Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 80 Tianxianyuan, the No. 1 Diva in the Northern Song Dynasty——Li Shishi

Chapter 80 Tianxianyuan, the No. [-] Diva in the Northern Song Dynasty——Li Shishi (first order)

Li Bai heard the words, no nonsense.

Immediately, the sword light flashed, revealing the cold light.

The bone-piercing frontal cold swept across the entire Yanshui residence in an instant.

There was a bang, and Fu Ming fell to the ground, bleeding from his orifices, and it seemed that he would not survive.

Ying Xi breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he gave the order to arrest him first, so Li Bai held back a little bit and didn't beat Fu Ming to death directly.

Otherwise, a special physique will be lost in vain.

Although, this Qingfeng sword body doesn't sound like a very powerful physique.

However, it is always good to devour one more physique, isn't it?

"Physical Deprivation Talisman, use."

With a silent recitation, the Physique Deprivation Talisman immediately acted on Fu Ming.

"Ding, congratulations, you successfully used the Physique Deprivation Talisman and successfully deprived Fu Mingzhi of the Qingfeng sword body."

"Ding, the Qingfeng sword has been stored in the system space, and you can use it at any time."

"Who dares to hurt people in my Yanshui residence?"

Yanshuiju's response was also extremely fast.

Before the guests could fully react, someone came to Fu Ming.

He shouted fiercely.

Yanshuiju, who can do business all over Kyushu, is naturally not an ordinary force.

At the very least, over the years, even if it is the world's first-class power, few people would dare to act presumptuously in Yanshui Residence.

It has already proved that Yanshuiju is extraordinary.

"is it you?"

Soon, that person locked his eyes on Li Bai.

With this gaze locked.

Inside Yanshui House, there are several majestic auras rushing down at the same time, the lowest being the fifth level of the cave!
Li Bai shouted in a deep voice: "Great Qin Li Bai, under the order of His Majesty, Fu Ming was arrested by the imperial court. Why, do you want to protect the imperial court criminal in Yanshuiju?"

Despite the heavy pressure on his body, Li Bai did not fall into the prestige of Great Qin at all.

Words and sentences, sonorous and powerful.

Rao Yanshuiju was so aggressive, he couldn't help but be stunned by it.


That person from Yanshuiju is actually a great master of the Nine Heavens!

Looking directly at Li Bai, his gaze was much fiercer than at first.

At the same time, several figures descended.

Almost every one of them is the nine great masters of Dongtian.

"What? Does Yanshuiju even dare to move my people?"

When Yingxi unscrupulously showed her aura.

In an instant, within the Yanshui Residence, a terrifying coercion erupted.

But all of a sudden, the number nine caves were actually oppressed by Yingxi's aura, and they knelt down on the ground unwillingly.

"Qin Huang, please be merciful. His subordinates don't understand the rules, so I'll ask them to apologize to Qin Huang."

Suddenly, a melodious transmission sounded in Yingxi's ear.

Looking away, Fairy Qingyin is bowing to her.

"I'm being rude, and I ask Emperor Qin to forgive me."

In the next moment, Na Yanshui lived in the Ninth Layer of the Digital Cave, and they all kowtowed to Ying Xi to apologize.


Seeing this, Ying Xi smiled coldly and said, "Get lost."

At the same time, Fairy Qingyin said, "I need an explanation."

"it is good."

Fairy Voiceless quickly agreed.

"Qin Emperor, please!"

Not long after, Fairy Qingyin disappeared on the high platform, and a girl in a plain court dress came to Yingxi and made a gesture of invitation.

Ying Xi raised his forehead slightly, and told Li Bai, "Kill that Fu Ming."

After finishing speaking, she followed the girl in the plain dress towards the backyard of Yanshuiju.

"Everyone, there was a little episode just now, but it doesn't matter. Now the matter has been resolved, and everyone will continue to play music and dance."

On the high platform, an old bustard also appeared at the right time, and said haha.

Afterwards, even though Yanshui lived in the house, the previous bustle resumed again.

Of course, there are still quite a few people among them who are very attentive to what just happened.

Some people, even, have secretly brewed some plans in their hearts.


Yingxi followed the girl in a plain dress to an exquisite small attic.

In the small attic, the pink bead curtains attract people's imagination, and the attractive body fragrance blows to the face.

"I have seen Emperor Qin!"

The girl in the plain palace dress will be invited to enter the small attic, and will immediately retreat.

When Fairy Qingyin saw Yingxi, she immediately bowed and saluted.

His expression was respectful, without any hint of arrogance.

This made Yingxi feel a little puzzled.

He could clearly feel that outside the small attic, there was a faint aura of the Faxiang Realm.

With the protection of Dharma, why does Fairy Qingyin respect him so much?

Also, Fairy Qingyin was able to order the Nine Great Masters of Dongtian in Yanshui residence, what is going on?

At this moment, in Yingxi's mind, there are obviously many questions that need to be answered one by one.

"Tell me, how do you plan to explain to me?"

Yingxi sat down, looked at Fairy Qingyin and said.

"Qin Huangrong, I can make the decision on this Yanshui residence in Xianyang City, as an apology to Qin Huang."

After the words fell, Yingxi became even more suspicious.

What a big handwriting, the first shot is Yanshuiju in Xianyang.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a golden mountain.

"it is good."

Yingxi's forehead, no matter what, Fairy Qingyin gave it, and Yingxi has no reason not to.

"Ding, the appearance of Yanshuiju has made the Daqin Palace feel the crisis. The Daqin Palace is afraid that you will be fascinated by the goblins outside, so it has specially built a heavenly courtyard for you!"

【Tianxianyuan—a holy place for high-quality fireworks specially created for you】

"Ding, the Celestial Immortal Academy has just been established, and it lacks a head and oiran. I am afraid that it will be difficult to attract your attention, so I invite a peerless singer Li Shishi from reincarnation."

Master Li.

In the past, the No.1 prostitute in the Northern Song Dynasty.

Yingxi did not expect that Tianxianyuan would have such abilities.

For a while, Ying Xi was rather interested.

"Qin Huang, I still have a deal that I want to make with you."

Immediately afterwards, Fairy Qingyin spoke again.

"Tell me."

Ying Xi tapped his knuckles lightly on the table, his expression was indifferent, making it impossible to see his thoughts.

Seeing this, Fairy Qingyin sighed inwardly. It seemed that her plan to attract Yingxi with her beauty was completely in vain.

"I want to ask Emperor Qin to help me win the entire Yanshui Residence. My opponent is my brother, Nangong Hao"

Fairy Qingyin's real name is Nangong Qingyin, one of the heirs of Yanshuiju, but it turned out that the reason why she came to Xianyang this time was to take advantage of the opportunity of the Great Court Meeting to find a suitable helper to help her become the official daughter of Yanshuiju. heir.

This time, during her narration, she truthfully told Yingxi about her situation.

"So, you want to use [-]% of Yanshuiju's income in exchange for my support for you?"

The entire Yanshui residence, and all the Yanshui residences in Kyushu add up to [-]% of the income, which can be described as a huge sum of income.

However, Ying Xi didn't want to agree, and shook his head, Ying Xi said: "I don't like doing business with people, I want you to help me, unless you surrender to me, beside me, there happens to be a lack of a maid who can play the flute."


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(End of this chapter)

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