Chapter 4
"Give it to me, surrender!"

With another yell, Ying Xi's face was grim, and he completely suppressed the emperor's will.

In a trance, Yingxi at this moment is like a great sun, shining brightly, disregarding the past and the present.

The Black Emperor Kui Shui Jue was circulating in the body, and the shackles were broken in an instant.

There seems to be no bottleneck at all.

At this time, Yingxi had completely integrated the Wanhua Emperor Body. His body, blood, and root bones were no longer what they used to be. The skyrocketing aptitude also made Yingxi's cultivation progress as simple as eating and drinking.

The day after tomorrow, return to the innate, break the body and step on the heavenly essence.

Tianyuan first level, Tianyuan second level, Tianyuan third level.
It wasn't until Tianyuan Nine Layers that he stopped.

"Ding, your ground-level top-grade "Qin Huang Jue" is not willing to be swallowed up by the "Black Emperor Sunflower Jue", and you are struggling hard."

"Ding, struggling is useless. The "Black Emperor Sunflower Jue" has successfully devoured the "Qinhuang Jue". I feel happy and my cultivation speed has increased by a hundred times."

The light in his eyes moved slightly, and Ying Xi could only feel that with the Black Emperor Kui Shui Jue successfully devouring the Qin Huang Jue, he seemed to have broken through the shackles of the Purple Mansion Realm halfway through, and he only needed to retreat for a while before he could easily set foot Zifu territory.

at the same time.

Great Qin Palace, outside the Suzaku Gate.

Wearing a purple gauze skirt, swaying in the wind, the woman's face is absolutely beautiful, with a touch of cinnabar between her eyebrows, just like a blooming lotus, extremely coquettish.

Bare and flawless jade feet, three feet off the ground, it can be seen that he is extremely powerful, at least he is also the master of the Zifu.

After all, as we all know, only by being promoted to the Grandmaster of the Zifu can one stay in the air for a long time.

"Suzaku Gate?"

You Ziying stared at the thick, solid and oppressive city wall in front of her, as well as the majestic and powerful Suzaku Gate in the center, she felt a little dazed for a while, she felt that she had gone to the wrong place?
According to the rumors, the Daqin Imperial Palace has long been dilapidated, how could there be such a majestic portal?
What's more, according to the information she received, the Heavenly Demon Sect, one of the Nine Prison Demons, had already slaughtered in the Daqin Imperial Palace early this morning.

How could there be no smell of blood at the gate of the Great Qin Palace?
"Could it be that the Heavenly Demon Sect did the trick?"

"No, Emperor Qin's secret key must not fall into the hands of the Heavenly Demon Sect."

Whispering to herself, You Ziying's figure flickered, and she wanted to force her way through Suzaku's door.

Unexpectedly, just three zhang in front of Suzaku's gate, You Ziying could only feel thunder roaring in her ears.

A vast coercion rushed down in an instant, making it difficult for her to step up time.

Take a breath.

You Ziying showed horror in her eyes: "How could there be such a strong imperial coercion? Even in the heyday of the Great Qin Dynasty, there was absolutely no such power."

"Tianmozong, it must be the Tianmozong who got the Emperor Qin's secret key!"

"Bi Luo Divine Body, open!"

"Biyun Qinglian seal, break it for me!"

Subconsciously, You Ziying believed that the Tianmo Sect had obtained the Emperor Qin's secret key, and in desperation, she decided to forcibly break the Suzaku Sect.

Biluo Divine Physique, according to legend, a divine body from above the Nine Heavens, a great body, a terrifying physique that can borrow the power of the Nine Heavens.

At this time, when You Zi Ying Bi Luo Shen's body opened, the whole person was wrapped in a layer of hazy haze, and a fairy charm was added to the charming appearance, and the charm was outstanding, even more than before.

The slender hand forms a seal, condensing a green lotus, and above the green lotus, there seems to be a nine-day cloud hanging down.

It was printed, and it was blasted out with one blow, and there were hunting sounds in the four directions. If there is a master of the Zifu here, his heart will definitely be throbbing.

The power of this seal unexpectedly exploded with the power of a full blow from the Zifu Triple Layer!

However, You Ziying is just the first level of the Zifu.

After a loud noise, You Ziying's pupils shrank sharply.

But it turned out that this blow was a typical thunderstorm with little rain.

The huge Suzaku Gate was unscathed!

"No, I have to go."

Feeling that her combat power was suppressed again, and suppressed even more ruthlessly than at the beginning, You Ziying muttered to herself, feeling a strong sense of palpitations, prompting her to want to leave this place as soon as possible.

You know, when she opened her divine body just now, she temporarily got rid of the coercion of the imperial palace.

Outburst of her most powerful blow.

But just such a blow did not cause the slightest damage to Suzakumen.

On the contrary, after her own blow, she was too exhausted to keep her body wide open, and was under even greater pressure. Now, under the pressure of the imperial palace, she couldn't even maintain the combat power of the ninth level of Tianyuan up.

"Break into the Vermilion Bird Gate of my Daqin Palace, and you still want to leave?"

"Do you really think that I am the Great Qin Palace, a place where you can come and go whenever you want?"

At this moment, Gao Shun swooped down from the Great Qin Palace, and hit You Ziying's back heavily with the barrel of a gun.

A mouthful of blood spurted out violently.

Caught off guard, You Ziying had no time to react.

And because of the coercion of the imperial palace, she is naturally far from Gao Shun's opponent.

"By His Majesty's order, I am going to capture you immediately and escort you back to the palace. I advise you to be captured obediently so as not to suffer physical pain."

After the blow, Gao took advantage of the opportunity to press the tip of the gun against You Ziying's neck.

"By His Majesty's order? Which Majesty? Who are you?"

You Ziying forced herself to turn around and asked in a cold voice.

She couldn't run anymore, and now she just wanted to know who the person who suddenly appeared and severely injured her was, and where did he come from.

"Under the whole world, apart from His Majesty Qin Huang, is there another His Majesty?"

"I am the Emperor Qin, General Gao Shun!"

Faced with Gao Shun's natural answer, You Ziying was full of doubts and disdain.

"Qin Emperor Yingxi? How is it possible?"

"How can I get the allegiance of a master like you?"

She never believed that Gao Shun, the grand master of the Purple Mansion, would submit to a down-and-out emperor who was in name only and could not protect himself.

In her mind, this must be Gao Shun deliberately deceiving her in order to hide his true identity.

"Presumptuous, you dare to insult His Majesty, believe it or not, I will kill you now!"

Hearing this, Gao Shun burst into a loud drink, the strong murderous intent made You Ziying's heart tremble.

She could feel that Gao Shun's words were definitely not nonsense.

Could it be that Gao Shun is really a general under Emperor Qin's throne?

Suzaku Gate, Emperor Qin, Gao Shun. These three words kept circling in her mind, and You Ziying faintly smelled an unusual smell.


With a heavy snort, Gao Shun secretly thought, if His Majesty hadn't ordered You Ziying to be captured alive and brought to the True Dragon Palace, he would kill this woman who slandered His Majesty on the spot.

"Be honest, follow me to see His Majesty."

"Otherwise, don't blame Ben for being ruthless."

Facing the coldness of Gao Shun's spear, You Ziying shouted coldly: "I am the contemporary saint of Taiyi Palace, are you sure you still want to capture me?"

She had no choice but to choose to expose her identity in order to arouse Gao Shun's fear.

Taiyi Palace, one of the four great palaces in the world, even in the heyday of the Great Qin Dynasty, had to be given three points.

(End of this chapter)

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