Chapter 14 Qian Renxue?
"Ding! The system is at your service. Open the host's personal data panel as follows:
host; Mu Chen

Martial Soul: Emperor Dragon Sword
Soul Power Level: Level 23 Great Soul Master
Soul Skill: Silver Light Falling Blade, Shattering Slash

Others: Nine Dragon Hairpin (currently the host can use two hairpins)
Shadow body method, god-level cooking skills
Current force: 2000. "Mu Chen looked at his personal data panel, but he thought it was pretty good.

"Grandpa Jian, my soul power is now level 23, and my second soul skill is called Shattering Slash. My second soul skill can ignore all physical defenses, and has extremely strong lethality."

Mu Chen said, but Mu Chen found that there was something wrong with Jian Douluo's eyes, and his face was a little dignified.

"Grandpa Jian?

Grandpa Jian? "Mu Chen yelled a few more times, and finally Jian Douluo came back to his senses, and said: "Well, the second soul skill is very powerful, even a soul master of the soul sect level can't match it in terms of attack power alone. the you now.

Xiaochen, maybe we're in trouble. "

Jian Douluo said, and then summoned his Seven Killing Sword Wuhun again, and looked around.

"No way, do you find it troublesome?"

Mu Chen also tensed his nerves, and quickly summoned his Emperor Dragon Sword, looking around vigilantly, but after a while, he didn't notice any movement.

On the contrary, Mu Chen noticed that there seemed to be something glowing inside the huge dark gold Dreadclaw bear's body.

"Grandpa Jian, is there a soul bone there?" Mu Chen pointed to the corpse and said.

"How is it possible, spirit bones are rare treasures..."

Jian Douluo hadn't finished speaking, but his eyes looked at the part of the bear's paw in amazement.

Damn it, I was only focusing on protecting Xiaochen before, but I ignored this corpse.

No way, no way, just a 2000-year-old soul beast!

Jian Douluo swung his long sword, and then a dark golden palm bone appeared in front of the two of them, with long sharp claws shining on it.

Sword Douluo:
I lost, and I lost in a mess.

"Xiaochen, you have fused this soul bone. This soul bone is second only to the 10-year-old soul bone. This top-quality soul bone comes from the top-level soul beast Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear, which is the most useful and strongest. Largest and rarest metacarpal.

Your kid's luck is beyond description, I'm starting to be jealous, your martial soul is the goddess of luck~" Jian Douluo also shook his head and said helplessly.

But it is undeniable that luck is also part of strength.

"The troubles around?" Mu Chen also looked at Sword Douluo while holding the soul bone.

"Don't worry for the time being, he probably didn't come here after us." Jian Douluo said, giving Mu Chen a shot in the arm.

Then Mu Chen fused the dark gold Dreadclaw bear's metacarpal bone with his own palm, and the metacarpal bone quickly turned into a puddle of golden liquid and melted into Mu Chen's left palm.

A wave of heat entered Mu Chen's palm, and an incomparably domineering energy filled Mu Chen's palm. There was a sharp pain that made Mu Chen "grit his teeth", and began to endure silently with his eyes closed. It would be subconsciously clenched tightly, and sweat flowed out, but Muchen still gritted his teeth and persisted.

After a while, Mu Chen opened his eyes, took a breath, and touched the sweat on his forehead.

With a thought, the left hand will also start to grow bigger, and then grow long sharp claws, about half a foot long, which are extremely sharp. Mu Chen looked at the big tree in front of him, waved his claws, and it was easy The tree, which was the size of an adult's waist, was snapped off in half.

"Xiaochen, let's go!

Feeling like someone is around all the time makes me feel uneasy. " Jian Douluo nodded and said after seeing that the trip was successfully concluded, and then led Mu Chen to the periphery.

The two of them walked for a while, Jian Douluo's eyes suddenly brightened, and then he said: "The soul beasts here are all at a hundred-year cultivation level, you wait for me outside where we get off the carriage, I'm in a bit of trouble deal with."

After finishing speaking, Jian Douluo's figure disappeared in place, leaving only Mu Chen.

"Strange, what kind of trouble is it that makes Grandpa Jian so fearful?

No matter, let's leave here first, my current strength is still very low, if I encounter a ten-thousand-year soul beast without dying, it will be cool. "

Mu Chen murmured, just when Mu Chen was about to leave, a system voice suddenly came from his mind.


The system prompts that Qian Renxue, one of the important characters in the original book, appeared in Sunset Forest. "

"Qian Renxue?

How did she appear here? "Mu Chen was a little puzzled, but then he sighed. In the original book, this is also a poor character.

After her father Q raped Bibi Dong and gave birth to her, although she has a god-level martial spirit and innate level 20 spirit power, the relationship between mother and daughter is extremely bad.

A girl's best years were spent imitating someone and replacing someone, but she fell in love with Tang San unfortunately, and it was doomed to be a fruitless love from the beginning.

Even so, Tang San sabotaged the plan at the end, and finally the plan failed.

When she became a god, her grandfather who loved her the most sacrificed, and she lost the person who loved her the most in the world. After becoming a god, she was still firmly rejected by Tang San.

In the end, she was defeated by the revived Tang San in the battle of gods, and her own mother blocked a fatal blow to protect her, and she lost all her relatives.

Contra, whose strength will always stay at level 89, can no longer break through, and dies of old age alone.

Those who love themselves die in order to fulfill and protect themselves, but those they love don't love themselves, fearing themselves and even killing themselves.

Although he has an extremely powerful god-level seraph martial soul and an alluring face, his whole life is a tragedy. What a pitiful person he is.

In the original book, Muchen felt that this was a very pitiful and pathetic person, but now he actually met her in the setting sun forest.

Presumably, Qian Renxue is about 16 years old now, and she should start to lurk or be about to top Bao Xueqinghe.

But how did it appear here?
Then the trouble that Sword Douluo felt afraid of should be the strong people in the Wuhun Hall who protected Qian Renxue.

At least he would be a Title Douluo level powerhouse, otherwise the three Contra masters of the Tiandou Royal Academy would not be qualified.


Or stay and see?
After Mu Chen thought for a while, he finally decided to take a look.

The young body also disappeared in place, and then returned to the setting sun forest.

(End of this chapter)

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