Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 179 Three generations of famous generals from grandparents and grandchildren appear in the w

Chapter 179 Three generations of famous generals from grandparents and grandchildren appear in the world together, and the Daomen panel awakens (three in one chapter)

"Ding, when Meng Tian was born in reincarnation, he received a gift from a distant blue star. I hope he will live up to the name of China's number one warrior and help his birth realm skyrocket."

[Name: China's No. [-] Warrior Meng Tian]

【Affiliation: Eternal Heroes】

[Martial Arts Qualification: Monstrous Level]

[Martial Arts Potential: Nine Stars]

【Martial Dao Realm: Five Levels of Law】

【Supernatural power: Bravery incomparable (natal supernatural power)】

Huang Chengzi just slashed out with a sword.

It's not yet time to make a difference.

He was listening to the sound of metal and iron clanging.

His sword light was actually crushed by a more powerful sword light.


Huang Chengzi was shocked.

Hastily asked.

The momentum of the sword faded, and Meng Tian's burly figure came from the void.

Pointing his sword at Huang Chengzi, he said in a deep voice, "This general, Da Qin, Meng Tian!"

"I don't care what your name is?"

"Sensible, get the hell out of here, old man."

"Otherwise, don't blame the old man for killing you with a sword."

Huang Chengzi poked his neck and said bluffingly.

Meng Tian's blow just now made him vaguely see the gap between himself and Meng Tian.

However, after all, he is an existence at the fifth level of the Faxiang Realm.

The skin is still needed.

It was just a naive idea, trying to dismiss Meng Tian with just a few words.

"A sword head? It's a good way to die."

"In that case, Ben will give you a ride."

The corners of Meng Tian's mouth rose slightly.

Between the cold voice, a sword suddenly cut out.


Huang Chengzi only felt that under this sword, his whole mind was trembling, the sword in his hand could not be held firmly, let alone fight back?

The voice fell.

Huang Chengzi's head was chopped off by the sharp sword light.

As he himself said, the head of a sword!
It's just that Xiao Xiao's head is his own.

As a casual cultivator, Huang Chengzi's strength is only about the same as Tong Chengzi's.

Therefore, his combat power is not worth mentioning in front of Meng Tian.

"Hmph, overthinking yourself!"

With a soft snort, Meng Tian joined the siege battle.

With his joining, the south gate of Changchuan City was taken down at an extremely fast speed.

The west gate of Changchuan City.

The fighting situation was extremely anxious.

Here, under Wang Jian's command, Zhang Dacheng, the only iron eagle warrior, is the leader of Wanfu.

Zhang Dacheng has the combat power of the third level of the Faxiang Realm.

Here, Ling Chengzi, the Taoist casual cultivator guarding the west gate, is a fourth-level existence of the Dharma Aspect Realm.

Ling Chengzi was also a casual cultivator, his combat strength was mediocre, and he could even be said to be a bit scumbag. Therefore, he was barely able to suppress Zhang Dacheng when he fought against Zhang Dacheng.

However, the two thousand iron eagle warriors led by Zhang Dacheng swept through the arrow rain first, then climbed the city wall, and confronted the defenders head-on.

Not long after, he was already on the city wall of Ximen, invincible.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer defenders under his command.

Ling Chengzi became more and more anxious as he fought.

As a result, more and more flaws were found by Zhang Dacheng, and wounds appeared one after another.


Finally, when Zhang Dacheng took advantage of Ling Chengzi's restlessness, he seized the moment when Ling Chengzi was weak, and shot Ling Chengzi in the neck.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Ling Chengzi's eyes were full of unwillingness.

He suppressed Zhang Dacheng for a long time, but unfortunately, because of the disappointment of the defenders, he was always in a state of uncertainty.

In the end, he died due to the flaws that were exposed within a few millimeters.

If he is given another chance, he will definitely not be contaminated by this muddy water again.

Tai Yi Gong's thighs were not hugged, but he died first.
"Captain Wan, General Wang has an order to gather troops and attack the north gate!"

At this time, a sharp iron eagle came to deliver an urgent order.

"it is good!"

After Zhang Dacheng hastily responded, he hurriedly joined the battlefield, and with the fastest speed, killed all the defenders on the city wall of the west gate, and then led two thousand iron eagle warriors under his command to head straight for the north gate of Changchuan city. .

The north gate of Changchuan City.

