Chapter 27 The Storm Is Near

"Ding, your soul-stirring method is eager to show its skills, and the Tianji Pavilion Shengzi Yantian in front of you is a good target."

"Ding, the deprivation of the divine body was successful. The heavenly body has been stored in the system space, and you can extract and devour it at any time."


When he felt that the heavenly body in his body had completely disappeared, Shengzi Yantian yelled in horror.


Yingxi smiled indifferently, and punched again, easily hitting the holy son Yantian of the third level of the Zifu.

A mouthful of blood spurted out violently.

Shengzi Yantian felt chills all over his body, and he was powerless to fight back against Yingxi.

At that moment, he wanted to fight back, but he was overwhelmed by Yingxi's coercion, making it difficult to move.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that his divine body has just been deprived and his strength has been greatly damaged.

"You can't kill me, I am Yantian, the son of Tianji Pavilion."

"Kill me, everyone in Tianji Pavilion will not let you go."

"Tianji Pavilion's revenge, you absolutely cannot bear it."

At this moment, Shengzi Yantian regained some composure after losing his fighting power.

Staring deeply at Yingxi, he was betting that Yingxi would be afraid of Tianji Pavilion and would not dare to kill him.


Ying Xi yelled heavily, his eyes dimmed, and he put a palm directly on the top of Shengzi Yantian's head.

Dementor Dafa, start!

next moment.

Shengzi Yantian only felt that his soul was being torn apart crazily, and in an instant, he was in pain, and life was worse than death.

"How dare you search for souls!"

"Qinhuang Yingxi, you have fallen into the evil way, and you will be punished by heaven sooner or later."

"I'll be waiting for you below, explode!"

Immediately, Shengzi Yantian realized that Yingxi was searching for his soul.

On the rivers and lakes, the reason why the soul-searching secret technique is regarded as a method of magic is because the soul-searching method is extremely cruel. When searching for the soul, the human soul will suffer pain of being torn apart. After the soul-searching, it will be death or madness. I thought it was too hurtful.

Therefore, in the world, anyone who hears of someone using the soul-searching secret technique will become a street mouse and be beaten and killed.

At this moment, Shengzi Yantian knew that he was going to die, and immediately his expression became ruthless, his face was ferocious, and after the last roar, he blew his own soul!


Looking at the lifeless Shengzi Yantian, Yingxi shook his head slightly.

Shengzi Yantian blew up his soul, which was too decisive.

As a result, he didn't gain much in this soul search.

Of course, it's not all fruitless.

At least Yingxi got the news of his twin sister Ying Ziyuan.

That's right.

He also has a twin sister, Ying Ziyuan, but unfortunately, when she was eight years old, Ying Ziyuan disappeared.

Since then, it has never appeared, and Ying Xi also thought that Ying Ziyuan had already been killed.

I never thought that this time, through soul searching, I learned that Ying Ziyuan was in a secret realm. According to the calculation of Tianji Pavilion, not only did Ying Ziyuan not die, but she also got a great opportunity.

If Shengzi Yantian blew himself up a little slower, perhaps Yingxi would be able to know where the secret realm Ying Ziyuan was in.

"Win Ziyuan."

After a silent recitation, his intuition told Yingxi that the Tianji Pavilion had plotted against him, and it must have something to do with winning Ziyuan!

"Ding, since you used the soul-stirring technique for the first time, you searched the soul to obtain important information. Your soul-stirring technique feels pretty good about yourself and has reached the state of great accomplishment."

(Martial skills and secret techniques are divided into four realms: entry level, small success, great success, and perfection)
Generally speaking, if an ordinary person wants to practice a secret method to a great level, it will take at least half a year, and it will only take longer for the soul-absorbing method.

With a slight forehead, Ying Xi was quite satisfied.

It seems that it is not a bad thing for the secret method to expand a little.

"True Dragon Emperor Sword, cut!"

Yingxi did not forget the expectation of the Artifact Refining Hall, and used the True Dragon Emperor Sword to decapitate the Son of Heaven.

"Ding, the True Dragon Emperor Sword is very proud of the owl-headed saint son Yantian. Its rank has been improved, and it has been promoted to the best king rank, and its power has doubled!"

"Go back to the palace."

The Tianji Building was leveled, and Yingxi put away the soaringly powerful True Dragon Emperor Sword, walked through the air, and returned to the Daqin Palace.


Cao Zhengchun, Gao Shun, Xiao Feng and others followed closely behind.

About half an hour later, the inside and outside of Xianyang City shook.

Not only did Qin Huang not die, but he also seemed to have obtained a great opportunity, and his strength became extremely terrifying.

Under his command, there is even a Grand Master of the Heavenly Cave named Xiao Feng from the Beggar Clan.

Does this mean that the beggar gang of the seven gangs in the world has been subdued by Emperor Qin?
At the same time, regarding the trapping camp, Tie Yingruishi, Gao Shun, Cao Zhengchun, and even Yingxi's use of the soul-searching secret technique on Tianji Pavilion Shengzi Yantian all spread in the first place.

For a while, there were different opinions, and many people had a premonition that Xianyang City was about to usher in a terrifying bloody storm.

Emperor Qin Yingxi stepped on the Tianji Building in Xianyang City, and with a sword, he defeated the Tianji Pavilion's saint son Yantian. It is foreseeable that the Tianji Pavilion will not let it go.

The Tianji Pavilion has a long history, is mysterious and powerful, and because it is good at calculating the secrets of heaven, there are countless people in the world who owe favors to the Tianji Pavilion.

Once summoned, this force, in the world, is afraid that there is no force that can resist it.

At that time, I'm afraid that the huge city of Xianyang will be filled with blood.

With the passage of time, the air in Xianyang City seemed to be filled with a chill atmosphere.

Pedestrians hurried to Xianyang City from all directions.

There are also those who are timid and afraid of getting into trouble, who are afraid of suffering innocent disasters, packed up their bags one after another, left Xianyang City, and sought refuge.

"Miss, tell me, can Emperor Qin resist the killing of Tianji Pavilion?"

On Zhuque Street in Xianyang City, He Shuyao was wandering back and forth with her maid, Xiaotao.

He Shuyao glanced at the maid Xiaotao, and recalled that day, Yingxi's majestic and majestic figure, that supreme domineering figure, unconsciously, had long been etched into the depths of her heart.

Smiling, He Shuyao said firmly, "His Majesty the Emperor of Qin will definitely kill all invading enemies, and Tianji Pavilion is no exception."


Xiaotao never expected that her young lady would be so confident in Qin Huang.

"But, Miss, there are many rumors in the outside world that the Emperor Qin is weak, so he must not be the opponent of Tianji Pavilion."

Hearing this, He Shuyao's delicate face immediately showed a touch of anger, and he scolded: "It's a bunch of nonsense, how can Tianji Pavilion be the opponent of Emperor Qinhuang?"

"Miss calm down, the servant has made a slip of the tongue."

Xiaotao turned pale with fright, and hurriedly apologized.

"Hmph, go back!"

With a heavy hum, He Shuyao became upset for some reason, and no longer had the interest to go shopping.

Don't look at her answer so absolutely, in fact, deep down in her heart, she is more worried than anyone else.


Xiaotao shrank her neck, not daring to say much, she just lowered her head silently, and followed He Shuyao back home.

Near He Wanshan's mansion, there is an empty alleyway.

As soon as he stepped into it, He Shuyao's expression changed, and he shouted: "Who is it, get out!"

"Jie Jie Jie, as expected of a plant spirit."

"The top-quality furnace is really extraordinary."

(End of this chapter)

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