Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 203 Catch and fight and win a big victory

Chapter 203 Catch and fight, win a big victory (five in one chapter)

As Huang Yaoshi finished speaking, Jing Nian, Pu Xing, and Tian Xuanzi looked at each other for a moment, silent.

To be honest, Tian Xuanzi can be said to have expressed their common aspirations.

Jing Nian, Pu Xing, who doesn't want to get the Ninth Grade Dharma Phase Pill, Shuiyun Bagua Pill Furnace?

Even the eighth-rank Faxiang Pill and the seventh-rank Faxiang Pill, they also want it.

It's just that everyone is a scene person, and if they really want to say it shamelessly, they won't be able to say it.

If you have to say it, it has to be at the right time, such as Tian Xuanzi just now, find a chance, drink it first and then talk.

In fact, even Tian Xuanzi himself knew that they were about the same in strength, and if there were no special circumstances, they would have to go through a fierce battle for what they could get in the end, so what they say now is just a matter of talking.

"Amitabha, the benefactor does not need to sow discord. We are all here to save the common people in the world and get rid of you, the lackey of the Qin Emperor. As for the spoils that belong to us, we will work together to distribute them afterwards."

After a long time, Master Jing Nian was the first to speak out, breaking the deadlock.

"Amitabha, Master Jing Nian is right, we will handle our own affairs, so you don't have to worry about it."

Taking a deep look at Huang Yaoshi, Pu Xing echoed Master Jing Nian.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, what the two masters said is absolutely true."

Tian Xuanzi made a Daoist name, his eyes moved slightly, and in just one sentence, it seemed that he hadn't said anything, but at the same time, he seemed to have said everything.

"All of them are hypocritical and extremely hypocritical."

"Come on, don't be hypocritical, it's disgusting, if there is any helper, let's call it out."

"With the three of you alone, you still have a long way to go if you want to succeed."

Huang Yaoshi sneered again and again.

Jing Nian, Pu Xing, and Tian Xuanzi, each of them are Dharma-consummated. If it were a month ago, each of them came here with the power to sweep away everything, and Huang Yaoshi really couldn't deal with it.

But now, one month later, no matter Huang Yaoshi, Xiao Feng and others, their strength is already different from what it used to be, so what if the Dharma is perfect?They can also be sure to win the battle.

For some reason, at the same moment, Tian Xuanzi, Master Pu Xing, and Master Jing Nian all felt a hint of threat from Huang Yaoshi's aura.

His expression suddenly sank.

All of a sudden, they couldn't help but feel cheated.

Obviously, according to the information they got, a month ago, Huang Yaoshi had only just condensed the embryonic form of the dharma.

The reason why these Dharma Masters would take action in person is to crush Huang Yaoshi, Xiao Feng and others with absolute strength, and not give them a chance to fight back, and to hit Qin Huang Yingxi's power to the greatest extent.

But now, with the display of the perfect state of Huang Yaoshi's Dharma, they always have an ominous premonition welling up in their hearts.

Perhaps, this trip will not go as smoothly as they thought.

Can they really get the prizes Huang Yaoshi mentioned just now?

With doubts in their hearts, everyone couldn't help but lose a bit of momentum.

Far less aggressive than at first.

"It seems that Qin Huang's lackey is really arrogant."

"However, can you still be so arrogant in front of this old man?"

Another figure stepped forward, and another Dharma image arrived consummately.

The forces of all parties seem to have reached a half-way agreement. This time, they are all directly using the powerful Dharma Consummation, and they don't intend to give Xiao Feng and others the opportunity to continue to resist.

It's a pity that they all ignored the growth rate of Xiao Feng and others
"Wang Zhi is here too?"

Zhuge Wenshan looked at Wang Zhi and spoke with great interest.

Wang Zhi, one of the current leaders of the Wang family in Taiyuan, is considered to be of the same generation as him, and his strength is almost the same.

"Brother Zhuge is still watching the fun."

Wang Zhi glanced at Zhuge Wenshan at a glance, and said with a hint of ridicule.

"Hehe, I met Brother Wang."

Zhuge Wenshan saluted Wang Zhi slightly, but didn't say much.

Now, he is completely in a neutral state, and he doesn't want to fight with any party.

"Taiyuan Wang family, Wang Zhi?"

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Huang Yaoshi's mouth showed a playful look.

Jinshan Temple, Shaolin Temple, Longhu Mountain, Taiyuan Wang Family all appeared as he expected.

Next, it's Dali Duan's turn?
"What are you?"

