Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 128 Tang Hao and Son Leave

Chapter 128 Tang Hao and Son Leave

you come back!
Tell me clearly, is the woman next to you able to save Ah Yin? "Tang Hao shouted as he looked at the two people leaving.

But Mu Chen and Gu Yuena didn't bother Tang Hao anymore, but left directly.

"Na'er, no one will notice such a big movement, right?" Mu Chen asked.

"Don't worry, Xiaochen, in order not to expose my strength, I used my divine power to seal off all the vicinity there before I do it, and nothing that happens inside will be perceived by the outside world.

However, Xiao Chen, you said earlier that you could resurrect the 10-year-old Blue Silver Emperor? " Gu Yuena said.

"Actually, it doesn't mean that I can really revive those soul beasts. Do you still remember the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye we went to, where plants can grow ten times faster than the outside world.

The Blue Silver Emperor wasn't a complete sacrifice, but the body of the Blue Silver Grass was left behind. As long as it grows for a certain period of time, it can naturally be revived. "Muchen said.

"Is that so?
I thought. . . "Gu Yuena said with some disappointment.

"I know what you mean, but now I can't resurrect the dragon that died before, maybe I can do it when I become a god in the future." Mu Chen patted Gu Yuena on the back and said.

"Well~ I believe in you, Xiaochen, otherwise, we can only rely on the two of us to reproduce and revive the Dragon Clan." Gu Yuena nodded.

After Mu Chen heard Gu Yuena's words, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he suddenly felt that he had a very important mission to revive the entire dragon clan with Gu Yuena.

Mu Chen looked at Gu Yuena's graceful figure, and Mu Chen also nodded, feeling that although there was a long way to go, he definitely could do it.

And Tang Hao, who was on the spot, sighed after getting no response from Mu Chen and Gu Yuena, and slammed his huge fist on the ground fiercely, new blood oozing from his fingers.

"I'm afraid Mu Chen just lied to me. How could Ah Yin, who had already sacrificed, be resurrected again, and why did Mu Chen help me?" Tang Hao said to himself, then got up with difficulty, and walked slowly towards Tang San's location.

After a long time, Tang San who was still asleep got up when he heard the knock on the door, and opened the door vigilantly.

As long as the other party is unruly, then he will attack directly at the first time.

Opening the door, Tang San was surprised to find that it was his father.

How did you become like this! "Tang San looked at his blood-stained father and said distressedly, and then stepped forward to support Tang Hao actively.

Then Tang San discovered that his father's body was already in a mess, all kinds of new and hidden injuries were intertwined, in a mess, and many of the injuries were fatal enough.

It's hard to imagine how Tang Hao insisted on surviving at such a point.

But apart from the injuries, what surprised Tang San the most was that his father's spirit power had dropped from a level 95 Super Douluo's spirit power to a level 35 Soul Master!
Such a terrible decline in strength, I have no idea what kind of tragic experience my father has experienced, and he has become what he is now.

Tang San slowly used Xuantian Kungfu to relieve the injuries in Tang Hao's body, but found that it didn't have any effect at all. His father seemed to have a very terrifying energy preventing the recovery of this Xuantian Kungfu. role.

Such a situation made Tang San not know what to do for a while, telling himself repeatedly to keep calm, but he really couldn't control his emotions.

Since losing Xiao Wu last time, he cherishes the only people he cares about in this world, among which his father is definitely the most important one, and then his teacher.

Now that the person he cares about the most has turned into this miserable appearance, Tang San vowed to tear him into pieces!
"Okay, little San, I'm fine, let's leave here now, this place is too dangerous." Tang Hao said weakly.

It's just that he is no longer the high-spirited Haotian Douluo, and now he is doomed to be just a little soul master.

What kind of person hurt you like this, could it be someone from Wuhundian? " Tang San asked.

But Tang Hao didn't speak, but opened his mouth and said: "Not from the Wuhundian, but they are thousands of times more terrifying than the people from the Wuhundian.

Alright, little San, be obedient, let's leave here directly, this place is really too dangerous. "Tang Hao coughed a few times and said, but new blood flowed from the corner of his mouth again.

After Tang San wiped off the blood, there were tears in his eyes, then he nodded frantically: "Okay! Dad, let's leave here directly!"

Then Tang San also simply packed up his things, and after writing a few words on his desk, he directly supported Tang Hao and slowly left Shrek Academy.

"Dad, where are we going now?"

"Clear Sky School, it will be safer there, I originally planned to let you return to the sect after your strength is stronger, but now the situation has no room for other considerations.

But when you go back now, your talent is definitely number one in the Clear Sky School, and with the addition of my relationship with your uncle, you shouldn't receive too many troubles.

Xiaosan, remember, even if someone from the sect makes things difficult for you, you must learn to be patient.

After all, I am indeed the one who is sorry for the sect. "

"Father, what kind of person can push us to such a point?"

"A person so terrifying that I have no strength to resist, or she is not a human being, but a god!"


"So, don't worry about this matter anymore. As for your martial spirit and mother, I will tell you slowly in the future."

"Yes, Dad!"

. . . . . .

"Xiaochen, that Tang Hao and that Tang San left Shrek Academy together." Gu Yuena said while lying in Muchen's arms.

"That's not surprising, after all, Na'er, you've made Tang Hao look like that, so you're naturally worried that you'll do the same to Tang San.

But if we really want to do something to Tang San now, how could they leave? "Muchen also shook his head.

"It's just that this game has temporarily stopped.

Tang San, look, it's not over yet.

The next time we meet, you have to be more confident, otherwise, you will die. "Muchen murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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