Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 182 Linghu Chong, "Sword of Shocking Sword", the big moves of the White Lotus Sect

Chapter 182 Linghu Chong, "Sword of Shocking Sword", the big move of the White Lotus Sect (three in one big chapter)

"Ding, the kendo panel has officially awakened new features."

[Kendo panel - your exclusive panel]

[Characteristic [-]: Sword Dao Suppression - Whenever you or your subordinates encounter an enemy with a sword, the Sword Dao panel can directly suppress [-]% of their sword power]

The three statues have nine levels of dharma appearance.

Feng Qingyang's complexion suddenly became extremely dignified.

Secretly said to Li Bai: "To kill the game today, you stay here, it will be useless, and leave first, I will stop the enemy, and then look for opportunities to kill the enemy or escape."

To be honest, at the same time for Zhang Tie, Li Tieyi, and Yi Huangsha, Feng Qingyang already lacked confidence.

Therefore, he decided that if he couldn't do it, he would sacrifice himself for Li Bai, so that Li Bai could temporarily escape from birth.

Unexpectedly, Li Bai shook his head firmly.

Of course he understood that if he continued to stay, he would surely die.

However, he never had the habit of abandoning his companions.

Feng Qingyang is his best friend.

Even if today's situation is doomed to be unsolvable, he will fight to the death with Feng Qingyang and live up to the sword in his hand!
After thinking clearly, Li Bai firmly stood by Feng Qingyang's side. At this moment, silence speaks louder than words.

Take a deep breath.

Feng Qingyang stared at Li Bai, and immediately understood his heart.

At the moment, there is no more words.

Looking at Zhang Tie, Li Tieyi, and Yi Huangsha coldly, Feng Qingyang gradually raised his aura to the extreme.

"Are you planning to die together?"


Seeing Feng Qingyang and Li Bai standing together, Yi Huangsha laughed loudly.

"Ding, I noticed that the enemy is too arrogant."

"Ding, the kendo panel was very angry and shouted: 'There are many people, so you can do whatever you want'?"

"Ding, in order to combat the enemy's arrogance, the kendo panel specialize in samsara, please send out one person to help Feng Qingyang and Li Bai break the situation."

"Ding, Linghu Chong has been summoned by the kendo panel and is about to be born."

"Ding, before he was born, Linghu Chong received a gift from a mysterious existence in reincarnation, and received three strands of the sword fairy's true meaning."

"Ding, after merging with the true meaning of the Sword Immortal, Linghu Chong's aptitude has been greatly improved."

"Ding, Linghu Chong doesn't want to eat alone, and he still has two wisps of sword fairy true meaning, which he voluntarily shared with Li Bai and Feng Qingyang."

【Name: Linghu Chong】

【Affiliation: Legend of Martial Arts】

[Martial Arts Qualification: Monstrous Level]

[Martial Arts Potential: Nine Stars]

[Martial Dao Realm: Ninth Level of Faxiang Realm (Peak of Supreme Master)]

Just as Yi Huangsha was laughing wildly.

Linghu Chong came to the world.

at the same time.

The two strands of sword fairy's true meaning merged into Feng Qingyang's and Li Bai's bodies respectively!
In an instant, two sounds like the sound of broken chains came from the bodies of Feng Qingyang and Li Bai.

In an instant, the two of them were surrounded by sword light, and their sword intent continued to soar.

Especially Li Bai, as if he had realized something from the true meaning of the Sword Immortal.

The temperament of the whole person is getting more and more dusty, and with his hands behind his back, he is really like a sword fairy descending into the world, extraordinary and refined.

Feng Qingyang soon entered the ninth level of Faxiang Realm.

They exchanged glances with Linghu Chong and smiled: "You're here too."

"Uncle Feng is in trouble, how can I not come?"

Linghu Chong held his sword and smiled.

With a majestic sword force, it fell on Yi Huangsha, and shouted: "Yi Huangsha, are you just wantonly laughing at my uncle?"

Turning his eyes to Linghu Chong, Yi Huangsha's expression changed unconsciously, and he said in horror: "Who are you?"

He actually smelled the breath of death from Linghu Chong's body.

This was a situation Yi Huangsha had never encountered in his life, and Yi Huangsha couldn't help being flustered by it.

"Da Qin, Linghu Chong."

"Your life, my sword is taken!"

Linghu Chong gave a loud drink.

The long sword was unsheathed, and the blade pointed directly at Yi Huangsha.

"Li Tieyi, you have disrespected His Majesty, you can only apologize if you die."