"Arrogant in front of you, what can you do?"

At this moment, Ouyang Feng, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, appeared.

Pointing at Wang Zhi, he shouted again and again.

He is not a good person himself, and he has a bad temper.

Being able to bear it until now before it appears, is considered to be a lot more patient.

"Who are you?"

Pupils shrank suddenly, Ouyang Feng's appearance put great pressure on Wang Zhi.

In an instant, Wang Zhi felt a chill all over his body while shouting and asking.

"Da Qin, Ouyang Feng."

Ouyang Feng immediately had a showdown.

In today's game, he will definitely make a move.

He also knew very well that Huang Yaoshi's identity had been speculated.

As long as he makes a move, he will definitely be deduced to be from Daqin.

In this case, he might as well take the initiative to show his cards and strengthen Daqin's momentum.

Let Wang Zhi and others be afraid, and they may be able to gain some advantages when they officially fight next.

It's a little psychological game.

"It looks like Yideng should also be from Daqin, right?"

"Unexpectedly, there was a traitor in my Dali, and I voted for Yingxi's son. It is shameless."

The voice fell, and another person came.

Listen to his voice, you don't need to guess, this person must come from the Duan family in Dali.

"Dali, old prince Duan Dahui?"

Murong He is quite familiar with Duan Dahui.

In these years, in order to restore the country, the Murong family of Dayan has dealt with the surrounding countries such as Dali, the Golden Horde, and Tubo.

During this period of Dahui, he and Muronghe had a close relationship.

"I've seen Old Prince Duan."

After speaking, Murong He took the initiative to greet Duan Dahui.

"Old friend Muronghe, please be polite."

Duan Dahui also saluted Murong He back at the right time.

"Amitabha, so what if I'm from Daqin?"

"It is my honor to serve His Majesty."

"Today, since you are here, you should save your life and get rid of some evils for Dali."

Master Yideng has already been named by others, so naturally there is no reason to be a coward, he just stepped out.

Face Duan Dahui directly.

At the back, the golden finger shadow, like a finger holding up the sky, is infinitely powerful, and if you get close, you can feel a terrifying coercion coming.

Even if Duan Dahui's dharma is perfect, he can't help but feel a sudden palpitation.

[Yiyang Finger Dharma Appearance: Seventh Grade Perfect Dharma Appearance, it is a Martial Arts Appearance condensed by Master Yideng with Yiyang Finger as the prototype]

Never thought that Master Yideng has also been promoted to Dharma Consummation.

Duan Dahui's arrogant and domineering expression at the beginning has also quietly restrained a lot.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, today, Pindao is going to represent the Taiyi Palace, and come together with all of you to destroy this group of Emperor Qin's lackeys."

It was beyond Huang Yaoshi's expectation.

In addition to Jinshan Temple, Shaolin Temple, Longhushan, Taiyuan Wang, and Dali Duan, Taiyi Palace also came.

It seems that the person's aura is extremely strong!

Taking a deep breath, Huang Yaoshi quietly let out a foul breath.

His intuition told him that today, there might be some unexpected forces appearing.

Thinking about it, how could the various forces that have enmity with Da Qin easily let him go after guessing that he came from Da Qin?
In addition, the gathering of Xiao Feng and others here is indeed a great opportunity to cut off Yingxi's wings. It is not surprising that all major forces want to use Dharma Perfection to deal a thunderous blow.

Especially today, he also came up with an astonishing reward for the top three in the Alchemy Dao Conference. Huang Yaoshi guessed that some people would show up later, and they might not necessarily take advantage of the fire.

With preparedness in mind, Huang Yaoshi quietly transmitted his thoughts to Yideng, Ouyang Feng, and even Xiao Feng and others who were hiding in the dark and had not yet appeared.

"Taiyi Palace, Wan Yunzi."

The Confucian Guanhai exhaled softly, feeling a little startled in his heart.

Wan Yunzi, another existence who was of the same generation as him and who was once known as him appeared.

"Jumozhi, you dare to betray my Tubo and seek refuge with the Emperor Qin. You deserve death. Today, I follow Zanpu's order and come here specially to capture you back to my Tubo."

There are also powerful people from Tubo.

While shouting loudly, he had already indicated his intention of coming, he came for Jiumozhi.

Zanpu is the name of the king of Tubo.


When Jiumozhi stepped out from the dark place, his eyes suddenly sharpened.

If we say that Jinshan Temple, Shaolin Temple, Longhu Mountain, Taiyi Temple, Taiyuan Wang Family, and Dali Duan Family all came purely for revenge.

