Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 30 Calling on the world to wipe out the dead corpse faction

Chapter 30 Calling on the world to wipe out the dead corpse faction
With a sound of sword sound, the long sword in Jianxuan's hand suddenly came out of its sheath.

In an instant, the surrounding space seemed to freeze, and only the bright sword glow was left, attacking Yingxi directly.


hold head high!
Accompanied by a burst of dragon chant, the True Dragon Emperor sword was unsheathed!

The wrath of the emperor!
In Yingxi's eyes, the flames of anger could not be calmed down.

The shadow of the sword is like a dragon, engulfing God's will, going forward indomitably, invincible!
After a loud noise, Ying Xi stood proudly.

Just like the terrifying sword intent derived from the emperor's will, it pierced the sky in an instant and amazed the world.

Jianxuan stared at Yingxi firmly, a smear of blood quietly overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Even though he dodged quickly just now, he still couldn't help being hurt by the sharp edge of that emperor's will.


Unspeakable fear spread in my heart.

"Qinhuang Yingxi, you have completely angered me, I want you to die!"

He, Jianxuan, the fourth level of Dongtian, is ranked among the great masters in the heaven list.

He was actually injured by Yingxi, a mere sixth-level counterattack of the Purple Mansion!
At this moment, there was only one thought in Jianxuan's heart, Qin Huang's monster, since he offended him, he must be killed, otherwise, it would be a catastrophe.

Even, it will bring disaster to the entire Taiyi Palace!

Turn great fear into great murderous intent!
Jianxuan is resolute and has made up his mind to kill Yingxi at all costs.

"Jianxuan, you dare to assassinate His Majesty, today, this old man will never end with you!"

Everything happened so suddenly that He Wanshan had almost just realized it.

At the very first moment, He Wanshan shouted furiously and stopped in front of Jianxuan.

Town day hunting makes a gesture.

Daqin supervised Tiansi from top to bottom and surrounded Jianxuan.

Silence is better than sound, the Great Qin Supervisor Tiansi will not allow Jianxuan to be presumptuous.

"Xiao Feng came late to rescue him, I hope His Majesty will forgive me."

After hearing that Ying Xi was leaving the palace, Xiao Feng hurried over, fearing that something might happen to Ying Xi.

Just now that Jianxuan's blow, Xiao Feng's eyes were tearing apart, but fortunately Yingxi's supernatural power was so powerful that he hurt Jianxuan with his sword.

Even so, Xiao Feng still had lingering fears.

That sword startled, it was too thrilling.

I secretly thought in my heart, after this time, I must follow His Majesty closely, so that such incidents cannot happen again.

"Not guilty."

Yingxi shook his head.

Not too concerned.

He, Emperor Qin, is not an embroidered pillow!
That form of Emperor's Wrath is not his limit.

Ying Xi reckoned that if the anger value was full, coupled with the blessing of the Wanhua Emperor Body, it would be possible to injure Jianxuan severely with one sword, and it would not be impossible to kill him with one sword.

"Xiao Feng, I order you to capture this traitor immediately."

"I will send him to heaven, where he will suffer the cruelest punishment day and night."

Now that Xiao Feng has come, there is no need for Yingxi to do it himself.


After Xiao Feng took the order, he was full of anger and exploded completely at once.

Right now, he just wants to beat Jian Xuan violently.

Then, he made atonement for his crime and detained him in the Daqin Heavenly Prison.

"Second Form of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms - Flying Dragon in the Sky!"

hold head high!
Stepping on the ground, the earth cracked.

Blast out with one palm, Yulong is in the sky!

The palm intention became invisible and tangible, like a golden dragon descending into the world, hitting Jianxuan's chest.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Facing Xiao Feng's power to subdue the dragon, Jian Xuan didn't even have the courage to draw his sword!
In an instant, he was seriously injured.


After humming heavily, Xiao Feng was still angry.

In an instant, he put away his strength, and with his physical strength, punched Jianxuan fiercely for a long time.

He didn't give up until Jianxuan was beaten to death.

