Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 218 Promotion to Heaven and Man, Supreme Realm!

Chapter 218 Promotion to Heaven and Man, Supreme Realm! (two in one chapter)

boom! boom! boom!
The Liaoyuan Domain scorched the earth with the power of boundless flames.

In this terrifying realm, countless trees and rocks collapsed around the Yunwang Palace.

Even under the power of this domain, the Palace of Lianyun King was on the verge of collapse, as if it might collapse at any time.

"Submit or die!"

"Choose one."

Li Ruohai came across the sky, staring at King Yun and the other four.

In the eyes, full of murderous intent.

At this moment, Li Ruohai's patience was still insufficient as before.

He didn't want to procrastinate.

After he quickly dealt with King Yun, he also went to meet this expert from the Kyushu Continent.

The four people in front of him were not in his eyes at all.

"Presumptuous, you alone dare to speak wild words in front of the old man and others."

"When my blood cloud dynasty was at its peak, you still didn't know where it was."

"Kneel down to this king!"

The three old men in the lead, they are all the remnants of the blood cloud dynasty in the past.

All of them are princely figures.

Therefore, when they spoke, they always assumed a superior attitude.

Even though, they knew that Li Ruohai was not a simple person.

They still adopted an attitude of looking down.

Still fantasizing about their so-called blood cloud dynasty.

He has no intention of lowering his stance or accepting reality.

As they said that, they also tried in vain to prop up their respective heavenly realms to counter Li Ruohai.


After humming heavily, Li Ruohai's expression moved slightly, and a more majestic and frightening momentum dissipated, and the three old princes of the Blood Cloud Dynasty all blushed.

Even if they tried their best, they still couldn't support their field of that day.

boom! boom! boom!
Even, as they opened up their own domain with all their strength, they discovered with horror that their domain was collapsing inch by inch.

Their foundations are in danger of crumbling.

"Give you a chance, you don't cherish it, if so, you all go to die."

His eyes sharpened suddenly.

It was obvious that Li Ruohai had no more patience.

A shot was swung out like a thunderbolt.

In an instant, the raging fire turned into a fire dragon, and in an instant, it completely devoured the three old princes of the Blood Cloud Dynasty.


King Yun collapsed.

Others are crazy.

Between howls of despair.

All the beliefs in his heart have completely collapsed.

The three old princes of the Blood Cloud Dynasty just died like this.

His reliance was instantly destroyed.

This means that today's game is a pure death game for him.

Even the three old princes of the Blood Cloud Dynasty are no match, let alone him.

"King Yun, right?"

"I'll give you one last chance, surrender or die?"

Li Ruohai still doesn't like trouble.

Just now, he could kill even King Yun with one shot.

There was only one reason why King Yun was left behind.

That is, he wanted to force King Yun to submit, and directly subdue the entire force under King Yun's command, so as to save him from wasting time, coercing surrender or killing all of King Yun's subordinates one by one.

That's very troublesome.

"His Royal Highness, you must never choose to surrender."

"Once you choose to surrender, it means that from now on, you will become Qin Emperor Yingxi's loyal servant, and there is no possibility of betrayal anymore."

"Although I don't know how Daqin did it, according to my underworld investigation, anyone who voluntarily submits to Qinhuang Yingxi has become a loyal loyalist of Qinhuang Yingxi, and there is no possibility of betrayal."

Just when King Yun was about to shake his mind, Gou Qing arrived.

After repeated utterances, all of a sudden, King Yun was awakened from the abyss of despair, and he no longer had the thought of submitting.


Looking at Gou Qing, Li Ruohai's expression moved slightly.

He has just come into the world, and he is not too clear about the details of the forces on the mainland of Kyushu.

The word hell reminded him of the hell in the mythology of his previous life.

He has some doubts, does this underworld represent the underworld of this world?

"Gou Qing, you're back."

He turned his head and stared at Gou Qing.

Li Ruohai didn't know, but King Yun knew it all.

This Gou Qing came from the underworld, one of the two palaces of heaven and earth in the current Kyushu continent.

According to rumors, this underworld is not just a simple power in the rivers and lakes, its origin can even be traced back to the underworld of this world, which is also called the underworld by the world.

This is a truly terrifying force that has been circulating in the world since ancient times.

However, the underworld has always been hidden in the dark, rarely appearing in the world.

Including this time, when Gou Qing was sent by the underworld to join him, it made him feel suspicious for a while.

He has never been able to figure out why the underworld sent Gou Qing to assist him.