Jiumozhi suspects that the purpose of Tubo sending Sangbul is very impure.

Sangbul is the most trusted minister of Tubo Zanpu, and he will not be dispatched easily. What's more, with his ability to leave Tubo, it is impossible to alarm such a terrifying existence as Sangbul.

Even with the eighth level of Faxiang Realm strength he showed before, it would not make Tubo Zanpu send out such an existence as Sambur.

His intuition told Jiumozhi that this time, Sambull came to Kyushu because of other important matters, and he came here just as a side trip.

Otherwise, it is just to deceive others, and the conspiracy is huge.

In reality, of course, both mean the same thing.

Jiumozhi stared at Sangbuer closely and said, "Sangbuer, why did Zanpu send you here?"

"You came to capture me yourself? Do you think I will believe it?"

Jiumozhi smiled coldly, and faced Sangbur directly.

Behind him, the Buddha's light shines everywhere, and a flaming knife containing the Buddha's light, supported by a golden lotus, almost turns the imaginary into reality, engulfing the murderous intent to wipe out everything, and crushes the world.

[Buddha Lotus Flame Knife: The seventh-rank dharma appearance is complete, based on the flame saber martial arts, the upper third-rank dharma appearance condensed]

"The you before were not qualified to let me do it myself, but the you today are qualified to let me do it myself."

Sangbuer stared at Jiumozhi coldly, his voice was a bit cold.

What he implied was to verify Jiumozhi's conjecture.

In fact, Sangbuer's trip was not for Jiumozhi.

The reason for coming here is just a temporary idea.

Rather than saying that Jiumozhi attracted Sambur, it is better to say that it was Huang Yaoshi's announcement of the rewards for the top three in this Alchemy Dao Conference that attracted him.

However, at this moment, seeing that Jiumozhi is already in the realm of consummation, Sambull can't help but treat Jiumozhi seriously.

"Ha ha."

With a sneer, Jiumozhi had vaguely planned to capture Sangbuer alive in his heart.

He knows that this person has many secrets, and if he is captured, he will definitely gain a lot.

So far, as many as seven forces have come to deal with Huang Yaoshi and the others.

Jinshan Temple, Shaolin Temple, Longhu Mountain, Taiyi Temple, Taiyuan Wang Family, Dali Duan Family, Tubo.

The seven great powers and seven top-notch Dharma figures appeared satisfactorily.

The momentum of the scene was almost even bigger than that of the Zhengqi Academy.

"Everyone, since the enemy has already made an attack, we can't lose our momentum, can't we all come out!"

Following Huang Yaoshi's loud shout.

Xiao Feng, Guo Jing and Hong Qigong appeared one after another.

Including Jiumozhi, Ouyang Feng, Master Yideng, and Huang Yaoshi who had already appeared, there are seven people in total.

At this time, they are not the same as they were a month ago.

All of them are existences with perfect Dharma appearance.

The momentum of the seven people has all climbed to the peak, and when they confronted Jing Nian, Pu Xing, Tian Xuanzi, Wan Yunzi, Duan Dahui, Wang Zhi, and Sang Buer, none of them was defeated.

"Did Qin's wings become so strong unconsciously?"

Watching this scene, Guanhai Daru murmured to himself, his heart was shaken.

Ask yourself, even his Confucian Saint Academy, almost the head of the five Confucian schools, is one of the top powers with the deepest background in the world.

However, even if it is their Confucianism and Sage Academy, it is not easy to gather such a complete lineup of seven top Dharma figures.

What's more, after searching his guts now, he feels that the Confucian Saint Academy can't make up such a complete lineup of seven top Dharma figures.

"Is Daqin really so scary?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Murong He's expression darkened.

Thinking that Da Qin has such a terrifying background, who knows how many cards Da Qin still has not revealed.

Does the Murong clan of Dayan really have hope to restore the country, destroy Great Qin, unify Kyushu, and establish the Great Yan Dynasty?

"Daqin, it's really terrifying. The calculations of the Tianji Pavilion, as well as my premonition, are not wrong."

Bai Xiaosheng muttered to himself, feeling a little lucky in his heart that he resisted the impulse last time.

Fortunately, he hadn't acted rashly when facing Daqin several times, otherwise, he felt that he might have already overgrown his grave.

I have to say, I don't know when, when Bai Xiaosheng faced Daqin, he was already a little timid.

"Daqin, maybe, that proposal can't be considered."

Zhuge Wenshan murmured thoughtfully.

Another question came to mind.

