Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 316 Father named Li Zini

Chapter 316 Father named Li Zini (two in one chapter)

"I transform reincarnation and create hell."

"All hells in the world are born because of me!"

"It's time for you to become the original will of the underworld again."

"I say, from now on, the original will of the underworld will never be able to give birth to its own consciousness."

Empress Hou Tu didn't mean to answer the Lord of the Underworld.

Just as I heard it, Empress Houtu's voice fell.

Suddenly, the entire underworld world was shaken violently.

"No! No! No!"

The lord of the underworld screamed in horror.

In an instant, he only felt that his soul seemed to be torn apart.

Never had he been so hesitant at such a moment.

About a few breaths passed.

The entire body of the lord of the underworld was surrounded by bursts of seven-color light accumulation, turning into bursts of phantoms.

In the world of the underworld, suddenly the sound of heaven bursts out.

Hundreds of millions of living beings in the underworld looked up at the sky, and suddenly felt that there seemed to be some inexplicable willpower in the underworld.

The sky is full of rays of light.

At this moment, Empress Houtu was rendered extremely noble and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

From then on, the name of Empress Houtu will be engraved deep in the minds of the creatures in the underworld, and they will never forget it.

"Your Majesty, the will rules of the underworld world have been completed."

"From now on, I will stay in the underworld forever for you."

"This is the real essence of my underworld. You can use it to fight for the fate of this life and the opportunity to escape."

After saying that, I could see that Empress Hou Tu suddenly pulled out something crucial from the depths of the underworld with her right hand clasped.

One side is obscure, and the fist-laughing essence fell into the palm of Empress Houtu.

Ying Xi slowly took over this essence.

In an instant, Yingxi had the illusion of becoming the master of the underworld.

At this moment, Yingxi's glorious figure surpassed Empress Houtu by far.

His stalwart figure, from the top of the sky, entered the minds of hundreds of millions of creatures in the underworld.

So far, in the minds of the hundreds of millions of beings in the underworld, there is another supreme existence in the underworld world!

Qin Huang Yingxi!

A figure even more noble and terrifying than the Empress Dowager later!

"Ding, congratulations on successfully obtaining the core of the underworld world."

"Ding, with the blessing and assistance of the core of the underworld world, you can enjoy the boundless luck blessing of the underworld world."

Regardless of the sound of mechanical prompts in the ear.

With the core of the underworld in his hand, Yingxi seemed to have fallen into a state of incomparable emptiness at this moment.

While speaking, his three thousand avenues were running crazily.

Three thousand figures of Yingxi sat cross-legged on the top of the sky in the underworld world.

Each of them showed a different avenue of light.

At this moment, with the help of the core of the underworld, Yingxi's understanding of the Three Thousand Ways has reached an unimaginable level.

The avenue of destiny, the avenue of strength, the avenue of emperor, the avenue of sword, the avenue of five elements, the avenue of yin and yang, the avenue of spring, the avenue of summer, these avenues that Yingxi has already mastered and understood very deeply, are skyrocketing every breath.

In a short time, it is to comprehend 90.00% of the true meaning of these avenues.

Following this, Yingxi deliberately suppressed his comprehension of these avenues, and instead used the power of the core of the underworld world to comprehend the remaining three thousand avenues.

At the moment when the mastery of truth reached 90.00%, Yingxi suddenly had a clear intuition.

He is sure and sure.

Only when all the three thousand avenues have reached 90.00% mastery of the truth can the most perfect simultaneous progress be achieved.

Otherwise, as long as he now makes a certain avenue exceed 90.00% of the truth control.

His future road to the Three Thousand Great Dao will become even more difficult.

As a result, it gradually became an impossible task.

Accompanied by bursts of heaven and earth roaring sound fell.

In the sky above the underworld, in a trance, the long river of three thousand roads fell.

Yingxi's body of the Three Thousand Great Dao wandered in it all, greedily sucking in the insights of the Three Thousand Great Dao.

I don't know how long it took.

Perhaps for hundreds of millions of years, perhaps for an instant, Yingxi's mastery of the true meaning of the Three Thousand Ways has finally reached 90.00%.

Clenched his fists slightly.

Ying Xi looked at the essence core of the underworld that had become illusory and transparent, and said: "It's not enough!"

After saying that, Ying Xi's eyes narrowed again.

With the help of the core power of the underworld wholeheartedly, he crazily improved his control over the true meaning of the Three Thousand Ways.

From that moment on, the three-thousand-way river was like terrifying waves rolled up in the boundless sea, and the power of the rolling road almost submerged Yingxi's figure in it.

I don't know how long it has passed.