Is it the random placement of the underworld, or is it a layout with deep meaning?
he does not know.

However, he knew that at this moment, Gou Qing's appearance was his only hope.

He stared at Gou Qing with piercing eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Is there a strong man coming to the underworld?"


Gou Qing shook his head.

When King Yun heard this, his face was full of disappointment.

He originally thought that Gou Qing's coming here would bring him a surprise.

Unfortunately, however, no.

If no strong man from the underworld came, he didn't think that he would be able to turn defeat into victory and repel Li Ruohai.

"However, I brought an elixir from an immortal alchemist in my underworld."

"His Royal Highness King Yun, take it quickly!"

"If you subdue him, you will gain great strength. At least, killing Li Ruohai in front of you should not be a big problem."

As he said that, Gou Qing quickly took out a pill and handed it to King Yun.

As you can see, there is a permeating ghostly aura exuding from that elixir.

The moment he held it in the palm of his hand, even King Yun could not help but shudder.

Without the slightest hesitation, King Yun directly put the pill into his mouth.

He knew that he had no choice.

Even if, in this elixir, there are schemes of the underworld.

He can only take it.

At the same moment, a strange light flashed in Gou Qing's pupils unconsciously.

He succeeded.

King Yun is about to become King Yun of their underworld!

The underworld will also become the forerunner of the underworld, vying for the fate of the Kyushu Continent!
Sure enough, the next moment, King Yun let out a roar like a ghost.

The whole person quickly became gloomy and mysterious.

The breath is getting darker and darker.

There is no longer the bearing of the previous king.

Yes, there is boundless darkness and darkness.

"Gou Qing, a member of the Underworld, has seen the great Golden Shadow General. Your stalwart will cover all the dead souls in the world!"

The next moment, Gou Qing was seen kneeling down in front of King Yun's figure.

He said with a very respectful and high praise.

Golden Shadow Underworld General?

Li Ruohai's eyes moved.

Sure enough, he discovered that King Yun's aura had disappeared, replaced by a dark and frightening aura.

Golden Shadow Underworld General?

From this title, it is not difficult to infer that King Yun should have been taken away by General Jin Yingming.

The problem should lie in the elixir that King Yun just swallowed.

This shows that the underworld of this world is really related to this underworld!
All of a sudden, Li Ruohai thought a lot and realized many problems.

This world seems to be more complicated than imagined.

The last stage of the eclipse of the sun has not yet come, and the underworld has already appeared.

I am afraid that in the future, there will be even more terrifying existences coming.

Gathering his mind, Li Ruohai stared closely at the Golden Shadow General.

I saw that in the hands of General Jin Yingming, a pitch-black bone spear suddenly appeared.

Above the bone spear, exudes a frightening ghostly aura.

General Jin Yingming moved his neck, and said in a deep voice: "How many years, this general, finally returned to the world!"

"You, not bad."

"This general, will forge the prestige of this general with your blood!"

Jin Yingming pointed at Li Ruohai with a bone gun, and every word was very cold and stern.

He actually revealed an incomparably gloomy realm.

Golden Shadow Underworld!

As a general from the underworld, it is natural that he can be sent by the underworld.

Golden Shadow Underworld!

It is indeed Wang Jie's domain!

Even if Li Ruohai has the imperial domain, he can still expand a world in Li Ruohai's Liaoyuan domain.

"Heaven and Human Realm Tenth Level, King Rank Domain, it's a bit interesting."

Li Ruohai smiled, there was no trace of fear in his expression, but a look of playfulness arose.

To be honest, if this Golden Shadow Underworld General was at the ninth level of the Heavenly Human Realm with him, then with his Liaoyuan Domain and the pressure of the imperial rank, he would be easily crushed.

Now, this Golden Shadow Underworld General is at the tenth level of the Heavenly Human Realm, one level higher than him, which greatly increased his interest.

At least, this Golden Shadow Underworld General should be able to take one or two moves from him.

It can also let him have a good time.

After all, none of the previous enemies could survive his random move, which also made him quite boring.

This Golden Shadow Underworld General can arouse his interest somewhat.

"I only shoot one shot, and I can catch it without dying. Today, I will spare your life."

"Tomorrow, I will take your life again."

After thinking about it, Li Ruohai pointed a finger at Jin Yingming, his eyes were full of contempt.


When Jin Yingming heard the words, he immediately exclaimed.

He was stunned.