As he said, maybe, Daqin, it's not that he can't think about it, and it's time for their Zhuge family to make some decisions.

"Everyone, since you're here, don't leave."

"It's the first time I presided over the Alchemy Dao Conference, and it's really good that I can use your blood to establish my prestige."

Huang Yaoshi caressed his long flute, glanced at Jing Nian and the others, his seemingly casual words seemed to contain breathtaking murderous intent.

"Arrogance, today, this old man took your life!"

Tian Xuanzi was the first to speak, and with a breath of air, he completely locked on to Huang Yaoshi.

It was clear that he was going to choose Huang Yaoshi as his opponent.

Because of Huang Yaoshi's provocative words before, he had a deep prejudice against Huang Yaoshi, and he had a stance to kill Huang Yaoshi.

"Whoever takes whose life will be known after the battle."

Staring at Tian Xuanzi coldly, Huang Yaoshi was about to kill Tian Xuanzi.

As he said that, Huang Yaoshi didn't stop at all, and immediately played the Bihaichao Shengqu.

This time, as soon as Huang Yaoshi changed his normal routine, Qu Yi suddenly became quicker.

In an instant, Tian Xuanzi seemed to have entered the deep sea, and the monstrous waves immediately sank Tian Xuanzi into it.

Fortunately, Tian Xuanzi is not comparable to the previous Chen Dahai, after all, he is also one of the top Dharma Consummations in the Kyushu Continent,

In a short time, it is unlikely that Huang Yaoshi would use this song to bury Tian Xuanzi.

"Amitabha, old prince Duan, please!"

On the other side, after reciting the Buddha's name, Master Yideng made a gesture towards Duan Dahui.

There is no doubt that they both come from the Duan family in Dali, and the two of them must have a battle.

Today, only one person can survive.

"Yideng, you traitor, today, on behalf of the Dali Duan family, I will clean up the family."

Duan Dahui snarled and pointed at Master Yideng.

Immediately pointing out with one finger is also the unique skill of the Dali Duan family, one yang finger!

Master Yideng pointed out at the same time.

It is also a Yang finger!

boom! boom! boom!
Between finger forces constantly colliding in the void, it is indeed a bit difficult to determine the winner.

"Sambur, please!"

Jiumozhi smiled slightly, and made a gesture of invitation to Sangbur.

"Jumozhi, I suddenly changed my mind."

"As long as you nod your head now and are willing to return to my Tubo, I will definitely give you a few words of praise, and I will definitely not embarrass you."

"From then on, you are my Tubo's superior."

Contrary to Jiumozhi's expectations, Sang Bu'er's murderous intentions were reduced a lot at this moment.

He actually persuaded Jiumozhi to surrender.

"Sambur, my Great Qin is the most noble dynasty in the world, otherwise, you have changed your mind and voluntarily surrendered to His Majesty the Qin Emperor."

"I can say a few words of kindness to His Majesty for you, so that you can become a third-rank official in our Great Qin Dynasty."

Jiumozhi didn't respond positively, instead he treated him in his own way, turned his head, and persuaded Sangbur to surrender.

"Ding, Daqin Heavenly Prison suddenly became interested in Sangbur."

"Ding, Daqin Tianyu conveyed his idea to Jiumozhi, Daqin Tianyu wants to get the big toy of Sambur."

When Jiumozhi accepted the idea of ​​the Great Qin Heavenly Prison, he couldn't help but take a deep look at Sangbuer. In his heart, he had already started to think about how to fight step by step in a while to capture Sangbuer alive.

"Since this is the case, you and I have different ways and do not conspire with each other. Jiumozhi, you have lost your chance to live."

In his words, Sang Buer was very confident in himself, and he was not worried about what Jiumo Zhizhi would do to him.


Between heavy drinks.

Jiumozhi's eyes sharpened suddenly.

A flame knife suddenly shot out.

"Everyone says that you, Jiumozhi, are a genius. They all say that the Flaming Saber can exert unparalleled power in your hands."

"Today, I want to compare my flame knife with yours to see whose flame knife is stronger."

In an instant, Sambur was also slashed out with a flame knife.

In the void, the two flame knives also bombarded together.

The two soon fought fiercely together, and the battle was quite fierce.

"Taiyuan Wang, Wang Zhi, right?"

"Today I will regard you as a will to die!"

Ouyang Feng also stood in front of Wang Zhi. He had already disliked Wang Zhi earlier.

As soon as he made a move, he wanted to kill Wang Zhi on the spot.