"Today, the old man accepted your dog's life for His Majesty, and I also want your cloud wing sword."

While speaking, Feng Qingyang also ran towards Li Tieyi with the momentum of his sword.


Li Tieyi exclaimed on the spot.

Looking at Feng Qingyang in disbelief.

At this moment, Li Tieyi's mind was full of shock.

Just now, he returned to the eighth level of the Dharma Phase Realm. From the perspective of Qi alone, he felt that he could still stabilize the wind and clear his head.

But now, Feng Qingyang has actually been promoted to the ninth level of the Dharma Aspect Realm?

An imposing manner, crushing him in all aspects?

How can it be?

He couldn't believe it, let alone accept this fact.

A void clang sounded, shaking the void.

It can be seen that behind Li Bai, there are seven-colored sword embryos all over his body.

The mighty power emanating from the sword embryo made the pupils of Li Tieyi, Zhang Tie, and Yi Huangsha shrink suddenly in an instant.

Sword Embryo!

It is the embryonic form of the sword technique.

The seven-colored sword embryo is even the top grade of swordsmanship, even if the ordinary swordsmanship is perfect, it cannot compare to the seven-colored sword embryo!
The gap between the two is simply unreasonable.

Not to mention, whether it was Li Tieyi, Zhang Tie, or Yi Huangsha, the three of them, although they were named the Ninth Layer of the Faxiang Realm.

But, in fact, it is nothing more than a false dharma state that fails to condense its own dharma appearance.

Now, with the help of that ray of sword immortality's true meaning, Li Bai has not only advanced rapidly and reached the ninth level of the Dharma Aspect Realm, but also condensed the seven-colored sword embryos to complete the Dharma Aspect prototype.

It can be said that Li Bai alone can kill Zhang Tie, Li Tieyi, and Yi Huangsha.

The three of them felt hopeless.

Countless question marks rose in their hearts.

How could Li Bai, who had just returned to the fourth level of the Dharma Aspect Realm, enter the realm so quickly.

As everyone knows, Li Bai is not as simple as just getting a ray of sword fairy true meaning.

His sword fairy true meaning is completely different from what Linghu Chong and Feng Qingyang got!

This ray of sword fairy true meaning seems to have been specially constructed by someone for Li Bai.

It perfectly fits Li Bai and helps Li Bai activate the body of the immortal to the greatest extent!

This is what allowed Li Bai to achieve such a huge breakthrough!

"Sword Immortal True Meaning, White Clothes Sword Immortal!"

The moment Li Bai slowly opened his eyes, deep in his eyelids, he seemed to see a real sword fairy.

The white clothes are proud of the world, and the way of the sword rules the roost.

"Today, I will use the blood of the three of you to pay homage to my Dharma image!"

A thought moves.

The seven-colored sword embryo clanked.

Cut out three Baizhang sword glows!

Immediately, Zhang Tie, Li Tieyi, and Yi Huangsha were engulfed in it.

Vaguely, it seemed to hear repeated screams.

Not long after, when the screams ended.

In the same place, Zhang Tie, Li Tieyi, and Yi Huangsha were no longer to be found.

I can't even feel their breath anymore.

They were all completely buried under Li Bai's sword light.

"Cloud wing sword, not bad sword."

People die, swords stay.

Feng Qingyang picked up the cloud wing sword that fell to the ground, quite happy.

Looking at the Yunyi Sword in Feng Qingyang's hand and the Burning Sky Qilin Sword on Li Bai's back, Linghu Chong unconsciously showed a look of envy.

After Li Rufeng died last time, the Sky Burning Qilin Sword was obtained by Li Bai.

Therefore, up to this point, both Li Bai and Feng Qingyang also have high-grade swords of the king rank.

Linghu Chong swore secretly that he must also get a high-grade sword of the royal rank!
"Ding, congratulations, Li Bai has successfully condensed the embryonic form of his dharma—the seven-colored sword embryo."

[Seven-colored sword embryo: the embryonic form of the seventh-rank dharma appearance, which is the rare upper third-rank dharma appearance in the world]

(Dharma is divided into nine grades, the first grade is the worst, the ninth grade is the honor, the first to third grades are the lower three grades, the fourth to sixth grades are the middle three grades, and the seventh to ninth grades are the upper three grades)
"Ding, congratulations, Li Bai powerfully beheaded Zhang Tie, Li Tieyi, and Yi Huangsha at the ninth level of the Dharma Realm. The kendo panel took advantage of the trend and plundered a lot of luck from the Five Elements Sword Sect, Famous Sword Villa, and Yujian Villa."