It is guarded by [-] elite Taoist soldiers arranged by Taiyi Palace.

Every Taoist soldier has the strength of the lowest Tianyuan sixth level.

Compared with the Buddhist soldiers who blocked Zhang Liao, their average combat power was slightly better.


At the north gate, a large number of powerhouses from the Taiyi Palace gathered.

The Supreme Elder Qing Yunzi, the ninth level of the Dharma Aspect Realm, is a terrifying existence that is about to condense the embryonic form of his own Dharma Aspect.

The rest, there is Xuan Chengzi of Taiyi Palace, who is responsible for the existence of the Taoist soldiers.

The strength is strong, and it has the realm of the sixth level of the Faxiang Realm.

In addition to these two people, there are three Dharma Aspects in the Taiyi Palace, as well as the loose monks.

However, they are all existences of the first level of the Law Aspect Realm and the second level of the Law Aspect Realm, and their strength is average.

Especially the monks who are scattered, who are at the first level of the Faxiang Realm, and their strength is mediocre. I am afraid that any stronger Cave Heaven Ninth Level may be able to counterattack and kill him
"Elder Supreme, the situation is not good."

"The news just came that all three gates were broken in the east, west, and south."

"At this moment, Wang Jian has already ordered the army to converge and attack my north gate with all their strength."

"In the city, all forces, large and small, have sent a single soldier to support them on the grounds of heavy losses."

"Look, what are we going to do next?"

Xuan Chengzi moved to the center of the north gate city, and reported all the news he had just received to Qing Yunzi.

After finishing speaking, he quietly waited for Qing Yunzi's order.

He knew very well that the ruler here was Qing Yunzi, and everything was decided by Qing Yunzi.

Anyway, what he said was useless.

Just like what he said at the beginning, the defenders of the three gates in the east, west and south are all mobs.

It is necessary to assign Taoist soldiers to control the overall situation, and those mobs will assist them.

But, Qing Yunzi didn't listen.

Ever since, as he expected, the three gates in the east, west and south were quickly broken through.

Of course, he only dared to think about these words in his heart, but he never dared to say them.

Grand Elder Qing Yunzi has too much prestige, so he dare not offend him at all.

"How to do?"

"The gang of mobs are nothing but a bunch of trash, and it was expected that they would be attacked and wiped out."

"The old man just wants them to be cannon fodder."

"As for the big and small forces in the city, don't worry about them for now."

"After this battle, the old man will go to their door in person."

Qing Yunzi sat cross-legged, his eyes indifferent.

Between the words, everything seemed so natural in his mouth.

In his eyes, it seemed that he didn't treat that group of mobs as human beings at all.

Hearing this, Xuan Chengzi lowered his head and frowned slightly, but he didn't dare to say a word of nonsense.

If it was possible, he really wanted to say that under Qing Yunzi's arrangement, those mobs were not even qualified to be cannon fodder.

It didn't consume much of Daqin's power at all.

On the side, Chen Yun, a casual cultivator at the first level of the Dharma Aspect Realm, felt a chill in his heart when he heard the words.

Qing Yunzi's words made him suddenly realize that in Qing Yunzi's eyes, he was probably just a bigger cannon fodder.

He secretly thought in his heart that the battle will start in a while, he must see the timing and run first to respect.

The dharma appearance of the two Taiyi Palaces is double, but they hold their heads up, feeling inexplicably superior.

It was as if, because of Qing Yunzi's words, they had a huge sense of superiority.

Seeing this, Xuan Chengzi shook his head secretly, and an ominous premonition gradually emerged in his heart.

From the very beginning, he felt that Da Qin was not easy to deal with.

Now it seems that the reality may be even worse than his hunch.


At this time, near the north gate, the sound of shouting and killing was loud.

It was obvious that Meng Tian rushed to the front alone, and two thousand iron eagle warriors under his command followed him closely, not far from the north gate.

Inside the north gate of Changchuan City, Wang Jian and Zhang Dacheng met, and eight thousand iron eagle fighters came from inside Changchuan City.

Already with Meng Tian outside, they formed a pincer attack from inside and outside.

The huge north gate of Changchuan City has almost become a turtle in an urn.

"Elder Supreme, what do you think?"

Xuan Chengzi still didn't dare to make decisions on his own.

With an extremely respectful attitude, he spoke to Qing Yunzi and asked Qing Yunzi for instructions.

"Those trash are really incompetent, they can't even consume the enemy!"