"Ouyang Feng, you don't think much of this old man, do you?"

"Today, old man, I will make you pay the price in blood."

Where has Wang Zhi been so angry?

How many years have no one dared to say such arrogant words in front of him?

As a member of the Wang family in Taiyuan, he has always been aloof. Normally, if someone dared to speak to him like that, he would be killed.

"You can try."

Ouyang Feng didn't talk too much, and behind him was a blood-colored toad phantom, revealing a murderous intent, which made people feel their scalp numb and their hair stand on end.

[Blood Leaf Toad Dharma Aspect: The seventh-grade Dharma Aspect is perfect, it is a terrifying monster Dharma Aspect condensed by Ouyang Feng's ancient alien species: Blood Leaf Toad as the prototype]


Wang Zhi stared at the phantom of the blood-leaf toad behind Ouyang Feng, and for some reason, a palpitation suddenly surfaced.

Spirit Snake Fist!

It was obvious that Ouyang Feng punched out, as if his arm had lost his bones, the punch was like a soft whip, able to change the direction of attack at will.

In just an instant, Wang Zhi was in a hurry to deal with it.

There is a tendency to be overwhelmed.

"Da Qin, Xiao Feng!"

Xiao Feng didn't talk nonsense, he just stood in front of Master Jing Nian of Jinshan Temple and declared himself his family, the meaning is very clear.

He wants to fight against Jing Nian.

"Xiao Feng!"

Jing Nian fixedly stared at Xiao Feng, his eyes moved slightly, and his mind sank slightly.

He had heard of Xiao Feng's name before, but according to the Jinshan Temple's information, Xiao Feng's strength had never reached the embryonic form of Dharma.

But now, Xiao Feng has actually reached the state of Dharma Consummation, the speed of improvement is too fast.

hold head high!
Behind Xiao Feng, there is a burst of dragon chant.

In a trance, behind Xiao Feng, there was a golden dragon roaring continuously.

[Five-clawed Golden Dragon Dharma: The Ninth Grade Dharma Aspect is perfect, and the Dharma Aspect derived from the gods and beasts is an extremely noble one even among the upper third grade Dharma Aspects]


After reciting the Buddha's name, behind him, the golden lotus dharma image of the sixth grade of merit has also evolved into the sky filled with Sanskrit sounds, and the Buddha sounds are densely distributed, covering the void.

hold head high!hold head high!hold head high!
Following Xiao Feng's first move, the divine dragon swung its tail and blasted out.

In the void, there are endless dragon chants.

Golden Lotus Buddha Palm!

The palm of Jing Nian contains supreme Buddha power, and it is equally terrifying.

boom! boom! boom!
It's a pity that with one blow, the gap is immediately obvious.

Xiao Feng is the invincible existence in that golden dragon buff.

Eighteen palms of Jianglong, one blow, just one blow, in a short period of time, it crushed the golden lotus palm of Jing Nian.

Jing Nian spat out a mouthful of blood, and her face turned pale all of a sudden.

One palm, even if it was right, he would have been injured.

Xiao Feng, so terrifying!
However, since he came here on behalf of Jinshan Temple, it is naturally impossible to admit defeat so easily, and he still has to fight.

He felt that, at least, in a short time, Xiao Feng could not kill him!
"Da Qin, Guo Jing!"

On the side, Guo Jing was not idle either, just when Puxing saw Jing Nian was at a disadvantage and wanted to lend a helping hand.

Guo Jing stopped Pu Xing abruptly.

"Very well, there are quite a few strong people in Daqin."

"However, if this old monk kills you here today, thinking about it, Emperor Qin will definitely feel sorry for him for a long time."

He took a deep look at Guo Jing.

Pu Xing no longer wanted to support Jing Nian.

He knew that if Guo Jing was not dealt with, he would not be able to protect himself, let alone help Jing Nian.

At that moment, he made up his mind and planned to fight Guo Jing to the death.

"There shouldn't be many masters like you in Shaolin Temple."

"This loss of background should have dealt a heavy blow to your Shaolin Temple."

During the time when Guo Jing was in charge of the overall situation of the Beggar Gang, he had already developed a good eloquence.

While speaking to Pu Xing, there was a playful look in the corner of his eyes.

Puxing threatened to kill him, so why didn't he want to kill Puxing?
"Then let's see the real chapter under my hand."

"Amitabha, Lord Buddha, today, please bless this old man, behead this lackey of Emperor Qin, and eradicate a evil for my Buddhist sect."

