Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 51 Five Yun Spirit Body, Martial Saint Guan Yu

Chapter 51 Wuyun Spiritual Body, Martial Saint Guan Yu

On the official road, there is a gentle breeze.

After a long time, I couldn't wait for Yingxi's response.

Yu Muling couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

To be honest, she came here just to bet that her premonition was correct.

She is pregnant with the spirit body of the five aggregates, and she is born with unknown premonitions about many things. Every time, her premonitions will guide her to the most correct path.

This allowed her to go smoothly all the way, and at the age of less than thirty, she achieved the pinnacle of the master, and even more smoothly became the senior sister of Baihua Palace.

But this time, involving the entire Xinzheng Yu family, Yu Muling couldn't help but doubt her own premonition under the flustered state.

"White Lotus Sect? Tell me more about it."

As everyone knows, Ying Xi doesn't know anything about this so-called White Lotus Sect.


Yu Muling's face showed a strange look, and even murmured in his heart.

She suddenly remembered Qinhuang Yingxi's past, and guessed in her heart that it was very possible that this Qinhuang Yingxi had never heard of the White Lotus Sect.

Is such a Qin Huang really worthy of her bet?


However, amidst the dragon rush, Ying Xi was not very satisfied with Yu Muling's hesitation.

A heavy hum, in a trance, sounded in Yu Muling's ear like thunder.

"Your Majesty, rest your anger."

Yu Muling wiped the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

For a moment, while my heart trembled, I didn't dare to have any doubts.

The fact that Qinhuang Yingxi could hurt her so easily is enough to show that Qinhuang Yingxi is terrifying.

"Return to Your Majesty, the White Lotus Sect is said to be a colossal monster that ran rampant in Kyushu 800 years ago."

"Its teachings are evil and ravaged the world. At one time, the righteous and the devils abandoned their previous suspicions and jointly encircled and suppressed the White Lotus Sect."

"According to the records of my Baihua Palace, it took hundreds of years for the righteous and evil ways to wipe out the White Lotus Sect. After the war, both the righteous and evil ways suffered heavy losses."

Having said that, she paused for a moment, seeing that Yingxi had no other orders, Yu Muling continued: "Later, about 300 years ago, the White Lotus Sect appeared again, and that time, although the movement was not as great as it was 800 years ago, However, the righteous and evil ways have also been besieged and suppressed for 30 years, and all major forces have been severely damaged by the sweep of the White Lotus Sect."

"So that after the war, all the major forces have to restore their strength with all their strength, which directly caused the previous great masters of the Dongtian Realm to rarely walk in the world. Until recently, it seems that because of you, the great masters of the Dongtian Realm of the major forces just now They were born one after another."

"Now, the Bailian Sect has revived and directly persecuted my grandfather, intending to use my Xinzheng Yu clan to plot against you."

After Yu Muling finished speaking, she lowered her head, quietly waiting for Yingxi's response, not daring to make any other moves.

"Tell me how the White Lotus Sect plans to deal with me?"

Yingxi asked again.

"It seems to want to control you through special means."

Yu Muling said uncertainly.

This is just the news she revealed through her grandfather's mouth before, plus the conclusion she drew from her own speculation.

"White Lotus Sect, you really have the guts."

With a cold snort, a terrifying murderous intent suddenly flowed out of Long Zhuo.

Yu Muling was so horrified that he even shivered.

"However, this is your Xinzheng Yushi's fault. Why should I help Xinzheng Yushi?"

When the topic changed, Ying Xi did not directly agree to help Xinzheng Yu's family as Yu Muling wished.

What a joke, Xinzheng Yu is not his subordinate, on the contrary, he is almost rebellious, how can he help the rebellion free of charge?
"Your Majesty, as long as you help my Xinzheng Yushi overcome this difficulty, from now on, my Xinzheng Yushi will return the eight cities of Jinlong Mansion to you unconditionally."

