Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 150 Auctioning Catwoman

Chapter 150 Auctioning Catwoman
After the auction of each item, Mu Chen seemed a little bored, and these items were of no interest to him.

The host on the stage held a loudspeaker and said to the bidders with a smile on his face: "Next, what we will auction is a rare treasure.

Please pay attention to those who are interested, especially male VIPs. "

While talking, he motioned to the audience, and a cart was pushed up by three strong men.

The cart is covered with a red cloth, so you can't see what's inside, but from the appearance, it looks like a big square box.

The host said mysteriously: "Can everyone guess what this is?
How about this, let me first reveal the reserve price to all distinguished guests.

The starting price for this lot is [-] Golden Soul Coins, and each increase should not be less than [-] Golden Soul Coins. This is the best of the best. "

As the host of the auction house, mobilizing the atmosphere and the enthusiasm of the bidders is obviously a compulsory course, and he has successfully attracted the attention of the bidders.

"Now, all distinguished guests, please look carefully." While talking, he grabbed the red cloth and yanked it off.

After the red light flashed, what was revealed was not a box, but a huge iron cage.Inside the iron cage, curled up a young girl.

Most of the girl's body is naked, and only the key parts are covered by shells. Because she is curled up, she can't see her face clearly, but her figure is almost perfect.

The fair skin is like crystal jade, and the short light green hair is unique.

"Perhaps the VIPs are wondering why such a girl can have such a high reserve price, the same price as the beauties trained in our auction house for many years.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that she is special. "While talking, the host took out a stick from somewhere, stuck it into the iron cage, and gently picked up the short light green hair next to the girl's ears, exposing her ears.

Those were not human ears, but small pointed ears similar to those of cats. Under the light touch of the stick, the ears turned slightly red.

"That's right, the distinguished guests read right. This is a rare catwoman.

When Wuhun awakened, her body mutated and she took on some cat forms. Her eyes were one blue and one green, unique, and she even had a long tail. "He hit the girl's buttocks with a stick, and the girl twisted in pain, revealing a white cat's tail that was hidden behind.

"It can be said that she is unique on the mainland.

What a blessing to have such a beautiful cat as a pet.Just imagine, if you grab her tail with one hand when you are doing something, what will it be like? "

While speaking, the host showed an ambiguous expression on his face, and drew an arc in the air with the stick in his hand.

"Guests, you can bid now."

After finishing speaking, the auctioneers in the audience also started to go crazy, shouting constantly, looking at this catwoman with a coveted and crazy look.

"Xiaochen, do all of you humans have hobbies like this?

While doing errands, hold on to the tail. . . " Gu Yuena asked with her mental strength, and at the same time, her purple eyes were looking at Mu Chen, as if she was examining Mu Chen.

Mu Chen also said helplessly: "Maybe, but it is indeed very attractive to men's impulses.

But Na'er, don't worry, you and Xue'er are my favorites. Even if I have any thoughts, I have the same thoughts with you and Xue'er. "

Mu Chen has to admit that such a girl with beast ears does have some special advantages in that aspect, and her attractiveness is also very unique, after all, which man would not want that. . . .

"Xiao Chen, let's take a picture. I feel she is very pitiful. Once she falls into the hands of those people, I'm afraid..." Gu Yuena said looking at the slightly trembling Catwoman, her eyes full of fear.

Then he directly used his mental power to communicate with the catwoman: "Don't be afraid, we will help you."

Catwoman looked in Gu Yuena's direction suspiciously, and saw Gu Yuena nodded slightly. Seeing where Gu Yuena was, Catwoman knew that the other party could do it, but she was a little curious, The other party can talk to me directly, either because of the recultivation of the soul beast, or because of its extraordinarily strong strength!

Such a person, why should he save himself?
Is it because I just look pitiful?
"Uncle Ning, I want to buy her." Mu Chen pointed to Catwoman and said, in fact, Ning Fengzhi also bought this Catwoman in the original book, and of course it wasn't for some hobby.

"Brother Chen, why are you the same as those greasy uncles, do you like... ouch~"

Before Ning Rongrong could finish her sentence, Mu Chen hit her chestnut directly. This girl knows how to talk nonsense every day, so she shouldn't be brought here.

"Don't think about it day and day, your mind is full of such things." Mu Chen said speechlessly.

"Xiao Chen, can you tell me why you saved this catwoman?" Ning Fengzhi looked at Mu Chen and asked.

Ning Fengzhi naturally knew that Mu Chen was not that kind of person, so he naturally had his own motives for asking this question.

"I know what Uncle Ning wants to say.

Indeed, even if we rescued this cat girl today, maybe tomorrow there will be leopard girls or other unique women who will be auctioned off as goods, and it is impossible for us to buy all these girls.

After all, as long as someone has an idea in this regard, as long as there is a market, such things cannot disappear.

I can't say that I can save everyone, but I will save every such person I meet, and this is within my ability.

Maybe it's to allow me to retain some sympathy, since I'm still a human being after all. "Muchen said.

Jian Douluo would also slightly nod after hearing his disciple's answer, and then signaled Ning Fengzhi to buy that Catwoman.

After hearing Mu Chen's answer, Ning Fengzhi also nodded. Xiao Chen's mind is indeed far more mature than those of his peers. As for his own daughter, Ning Fengzhi said he would give up for five seconds.

And while Mu Chen and the others were still talking, the voice of the auction platform under the stage had already started to weaken, and then a voice came.

"17 gold soul coins!
I want to see who dares to rob me. An old man sitting in the red area at the front stood up abruptly and looked at everyone around him proudly.

Even with a mask on, many people still recognized the person who said this.

The prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, the younger brother of the current Emperor Xue Ye——Prince Xue Xing.

It seems that this prince with a bad reputation is now also interested in this catwoman, and he can't wait, and now he plans to use his identity directly.

For a while, the auction house was completely silent, no one would spend so much gold soul coins for a catwoman, and even offend this powerful Prince Xue Xing.

(End of this chapter)

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