Putting his hands together, Pu Xing silently raised his aura to the extreme. Behind him, the same sixth-grade merit golden lotus dharma image showed his strength.

Shaolin Chan Finger!

Point out.

As if he had hypnotized himself, he really regarded himself as the envoy of the Buddha. With this finger, Pu Xing unexpectedly exploded with [-]% combat power!
hold head high!hold head high!hold head high!
Guo Jing was unequivocal.

Shoot it with one palm!
Dragons fight in the wild!

Cooperate with groups of chivalrous forces behind Guo Jing, gathered in this palm.

In a trance, there were tens of thousands of knights helping Guo Jing, making Guo Jing's attack unimaginable.

[Supreme chivalrous dharma: the eighth grade dharma is perfect, invisible dharma, but a dharma formed by a kind of energy between heaven and earth. Only specific people are eligible to condense. Under the same quality, compared with ordinary dharma types , much stronger]

Along with the void, bursts of explosions sounded.

Guo Jing and Master Pu Xing also started their fierce battle.

"Taiyi Palace, Wan Yunzi!"

"Great Qin, Hong Qigong."

When they fought against each other, Hong Qigong and Wan Yunzi inevitably ran into each other.

Behind Hong Qigong, a vermilion wine gourd exudes a strong smell of wine, and at the same time, every drop of wine escapes, and likewise, it turns into endless murderous intent, every drop seems to be able to kill people invisible.

[Bloodskin Wine Gourd Dharma Appearance: Seventh Grade Dharma Appearance is complete, with the color of blood as a guide, it pulls out a gourd of different species between heaven and earth, and a unique dharma appearance condensed]

Dragons fight in the wild!

Hong Qigong didn't say much either, he stomped his feet heavily, and his palm was accompanied by the roar of the dragon, and Guo Jing and Xiao Feng on both sides, seemed to form a trio of palms, all of which were rolling dragon force, terrifying to hear.

Taiyi Divine Palm!

It has the same name as the Taiyi Divine Palm obtained by Xiao Feng before.

However, this is the Taiyi Sect, the core of the inheritance, the real Taiyi Divine Palm, not the previous Taiyi Divine Palm, which is only comparable to the power of the top-ranked Heavenly Rank.

It can be said that the powerful Taiyi Divine Palm of the previous heaven-level top-rank, in fact, is only the superficial surface of the real Taiyi Divine Palm.

The real Taiyi Divine Palm is just like the power and power displayed by Wan Yunzi at this moment, it is the emperor's palm technique of the eight classics.

The power is amazing!

boom! boom! boom!
During another burst of explosions, Hong Qigong and Wan Yunzi also fell into a stalemate.


Seven against seven, catching and fighting, the two sides fought fiercely for a long time.

Finally, at a certain moment, following Ouyang Feng's cold shout, the balance of power seemed to break the deadlock.


The next moment, among the people, the blood-leaf toad turned emptiness into reality, opened its mouth full of blood, and between opening and closing, Wang Zhi couldn't even let out a scream, but was bitten into a cloud of blood mist .


Almost at the same moment, people heard another scream.

Just as I saw, at some point, Xiao Feng and the five-clawed golden dragon seemed to be merged into one, with one palm enveloping the domineering dragon's power, it directly penetrated Jing Nian's body.

Bang all over.

Following that, Jing Nian was also blasted into a cloud of blood mist.

boom! boom! boom!
The moment after Jing Nian died, Tian Xuanzi slapped his own head uncontrollably, killing himself.

Until the moment of dying, Tian Xuanzi's pupils were full of horror.

The moment before he died, Huang Yaoshi used the song of the blue sea tide to introduce him into the terrifying forbidden area of ​​the deep sea, and there were deep sea alien species such as the reverse scale blood python, angry blood shark, etc., chasing and killing him.

In desperation, Tian Xuanzi's mind collapsed, and in a daze, he killed himself.

"Amitabha, old prince Duan, in terms of Yiyang Zhi's attainment, it seems that you are still a little inferior!"

Master Yideng clasped his hands together and stared at Duan Dahui opposite, with neither sadness nor joy in his eyes.


Pointing at Master Yideng, Duan Dahui's pupils were filled with unwillingness.

He seemed about to say something.

But in the end, nothing could be said.

During the continuous spraying of blood, Duan Dahui fell to the ground without making a sound.

Just as Master Yideng said, when it comes to Yiyang Finger, his attainments are not enough!
In the final confrontation of one pose and one yang finger, he seemed to have been penetrated by Master Yideng.

