Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 66 Buddhist panel, strong institutionalization, synchronous "Awakening the Nervous&quot

Chapter 66 Buddhist panel, strong institutionalization, synchronous "Awakening the Nervous"

Longwu Road, Anwu Mansion.

On the mansion of Marquis Anwu.

Master Xuandu of Jinshan Temple is coming again.

"I don't know why Master Xuandu is here?"

Under Jia Xu's suggestion, An Wuhou pretended to be respectful and led Xuandu into the hall.

"Marquis Anwu, my Jinshan Temple is ready. How many troops and masters do you plan to use in Marquis Anwu's Mansion to destroy the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Poison Fairy Valley together?"

Master Xuandu was so serious that he didn't even take the tea served by Marquis Anwu.

The tone was quite heavy, and it seemed that he was very dissatisfied with An Wuhou.

However, this is also normal, after all, before, An Wuhou had promised to apologize to Jinshan Temple.

However, as An Wuhou became Yingxi's loyal dog, this matter was selectively ignored.

Everyone in Jinshan Temple was quite dissatisfied with this matter.

Xuandu came here today, maybe he didn't mean to raise his teacher to question the crime.

"Master Xuandu, look, the grand court is coming soon, and my Marquis Manor has to prepare for many things. For the time being, I'm afraid we won't be able to spare too many people."

He pondered for a moment.

An Wuhou said pretendingly.

In my heart, I admire Jia Xu.

Because, Jia Xu had predicted that Xuandu would definitely ask this question through his description of Xuandu in a few words beforehand.

His answer was also an excuse Jia Xu asked him to say.

"Well, Marquis An Wu, could it be that you want to break your promise?"

Master Xuandu immediately sank like water.

"How dare you, how dare you, why don't you have a cup of tea first, and I'll explain it to you in detail?"

Marquis An Wu continued to serve tea with a respectful attitude.


Taking a deep look at An Wuhou, Master Xuandu thought that it was because he hadn't received the tea just now, which made An Wuhou feel dissatisfied and had an excuse.

Thinking that Marquis An Wu would still be needed to encircle the Heavenly Demon Sect and Poison Immortal Valley in the future, Master Xuandu took the tea with a cold face and took a sip.

It can be regarded as giving An Wuhou a little face.

"Go ahead."

After that, Master Xuandu put the teacup aside and stared at An Wuhou.

It seemed that if An Wuhou didn't speak well, he would get angry at any time.

"So, Master Xuandu, why don't I talk to you with someone else?"

Seeing Master Xuandu took a sip of the tea, Marquis An Wu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing the appearance of a successful plot.

"Marquis An Wu, haven't you been playing tricks on the poor monk?"

After slapping the table heavily, Master Xuandu stood up and shouted loudly.

With a terrifying aura, he unreservedly crushed An Wuhou.

To be honest, at first, Marquis An Wu was a little flustered.

After all, he knows that Master Xuandu is a serious and powerful man standing on the top of the Great Master.

According to outside rumors, he and Master Xuandu exchanged palms. In fact, Master Xuandu just moved his finger and crushed his attack.

If not, how could he be subdued so easily?
However, at the next moment, Master Xuandu spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The momentum around him dissipated instantly.

The whole person, suddenly, seemed to be seriously injured, and his face was pale.

"Ah! Damn it, Marquis Anwu, you dare to poison me, aren't you afraid that my Jinshan Temple will destroy your residence of Marquis Anwu?"

While screaming, Xuandu grimaced and roared crazily.

"Hehe, let Master Jia Xu tell you."

Seeing this, Marquis An Wu kept sneering.

In his opinion, the current Xuandu is just barking helplessly.

He didn't pay attention at all.

"You did well."

Jia Xu stepped slowly from the back hall.

He showed admiration to An Wuhou.

"Who are you? You poisoned me, right?"

Xuandu looked at Jia Xu, and his breath became weaker as he shouted and asked.

He secretly scolded himself for being confused, he originally thought that with his current strength, there were very few things in this world that could poison him, even in Poison Immortal Valley, there would not be many.

He didn't think Marquis An Wu would have one, so he neglected to take precautions and was hit by the trick.

Now, he can hardly use even a trace of martial arts true energy, which is really too sad.

"Let's get to know each other formally, I, Daqin, Jiaxu!"

"How is it? The power of the Myriad Poison Biting Heart Gu is pretty good, right?"

Ten Thousand Poisonous Heart Gu, Jia Xu's meticulously refined Gu insect, as long as it enters the body, it can't resist its poison even if it enters the body. Infuriating, become an existence at the mercy of others.

"Daqin Jiaxu? Myriad poisonous heart gu?"

Xuandu was full of doubts about the strange name and the strange poisonous Gu.

"Not much nonsense, now, I only give you one choice, and that is to submit to His Majesty and be His Majesty's loyal dog, otherwise, die!"

Although he didn't know how his Majesty did it, Jia Xu could already clearly perceive that Marquis Anwu and General Qianshan had become His Majesty's loyal dogs through and through.

Therefore, in his opinion, if there is an opportunity, he can threaten Xuandu to become His Majesty's loyal dog, which will definitely bring a lot of benefits.

"You are dreaming, the poor monk is a Buddhist, how can he become a court eagle?"

Xuandu flatly refused.

"Ding, Jia Xu failed to subdue Xuandu, and the civil and military officials couldn't inject loyalty into him, and the civil and military officials were deeply anxious."

"Ding, feeling the incompetence of the panel of civil and military officials, the Buddhist panel was strongly awakened, and looked at the panel of civil and military officials with contempt, and raised a middle finger."

"Ding, as soon as the feature of the Buddhist door panel is turned on."

【Fomen panel - your exclusive panel】

[Characteristic [-]: Strong institutionalization - anyone who is controlled by you or your subordinates, but unwilling to surrender, can use strong institutionalization on them. After using them, they will immediately become your loyal servants]

"Ding, the subject of compulsory institutionalization—Xuandu."

"Ding, Xuandu has become your loyal servant."

It's just a split second.

Jia Xu could only see in front of her eyes, as if there was a flash of Buddha's light shining away.

Immediately, Xuandu seemed to be a different person, and said devoutly, "Amitabha, from now on, the poor monk will be His Majesty's loyal servant."

Although Jia Xu was puzzled, his intuition from the bottom of his heart told him that what Xuan Du said was probably true.

"Ding, the panel of civil and military officials felt that he had lost his face. He was stubborn, and specially rewarded the heroes Jia Xu and An Wuhou with pure spiritual energy. At the same time, he glanced at the Buddhist panel provocatively and said: I can reward the heroes, can you?" ?”

"Ding, after receiving the baptism of pure spiritual energy, Marquis An Wu achieved a breakthrough and entered the fourth level of the cave."

"Ding, after receiving the baptism of pure spiritual energy, Jia Xu's kung fu "The Art of Ten Thousand Poisons Biting the Heart" has advanced to the seventh level, and Jia Xu's realm has continuously broken through, advancing to the sixth level of the Cave Heaven."

"Ding, the Buddhist panel is tyrannical and domineering, how can it tolerate the provocations of the civil and military officials?"

"Ding, the Buddhist panel mocks the panel of civil and military officials, and they don't know how to make dragon farts."

"Ding, the Buddha Gate Panel copies Xuandu's top-grade heaven-level exercise "Awakening the Nerve" and gives it to you at the same time."


[Second update, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward~]

(End of this chapter)

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