"Ding, congratulations, you have received feedback on sword skills, the introduction to Yunyi Sword Art, the introduction to Shifang Sword Art, and the introduction to Sky Crane Sword Art."

[Yunyi Sword Jue: The middle-grade imperial sword skill is a sword art created by Li Tieyi based on his years of kendo perception, under the name of Yunyi Sword, and combined with many imperial-level sword arts from Yujian Villa. Although it is still not perfect, it is still incomplete. It is also a rare and powerful sword art in the world]

[Shifang Sword Jue: Imperial-level middle-grade sword skills, one of the secrets of the Five Elements Sword Sect, within the Five Elements Sword Sect, the illegal aspect is above the seventh level, and it is not allowed to practice]

[Sky Crane Sword Jue: An imperial middle-grade sword skill. According to legend, it is a certain ancestor of the famous sword villa who was lucky enough to see the real shape of the Sky Crane and imitate the sword skill created by the Sky Crane's predation.]

"Ding, your "Burning Heaven Sword Art" sensed the appearance of the three major sword arts, and he couldn't help but feel ready to move. He also wanted to swallow the elephant with a snake."

"Ding, although the three major sword arts are outsiders, they do as the Romans do, and they don't have the consciousness to keep their own place. Relying on their identity as middle-grade sword skills of the imperial rank, they wantonly provoke the major exercises."

"Ding, the expressions of the major exercises gradually became unfriendly. Finally, at a certain moment, the major exercises broke out together, with the three imperial ranks of "Arhat Fantian Jue", "Odd Array Secret Record", and "Eight Consciousness Returning to Yuanfa" The top-grade kungfu is the first, and all the kung fus work together to beat the three major swords until the blood is flowing, and the breath is sluggish."

"Ding, seeing the three major sword arts being beaten to the point of being unable to take care of themselves, the "Fentian Sword Art" immediately realized that his chance had come."

"Ding, "Fen Tian Jian Jue" sneered: 'A group of idiots', and immediately nodded and bowed to the major exercises, and after complimenting them for a while, they couldn't wait to completely devour the three major sword skills."

"Ding, after devouring the three major sword skills, "Fen Tian Jian Jue" has successfully advanced to the upper rank of the imperial rank, and transformed into "Sky Shocking Sword Art"."

[Shocking Sword Code: Imperial-level top-grade sword skills, rumored to be a sword formula that can shock the world when it is practiced to perfection]

"Ding, congratulations, the entry to "Shocking Sword Code"."

"Ding, you have received a lot of luck, your "Arhat Fantian Jue" advanced No. 15 level, your "Odd Array Secret Record" advanced No. 17 level, your "Eight Consciousness Returning to Yuanfa" advanced No. .12 weight."

Tongkang City, temporary palace, in the inner hall.

Yingxi's eyes dimmed, looking at Lianhua who had been waiting by her side, and said in a deep voice, "Lianhua, go and find Shangguan Haitang."


Lianhua bowed and saluted, then left the inner hall and went to look for Shangguan Haitang.

"Your Majesty, are you looking for me?"

Not long after, Shangguan Haitang rushed to the inner hall with a hint of doubt on his face.

She was ordered to arrange private soldiers from various forces in the city to defend the city.

I really don't know why Yingxi invited her here at this time.

"About Nanji City, Dongyun City, and Tongwu City, Zhu ignores there. Is there any news?"

The situation of the seven cities of Bailong Mansion, Tongtai City, Changchuan City, Wenxiang City, and Tongkang City is now clear.

Especially Changchuan City and Tongkang City, the two cities are already under Yingxi's control.

Yingxi is paying more and more attention to the remaining three cities of Nanji City, Dongyun City and Tongwu City.

However, recently, there has been no news about the three cities.

Only then did Yingxi invite Shangguan Haitang to ask her if she heard any news from Zhu Wushi.

"Return to Your Majesty, Zhu ignores your lord's side, and there is no news yet."

Hearing this, Shangguan Haitang felt a bitter look on her face.

Neither can she.

Zhu ignored that there was indeed no news from there.

She can't make up things to deceive Yingxi, can she?
"Your Majesty, Father Sunflower is asking to see you."

Just when the atmosphere was tense and Yingxi was showing displeasure, Lianhua came to report.

"Let him in."

Father Sunflower is the ancestor of Sunflower.