Qing Yunzi is not a fool either.

Standing up and scanning around, his heart was full of anger.

He thought that the gang of mobs could help him consume a wave of Daqin soldiers, at least they could kill some of them, right?
As a result, he glanced over, and he found that the Great Qin Tieying Ruishi seemed to be full of energy and unscathed.

This is obviously that group of trash, and it didn't play the role of cannon fodder at all!
The more he thought about it, the more angry Qing Yunzi looked at Xuan Chengzi, and said in an extremely unfriendly tone: "Xuan Chengzi, how did you plan the battle?"

"Thanks to you enjoying so many resources of my Taiyi Palace, if I rely on you to command the Taoist soldiers in the future, won't I have to lose every battle? It's really useless."

Listening to Qing Yunzi's increasingly high-pitched curses.

Xuan Chengzi's complexion gradually turned livid.

Anyway, his status in the Taiyi Palace is not low.

This Qing Yunzi dared to scold him in public like this.

How could he be willing in his heart?
Unknowingly, a trace of resentment had grown in Xuan Chengzi's heart.

And all of this, Qing Yunzi didn't notice at all.

He only cared about his own enjoyment of cursing.

"Yes, yes, the Supreme Elder is right."

Xuan Chengzi is also a character who can stretch and shrink, a hero who does not suffer from immediate losses.

At the moment, suppressing his anger, he gave Qing Yunzi a smile.

"Hmph, it's all useless."

"You, Xuan Chengzi, bring me two thousand soldiers immediately to block the enemies outside the city."

"The rest, follow the old man, and kill all the enemies in the city."

"Look carefully, how the old man killed the enemy."

As he spoke, Qing Yunzi held his head high, looking completely defiant and self-respecting.

"The Supreme Elder is mighty."

The two Taiyi Palaces were at the second level of the Dharma Aspect Realm, and when they saw this, they followed Qing Yunzi like dog legs and cheered.


Xuan Chengzi quietly backed away after silently responding.

He ordered two thousand Taoist soldiers to defend the city, but he was stuck in a corner, with an obscure light shining in his eyes.

"Kill the old man!"

Immediately afterwards, following Qing Yunzi's order, [-] Daoist soldiers rushed towards the [-] Iron Eagle warriors in the city screaming.

In the eyes of these Taoist soldiers, they are at least the sixth level of Tianyuan.

The eight thousand iron eagle warriors in the city.

Most of them are between Tianyuan [-]st level and Tianyuan [-]rd level, and their number is more than double that of Tie Yingruishi.

The quantity and quality are far superior to those of the Iron Eagles. In their minds, this is already a war without any suspense.

Eight thousand iron eagle warriors are bound to be beheaded by them.

"Tie Ying Ruishi, for the sake of Daqin, I will kill him!"

Wang Jian's face was full of determination.

One command.

The magical power of war: the eagle strikes the sky, open!
In an instant, the momentum of the Eight Thousand Iron Eagles changed drastically.

The blessing of a hundred times combat power is not just talk!

All of a sudden, the combat power of the Tie Ying Ruishi was infinitely approaching the Purple Mansion Realm, far surpassing the combat power of the Taoist soldiers.

Tie Yingrui, a centurion commander, has almost reached the combat strength of the Dongtian realm, and the Tie Yingrui warrior, a thousand commander, is about to reach the combat strength of the Faxiang realm.

The one and only Iron Eagle Master Wanfu is even more outrageous. With his combat strength, under the blessing of Eagle Attacking the Sky, he has reached the eighth level of the Faxiang Realm. On the surface, he is even stronger than Wang Jian at this time. Be powerful!
boom! boom! boom!
However, after a few breaths, the Taoist soldiers hadn't reacted, and the eight thousand iron eagle warriors rushed forward with their soaring combat power.

Soon, bursts of loud noises were heard, and I don't know how many soldiers were blasted into blood mist by the Iron Eagle warriors who were overwhelmed by their combat power.


By the time Qing Yunzi realized it, thousands of Taoist soldiers had already been killed.

At the moment, Qing Yunzi's eyes were about to burst, and his eyes were red, like a wild beast that chooses someone to devour.

"All of you, kill me together!"

Pointing at Chen Yun and the two Dharma Aspect Realm Level [-] of Taiyi Palace, Qing Yunzi ran away violently.


