Wushuang Summoning: My system is too sensible

Chapter 89 The Awakening of the Confucianism Gate Panel

Chapter 89 The Awakening of the Confucianism Gate Panel (Ten more, please subscribe)
[Introduction to Taiyi Body: King-rank top-grade, according to legend, the entry-level version of Taoist Taiyi’s secret hidden supernatural powers can greatly enhance the power of Taoism, and few people can comprehend it]

"Ding, for Guo Jing's great contribution, the gang panel will give him a reward for opening another fifty caves."

Xianyang City, Ximen.

Not long after riding a dragon horse and stepping into Xianyang city, Yingxi was surrounded by a group of people.

Looking around, they are all dressed as Confucian scholars.

Especially the three leaders are all dressed as officials, looking at the official uniforms, it seems that the official positions are not low.

It's a pity that Ying Xi doesn't know any of them.

"Presumptuous, dare to block His Majesty's return, you don't want to die."

Ying Xi doesn't need to talk too much.

Zhu Wushi, Cheng Shifei, Guihai Yidao, Duan Tianya, and Shangguan Haitang all rushed over and stood in front of Yingxi one by one, shouting loudly at a group of Confucian scholars.

Immediately afterwards, a group of internal spies surrounded a group of Confucian scholars from the outside.

"The Qin Emperor was so cruel that he beheaded and killed Prime Minister Li Wenfu in the palace. Confucian scholars all over the world would not accept this move!"

"I, Minister of Rites, Li He."

"I, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Sun Wen."

"I, Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Zhang Li."

"And us, we are all Confucian scholars. Today, we are here on behalf of the Confucian scholars in the world. Emperor Qin must give us an explanation to the people of the world!"


These people actually wanted to block Ying Xi in public and question Ying Xi.

Take a casual glance.

Even Li He, Sun Wen, and Zhang Li, who are the leaders, are barely in the realm of the masters of the Zifu.

Not in Yingxi's eyes at all.

However, today's matter is a little troublesome.

In public, if Ying Xi fails to deal with it, he will seize the opportunity for someone with a heart, and immediately spread to the world, which will have a great impact on the reputation of Ying Xi and even the entire Great Qin.

"Ridiculous, you and a group of Confucian scholars who are bought by others and deliberately cause trouble are also worthy of representing Confucian scholars in the world?"

"Li Wenfu's disrespect to His Majesty is really what he deserved. Those who disrespect His Majesty will implicate the whole family, so what's wrong?"

"You are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, but you don't know the heaven, earth, king, relatives and teachers! You have no respect for your majesty, block your majesty's way in public, and speak arrogance, you should be sentenced to death!"

Right now.

A person came from the sky, with a feather fan and a scarf, pointing the country.

In an instant, the situation was completely reversed.

All of a sudden, these Confucian scholars were directly driven into the abyss of death.

Not even a chance to argue.

"who are you?"

"How dare you speak such nonsense?"

Li He, Sun Wen, Zhang Li and the others lost their sense of control immediately, and stared at the visitor with gloomy expressions.

"Zhuge Liang, I have seen Your Majesty."

When he came to Yingxi, he bowed his head respectfully.

Zhuge Liang's attitude was extremely respectful.

Heard of Zhuge Liang's name.

Not only these Confucian scholars, but also the onlookers in Xianyang city were shocked for a moment.

Zhuge Liang, a genius of the Zhuge clan in Nanyang, has a very high prestige among Confucian scholars all over the world, especially Li Wenfu.

Now that Yingxi has Zhuge Liang's support, it is conceivable that today's matter, Li He and others are finished.

Their plan to intimidate Yingxi in the name of Confucian scholars all over the world has completely failed.

Moreover, because of Zhuge Liang's words, from now on, if someone wants to take advantage of Li Wenfu's matter to attack Yingxi, it is not a good name, and the words are not right.

The most terrifying thing is.

If the Nanyang Zhuge Clan really belongs to Emperor Qin, plus the beggar gang that has long been rumored to belong to Yingxi, and the major events that Yingxi has done recently
The onlookers became more and more frightened the more they thought about it. Some powerful people were already thinking about whether they wanted to change their attitude towards Emperor Qin and Great Qin.

"Your Majesty, these people are obviously bewitched by others. I suggest that these Confucian scholars be beheaded on the spot to show God's might."

"Li He, Sun Wen, and Zhang Li are the three principal offenders. They can be arrested first and sent to Heavenly Prison. They can interrogate them and find out who is behind the scenes."

As he said that, Zhuge Liang deliberately gave Ying Xi a wink.

What he said, the interrogation of the three main criminals, was just an excuse.

It's just that in the public, if Ying Xi uses soul search on Li He, Sun Wen, and Zhang Li, it may cause criticism from interested people.

It's better to capture him first and put him in the palace. Isn't it just how Yingxi searched for his soul?
"it is good!"

"Zhu Wushi listened to the order, and I ordered you to lead the inner secret agents to kill all these Confucian scholars immediately."

"Those three people, take them back to the palace first, and I will interrogate them myself."

Ying Xi firmly agrees.


If it weren't for the influence of scruples, Zhu Wushi would have wanted to kill him a long time ago.

At this time, after receiving Yingxi's consent, he immediately looked at these Confucian scholars with murderous intent, and shouted: "Kill!"

"No, Emperor Qin, you can't kill us!"

"We are Confucian scholars."
Many Confucian scholars were so anxious that they shouted loudly and even cursed.

It's a pity that no matter what they do, they can't change their own destiny.

Soon, they were slaughtered.

Li He, Sun Wen, and Zhang Li knew they were bound to die. They didn't want to be tortured inhumanely, and even wanted to commit suicide.

However, Zhu Wushi discovered it early, with quick eyesight and quick hands, he abolished their dantians and imprisoned them.

They can only be escorted into the palace by secret agents.

Not too many stops.

Once the matter was resolved, Yingxi returned to the Great Qin Palace.

After entering the palace, Ying Xi directly and violently searched the souls of Li He, Sun Wen, and Zhang Li.

After searching for the soul, Ying Xi gave Zhu Wushi another order: "You immediately take people to kill Li Wenfu, Li He, Zhang Li, Sun Wen, the nine clans of these four people."

Last time Yingxi forgot to deal with Li Wenfu's Nine Clans, but this time, by the way, he took care of them together.


After Zhu Wushi was ordered to leave, Yingxi's eyes dimmed slightly: "Tianluohou!"

That's right.

Through soul searching, Ying Xi learned that this time, it was Tian Luohou who was secretly planning, and these people were nothing but Tian Luohou's pawns.

Today, it happened that Ying Xi returned to Xianyang. Li Wen and the others realized that this was a good opportunity, so they decided to act first.

They intend to use this to make Yingxi issue an edict to abolish the throne.

"Ding, you killed Li He, Sun Wen, and the Confucian scholars headed by Zhang Li. With Zhuge Liang leading the formation, you successfully led the Confucian scholars all over the world to your side."

"Ding, through this, all the major panels took action at the same time, plundering a lot of Confucian luck."

"Ding, the Confucian door panel has successfully awakened with the help of a lot of Confucian luck."

[Confucianism panel - your exclusive panel]

[Characteristic [-]: Guide the general trend of Confucianism—with the power of Confucianism, you can virtually influence [-]% of Confucian scholars in the world, and firmly support you]

"Ding, the Destiny Emperor Body strikes again, suppressing the major exercises and winning the remaining luck after the awakening of the Confucianism panel."


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(End of this chapter)

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