Chapter 63
"Ding, Dongtianmen has received the merits of Xitianmen in return, and Dongtianmen has been promoted collectively."

"Ding, the guards of Dongtianmen broke through and broke through to the second level of Tianyuan."

"Ding, the centurion of Dongtianmen broke through and broke through to the second level of the Zifu."

"Ding, the commander of the Eastern Heaven Gate broke through and broke through to the second level of the cave."

"Ding, the remaining merits of Xitianmen are not enough to reward the guards of Xitianmen and let them break through collectively. Xitianmen specially asks the Daqin Palace for help."

"Ding, in the Great Qin Imperial Palace, the Palace of Inheritance, the Alchemy Tower, the Artifact Refining Hall, and the True Dragon Hall all praised the bravery of the guards at the West Heaven Gate, not only guarding the West Heaven Gate, but also guarding the entire Great Qin Imperial Palace. The West Heaven Gate has enough merit."

"Ding, with enough merit support, the guards of the West Heaven Gate will be promoted collectively."

"Ding, the guards of the West Heaven Gate broke through and broke through to the first level of Tianyuan."

"Ding, the centurion of the West Heaven Gate broke through and broke through to the first level of the Zifu."

"Ding, the Commander of the West Heaven Gate broke through the realm and broke through to the first level of the cave."

"Ding, Commander Wan of the West Heaven Gate has once again opened up fifty caves, doubling the upper limit of combat power."

Zhang Shan, the ten thousand head of the West Heaven Gate, originally only opened up fifty caves, but now, adding another fifty caves, it can be said that the combat power has doubled in an instant and has been greatly improved.

"Your Majesty, these are all the defenders of the eight cities, totaling about 3 people."

About a day later, Yu Changlin brought the assembled eight-city defenders into the Great Qin Palace and handed them over to Yingxi.


With a slight forehead, Ying Xi was more satisfied. With these 3 people, it meant that once Sima Cuo finished his training, there would be another [-] Tieying warriors.

"Your Majesty, I really don't know about the attack on Xianyang City by the major families yesterday. I implore Your Majesty to believe it."

On the way here, Yu Changlin was always feeling terrified by the fact that the old master of the Zhang family led the major families to attack Xianyang yesterday.

At this moment, after much deliberation, Yu Changlin finally couldn't help but speak out what was in his heart.

"It's okay, I trust you."

Ying Xi waved his hand indifferently, of course he knew that Yu Changlin didn't know that the aura of loyal dog was not fake.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your trust."

Even though Yu Changlin was so moved that he knelt down and kowtowed, there were even tears in the corners of his eyes.

It is true that there is a loyal dog.

"Your Majesty, in terms of the current training space of the Iron Eagle Academy, a maximum of 1000 people can be trained at one time to get the best results."

"Right now, there are too many of these people. I'm afraid it will take a long time to finish all the training."

At this time, Sima Cuo looked at the [-] or so defenders, and couldn't help saying with a sad face.

This is a very real problem for him. The current training space of the Iron Eagle Academy is indeed not able to accommodate too many soldiers to train together at one time.

"Ding, aware of your difficulties, the Iron Eagle Academy decided to upgrade itself."

"Ding, the training space of the Iron Eagle Academy has been expanded tenfold, that is, it can accommodate a maximum of 1 people for training at one time and achieve the best results."

"Ding, the first characteristic of the training space remains unchanged, and the second and third characteristics have all been improved to a certain extent."

【Iron Eagle School Field—Space for Troop Training】

[Characteristic 2: In the Iron Eagle Academy, the flow of time is one hundred to one with the outside world, that is, one hundred days have passed in the Iron Eagle Academy, and only one day has passed outside]

[Characteristic 3: After the training is over, the Iron Eagle has a 80.00% chance to be demonized, doubling its strength]

The speed of time flow has been increased from ten to one to one hundred to one, which directly means that the speed at which Iron Eagles can form an army can be increased by ten times.

The probability of demonization has been increased from 50.00% to 80.00%, which also means that iron eagle sharp warriors who have successfully trained in the future will have more demonization and become stronger.

"Ding, your Emperor Qin's Dharma Aspect has been inspired and started to upgrade on its own."

[Qin Emperor's Faxiang——your exclusive Faxiang! 】

[Characteristic 1: Light of Faith - can be activated once a day, covering a range of thousands of feet around the Emperor Qin's Dharma Avatar, and can make up to 1 people become your most devout believers and most loyal subordinates at a time]

From transforming 1000 people at a time to 1 people at a time.

In other words, it only takes three days for the [-] city guards to become Yingxi's diehard loyalists under the Emperor Qin's law.

"What's more, these city guards are generally of low level, and most of them barely reach the first level of physical training. With such strength, it will take a lot of time to meet the requirements for stationing troops in the training space."

"Of course, the most important thing is that the pills they need for cultivation may not be available for a while."

In the past, the Alchemy Pagoda supplied [-] Body Refining Pills and [-] Tianyuan Pills every day. This amount was barely enough for [-] troops to practice. Now, [-] city guards are not enough.

This is also an important factor affecting the forming speed of Tieying Ruishi.

Listening to what Sima Cuo said, Ying Xi raised his head and couldn't help looking at the alchemy tower.

"Ding, the alchemy tower has a feeling, and it will upgrade itself."

"Ding, after the alchemy tower is upgraded, the production capacity has increased tenfold. Starting today, the alchemy tower can supply [-] body refining pills, [-] Tianyuan pills, and [-] Zifu pills every day."


Immediately, Yingxi said to Sima wrongly: "The problems you raised have been solved, you can just train with peace of mind."


Sima mistakenly heard the words and felt relieved.

Anyway, he believed in Yingxi unconditionally, and believed in his Majesty's ability.

His Majesty said it was resolved, so it must be resolved.

"Your Majesty, the Black Arrow Team has found the latest news."

"It has been discovered that the Exorcist Sect has contacted the members of the Black Dragon Gang in the Black Dragon Mansion. It seems that there is a plan. The Black Arrow Squad is further tracking and investigating."

At this moment, Cao Zhengchun arrived suddenly.


"Black Dragon Gang, Corpse Exorcist Sect, heh, you all seek death, and I will fulfill you."

Ying Xi sneered, and didn't pay attention to the Black Dragon Gang and the Corpse Sect.

Even the mountain gates of the Zombie Sect have been destroyed. In Yingxi's view, they are nothing more than a group of bereaved dogs.

And the Black Dragon Gang is just a small gang that dominates the Black Dragon Mansion, and it is nothing if it is not included in the Seven Gangs of the World.

"Cao Zhengchun, go out immediately and tell the world that the Black Dragon Gang and the Exorcist Sect are secretly joining forces to conspire against each other. Tomorrow, I will personally conquer the Black Dragon Gang and crush the Black Dragon Gang."

Coincidentally, this was also an excuse for Yingxi to send troops to the Black Dragon Mansion.

"Your Majesty, the court meeting is approaching, do you want to wait until the court meeting is over before making any plans?"

Cao Zhengchun counted the days, and it seemed that the Great Court Meeting in January was not far away.

"It's okay, it won't take long to flatten a black dragon gang."

Ying Xi waved his hand, and at the same time, the reason why Ying Xi wanted Cao Zhengchun to tell the world with such fanfare.

There is also a deeper plan, which is to fish, as for who to catch?
Then the volunteers are hooked.

Whether it's the Corpse Sect, the White Lotus Sect, or the Liusha Sect, whichever one comes, it will be a harvest for Yingxi.


[Second update, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward~]

(End of this chapter)

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