The two Dharma Aspects of the Taiyi Palace, who dared to be negligent, quickly hit a shock and killed them, intending to use their strength in the Dharma Aspects to massacre the Tie Ying Ruishi.

Only Chen Yun took a cautious look at Qing Yunzi and responded.

With a flash of his figure, he blended into the battlefield below.

However, as soon as he entered the battlefield, his figure gradually disappeared from Qing Yunzi's sight.


Qing Yunzi immediately noticed that Chen Yun had run away, but the battlefield was too chaotic, and even if he was powerful, he couldn't find Chen Yun's shadow.

He could only feel ruthless in his heart, that he must kill Chen Yun himself in the future, so that he could vent his anger.


However, what made Qing Yunzi even more frightened and angry was the next scene.

Just as I heard it, after Zhang Dacheng, the head of Tie Yingrui Shi Wan, gave a loud roar, two terrifying spear lights went straight through the bodies of the two Dharma Aspects of the Taiyi Palace.

The two of them didn't have time to do anything, but to kill Zhang Dacheng with one blow.


"The old man wants you to die!"

Qing Yunzi was furious, and with a tyrannical pressure, he rolled towards Zhang Dacheng.

A mouthful of blood spurted out from the corner of his mouth.

Zhang Dacheng clutched his chest and had to admit that he was no match for Qing Yunzi.

Just the coercion came, and he had already suffered serious injuries.

The gap between the two sides is still a bit big.

"Taiyi Palace, Qing Yunzi?"

In the rear, Wang Jian, who was in command of the battle, had his eyes dimmed unconsciously.

The strength of Qing Yunzi from Taiyi Palace was indeed somewhat beyond his expectation.

Patting his head, Wang Jian felt a little headache.

It seemed that, with Qing Yunzi's absolute strength, he really had no way to deal with Qing Yunzi.

Today, is it possible that because of a Qing Yunzi, his success will fall short?

Thinking about it, Wang Jian became more and more unwilling in his heart.

"Ding, I feel that Wang Jian is facing a great predicament, even life and death. In the cycle of reincarnation, Wang Ben and Wang Li are vying to come out of the world to help Wang Jian!"

"Ding, the three generations of grandparents and grandchildren have a deep friendship, which greatly moved the long river of time. An invisible force emerged from the long river of time, which not only greatly strengthened the realm of Wang Ben and Wang Li, but also A mysterious force has been blessed in the three generations of grandparents and grandchildren."

【Name: Wang Ben】

【Affiliation: Eternal Heroes】

[Martial Arts Qualification: Monstrous Level]

[Martial Arts Potential: Eight Stars]

【Martial Dao Realm: Four Stages of Dharma】

【Name: Wang Li】

【Affiliation: Eternal Heroes】

[Martial Arts Qualification: Monstrous Level]

[Martial Arts Potential: Seven Stars]

【Martial Dao Realm: Triple Dharma】

Just when Qing Yunzi killed Zhang Dacheng.

Two heavy footsteps resounded through the void.

Wang Ben, Wang Li, come to the world!

"Ding, three generations of grandparents and grandchildren have come together and successfully activated the Friendship Skill: three generations of famous generals, sharing combat power."

[Three generations of famous generals, sharing combat power: Once opened, according to the wishes of Wang Jian, Wang Ben, and Wang Li, the combat power of the three can be blessed to one person. After the blessing, the combat power is not one plus one equals two. Simple, but it can almost increase the power of the three of them by more than ten times]

In a trance, there is a voice from heaven.

Wang Jian's fighting strength, after being blessed by the Affection Skill, climbed to a terrifying height in the blink of an eye.

Sensing the terrifying aura emanating from Wang Jian's body, Qing Yunzi couldn't stop walking.

"This is impossible!"

"Great Qin King Jian, right?"

"You have used some kind of evil method."

"However, the old man will not fight you at this time. After the time for your evil method is over, the old man will kill you like a dog."

As he said that, Qing Yunzi retreated suddenly, and no longer wanted to kill Zhang Dacheng by force.


Wang Jian snorted lightly.

Indeed, the use of giri skills, three generations of combat strength, is blessed to him alone, and it does have a lot of burden on his body.

However, in this state, Wang Jian thought to himself, with his current physical strength, there is no problem at all if he can last for a day and a half.


Fighting doesn't mean that you don't fight if you don't want to, it's like playing house at will.

If Qing Yunzi doesn't want to fight, will Wang Jian let him avoid it?

