Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 35 The battle between righteousness and evil is about to begin, and the gang panel opens

Chapter 35 The battle between righteousness and evil is about to begin, and the gang panel opens

"Ding, the guards of Dongtianmen broke through and broke through to Tianyuan first level."

"Ding, the centurion of Dongtianmen broke through and broke through to the first level of Zifu."

"Ding, the commander of the Eastern Heaven Gate has broken through the realm, breaking through to the first level of the cave."

In the Great Qin Imperial Palace, on the Qinglong Gate, Yingxi looked at the East Heaven Gate.

Listening to Cao Zhengchun's report.

From Jia Xu's side, the latest information came.

The day before yesterday, Master Xuan Kong, the Grand Master of the Dongtian Realm of Jinshan Temple, went to the Wang family in Taiyuan in person.

Half a day later, the Taiyuan Wang family announced that they were willing to make corresponding compensation for the death of Master Fayan of Jinshan Temple.

Whether it is the Taiyuan Wang family or the Jinshan Temple, they are tight-lipped about what the compensation is.

On the same day, another master of the Xuanzi generation in Jinshan Temple, Master Xuandu, with the prestige of a master of Dongtian Realm, came to Anwuhou Mansion.

Marquis Anwu fought against him, and then invited Master Xuandu into Marquis Anwu's mansion. Afterwards, Marquis Anwu announced that he would go to Jinshan Temple to apologize in person in the near future.

"Jinshan Temple!"

Ying Xi murmured to himself, unconsciously amplifying his tone a bit.

From these two incidents, it can already be seen that Jinshan Temple is so powerful that only two masters of the Xuan family have overwhelmed Taiyuan Wang, one of the six great families, and the famous Anwuhou.

Ying Xi turned to look at Cao Zhengchun, and then asked, "What other news did Jia Xu send?"

"Return to Your Majesty. In addition, Lord Jia Xu also said that he has received the news at the moment."

"Jinshan Temple has already formed a Righteous Path Alliance headed by the four major factions of Jinshan Temple, Taiyuan Wang Clan, Qianqian Gang, and Anwuhou Mansion, and intends to carry out a battle against the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Poison Fairy Valley."

"The Heavenly Demon Sect and the Poison Fairy Valley side strongly deny that someone in their sect has killed Fa Yan and others, and claim that if the Righteous Way persecutes too much, they don't mind contacting the other seven sects of the Nine Prison Demons to set off a war between righteousness and demons .”

Cao Zhengchun replied respectfully.

"So, the day of the Great War between righteousness and demons is just around the corner."

"The opportunity I've been waiting for is coming soon."

Ying Xi smiled, and there was a stern gleam hidden in his smile.

Right now, the world of Kyushu is no longer under Daqin's control.

For Yingxi, there is no doubt that the more chaotic the world of Kyushu, the better.

Only when the world is in complete turmoil and wars are raging everywhere, the Great Qin Dynasty will have the chance to truly regain control of the world.

Otherwise, if the world is stable, I'm afraid that once Yingxi takes control of the world again, he will immediately become a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh of all forces, and the whole world may resist it openly or secretly, and even cause a strong counterattack .

After all, no matter which side the forces are in, they are afraid that after Daqin regains control of the world, they will be liquidated one by one.

Now, once the war between good and evil starts, it will undoubtedly attract the attention of the world and reduce a lot of resistance for Yingxi's actions.

"Your Majesty, in addition, Dongfang Bubai has also left Xianyang and headed for Xiangxi Road."

It is said that the base camp of the Exorcist Sect is located in the remote Xiangxi Road of Yunzhou.

Dongfang Bubai also chose Xiangxi Road as the location for this alliance to exterminate the Exorcist Sect.

"You immediately send someone to send a message to Dongfang Bubai, telling her that the bigger the noise, the better."

On the other side of Jinshan Temple, the Heavenly Demon Sect and Poison Immortal Valley have been locked.

