Chapter 91
【Name: Bailong·Zhao Yun】

【Affiliation: Eternal Heroes】

[Martial Arts Qualification: Monstrous Level]

[Martial Arts Potential: Nine Stars]

【Martial Dao Realm: Ninth Heavenly Cave (Peak of Grand Master)】

【Supernatural Power: White Dragon Fighting Intent (Warrior Divine Power)】

[Identity: Under the command of Marquis An Wu, the general of the White Dragon, is a big card hidden by Marquis An Wu]

"You humiliate my soldiers, today, you will die!"

"Hundred birds facing the phoenix!"

Accompanied by the sound of Fengming Nine Heavens.

A shot seemed to cross the endless void, with a blazing intent to destroy everything, and pierced through the gate of Tianmozong!


Just listening, a scream suddenly came out from within the Heavenly Demon Sect.

The aura of the demon who laughed wildly before dissipated instantly.

If there is no accident, he must have died under this shot.

Immediately, Master Xuankong, Butcher Wang, and Jin Changchang all looked at each other in blank dismay.

A wave of horror swept over my heart.

They all knew that devil, and they had fought against each other more than once.

However, the devil, whom even they were afraid of, was shot and killed by someone.

Moreover, listening to his voice, it seems that it is from Anwuhou Mansion?
But how is it possible?
It is impossible for An Wuhou himself to have such a strong strength.

Why is his general so strong?
For a moment, the three of them were full of doubts.

At this moment, Zhao Yun came from the sky.

The white horse and the silver gun are full of heroism.

The monstrous murderous intent just now has not dissipated, staring at Master Xuankong, Wang Butcher, and Jin Changchang, the three of them couldn't help being stunned.

"This general, under the command of Marquis Anwu, General Zhao Yun of the White Dragon, this time under the order of Marquis Anwu, come here to destroy the Heavenly Demon Sect together with you."

"Ben will feel that the previous layout arrangement seems a bit inappropriate, what do you three think?"

Zhao Yun cupped his hands slightly, although he didn't say a single harsh word.

However, this understatement shocked all three of them.

Suddenly they were a little uncertain about the strength of Anwuhou Mansion.

Perhaps, Marquis An Wu was hiding his clumsiness on purpose?

Thinking of this, the three of them did not dare to neglect.

Of course, just one Zhao Yun is enough to make them pay attention.

At the very least, if the supreme master of the Faxiang Realm behind them doesn't make a move.

They must treat Zhao Yun with courtesy and cannot be disrespectful.

And the previous plan to use General Qianshan and his [-] troops as cannon fodder also needs to be changed.

"Okay, General Zhao, let's re-discuss how to attack the Heavenly Demon Sect."

Nodding his head, Elder Jin Changchang spoke first.

"it is good."

Ever since, under Zhao Yun's strength, the scene of the four parties rediscussing the layout began.

"Ding, Zhao Yun was born, he killed the enemy with one shot, and showed his supernatural power, which greatly dealt a blow to the arrogance of the Tianmo Sect, and also suppressed the prestige of Jinshan Temple, Taiyuan Wang Clan, and Money Gang."

"Ding, all the major panels joined forces to plunder, plundering a total of 5.00% of the luck of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and a small amount of luck from Jinshan Temple, Taiyuan Wang, and Qianqian Gang."

"Ding, due to the strong request of "Heavenly Demon Dafa", all major panels have unanimously decided to convert the feedback of the exercises into a large amount of true meaning of the magic way."

"Ding, after devouring a lot of the true meaning of the demonic way, "Heavenly Demon Dafa" has clearly realized its own path to advance to the king rank, and the current completion rate is 20.00%."

"Ding, "Heavenly Demon Dafa" has crazily deduced the tenth level before, and has gained something. At this moment, in order to let myself advance to the king rank in one fell swoop and step on the Heavenly Mandate Emperor Body, "Heavenly Demon Dafa" took advantage of the unpreparedness of the four impermanent brothers, They gobble it up."

"Ding, after "Heavenly Demon Dafa" devours the Wuchang Knife, Wuchang Stick, Wuchang Sword, and Wuchang Spear, it will directly advance to the king rank and transform into "Impermanence Tianmo Jue"."

[Impermanence Tianmo Jue: King-rank top-grade kung fu, transforming impermanent Tianmo kung fu, with unpredictable power, the kung fu is divided into thirteen levels, after practicing the thirteen levels, there is a chance to make the natal supernatural power: the real body of the demon evolution]

"Ding, just when the Destiny Emperor's Body was about to monopolize luck again, and the major exercises were fighting against the Destiny's Emperor's Body, a sliding shovel from "Impermanence Heavenly Demon Art" sneaked into the Destiny's Emperor's Body. At the same time, I swallowed all my luck."

"Ding, after being baptized with a lot of luck, the "Impermanence Heaven Demon Art" has successfully advanced to the eighth level."

Great Qin Imperial Palace, inside the True Dragon Hall.

When Yingxi was closing his eyes and resting his mind, Shangguan Haitang hurried into the hall.

"Your Majesty, Master Jia Xu has returned and said he has something important to report to you."


Hearing this, Ying Xi immediately opened his eyes, revealing his vigor.

"Let him come to see me quickly."

For normal things, Jia Xu would send a message back.

But this time, Jia Xu came back to report in person.

Ying Xi predicted that something serious must have happened.


Shangguan Haitang was already used to Yingxi's style, so she turned her head and left the hall, intending to lead Jia Xu into the hall.

"My humble minister Jia Xu, I pay my respects to Your Majesty."

Not long after, Jia Xu followed Shangguan Haitang into the True Dragon Hall anxiously.

"Excuse me, Jia Xu, what happened?"

After waving his hand, Ying Xi got straight to the point and asked.

"Your Majesty, I have just received a secret report from Xuandu of Jinshan Temple."

"The eclipse of the sun is coming. At that time, countless monsters will recover in the entire Kyushu world, and the world will definitely be in chaos."

Jia Xu also did not procrastinate at all, directly telling the whole story.

Too cloudy?

Ying Xi was completely ignorant of this.

However, it sounds like the problem is really big.

The demons revived, and the world was in turmoil. Thinking of the scene of demons dancing wildly, Yingxi felt a little headache.

Trouble, it seems, big trouble is coming.

The only good news is that this is a disaster affecting the entire Kyushu, not a disaster that Daqin alone has to face.

Perhaps, it is not necessarily the chance that it will be Daqin.

"Ding, the eclipse of the sun is coming, and the great world will begin. The system reminds you, you must be very careful."

[Taiyin overshadows the sun: According to legend, it is a catastrophe that will occur once every era in the Kyushu continent. , will increase by a hundred times]

Hearing the system's explanation, Yingxi's expression became more serious.

You must know that the mainland of Kyushu is not just as simple as Kyushu.

Kyushu is the core of Kyushu mainland, but not all of them!

An era is 12 years long.

This era is said to have come to an end.

When the sun is overshadowed by the sun, Ying Xi always feels that this has something to do with the beginning of the next era.

Of course, now is not the time to think about these things. What Yingxi needs to think about is what he will do and what Daqin will do when the sun is overshadowing the sun.

"Ding, the sun is about to fall, and the system has decided to prepare for you in advance. Starting today, the speed of your cultivation and that of your subordinates will increase by a hundredfold."


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(End of this chapter)

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