Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 12 Quasi-Great Soul Master

Chapter 12 Quasi-Great Soul Master
"Well, teacher, I will try my best." Mu Chen also nodded, looking at the Emperor Dragon Sword in his hand, he also became more determined and hopeful.

"Okay, the first step is the comprehension of sword energy, this is the foundation and the simplest.

Now attack me with all your strength, pay attention to making good use of your Emperor Dragon Sword, and in the process, pay attention to comprehend your Emperor Dragon Sword. " Sword Douluo said.

"is teacher!"

Mu Chen nodded, and then looked at the relaxed Sword Douluo with his big bright eyes, and then his figure suddenly flashed.

Although not as fast as Sword Douluo before, it still surprised Sword Douluo, retreated his body, and easily avoided Mu Chen's sword edge.

This is the shadow body method, and what Mu Chen used is only a part, called Jiying.

Mu Chen missed the sword, and then continued to launch fierce attacks, but they were all easily evaded by Sword Douluo.

Although he has never been able to touch Jian Douluo's body or even his sleeves, Mu Chen was not in a hurry, but calmly looked for the weak point of the attack. The use of the shadow body technique became more and more proficient, and the speed also became faster and faster. faster.

But not long after, Mu Chen withdrew his martial spirit, stopped, and then sat on the ground, exhaling.

There is no way, the current own soul power is only level 14, there is not much soul power to consume at all.

"Xiaochen, is that your own soul skill?
The speed just now is already beyond the average soul master of the agility department. "Jian Douluo came to Mu Chen's side and said unexpectedly.

"Well, I figured it out out of nowhere, and the teacher laughed at me." Mu Chen said without blushing, as if he had created it himself.

Pretentious system: I have never seen such a brazen person, but for the sake of getting another seventy, let it be.

"Sure enough, he is the proud son of heaven, he is decisive and fierce with his sword, calm and calm, calm and unhurried.

Now you are just a great soul master, yet you have self-created soul skills, Xiaochen, your talent is really higher than I thought. "Sword Douluo also shook his head and said.

It is true that there are talented people from generation to generation, creating their own soul skills, even he has not been able to do it.

"Wow, brother Chen is so amazing, he even managed to create his own soul skills!"

Ning Rongrong, who was watching Mu Chen and Sword Douluo "fighting", heard Grandpa Jian's words, and looked at Mu Chen with starry eyes. His brother Chen is really exceptional.

So I can't pull it down, I'm a little witch!
Ning Rongrong remembered the secret of martial soul cultivation in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda that his father had told him - distraction control!
When my soul power improves in the future, I can help Brother Chen in the future!

Thinking of this, Ning Rongrong suddenly felt that although the things that were extremely boring before had the motivation to practice again, her father had already cultivated to the seven apertures and exquisite heart, and she wanted to reach this level in the future!

Although my soul power is only level 13 now, there is no harm in learning it in advance.

And after Mu Chen regained his soul power again, he also started to practice with Sword Douluo again, feeling his comprehension of the Emperor Dragon Sword during this process.

In this way, Mu Chen and Sword Douluo practiced duel in the morning, and meditated to cultivate soul power in the afternoon and evening.

Of course, the treasures for body training have not been left behind, and Mu Chen is also improving day by day.

And Ning Rongrong's originally playful character was also driven by Mu Chen, he worked hard to cultivate his soul power, and often asked Ning Fengzhi for advice on distraction control.

This made Ning Fengzhi and the others very surprised. This Rongrong actually took the initiative to ask for advice and worked hard to cultivate. Ning Fengzhi and the others were also very pleased.

Although I know why Rongrong would do this, but these are two good things, yes, two good things.

Seeing the progress of the two of them day by day, the three of them are becoming more and more satisfied, especially when comparing the progress between the two of them with other disciples of the surrounding sects, the gap is more obvious.

Time passed in a hurry, two years passed in a blink of an eye, and today, Jian Douluo was going to take Mu Chen to obtain his second soul ring again.

Two years later, both Mu Chen and Ning Rongrong have cultivated to level 20, which is about two levels higher than the disciples who awakened their martial souls at the same time. After all, one has innate level nine soul power, and the other is innate Full of soul power.

Even though in addition to cultivating soul power, they also have to practice swordsmanship or distract control, but the speed of cultivation is still the fastest, which is the innate advantage brought by powerful talents.

"Get ready, Xiaochen, this time to obtain your second soul ring, we are going to Sunset Forest.

It is much more advanced than the hunting spirit forest before, and the types and numbers of spirit beasts in it will be much more, allowing Xiaochen to choose. " Jian Douluo looked at the two children and said.

And Ning Rongrong's soul ring is directly in the soul beast raised by the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, and has already reached a suitable choice, so this time Ning Rongrong does not need to leave the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

Two years have passed, and the two little guys have grown a lot taller, and their good looks have also been initially shown, especially Xiaochen, who is getting more and more handsome.

"Well, Grandpa Jian, Rongrong is waiting for you to come back inside the sect." Ning Rongrong said happily, he still caught up with Brother Chen's pace, and he is also a quasi-great soul master!

"I'm ready too, Grandpa Jian."

Mu Chen also said, and then under the instructions of Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo, the two also walked out of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, boarded the carriage and headed for the Sunset Forest.

"Fengzhi, you said that child Rongrong has really become more and more clingy to Xiaochen recently." Bone Douluo said looking at the direction the carriage was leaving.

"This is also a good thing. After all, the two children are so outstanding, especially Xiaochen, who is still an extremely talented fighting soul master. If he hadn't spent time on practicing swordsmanship, he might have broken through to level 20 half a year ago. up.

Moreover, Uncle Jian also said that Xiaochen's cultivation talent is still higher than his. Originally, Xiaochen was required to comprehend the sword energy before Hunzun, but in the past two years, Xiaochen has already learned it, and now he is only at level 20. .

Even Uncle Jian only comprehended it when he was at level 30. With such a talent, I am relieved to be able to rely on Rongrong in the future. "Ning Fengzhi said with emotion.

"Talent is necessary, but we will also see Xiaochen's hard work. A strong talent coupled with hard work has achieved what we see now.

In the future, he might become a Peerless Douluo!
By the way, Fengzhi, about Xiaochen's martial soul and innate full soul power, where is the martial soul hall? " Bone Douluo asked worriedly.

"From the current point of view, this matter can still be kept secret, but after a long time, I'm afraid it will not be possible." Ning Fengzhi said.

"We should try our best not to spread this matter." Bone Douluo said, and Ning Fengzhi also nodded.


(End of this chapter)

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