Chapter 115

"Xiao Gang, I don't think you need to worry too much about the Soul Master Competition, there are still two years left.

With the talents of Mu Chen and the three of them, they can be promoted to the soul king. A team of three soul kings, plus Mu Chen's combat power far surpassing the soul power of the same level, I don't think it is too big to win a soul master competition The problem.

Even if the strength of the Wuhundian academy team is strong, but at most it is the soul power of the soul king, Xiaochen's strength is completely sufficient.

Xiao Gang, do you place too much emphasis on the role of the team, or do you still not believe enough in the strength of Mu Chen and the others? said Flender.

In fact, Flender was not very worried about the Soul Master Competition.

"Oh, forget it, then it has to be like this." Yu Xiaogang also sighed.

In fact, I still have selfish intentions, so let my disciple Tang San shine in the soul master competition instead of relying on Mu Chen to do everything alone, and my theory will still not be recognized by the soul master world.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to the second night.In the Great Soul Arena in Suotuo City, the Shrek Academy team played again, but today there were only six of them, and Mu Chen and Gu Yuena were watching the battle as spectators.

This can be regarded as the first team battle among the Shrek Six Monsters, and Tang San, as a control system soul master, is naturally in charge of commanding without any doubts, while Ning Rongrong and Oscar are at the end of the team.

On the opposite side of Shrek Academy, there are seven figures.

The leader is Kuang Xi, majestic and tall, with exaggerated muscles. At first glance, he looks like a powerful soul master. Behind Kuang Xi is a pair of ordinary-looking brothers, and behind him is a coquettish woman.

With heavy makeup and extremely revealing clothes, the fat man's eyes were the only female soul master staring at him firmly.

There are two thin young soul masters behind, and the last of the team is an ordinary soul master who looks like an uncle who is over 40 years old.

Crazy battle team!

Director Ao said: "In the team battle, the two sides are the Mad Fighting Team and the Shrek Academy Team. Of course, there is no need to say much about the Mad Fighting Team. They have won seven consecutive victories. If they can win a few more games in a row , then their speed of advancing to the Bronze Fighting Soul Badge will be second only to Sword God players.

As for Shrek Academy, it was the second time to participate in the team battle spirit. Although the sword god player was not there, it still had the powerful auxiliary ability of the Liuli player.

There are only six people in the Shrek Academy team, let us see how the outcome of this team battle will be. "Following Director Ao's announcement, the Six Shrek Monsters also set up their formation.

The captain Kuangxi was at the front of the team, and the brother soul masters. The three of them formed a triangle, with the alluring woman in the center, the thin soul masters on the two wings, and the uncle at the back of the team.

"The countdown starts at five seconds, five, four, three, two, one, start!" As soon as Director Ao finished speaking, all the thirteen soul masters on the fighting spirit stage began to release their martial souls, all kinds of gorgeous martial souls Lighted up at the same time, causing the audience present to start cheering.

In Shrek Academy, there is no doubt that all of them have the best soul ring ratio, but the mad fighting team is a bit messy The best soul ring ratio for the master owner.

Kuang Xi looked at the spirit ring ratio of the Shrek Academy team and was also secretly surprised. It seems that the opponent's background is not small, and all of them are the best soul ring ratio. possible.

But without a terrifying figure like Sword God, it's not impossible to fight. The biggest advantage of the Berserker team is that their soul power is above level 35. As long as they use it well, they can widen the gap between the two sides.

The first to activate the soul skills were the auxiliary system soul masters of both sides. Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda released three rays of light and landed on Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing and others as well as himself.

And the white and yellow soul rings of the auxiliary system soul masters of the Berserker Team lit up at the same time.

"The wishful disk, the defensive light blooms, the wishful disk, the attack halo blooms!" The six companions in the mad battle team were all covered with a layer of yellow and white.

Kuang Xi looked at the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda in front of him with some trepidation, but it quickly passed by. . .It seems that he is not from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

As the main force of the team, Kuang Xi is naturally the direct Kuang Xi's martial soul is the rhino. After releasing his own martial soul, not only his body swelled up, but also his skin became thicker like armor. In the horny layer, the biggest change is the head, where a half-foot-long unicorn shone with a brownish-yellow light.

Accompanied by his own shouts, the ten-year spirit ring on his body surged up in white light.

With an indomitable momentum, the whole person rushed towards Dai Mubai's direction.

The two soul masters beside Kuang Xi also belonged to the attacking system, they were all beast soul masters, they had the same martial soul, with two horns on their first head, and a layer of white hair on their skin, they were obviously sheep martial souls.

Cooperating with Kuangxi, at the same time the magic weapon charged.

as a team.Coordination is extremely important. The auxiliary soul masters on the Berserker team added 5.00% of their defense power and [-]% of their attack power.

Compared with the growth rate of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, the difference is too far.

Otherwise, how could the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower be called the number one auxiliary spirit?

Behind the Kuangxi three, two agility attack system soul masters also moved quickly, their martial souls are monkeys, their bodies are covered with yellow hair, they bypass Dai Mubai who is in front of him from both sides at an extremely fast speed The three of them aimed directly at Ning Rongrong in the rear.

At the same time, the coquettish girl with the top spirit ring also moved.

She is also a beast soul master, able to occupy the central position of the team, in addition to strength, it is her soul master cultivation direction.

Like Tang San, she is also a control system soul master. To Tang San's surprise, the beast spirit of this coquettish woman turned out to be a spider.

The moment the spirit possessed her body, Tang San noticed her.

When the martial spirit on the coquettish girl was released, her whole body was covered with a layer of pink light, and her wavy long hair stretched out eight strands horizontally, forming the eight-legged shape of a spider across the sides of her head.

There was a spider web logo on his forehead, and his eyes turned pink.

As the first spirit ring on her body lighted up, both hands were raised at the same time, strands of spider webs shot out from her palms, and she shot towards the air.The spider silk began to weave rapidly in the air.

Seeing that the opponent's control system soul master is a spider, even Dai Mubai couldn't help laughing, the Man Faced Demon Spider also has a title among spider-type soul beasts.

That is Spider King.

He didn't even need to think about it, he already knew that the other party's martial spirit was restrained by his side.

Tang San watched the situation in the arena coldly, and shouted loudly.

"Fatty, in the air, Phoenix FireWire, let it go."

Ma Hongjun was already ready, the purple-red flame spewed out, heading straight for the spider web in the sky.

At this moment, Tang San also moved.Dozens of blue silver grasses quickly stretched out from under his feet, not forward, but to both sides, twining skill double shots, directly blocking the two young spirit masters of the agility department with monkey spirits.

The control system is the sensitive attack system, any soul master knows this.Seeing the blue silver grass swarming towards them, the two extremely fast monkey soul masters froze for a moment.

Tang San also raised his hand, without looking at the situation on both sides, he had already thrown out a ball of green light in his palm with the technique of throwing an arrow, and the target was the Kuangxi who was rushing in the front.

Kuang Xi naturally saw the green light released by Tang San, and he also understood that the other party was a control system soul master, so he activated his second soul ring without thinking.

Accompanied by the forward rush of the huge body, both fists swung out at the same time, a ball of dazzling black light lit up from the fist, the two balls of light suddenly collided in the air, turning into a huge black light wave, heading straight to the yellow-green light emitted by Tang San rush away.

(End of this chapter)

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