Chapter 143

"Tang San, why do you strike so hard?
After all, they are all from your same sect. By the way, what are the hidden weapons you mentioned? Why have I never heard of such a thing? "Tang Xiao came out and said, these words also sounded a little frowning to the five elders.

Good guy, just say that you are from the same sect, and we haven't agreed to Tang San's return to the ancestors.

But at this time, he didn't care about such details anymore, and was even more curious about the hidden weapons Tang San showed.

As old foxes, they naturally know the power of this so-called hidden weapon. What if the power of such a thing can be greater?

Then could it threaten Soul Sage, Contra or even Title Douluo of their level?

Then if they face Spirit Hall in the future, Haotianzong's previous disadvantages may be overturned, and it is not impossible to even suppress Spirit Hall in turn.

"Sovereign, elders, the things I used before are called hidden weapons, and their power is very good. The types and powers of hidden weapons are different.

The hidden weapons I used just now are just the tip of the iceberg. There are more powerful hidden weapons everywhere, but the energy and strength required to create them are relatively high, and I can't do it for a while. " Tang San said.

But this time, Tang San spoke a lot harder, in order to prove what he said, he forged a big killer.

"Does such a thing exist?
Tang San, tell me, what level of power can your hidden weapon reach, and what level of soul master can it kill? " Tang Xiao asked, this is the most important thing.

If this so-called hidden weapon only caused damage to the soul king and below low-level soul masters, then it would not have much effect on the contest between the Clear Sky School and the Spirit Hall.

Titled Douluo is even an existence above human beings. " Tang San said slowly.

There is indeed such an existence among the hidden weapons of the Tang Sect, such as Guanyin tears and Bodhi blood, which are particularly powerful, especially Guanyin tears, who can kill gods before they become gods, their hearts burst, and their veins are broken. Wherever the attack is made, even the Hercules Guanyin will cry.

If I can use Guanyin Tears in the future, can I use Guanyin Tears to kill the horror that surpassed the scope of human beings who made my father look like that before, and avenge my father?
"I think you are talking nonsense, you don't know the horror of Title Douluo at all!
Not to mention the existence above human beings. "The Seventh Elder said disdainfully.

"Elder Seven, if you really don't believe what Tang San said, then among the hidden weapons on Tang San's body, there is something that can hurt you.

If the Seventh Elder still doesn't believe it, then you can try it yourself. "Tang San said, also took out two small iron balls from the moonlit night of the 24 bridge.

Mother and child chasing souls and killing courage, the most powerful and domineering hidden weapon that I can create at present, belongs to the product of the combination of mechanism-type and technique-type hidden weapons, and ranks fifth among the mechanism-type hidden weapons.

In order to create this pair of mother and son chasing souls and killing their lives, Tang San almost spent all the gold soul coins from the previous soul fighting, but it was definitely worth it.

And there is another characteristic, the higher the user's soul power, the stronger the power!

(I don't know if it is a bug in the original book. If you use this hidden weapon with the soul power of Limit Douluo, can it cause damage to Limit Douluo, hehe~)

"It's just such a small thing, if you say it can hurt Title Douluo, I naturally don't believe it, but I am willing to give it a try."

The Seventh Elder observed the two small iron balls in Tang San's hands, but he didn't find anything strange, so he didn't pay much attention to them.

Titled Douluo is already the absolute cutting-edge combat power in this world, so he will naturally have his own self-confidence.

"Then please be careful, Seventh Elder. There is another feature of this thing, that is, the higher the user's soul power, the greater the power will be. But I have just experienced a big battle, and there is not much soul power left, so I still have to give it a try." If you need help from others, it is best to have a higher spirit power." Tang San looked around and said.

But even though the people around were a little curious, that is, staying at the level of curiosity, they still didn't believe what Tang San said about possessing such great power, so no one was willing to try.

Seeing this scene, Tang Xiao knew that it was time for him to perform, and then said: "Since no one is willing to try it, I will try it.

However, Tang San, are you sure I won't cause great damage to the Seventh Elder after I use it? "

"Uh, the higher the soul power of the user, the greater the power will be, the faster the mother and child will chase the soul and kill the gallbladder, and the more penetrating power the bone-transforming magic needle released will be.

If released with the suzerain's Super Douluo's soul power, even a Super Douluo would pose a threat. " Tang San said, also looking at the Seventh Elder.

Although your eldest son is dead, my parents are indeed responsible, but I still want to get it back for you insulting my mother so much.

Especially if you offered to try it today, then it will pass away if you try it.

The Seventh Elder looked at Tang San's plain appearance, and suddenly felt a little uncertain in his heart. Could it be that the name of this little thing is quite powerful.

Mother and child chasing souls and guts, is it really as powerful as the little bastard said, but it's impossible, I am a Titled Douluo, can't I resist it?

But after saying this in front of so many people, you can't back down, especially in front of this little bastard.

"Then I'll give it a try, how do I use this mother-child life-killing soul-chasing gut?" Although Tang Xiao also has some of the power Tang San said, but now he can only practice his true knowledge, I hope Xiao San is not lying.

If it is really as scary as Xiaosan said, then the next thing can be left to myself.

"It's fine to use the method of shooting stars to catch the moon, and I can demonstrate it again." Tang San handed the pair of mother-child life-killing soul-chasing guts to Tang Xiao's hands, and then demonstrated the method of use.

Tang Xiao nodded after reading it. It is not complicated in itself, and he is a Super Douluo. Of course, there is no need to talk about talent and comprehension. After demonstrating it once, he will learn it.

"Sect Master, remember not to use all your strength, otherwise, the Seventh Elder will suffer a lot." Tang San said with a serious look.

Tang Xiao looked at Tang San's appearance, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, you child can't wait to give this Seventh Elder a good beating.

But he also nodded. After all, they are all from his own family, so naturally he has to pay attention to propriety.

(End of this chapter)

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