What's more, now that Wang Jian's combat power is so strong, can Qing Yunzi avoid Wang Jian's pursuit?

Smile coldly.


Wang Jian drew his long sword out of its sheath.

With one sword, a blood-colored sword glow of tens of feet was cut out, with a terrifying battlefield aura attached.

Ordinary people may die in an instant if they get even a little bit of it.


Qing Yunzi's pupils gradually dilated, he never thought that the power of Wang Jian's sword was so terrifying.

"Taiyi Divine Fist!"

Blast out with a punch.

Wrapped with a strong Taoist rhyme, this punch was born out of Taiyi Zang, and it is not an entry-level version, it is very likely to be a refined version born out of Taiyi Zang.

In the very first moment between fist and sword clashes, relying on the power of Taiyi Shenquan, it was even a tie with Wang Jian's sword.

"Give this will break!"

However, with Wang Jian's shout, the power of Jianmang suddenly rose sharply.

boom! boom! boom!
Immediately, the fist was shattered inch by inch.


Qing Yunzi roared in despair amidst Wang Jian's sword-doing aura.

But in just a few breaths, he died in the endless bloody evil spirit.

"I will kill this general, and leave no one behind!"

Once Qing Yunzi died, Wang Jian didn't intend to let any of the Taoist soldiers of Taiyi Palace go.

Only by killing them all, can the Taiyi Palace be hit to the greatest extent.

On the other side, just when Meng Tian was planning to kill Xuan Chengzi and break through the north gate in one fell swoop.

Xuan Chengzi suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Meng Tian, ​​how about we discuss it?"

"What do you want to discuss?"

There was a hint of unkindness in Meng Tian's tone.

He thought Xuan Chengzi was trying to delay time.

In my heart, I have already made a plan, as long as this Xuan Chengzi dares to talk nonsense, then I will kill him directly, so as not to waste time.

"I don't want to continue working for the Taiyi Palace. I wonder if the general can introduce Emperor Qin for me. I am willing to swear allegiance to Emperor Qin."

That's right, ever since Qing Yunzi scolded him unscrupulously, Xuan Chengzi had already planned to surrender to Yingxi.

In fact, he is not considered a native of the Taiyi Palace. He was born in the martial arts. In order to train Taoist soldiers, the Taiyi Palace took a fancy to him and let him join the Taiyi Palace.

Over the years, he thought he had also trained a lot of Taoist soldiers for the Taiyi Palace, and he worked hard without credit.

His own strength is not bad at all, however, he is still not seen by the Supreme Elders like Qing Yunzi.

The more he thought about it, the more disheartened he became, and his righteous indignation was hard to appease, so Xuan Chengzi chose to belong to Yingxi's command.

He always had an intuition that Qin Huang Yingxi would soar into the sky and become the master of the Kyushu continent.


Hearing the words, Meng Tian felt a little hesitant, he was not quite sure whether what Xuan Chengzi said was true or not.

"Ding, Xuan Chengzi surrendered, which awakened the Daomen panel from its deep sleep."

"Ding, the new feature of the awakening of the Daomen panel."

[Daomen panel - your exclusive panel]

[Characteristic [-]: Daoist Loyalty Dog—the halo characteristic, anyone who belongs to the Daoist sect and voluntarily pledges allegiance to you will completely become your diehard loyalist under the influence of this halo]

"Ding, the Daomen panel has conveyed this message to Meng Tian."


Meng Tian was stunned for a moment, and understood the plan of the Taoist panel.

At that moment, he opened his mouth and said, "Yes, on behalf of His Majesty, I accept your allegiance."

"Also, if you can persuade these Taoist soldiers under your command, you can make them swear allegiance."

Meng Tian spoke up immediately.

"These Dao soldiers? Impossible, the generals should all be killed."

"The general doesn't know that these Taoist soldiers, during the training process, used a secret method for the Taiyi Palace, and combined with the elixir, it affected their minds."

"Now, these Dao soldiers have completely become the diehards of the Tai Dao Palace."

"It is absolutely impossible to make them surrender!"

Shaking his head, Xuan Chengzi explained with a wry smile.

If it is possible, he doesn't mind paying an extra capital for his surrender, but it's a pity that it really doesn't work to make the Taoist soldiers surrender.


[This chapter is a three-in-one chapter with six thousand words, which is equivalent to the previous three chapters. 】

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(End of this chapter)

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