A mouthful of blood spewed out continuously, Jian Xuan didn't even have the strength to scream and wailing at this moment.

Reluctantly moving his lips, Jianxuan said weakly: "Taiyi Palace will not let you go."

"Dare to be tough?"

Xiao Feng was furious, he slapped out another palm, this palm had a terrifying palm meaning, this palm almost smacked Jianxuan's mouth.

In an instant, Jianxuan's face was no longer human-shaped, and his whole body was almost a puddle of flesh.

If it wasn't for Jianxuan who was the grand master of Dongtian, if he were an ordinary person, he would have already passed away with such injuries.

However, Jianxuan was not much better, with one life, almost only his last breath was left hanging.

"Where is the hunting envoy?"

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen is here."

When the Zhentian hunting envoy heard Yingxi's call, he immediately bowed his head respectfully and stepped forward to listen to the order.

"I order you to escort this traitor to heaven immediately."

"Follow the order!"

After taking the order, the hunting envoy of Zhentian held Jianxuan's neck in one hand, and rushed all the way to the heavenly prison.

"Ding, your heavenly prison has successfully taken in a great master of the heavenly prison. The heavenly prison is very excited. It feels that it has found the best toy. The heavenly prison has specially recalled a hundred of the heavenly prison guards from the long river of time and space. , ten judges in charge of heaven, and one judge in heaven."

[Heavenly Hell Executioner: In ancient times, he was the executor of punishment in the Heavenly Court. He was ruthless and ruthless, and he was a fearsome executioner.]

[Heavenly Prison Commander: In ancient times, a terrifying criminal officer in charge of the power of punishment in a heavenly court]

[Heavenly Hell Judge: Ancient Era: The mysterious judge in charge of the power of trial in a heavenly court]

[Heavenly Prisoner—Initial Realm: Nine Levels of Body Refining]

[Heavenly Hell Commander—Initial Realm: Tianyuan Nine Layers]

[Heavenly Hell Judge——Initial Realm: Nine Layers of Purple Mansion]

"Ding, your Heavenly Prison finds that the new toy is too fragile, and may not be able to survive the basic punishment, so ask the alchemy tower for help."

"Ding, the Alchemy Pagoda is very angry because of Jianxuan's actions. Under the same hatred and hatred, it is willing to unconditionally provide various life-hanging pills for Heavenly Prison, so as to ensure that Jianxuan can survive various punishments."


In the True Dragon Palace, Ying Xi smiled coldly.

So, exactly what he wanted!
He just wanted to let Jianxuan taste the punishment of hell, to experience what life is worse than death.

"Ding, the Artifact Refining Hall is unwilling to be defeated by the Alchemy Pagoda for doing nothing, and specifically promises that it is willing to unconditionally create various torture tools for Heavenly Hell, ensuring high quality, strong and durable."

At this moment, Yingxi is becoming more and more interested in Heavenly Prison.

It's a pity that at the moment, he still has other important things to do.

Temporarily unable to find time to go to heaven to inspect.

Glancing at the people in the hall, Ying Xi said in a deep voice: "Cao Zhengchun, you immediately draw up an order for me. The exorcist sect has repeatedly assassinated my old master Daqin. Zombies!"

The Corpse Exorcist Sect has made arrangements twice, intending to kill He Wanshan.

This is no longer just a matter of He Wanshan alone, but also concerns the prestige of Daqin.

Yingxi's move was not only for He Wanshan, but also for Daqin's dignity!

Cao Zhengchun bowed his head and took orders.

"Your Majesty, forgive Xiao Feng for speaking bluntly. I'm afraid it's not appropriate to call on the world. Why don't you let the humble officials lead a team of troops to directly destroy the Corpse Exorcism Sect, so as to frighten the world."

Xiao Feng hesitated to speak, although he didn't specify clearly.

However, the overtones can already be heard.

This is to worry about the lack of appeal of Daqin today. If no one responds, wouldn't it make the world laugh?
"Hero Xiao is too worried, His Majesty's move is intended to test."

He Wanshan is an old man, compared to Xiao Feng's outspokenness, after a little thought, he understood Yingxi's thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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