Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 61 The Dragon Fights in the Wild, Simultaneously "Nine Yin Scriptures"

Chapter 61 The Dragon Fights in the Wild, Simultaneously "Nine Yin Scriptures"

【Name: Guo Jing】

【Affiliation: Legend of Martial Arts】

[Martial Arts Qualification: Monstrous Level]

[Martial Arts Potential: Eight Stars]

[Martial Arts Realm: Dongtian Sixth Level (Great Grandmaster)] (PS: Previously, Hong Qigong’s data stated that the peak of the Great Grandmaster was written.
[Cultivation method: Nine Yin Scriptures (Tian Tier Top Grade)]

[Martial Skills: Dragon Subduing Eighteen Palms (Tian Rank Top Grade)] (PS: Let me talk about the martial arts of summoning characters, martial arts and the like, the author will only select the key points to write down, and the rest will not take up space)
[Secret method: fighting each other left and right (consummation)]

[Identity: 18 years ago, a young genius of the beggar gang who went to Nanman for training]

"Everyone from the Beggar Gang, listen to this general. This general is the Canglang Warrior General under Cang Yanhou's command."

"Today, I will avenge Master Cang Yanhou."

"Cangyan Tiejia listens to the order, the headquarters of the Blood Slaughter Beggar Clan, no one will be left behind!"

Outside the gate of the headquarters of the beggar gang.

Soon, there was a burst of drinking.

Impressively, it was the great master of the Dongtian Realm, who was about to be killed by the wolf warrior.

"Warrior Canglang, aren't you afraid that my Beggar Gang Master Xiao will slap you to death?"

When Wu Qingfeng heard the words, he immediately stepped out of the headquarters of the Beggar Gang and shouted in a deep voice.

He also has nothing to do now.

We can only hope that with Xiao Feng's prestige, we can see if we can scare the wolf general.

Even if it's just a little delay.

"Xiao Feng? Hahaha, whether he can come back or not, it's still up to you."

Laughing up to the sky, General Canglang showed a meaningful look on his face, as if he knew something.

It also seems to be just pretending to be arrogant.

"Then do you think, can you leave my beggar gang headquarters alive?"

At this moment, with a shout, murderous intent suddenly surged.

In an instant, the wolf general felt as if he was in purgatory, his mind trembled, his whole body seemed to be imprisoned, and he couldn't speak.


When Wu Qingfeng looked back, he could see a weather-beaten middle-aged man with ragged clothes, but his pupils were full of seductive spirit.

"Guo Jing!"

"You are Guo Jing?"

The gears of memory turned quickly, and Wu Qingfeng vaguely recognized Guo Jing.


He smiled slightly at Wu Qingfeng.

Guo Jing, who has acquired a local identity, seems to have some more local memories in his mind.

Eighteen years ago, Guo Jing was a member of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Beggar Gang, and Wu Qingfeng's most promising disciple.

Naturally, Guo Jing not only knew Wu Qingfeng, but was also very friendly to Wu Qingfeng.

"I don't care who you are, I will die for you!"

Finally, Canglang Warrior broke free from the imprisonment, suppressed the fear in his heart, let out a loud shout, and wanted to kill Guo Jing to avenge his shame.

Guo Jing glanced coldly at Warrior General Canglang and said nothing nonsense.

Directly shoot with one palm, the No. 15 style of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms-Dragon Fighting in the Wild!
hold head high!
The dragon fights in the wild, its blood is black and yellow!

The ferocious giant dragon, with gurgling blood, has an indomitable momentum.

Do not!
Intimidated by the giant dragon transformed by the shadow of the palm, the wolf general was unable to resist at all.

The next moment, the body collapsed and turned into a pool of minced meat.

"Elder Wu, I trouble you to gather everyone from the Beggar Clan. Today, none of Cang Yanhou's subordinates will be left behind!"

Guo Jing didn't pay attention to the mere Cangtian general of the third level of the cave.

After beheading him forcefully, he turned his head and said to Wu Qingfeng.