"Amitabha, Buddha, why don't you protect your disciples and destroy this lackey of Emperor Qin!"

Not long after Duan Dahui's death, Puxing let out a desperate roar.

Afterwards, the whole person was submerged under Guo Jing's terrifying palm.

Blood mist billows, Shaolin Temple, Pu Xing falls!
"not good!"

Following Wang Zhi, Jing Nian, Tian Xuanzi, Duan Dahui, and Pu Xing, five people died one after another.

Wan Yunzi couldn't help his pupils twitching suddenly, shouted that it was bad, waved his palm in the face, forced Hong Qigong back, turned his head and wanted to run.

"Want to run?"

Dragons fight in the wild!

Little did they know, Hong Qigong was already on guard against Wan Yunzi's attempt to escape.

Smile coldly.

When Wan Yunzi was only focused on running away and his back was empty, he struck out with a heavy palm.

Wan Yunzi hadn't run a mile when he was blasted through his body by this palm and turned into a pool of flesh and blood on the spot.

"Jumozhi, let me go."

"I will tell you all the reasons for my coming here."

"When I go back, I will still speak to Zamp. I will definitely forgive your sins and won't let Zamp hold you accountable."

The last place.

At this moment, Sambur had already lost his original prestige.

The whole person, from top to bottom, was covered in bloody wounds.

After fighting the flame saber with Jiumozhi repeatedly, the facts proved that his flame saber was not as good as Jiumozhi.

Now, with injuries all over his body, he has completely lost the power to resist.

He could only crawl on the ground like a dog, begging Jiumozhi to spare his life.

"Amitabha, Sambur, whether you die or not is not up to me."


Shaking his head, Jiumozhi didn't intend to say too much to Sambur.

He had succeeded in taking Sambur out of combat.

Next, it's time to send Sambur to Heaven.

As soon as Jiumozhi's voice fell, the phantom of the heavenly prison emerged.

Jiumozhi also directly sent Sangbuer into the heavenly prison with one palm, without giving him any chance.

"Ding, congratulations, your subordinate, Jiumozhi, successfully sent Sambur into the heavenly hell."

"Ding, Heavenly Prison is very excited. He is also able to suppress the top powerhouses who have perfect Dharma in the world of Kyushu."

"Ding, in order to please you, Heavenly Hell deliberately deprived Sambur of the flame knife body and dedicated it to you."

"Ding, congratulations, you have obtained the body of the flame knife."

"Ding, the embodiment of the flame sword god has been stored in the system space, and you can use it at will."

The fierce battle did not exceed two hours in total.

People can only see that the seven top Dharma-consummation powerhouses from the seven major forces were beheaded one after another.

Especially Murong He, at this moment, his eyelids kept twitching.

Originally, he still had some thoughts of wanting to join the war.

But now he has no idea of ​​fighting Xiao Feng and others.

so horrible.

In his eyes, the combat power of Xiao Feng and others is the top among the top nine Dharma phases.

Each one is enough to kill two of them!
That's right.

He felt that even if there were two of them, it would be difficult to defeat one Xiao Feng!
too strong!
It was already so strong that it made him tremble.

"Da Qin, Da Qin."

While whispering silently, Bai Xiaosheng shook his head again and again, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

"The Great Qin Dynasty has a terrifying background. Sure enough, those who can make a dynasty should not be underestimated."

"After you go back, you must strictly order my Confucianism and Sage Academy to try not to provoke Daqin."

Whispering to himself, Guanhai Great Confucianism has made up his mind that unless it is absolutely necessary, he will never provoke Daqin.

Not to mention anything else, just Xiao Feng and the other seven people in front of him.

It is enough to become his confidant and enemy in the Confucianism and Sage Academy.

At least, before the shackles of heaven and earth were opened, and before the strong man in the secret realm of the Confucian Saint Academy appeared in the world.

The Academy of Confucianism and Saints must not be an enemy of Great Qin.

"Daqin, maybe, my Zhuge family should really bet on it."

Zhuge Wenshan's eyes gradually became firm.

The results of this battle seemed to make Zhuge Wenshan make up his mind.

"Ding, since your subordinate Huang Yaoshi killed Tian Xuanzi, you can take advantage of the opportunity to unlock the authority of the emperor's way."

"Ding, your emperor's power - Dharma Aspect plunder is activated, congratulations, you have successfully plundered Tian Xuanzi's Dharma Aspect - Daohu Dharma Aspect."