Ying Xi felt that the core of the underworld in his palm was about to dissipate, so he waved his hands and buried it deep in the underworld.

"One seed, in the future, can also become a towering ancient tree."

"The essence of the underworld world, today's favor, I will repay it a hundred times in the future."

Whispering to himself, Ying Xi seemed very grateful for the essence of the underworld world.

The core of the underworld world, in fact, is the accumulation of hundreds of millions of years in the underworld world.

It contains the endless heritage of the underworld world, and now, in order to fulfill Yingxi, it is all gone in one day.

Ying Xi also made her own promise to it.


When Ying Xi stood up, large areas of void began to crack.

Yingxi's strength has already reached an extremely shocking level.

Not a saint, better than a saint!
His strength has already reached that of a saint, no, it can even be said that he has surpassed a saint!

Three Thousand Great Ways, all of them have reached 90.00% control of the true meaning of five.

Before reaching the Saint Realm, the control of the Three Thousand Ways has reached 90.00% control of the five truths.

This can be described as appalling.

There is no one in the past, and no one in the future!
"Ding, because you have won the approval of hundreds of millions of creatures in the underworld without a sound, you will be blessed with the power of heaven and earth gifted by the underworld."

"Ding, congratulations, you have successfully obtained 9000 million threads of world authority, and your world authority has successfully reached [-] million threads, reaching [-]%!"

"Empress Houtu, this underworld world will be left to you to take care of from now on, Zhen, let's go first."

Facing Empress Hou Tu slightly cupping her hands, Ying Xi's eyes dimmed slightly.

He could feel his chance of sanctification approaching.

But, not in the underworld!

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will take good care of the entire underworld for you."

Bowing slightly, Empress Houtu followed suit.

"In a blink of an eye, for billions of years, I will eventually transcend this universe."

While muttering to himself, Yingxi stepped out of the underworld in one step with a heroic posture that surpassed the past.

As he said.

Just now in the long river of the Three Thousand Avenues, it seems to have experienced endless time.

And actually.

But only a moment passed in the underworld world.

Three thousand roads and long rivers are really a mysterious place.

Ying Xi had a premonition that the next time he would enter the Three Thousand Avenues.

That's when he entered the realm of saints.

When you have to return to the land of Kyushu.

Yingxi's powerful aura spread throughout the entire Kyushu continent in almost one breath.

Feeling Yingxi's extremely strong aura.

On the mainland of Kyushu, hundreds of millions of living beings also prostrate themselves to the ground.

"His Majesty Qin Huang!"

The sound of the mountain shouting like a tsunami resounded throughout the entire Kyushu continent.

Ying Xi's eyes dimmed slightly, he nodded and said, "Pingshen."

Then he stepped into the Great Qin Palace and landed on the dragon chair in the True Dragon Hall.

"Your Majesty, Wang Yangming brought Patriarch Jingyue to seek an audience outside the hall."

Not long after, Shangguan Haitang stepped into the True Dragon Hall to report.

"Master Mirror Moon?"

Ying Xi's eyes suddenly moved.

He actually felt that outside the True Dragon Hall, there was a sage aura!
If it's not Wang Yangming, there is no doubt that it must be Patriarch Jingyue.

But, shouldn't Patriarch Jingyue be a semi-sage of Confucianism?
In the world of Confucianism, there is only one sub-sage, Perfect Mountain and Sea.

If Patriarch Jingyue is really a semi-saint of Confucianism, it is impossible for her to cross the Quasi-Saint Realm and reach the legendary Saint Realm in such a short period of time.

Besides, the unblocking of the realm of saints was also after Yingxi unified Kyushu.

Now, the time until Yingxi unifies Kyushu is too short.

Thoughts raced through his mind.

It hardly took long.

Yingxi just affirmed a fact.

That is, Patriarch Jingyue must have come from the heaven that has never been exposed.


That's right, Patriarch Jingyue is here, so he can take the opportunity to learn about the heavens.

"Send them in."

At that moment, Yingxi did not hesitate, and just gave orders to Shangguan Haitang.


Not long after, Shangguan Haitang was in front, and Wang Yangming was behind.

Patriarch Jingyue is a beautiful figure. She is dressed in a light gray Taoist robe and plain clothes, but she has a unique charm.

Especially when it falls into Yingxi's eyes, it feels even more glamorous and unparalleled.

Her eyes are extremely agile.

Yingxi was immersed in it unknowingly, unable to extricate himself.

In a daze, Yingxi even saw the image of Fengming Nine Heavens from behind Patriarch Jingyue.

"who are you?"

Silent for a long time.

Ying Xi stared fixedly at Patriarch Jingyue and said.

