Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 72 Qinglian Sword Song, Harvesting 3 Great Physiques

Chapter 72 Qinglian Sword Song, Gaining Three Great Physiques

Suddenly, two strands of sword light rustled like shooting stars, as if they came from outside the sky.

Caught off guard, Su Yan and Yi Wenbo hastily drew their swords to resist.

After the two swords were struck, they couldn't help but groaned, and spewed out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably.

His pupils were full of horror.

They are all masters of swordsmanship, and they can also sense that just now a master swordsman used the same sword move to split into two strands of sword light and attacked them at the same time.

However, even with one against two, the two of them have never been able to fight against each other and have already been injured!
Come, who is it?

How terrifying?
Both of them are constantly guessing.

"May I ask who is the elder here?"

After a moment of silence, Su Yan spoke first.

Scan around, trying to find the person who shot.

"Hmph, is it possible that seniors can only hide and hide, and hurt people with dark swords?"

Yi Wenbo's sword pointed straight at the sky, his tone was serious and angry.

"I, Da Qin, Li Bai!"

A sound of intimidation frightens the sky, a long sword swings the sky, and a white dress is proud of the world!

Yi Wenbo and Su Yan's faces were dull for a moment, and there were only four big words 'True Immortals in the World' left in their minds!
"Is there a real fairy in the world?"

For a long time, inside and outside Xianyang City, accompanied by a long sigh, all the people boiled.

At this moment, people stared at Li Bai, as if meeting a real fairy, and couldn't help admiring him.

"No, it's impossible!"

"I absolutely don't believe that even if the Great Qin Dynasty has fallen, there can really be a Banished Immortal?"

Yi Wenbo's pupils suddenly shrank, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"Yeah, I don't believe it either, hmph, you must be pretending to be a fake person."

Su Yan snorted heavily, as if to embolden himself, he abruptly moved the tip of his sword towards Li Bai.

"The two of you intend to trample on the dignity of my Great Qin, and you have committed an unforgivable crime."

"Today, I will send the two of you to Heavenly Prison, and for the rest of your life, you will only have to repent in my Great Qin Heavenly Prison."

Li Bai's eyes were like knives, and he swept towards Su Yan. Yi Wenbo and Yi Wenbo seemed to be scraping their bones, which made them feel a sharp pain immediately.


Yi Wenbo forcibly suppressed his heart palpitations, shouted loudly, and when the time came, a terrifying murderous intent was set off, and the sword moved straight towards Li Bai.

With the blessing of the five-element sword body, the five-element qi is strong and terrifying above the sword's power.


On the other side, although Su Yan didn't make a sound, his body was full of murderous intent, but he was not inferior in the slightest, and his sword soaring into the sky followed.

Once the Chixing sword body is opened, it adds three points of power.


Li Bai smiled coldly and did not pay attention to the two of them.

Even if both of them are at the seventh level of the cave, their realm is higher than his.

But so what?

Realm does not mean combat power!
These two people were once able to rely on the power of their swords to defeat the eight layers of the cave.

Li Bai is even more capable of picking two people with his sword.

"Qinglian Sword Song!"

One green lotus step, one sword breaks the mountain!

The sword song from ancient times suddenly played, like a funeral song played slowly.

In an instant, two loud noises pierced the sky.

The next moment, people could only see a green lotus blooming on the chests of Yi Wenbo and Su Yan.

The blood-stained green lotus, the blood-colored green lotus in the sun, is particularly attractive.

Blood gushed out mouthful after mouthful, and Yi Wenbo and Su Yan's eyes were full of disbelief.

Pointing at Li Bai, he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.

The phantom of hell descends.

Li Bai gave a cold drink: "Get out!"

Two strong winds blew up one after another, and it was Li Bai who kicked Su Yan and Yi Wenbo into the heavenly prison.

At this scene, all the witnesses gasped and marveled again and again.

There are banished immortals in Daqin!
One sword suppresses two sword bodies, it can be called a unparalleled sword in the world!

The current sword gods - Daqin, Li Bai!

"Ding, all my life, I hate Su Yan and Yi Wenbo, such arrogant wastes, who dare to try to step on the dignity of Daqin. It is an unforgivable crime. Heaven has decided to arrange the cruelest punishment for them."

"Ding, Heavenly Prison has stripped the body of the two, and it has been stored in the system space, and you can use it as you like."

"Ding, Heavenly Prison is planning to strip off the two people's kendo and martial arts skills, as well as their cultivation comprehension, but found that under Li Bai's sword, the two people's kendo collapsed, their martial skills were useless, and their comprehension was confused. .”

"Ding, the alchemy tower said that this is a small problem, so it not only donated a large number of life-hanging pills to heaven, so that heaven can carry out more punishments, but also gave heaven two extremely precious recovery pills, Let the two recover their martial skills and comprehension."

"Ding, after receiving the elixir, Heavenly Prison was very excited. After thanking the Alchemy Pagoda, they forcibly stripped off their martial skills and insights."

"Ding, congratulations, you have obtained the incomplete editions of "Red Star Sword Art" and "Five Elements Sword Art."

[Crimson Star Swordsmanship: Heaven-ranked top-grade martial arts, one of the swordsmanship of Zhenxiu in the famous Jianshanzhuang]

[The incomplete version of the Five Elements Swordsmanship: Heaven-ranked top-grade martial arts, an incomplete swordsmanship, but it is relied on by the Five Elements Swordsmanship as the Zhenzong swordsmanship]

"Ding, after absorbing the sentiments of the two, your incomplete versions of "Red Star Sword Art" and "Five Elements Sword Art" have passed the entry level and directly reached the realm of mastery."

"Ding, it has been detected that Li Bai is carrying the body of an exile. As soon as your power of the emperor's way is activated, congratulations, you have obtained an exile body."

"Ding, in order to reward Li Bai for defending the majesty of the Great Qin Imperial Palace, the Great Qin Imperial Palace bestowed a large amount of spiritual energy for Li Bai to break through."

"Ding, receiving a lot of spiritual energy, Li Bai made continuous breakthroughs and set foot on the eighth level of the cave."

On the official road, Ying Xi, who was driving the dragon horse, was rushing to Xianyang at lightning speed, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Looking around, he intends to find a safe place, and can't wait to devour Xinde's three major physiques first.

Xiangxi Road, outside the Baigu Mountain Range.

The ten elders of the Demon Sect and the elite disciples of the Sun Moon God Sect who were stationed here, waiting for Dongfang Bubai to step out of the White Bone Mountain Range, were blocked at the entrance of the White Bone Mountain Range by a steady stream of upright people.

"Dongfang Bubai wantonly massacred righteous people, forced them to enter the White Bone Mountains, but left his own people outside the White Bone Mountains. This is clearly intended to kill my righteous people, and he will be punished!"

"Yes, Dongfang Bubai must be working with the exorcist faction to plot against me."

"Shortly after the elders of my sect entered the White Bone Mountain Range with Dongfang Bubai, the fate card was broken, and he must have died tragically at the hands of Dongfang Bubai.".
All I could hear was the voices of people in the vicinity of a hundred li, and the sound of crusade against Dongfang Bubai could be heard everywhere.

The ten elders of the Devil's Sect were furious when they heard that, if Dongfang Bubai hadn't ordered them not to act rashly, they really wished they could kill the generals now and set off a bloody storm.

"Dongfang Bubai killed my elder brother. I can't kill Dongfang Bubai. Today, I will kill you first to comfort my elder brother's spirit in heaven."

Finally, on the side of the righteous people, someone couldn't help but make a move.


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(End of this chapter)

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