[Dharma appearance of Dao and Tiger: The sixth-rank dharma appearance is perfect, the secret dharma inherited from Longhu Mountain, the condensed dharma appearance, the tiger-shaped dharma appearance condensed with the true power of Taoism, is the top grade among the third-rank dharma appearances]

"Ding, since your subordinate Ouyang Feng killed Wang Zhi, you can take advantage of the opportunity to unlock the authority of the emperor's way."

"Ding, your emperor's power - the dharma plunder is activated, congratulations, you have successfully plundered Wang Zhi's dharma - the magic sword dharma."

[Fierce Devil Saber Aspect: Sixth Grade Perfect Dharma Aspect, it is Wang Zhi's combination of magic skills, taking the Wang family's sword as the prototype, and condensing the third grade Dharma Aspect]

"Ding, since your subordinate Xiao Feng killed Jing Nian, you can take advantage of the opportunity to unlock the power of the emperor's way."

"Ding, your royal authority—Plundering of Dharma Aspects has been activated. Congratulations, you have successfully plundered the Dharma Aspects of Pure Thought—Golden Lotus of the Sixth Stage of Merit."

[Golden lotus of the sixth rank of merit: the perfect dharma of the sixth rank is the third rank of dharma handed down in the same line of Buddhism]

"Ding, since your subordinate Guo Jing killed Puxing, you can take advantage of the opportunity to unlock the power of the emperor's way."

"Ding, your imperial authority - Dharma image plunder is activated, congratulations, you have successfully plundered Puxing's Dharma image - the sixth-grade merit golden lotus."

[Golden lotus of the sixth rank of merit: the perfect dharma of the sixth rank is the third rank of dharma handed down in the same line of Buddhism]

"Ding, since you killed Duan Dahui under the command of the master of the lamp, you can take advantage of the opportunity to open the power of the emperor."

"Ding, your imperial authority - Dharma Aspect Plundering is activated. Congratulations, you have successfully plundered Duan Dahui's Dharma Aspect - the incomplete Yiyang Finger Dharma Aspect."

[The incomplete one-yang finger dharma appearance: the sixth-grade dharma appearance is perfect, and it is also a dharma appearance condensed with a yang finger as the embryonic form. Unfortunately, it has not been perfected, and can only be ranked among the third-rank dharma appearances]

"Ding, because Hong Qigong under your command killed Wan Yunzi, you can take advantage of the opportunity to unlock the authority of the emperor's way."

"Ding, your royal authority - Dharma Aspect Plundering has been activated. Congratulations, you have successfully plundered Wan Yunzi's Dharma Aspect - the sixth-grade fortune-telling green lotus."

[Sixth-rank Good Fortune Qinglian: Sixth-rank perfect dharma, but the third-rank dharma handed down in the same line of Taoism, it is extremely difficult to condense]

"Ding, because your subordinates have captured and killed seven top Dharma practitioners from the seven major powers of Jinshan Temple, Shaolin Temple, Longhushan, Taiyi Daogong, Taiyuan Wang, Dali Duan, and Tubo. The panel moved at the same time."

"Ding, the major boards under your command have joined forces to plunder the luck of the five major forces of Jinshan Temple, Shaolin Temple, Longhushan, Taiyi Palace, and Taiyuan Wang Clan at the same time."

"Ding, your panel of civil and military officials has robbed Dali and Tubo of two national fortunes."

"Ding, congratulations, you have received feedback on martial arts from Shaolin Temple, and you have been introduced to Shaolin Chan."

[Shaolin Zen Finger: The best fingering of the imperial rank is the brainchild of countless eminent monks in Shaolin Temple for many years]

"Ding, congratulations, you have received feedback on martial arts from Jinshan Temple, and you have been introduced to the Golden Lotus Buddha Palm."

[Golden Lotus Buddha Palm: The best palm technique of the imperial rank, which has been passed down for many years in Jinshan Temple. Only a very small number of eminent monks are qualified to practice it]

"Ding, congratulations, you have received feedback on martial arts skills from the Taiyi Palace, and you have been introduced to the Taiyi Divine Palm."

[Taiyi Divine Palm: The best palm technique of the imperial rank, the Taiyi Palace, the true inheritance palm technique]

"Ding, congratulations, you have received feedback on the secret technique of Dragon and Tiger Mountain, Dragon and Tiger Interaction Technique."

[Dragon and Tiger Crying Art: The emperor's best secret method, according to legend, if practiced to a great success, it can be used to condense a dragon and tiger's crowing top three dharma image]


[This chapter is a five-in-one chapter with [-] words, which is equivalent to the previous five chapters. 】

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(End of this chapter)

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