three talents (exquisite king rank)]

[Cultivation method: rejuvenation of all things (Wang Jie best)]

[Identity: The Supreme Elder of Renzong who has lived in seclusion for many years, has been wandering abroad for many years, and has a close affinity with Jiang Yueying, and regards Jiang Yueying as her biological granddaughter]


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(End of this chapter)

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