This time, when Yingxi left Xianyang, he also specially sent Sunflower Patriarch to Tongwu City to find out the situation of Nanji City, Dongyun City, and Tongwu City more quickly.

At this moment, the sunflower patriarch came, and Yingxi guessed that it should bring the information he wanted to know.

"The old slave has seen His Majesty."

Seeing Yingxi, Sunflower Patriarch bowed to him.

He also knew that Ying Xi might not like him very much.

Otherwise, why did you always bring Shangguan Haitang with you, but not him?
Of course, he didn't think about fighting for favor in the past, but just worked harder to complete the task Yingxi gave him.

Today's ancestor Sunflower is already an existence at the eighth level of the Faxiang Realm, and his strength has also grown by leaps and bounds.


After waving his hands, Ying Xi asked directly, "Tell me, did you hear any news?"

"Return to Your Majesty, this old slave is here to tell His Majesty that the old slave has thoroughly investigated Tongwu City."

Sunflower Patriarch didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly said.

"Tongwucheng, very good, please tell me in detail."

Ying Xi followed closely.

Regarding Tongwu City, no substantial progress has been made.

It was only then that Yingxi seemed a little anxious to know the details.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Today's Tongwu City has become the world of the White Lotus Sect. Almost all the people in the city have become believers of the White Lotus Sect."

"It can be said that each of them is like being converted by Buddhism, and their thoughts and will are completely controlled by the White Lotus Sect."

"As long as outsiders dare to enter Tongwu City, they will be discovered in a short time. The old slave also spent a lot of effort to pretend to be a follower of the White Lotus Sect, so that he could get away with it."

"According to the old slave's investigations over the past few days, I know that there is now a holy envoy of the White Lotus Sect in Tongwu City."

"Its strength should be that of the Ninth Level of the Dharma Aspect Realm, which has just condensed the rudimentary form of its own Dharma Aspect."

"Besides, in Tongwu City, there are no fewer than ten experts in the Aspect Realm of the White Lotus Sect, hundreds of them in the Dongtian Realm, and even more in the Zifu Realm and Tianyuan Realm."

Sunflower Patriarch did not dare to neglect at all.

After sorting out his thoughts a little bit, he said everything he knew.

"What did you say?"

"The hundreds of thousands of people in Tongwu City have become believers of the White Lotus Sect?"

Ying Xi was furious!
He never thought of it.

The White Lotus Sect is silent.

It's such a big deal.

There are hundreds of thousands of people in Tongwu City.

If they all become believers of the White Lotus Sect.

Then if he wants to conquer Tongwu City, doesn't he want to kill all these hundreds of thousands of people?
But in that case, the entire Tongwu City would become a dead city, so what's the point of him controlling it?

"That's right, Your Majesty, according to the few words I have found out from the old slave these days, the old slave guesses that now, in the entire Kyushu world, there are probably not a few cities like Tongwu City where the entire city believes in the White Lotus Sect." Already."

Although Ancestor Sunflower is speculating, but in words, he can still be somewhat certain.

This is enough to show that his speculation must have some basis, and the reality may be true.

"White Lotus Sect."

His knuckles tapped heavily on the table.

In Yingxi's pupils, a fierce light was revealed.

"You three, follow me to Tongwu City!"

After thinking for a while, Ying Xi finally made a decision.

He wants to go to Tongwu City himself.

If those people really cannot be saved, he will not be merciful.

He will never let the White Lotus Sect continue to develop like this!

The ability to harvest beliefs and brainwash people in this way is too terrifying.

In Yingxi's heart, he was even more afraid of the White Lotus Sect.

He also made up his mind to attack the White Lotus Sect vigorously, destroying the White Lotus Sect as quickly as possible, lest he continue to do mischief.

In Yingxi's view, the degree of danger of the White Lotus Sect has suddenly risen above Shaolin Temple, Jinshan Temple, Qisha Demon Palace and other forces, and it has become the target of Yingxi's immediate destruction.


Patriarch Sunflower, Shangguan Haitang, and Lianhua bowed to accept the order.

Just when Yingxi was planning to leave for Tongwu City.

Guan Yu had already led his army to the city of Tongtai.

"It's a puppet again, the Seven Fiends Demon Palace is really a jerk."

Tongtai City, outside the east gate.

Gao Shun led the [-] trapped camps and was about to attack the city.

The gate of the city was wide open, and a large number of puppets burst out from inside.

However, this is different from the previous Seven Fiends Demon Palace who frantically created golems in Qinglong Mansion.

These golems, it can be seen that they are carefully cultivated.