He saw many, many things from the figure of Patriarch Jingyue.

Even, inexplicably, he also felt an extremely familiar and unforgettable aura from Patriarch Jingyue.

He felt very kind to that breath, but for a while, he couldn't remember it.

"His Majesty Qin Huang, why not let them retreat for now."

Master Jingyue pursed his lips and said softly.

That smile was as refreshing as the spring snow.

"Okay, Shangguan Haitang and Wang Yangming, you two should step back."

Intuition told Yingxi that Patriarch Jingyue would not hurt him.

What's more, his current combat power is unparalleled.

Self-confessed, even if Patriarch Jingyue is a sage, he would never want to hurt him!
Moreover, he knew that Patriarch Jingyue was in the realm of a saint.

He stayed with Wang Yangming, what's the use of Shangguan Haitang here?
It's better to let the two of them retreat, he wants to see what kind of tricks this Master Jingyue is going to play.

Who the hell is it?

"Master Jingyue, can you tell me now, who are you?"

Between Ying Xi's eyes, there was a faintly dangerous light.

He was never a good stubble.

If Master Jingyue's answer does not satisfy him.

Then don't blame him for being ruthless.


"Hehehe, you are indeed worthy of being the person who is qualified to receive the inheritance of my father's emperor's three thousand avenues!"

Master Jingyue, on the other hand, smiled coquettishly like a girl.

Even if the nine-day fairy descended to earth, the amorous feelings in that smile are not as good as hers.

He took a deep breath.

Ying Xi took a deep breath.

Only then did I calm down the panic in my heart a little bit!

Three Thousand Dao Bodies!
As far as he knew, it was a gift from a mysterious senior in Blue Star's homeland.

And this Jingyue Patriarch actually called him Father Emperor.

Could it be that Master Jingyue is also from Blue Star?

Also, since she is the daughter of that terrifying existence, why does she appear here?
Shouldn't he have followed that one and transcended the universe long ago?
That's right.

Ying Xi is quite sure now.

The senior named Li Chengqian is definitely already an astonishing powerhouse beyond the universe.

"Who is your father?"

In order to further confirm the identity of Master Jingyue, Yingxi asked again.

"My father, the real name is Li Chengqian!"

When the name of Emperor Father was mentioned, Patriarch Jingyue's face was full of pride.

She is proud of her father!

That is the most stalwart existence in his heart, eternal and indelible.

Hear Li Chengqian's name.

Ying Xi stood up in shock.

He stared closely at Patriarch Jingyue and said, "Then your real name?"

Ying Xi's heart is extremely complicated at this moment.

Surprised and delighted.


"Father named Li Zini!"

The voice just fell.

It can be seen that Li Zini's whole body suddenly glows with a thousand zhang rays of light.

The blazing light so stimulated that Ying Xi could barely open his eyes.

When the sun is slowly fading away.

Trying to open his eyes, Ying Xi could only see that Patriarch Jingyue, who was dressed as a Taoist nun, had disappeared.

In its place is an unattainable princess!
She was dressed in a fiery red princess gown, her shoulders were shaved into a waist, and her muscles were as thick as blue orchids.

Fragrant, delicate, tender and beautiful, more delicate than flowers, her fingers are like slicing the root of a green onion, and the mouth is like Zhu Dan, with a frown and a smile touching the heart.

In the eyes, there is a kind of aloofness unique to the world brewing.

"Princess Li Zini, the chief princess of the ancient court, met His Majesty Qin Huang!"

Immediately afterwards, Li Zini, who regained her original identity, performed a standard court etiquette towards Yingxi.

"Eternal Imperial Court?"

"Princess Li Zini?"

Ten words penetrated into Yingxi's heart.

In a short period of time, Yingxi's inner astonishment was far beyond normal.

"I, the Lord of Great Qin, have met Her Royal Highness, Princess Chief of the Eternal Court!"

Ying Xi couldn't be rude, after quickly recovering his mind, he returned court etiquette to Li Zini.

"I don't know Your Royal Highness, can you clear up my doubts for me?"

"It stands to reason that with your identity, you wouldn't appear in this universe, right?"

Yingxi reacted quickly.

He had almost thought that the ancient imperial court that Li Zini was talking about must have come from another universe.

According to Li Zini's noble status, there is no need for her to come to this universe to take risks.

Ying Xi was puzzled why Li Zini appeared in this universe.

Also incarnated as Master Mirror Moon.

There is no need for that.

"Father once said that if I want to break through, I must practice a lot."

"In this universe, my three thousand avenue body has reached the pinnacle of perfection. Patriarch Jingyue is me, and Empress Da Zhou is also me."

(End of this chapter)

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