Yu Muling hurriedly said.

"The eight cities of Jinlong Mansion belong to me. Even if you don't return them, I can take them back myself."

Ying Xi's voice was even colder.

"Ding, it's been detected that Yu Muring is pregnant with five aggregates, and the maid panel recommends that you take him in as a maid. While enriching the maid panel, it can also help your Heavenly Mandate Emperor Body go further."

"Your Majesty, if you have any request, just ask for it. As long as you are willing to save my Xinzheng Yushi, the daughters of the people will agree."

Gritting her teeth, Yu Muling closed her eyes and said.

As soon as this remark came out, even Yingxi wanted her, and she accepted it.

"Two conditions. First, from now on, the Xinzheng Yu clan will be my subjects. If there is any disloyalty, I will kill the Xinzheng Yu clan at any time."

"Second, I am still short of a maid by my side on this trip, and I think you can barely do it."

Ying Xi raised two fingers and spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Yu Muling was stunned.

What does it mean that she is barely qualified to be a maid? You must know that she is the senior sister of Baihua Palace!
In the outside world, she is a goddess sought after by thousands of people.

However, feeling the strength of Yingxi's words, Yu Muling was helpless. For the sake of Xinzheng Yushi, she agreed, and nodded silently: "Your Majesty, the daughter of the people agreed."

"Ding, the maid Yu Muling has the spirit body of the five aggregates, but has no supernatural powers. She can copy the spirit body of the five aggregates. Do you want to copy it?"


"Ding, the spirit body of the five aggregates has been copied successfully and stored in the system space, you can use it at any time."

"This time, what preparations does the White Lotus Sect have in Xinzheng City?"

Yingxi does not fight unprepared battles.

Now that he already knew that the White Lotus Sect had appeared, he naturally wanted to know how much power the White Lotus Sect had prepared to deal with him.

"Returning to Your Majesty, as far as the daughter of the people knows, the White Lotus Sect secretly invited the fierce-toothed wolf general of the Golden Horde and a hundred elite fierce-toothed cavalry, ready to attack at any time."

"The ferocious tooth wolf general should be a grand master of the Dongtian Realm, and the ferocious tooth cavalry are all composed of Jianghu masters from the ninth level of Tianyuan."

When this force secretly entered Xinzheng City, it really shocked Yu Muling.

"Ding, in the world of Qin, how can you allow foreign enemies to spy on you? In reincarnation, there is a general who can't wait to be born to kill foreign enemies for you."

"Ding, when the general Guan Yu was born, he received the blessing of the power of a martial saint from the long river of fate, and obtained the transformation of transcendence into sainthood, and his strength skyrocketed!"

【Name: Martial Saint Guan Yu】

【Affiliation: Eternal Heroes】

[Martial Arts Qualification: Monstrous Level]

[Martial Arts Potential: Nine Stars]

【Martial Dao Realm: Ninth Heavenly Cave (Peak of Grand Master)】

It turned out to be Wu Sheng Guan Yu!
In Yingxi's eyes, all of a sudden, the brilliance was revealed.

Xiangxi Road, Shajiang Mansion, Jiangning City.

The news that Dongfang Bubai slaughtered the Huntian League quickly spread throughout the Xiangxi Road.

For a while, when Dongfang Bubai raised the banner of gathering the righteous ways of the world and punishing the Corpse Exorcism Sect.

The entire Xiangxi Road, many martial arts orthodox paths, are in motion.

Of course, don't think that they all came here in response to Dongfang Bubai's call.

Among them, most people have their own ghosts.

In the center of Jiangning City, Dongfang Bubai specially ordered people to build a large school yard.

At this moment, she was sitting at the top of the school field, looking at the gathering of more and more forces from all sides, the corners of her mouth could not help but slightly raised.

Now it seems that, at least, her goal of establishing a prestige has been achieved.


[Second update, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward~]

(End of this chapter)

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