The realm is the lowest, and they all have the sixth level of Tianyuan.

Everyone is strong, even Gao Shun can't help but pay attention to it.

"Eight hundred are trapped in the camp, ready to meet the enemy."

Fortunately, during this period of time, the strength of the [-] trapped camp has also increased significantly.

If not, Gao Shun might not be able to lead the [-] camps to block the oncoming golems, at least [-] in number.

[Eight hundred camp soldiers (demonized) - Tianyuan Nine Layers]

Gao Shun himself has also made great progress, and he is already a master of the eighth level.

It is only one step away from the Nine Layers of Dongtian.

"The will to fall into the battle, there is death but not life!"

Then, the eight hundred camps shouted in unison, and the characteristics were activated!
Ten times the combat power exploded!
At this moment, [-] people were trapped in the camp, and everyone's combat power had been promoted to the first level of the Zifu!

A single advance from the Eight Hundred Trapped camps would cause the puppets to fall in pieces.

The difference in combat power between the two sides is too great.

The sixth level of Tianyuan and the first level of Zifu fought against each other in an instant, and the verdict was decided.

Eight hundred people are trapped in the camp, and within a breath, they can almost kill a puppet instantly.


On the city wall, Li Hei, who was in charge of guarding the east gate of Tongtai City, was startled immediately.

He thought that by sending more than [-] golems, he could easily kill the [-] camps under Gao Shun's command.

However, it's only been so long, and there must be no more than a hundred breaths before and after.

More than five thousand puppets, at least half of them were beheaded?
Li Hei was well aware of such a large battle loss, even though he was the powerful elder of the Qisha Demon Palace and existed at the fourth level of the Dharma Aspect Realm.

He is bound to be held accountable, and his life must be difficult.

If it doesn't work, he will lose his position as an elder with real power.

Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still anymore.

His eyes gradually turned ferocious, he stared at Gao Shun who was calmly commanding the battle under the city, and shouted loudly: "The army of casual cultivators, rush down and kill them."

The prelude to the eclipse of the sun has begun, and the world is full of demons and monsters, and the casual cultivators of the devil's way have greatly improved their strength.

Now, the casual cultivators gathered in Tongtai City are even more terrifying.

At least, they all have the strength of the eighth layer of Tianyuan.

Zifu Realm and Dongtian Realm are also not in the minority.

Of course, it's not that there are no casual cultivators in the body refining state, or those below the eighth level of Tianyuan.

It's just that, for that kind, the Seven Fiends Demon Palace doesn't pay much attention to them, and they don't have the mood to gather them. Therefore, those casual cultivators of the demonic way with low strength can only leave in despair.

Or, some simply stayed in Tongtai City to practice, hoping to reach the eighth level of Tianyuan as soon as possible, and while joining the army of casual cultivators, they could also get some resource rewards from the Seven Demon Palace.

It is also possible to join the Palace of the Seven Demons.


Under Li Hei's order, the army of demon cultivators who had been waiting on the east gate wall for a long time rushed out of the city gate screaming and rushed towards the eight hundred camps.

In fact, the reason why they came out screaming so loudly was not because they hated Da Qin so much.

Rather, they purely want to accumulate enough achievements by beheading more Daqin soldiers to exchange for the qualification to join the Seven Demon Palace, or exchange for some cultivation resources.

It has to be said that this time, the Seven Fiends Demon Palace also spent a lot of money in order to gather the casual cultivators of the Demon Dao and form an army to deal with Da Qin.

Take out a lot of cultivation resources to motivate the casual cultivators of the magic way.

In this way, for the sake of cultivating resources, the casual cultivators of the Demonic Dao rush forward one by one, can they not sacrifice their lives?

"Falling into a battle and becoming a demon, you will die without regret!"

When the eight hundred trapped camps all turn on the second characteristic.

Each one's own magic flames soared, and they all seemed like unrivaled demons, and their combat power almost reached the ninth level of the Purple Mansion.

Compared with the army of demonic casual cultivators who came over.

For a while, the demonic aura became much more ferocious.

It was as if the eight hundred camps were the real magic army.

Those casual cultivators of the magic way are more like fakes?

Their devilish energy is far behind the eight hundred camps.

boom! boom! boom!
After the combat power soared a hundred times, the eight hundred soldiers in the camp all showed their might together.

Before the army of demon cultivators arrived, all the puppets who had rushed to the front were all killed.


[This chapter is a three-in-one chapter with six thousand words, which is equivalent to the previous three chapters. 】

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(End of this chapter)

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