She never thought that Li Ruohai would dare to be so arrogant.

Want to kill him with one shot, what do you mean?
This is too much to look down on him!
He is not weak!
Thinking of this, General Jin Yingming suddenly raised his head, stared at Li Ruohai, and said in a ruthless voice: "Li Ruohai, today, this general will definitely smash your corpse into thousands of pieces!"

"A hundred strikes to the prairie fire!"

Li Ruohai didn't talk nonsense.

A deep drink.

The shadow of the gun was like a cloud, and a shot blasted out, like a raging flame burning the sky, and the monstrous red flames completely covered Jin Yingming.

"Bone guns and blood!"

"The power of the netherworld, help me!"

In a critical moment, Jin Yingming will quickly mobilize his strongest power.

Gather all the power of the nether world on the bone spear, and the bone spear drains the blood, which is terrifying.

In an instant, it collided with the raging fire that filled the sky.


With a cold smile, Li Ruohai was already standing with his hands behind his back, standing proudly in the world.

It seems that Jin Yingming is not worried at all that he will be able to break through his offensive.

boom! boom! boom!
Sure enough, at the next moment, his prairie fire gun turned into several fire dragons.

It only took an instant to shatter the body of the Golden Shadow Underworld General.

"Master Golden Shadow Underworld General!"

Looking at Jin Yingming's death, Gou Qing's eyes were dull.

He couldn't believe that the Golden Shadow General, whom he thought could change the situation by himself, was shot and killed by Li Ruohai.

This is incredible.

"Submission or death?"

Li Ruohai shifted his gaze to Gou Qing again.

"My lord, I am willing to submit to His Majesty Qin Huang."

"Also, I am willing to help my lord to urge King Yun's subordinates to pledge allegiance to His Majesty Qin Huang."

Gou Qing thinks that he is not a tough guy.

The reason why he has been loyal to the underworld is because the underworld is strong enough to keep his life.

Now, obviously, the underworld couldn't keep him anymore.

He doesn't want to die.

To live.

Even though, he knew that once he was loyal, he might become Qin Huang's loyal loyalist from now on, and he would no longer have self-thinking.

But, that's better than dying.

The strong desire to survive made him immediately choose to kneel down and surrender.

"You made a wise choice."

Li Ruohai smiled.

Now, he can save a lot of trouble.

Sure enough, next, with Gou Qing's full assistance, all of King Yun's subordinates surrendered to Emperor Qin Yingxi in just three days.

Under Li Ruohai's coercion, most of the strong men who appeared in the secret realm of the Blood Cloud Dynasty chose to submit.

The few resolute and unyielding existences were also wiped out for Li Ruohai.

"Ding, congratulations, you have successfully subdued King Yun's subordinates. Under the cover of a loyal dog's heart, now, King Yun's subordinates have become your loyal dogs."

"Ding, congratulations, the entire Yunzhou is now under your command."

"Ding, the previous feedback on the Blood Shadow Sect's kung fu and the feedback on the Kung Yun's kung fu this time are actually combined with each other, opening a path for you to lead to heaven and man."

"Ding, as soon as this road is opened, you will immediately be irrigated from the dark, and you will gain a lot of power in the realm of heaven and man."

"Ding, congratulations, your luck in Yunzhou has been completed."

"Ding, congratulations, you have successfully obtained the help of Yunzhou's luck, and your Supreme Dharma has begun to change."

"Ding, congratulations, your supreme dharma image has absorbed the luck of the entire Yunzhou, and obtained the power of various heavenly and human realms in the dark, including the realm of Liaoyuan, the realm of subduing dragons, the realm of Linglong, etc. "

"Ding, your "True Ming Emperor Jue" is also here to join in the fun, integrating the powers of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, demons, demons, ghosts, Yin and Yang, five elements, medicine, poison, emperor, and array into you. In the newly condensed realm of heaven and man."

"Ding, congratulations, your supreme dharma form has successfully transformed, and finally achieved the supreme realm of heaven and man!"

[Supreme Realm: The realm of heaven and man beyond the imperial ranks, integrating Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, demons, demons, ghosts, yin and yang, five elements, medicine, poison, emperor, and formation. This realm is unparalleled in the world, from ancient to modern , this is the Xeon domain, the initial range - [-] miles]

"Ding, congratulations, you have successfully advanced to the first level of the Heavenly Human Realm."


[This chapter is a two-in-one chapter, four thousand words, equivalent to the previous two chapters. 】

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(End of this chapter)

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