On Dongfang Bubai's side, if they make the noise a little bigger.

Among the nine demons in the nine prisons, three sects will be destroyed. Yingxi does not believe that the other six sects of the nine demons in the nine prisons will still be able to sit still.

As long as they can join the battle, more forces are bound to be involved in this battle between good and evil.

Yingxi can also seek more opportunities from it.


The battle at Dongtianmen has not been over for long.

Outside the East Heaven Gate, there was another man in ragged clothes, holding a dirty gourd of wine, pouring it into his mouth one after another.

Slightly raising his head, he could see that Dongtian Gate had a little more invisible majesty than before, and sighed: "It's so strange, why, this east gate of Xianyang City, can give this old man a sense of oppression?"

This oppressive feeling, although very weak, is real.

Can't help but look at Dongtianmen twice.

He muttered: "It seems that the Great Qin Dynasty has indeed undergone unknown changes."

"The Beggars' Gang, Xiao Feng, Daqin, it doesn't matter, if they come, they will be safe."

Afterwards, this person staggered towards Xianyang City.

Outsiders only thought that this was a drunkard and beggar. Along the way, many people covered their faces with their hands and looked at this man with disgust.

Walking and walking, soon, this person came to the yamen of the Xianyang Commander's Mansion, walked up to a yamen servant and said softly: "Please tell me, brother, that the drunkard Wang Datong wants to see Emperor Qin's subordinate Xiao Feng, Lord Xiao .”

"Alcohol addict Wang Datong?"

This yamen servant is actually an iron eagle warrior.

There is no way, nowadays, there are not many people available in Daqin. Even the government servants, in order to ensure loyalty, Yingxi is temporarily replaced by Tie Yingrui.


After responding to the yamen servant's rhetorical question, Wang Datong sat down on the ground and continued to drink the wine on his own.

"Okay, you wait first."

After finishing speaking, the yamen servant winked at the yamen servant on the other side, signaling him to keep an eye on Wang Datong.

They were born as Tie Ying Rui Shi, and they could see the extraordinaryness of the alcoholic Wang Datong at a glance.

Therefore, it is also very vigilant.

"Alcoholic Wang Datong, the head of the beggar gang actually came in person."

"Go out and hold Wang Datong back first, and I'll go find Lord Xiao Feng right away."

In the government office, He Wanshan got up immediately after hearing the report from the office worker.

The famous drunkard Wang Datong, one of the seven gangs in the world, the leader of the beggar gang, and even a great master who is ranked in the heaven list, his strength is much stronger than Jianxuan, how could he not know?
"The leader of the beggar gang, the drunkard Wang Datong wants to see me?"

Soon, He Wanshan found Xiao Feng.

When Xiao Feng heard this, there was some interest in his eyes.

He has long wanted to see the gang of beggars in this world.

The Beggars' Gang, one of the seven gangs in the world, has such a big name!
Today, since the leader of the beggar gang, the drunkard Wang Datong, came here, there is no reason for him to disappear.

"Go, I'll go meet him for a while."

While talking, Xiao Feng hurried to Xianyang Lingfu.

"Wait, Lord Xiao Feng, why don't you wait until I go to test it out?"

"This wine addict Wang Datong, I'm afraid the person who comes here is not kind."

He Wanshan chased after Xiao Feng, and said worriedly.

"It's okay."

Xiao Feng waved his hands, speeded up, and directly threw He Wanshan away.

He Wanshan had no choice but to smile wryly.

At the same time, he was forced to speed up his pace, planning to follow up first to avoid accidents.

"Under Emperor Qin's command, Xiao Feng!"

"The leader of the beggar gang, Wang Datong!"

Outside the Yamen of Xianyang Lingfu, when the two met, they revealed their identities tacitly as if they recognized each other at the first sight.

"Ding, in the dark, Xiao Feng's fate once again intersects with the Beggars' Clan, and the Clan's panel has sensed it and decided to open it in advance."


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(End of this chapter)

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