Today, he is also murderous!
Under Cang Yanhou's command, he didn't want to let go of any of them.

"it is good!"

Seeing how fierce Guo Jing was, Wu Qingfeng was very excited.

Shout out to the Beggars' Gang!
In the past, Xiao Feng and Hong Qigong returned to the Beggars' Gang forcefully, and later, there was Guo Jing who turned the Beggars' Gang into a desperate situation.

Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of Guo Jing, the entire Beggar Gang launched a large-scale counterattack against Cangyan Iron Armor.

Once the general Canglang died, Cangyan Iron Armor was completely demoralized, Guo Jing was invincible, and everyone from the Beggar Clan followed closely behind. This was almost an anti-massacre.

In the city of Xu An.

Or that deserted yard.

Bai Xiaosheng stood in it, but his complexion was not good.

"What did you say?"

"Guo Jing suddenly appeared from the beggar gang?"

"Killed the Canglang Warrior with a palm shock?"

Bai Xiaosheng looked at the disciples in front of him who came to report, and between shouting and questioning, his mood was very restless.

In order to plot against the beggars.

He has expended a lot of energy.

But the Beggars' Clan seemed to be destined to die. First there was Xiao Feng, Hong Qigong, and now there is Guo Jing.

And, while counting the gang of beggars.

Gaps have gradually appeared in the scheme he set up, for example, Cang Yanhou, who has always been his dark son, but after the death of the general Canglang, it can almost be said that Cang Yanhou, whom he had secretly supported for many years, Including its power, it is completely abolished.

Before Xiao Feng also killed Di Qingfeng, the head of the seven dragons of the Azure Dragon Society.

In such a short period of time, the loss of his Azure Dragon Club can be called huge.

This made Bai Xiaosheng wonder if there was something wrong with his calculation, or should he not have calculated the beggar gang in the first place?
Is it really the endless gang of beggars?
"Three Dragon Heads, look, do we want to dispatch the staff of the Azure Dragon Club?"

The visitor lowered his head and asked cautiously.

"Let me think about it, think about it."

Bai Xiaosheng rubbed his brows, lost in thought.

After a long time, as if he had made some difficult decision, Bai Xiaosheng frowned and said: "The order will be passed on, and the members of the Azure Dragon Association must not act rashly."

Then, in a flash, he disappeared.

For some reason, he always had an ominous premonition that if he attacked the Beggar Gang again, there might be even more terrifying figures in the Beggar Gang
"Ding, congratulations, Cang Yanhou's traitor and his forces have been completely wiped out."

"Ding, this time Guo Jing was ordered to save the gang of beggars and destroy the traitors under Cang Yanhou's command. In order to commend his meritorious service, all civil and military officials gave him a lot of spiritual energy to help him improve his cultivation."

"Ding, Guo Jing absorbed a large amount of spiritual energy, achieved a breakthrough in his realm, and was promoted to the seventh level of the cave."

"Ding, since the last time I failed to grab people with the panel of the family, the panel of civil and military officials felt that their position was no longer stable."

"Ding, the panel of civil and military officials who urgently need a stable position decided to please you, and specially synchronized the "Nine Yin Manual" owned by Guo Jing for you."

[Nine Yin Scriptures: Heaven-level top-grade exercises, unknown changes occur during reincarnation, and are now divided into nine levels]

"Ding, congratulations, you have directly synchronized with Guo Jingzhi's "Nine Yin Manual", which is the ninth level of advanced "Nine Yin Manual"."

Inside the True Dragon Palace.

Ying Xi sat on the dragon chair, her eyes narrowed.

Feeling that there is more power in my body again.

Nine Yin Scriptures, the ninth level!

This force is so strong that Yingxi's combat power can be increased by at least [-]%.

It's a pity that no matter whether it is the ten heavy shackles of the Zifu, or the bottleneck of opening the thousandth Zifu, there is still no sign of loosening.


[Third watch, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward~]

(End of this chapter)

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