Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 155 Ren Xue's Shock

Chapter 155 Qian Renxue's Shock
"Xiaochen, do you know what your words mean?" Qian Renxue said in shock.

"Of course I know, and the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School has already begun to fully support me in building the soul tool. The soul tool will not only change the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, it can even change the situation and combat system of the entire continent.

But Cher, do you think I'm lying to you? "Muchen said.

"It's not, I just think what I said is too unbelievable, if those people in Wuhun City know.

Then even if I have said about the matter between you and me before, the people in Wuhun City will still catch you or even. . . "Qian Renxue said worriedly.

"Kill me, didn't you?" Muchen said with a smile.

Anyone in Wuhundian who has a brain knows how threatening the soul tool technology is in their own hands, and it can completely change the current balance of power.

Even though the relationship between Mu Chen and Qian Renxue is very close, Mu Chen is still a member of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, so the credibility is naturally not comparable to that of the Wuhundian itself.

Especially the Pope of Wuhundian is a decisive and ruthless female Pope like Bibi Dong, she will definitely get it without hesitation or destroy it directly.

"So, Xiaochen, promise me that you must keep this secret, especially now that the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School is not strong enough, and the true strength of the Wuhun Temple is actually beyond your imagination, whether it is the number of soul masters under control or high-level Soul master." Qian Renxue said.

"Thank you for your trust, Xue'er, I promise you that the appearance of the soul tool will not interfere with the Wuhun Palace's unification of the mainland. Of course, for the Wuhun Palace, I only trust you at the moment.

As for keeping secrets, Uncle Ning will definitely do better than me, so you don't have to worry too much. "Muchen said.

"Well, it's good that you know, but I'm a little bit concerned and I'm confused." Qian Renxue said, with Ning Fengzhi's wisdom, she must have fully considered this point.

"The soul guide is from level one to level nine, corresponding to the nine levels of the soul master's cultivation system. You have a conscience, and you know that you have built a soul guide for me as soon as possible. Although the level is a little lower, I still Very happy." Qian Renxue said arrogantly.

"Then, do you still plan to buy the hidden weapons in bulk?

I just want to remind you that these hidden weapons were all made by Tang San, that is, people from the Clear Sky School.

I guess that Tang San did this because his original goal was Uncle Ning, but he didn't get Uncle Ning's attention because of the soul tool. I didn't expect you to be eyeing such a thing. "Muchen asked.

Although the original plot was changed due to his own reasons, if the Clear Sky School could get the support of the Heaven Dou Empire, then it would be a troublesome matter.

"You mean these things were made by people from the Haotian School?

But why put it up for auction?

Isn't it good to keep it as a trump card?
I've seen it. Although the power of the things on display is not great, I'm only interested if the auctioneer said there are more powerful hidden weapons. "Qian Renxue wondered.

"I don't know, maybe it's not suitable to make these hidden weapons after the closure of the Haotian School, after all, it's just that broken place, it's hard to get in, it's hard to get out, and it's going to be attacked by people from the Spirit Hall." Mu Chen guessed.

"So, Xiaochen, do you want me to give up these hidden weapons?" Qian Renxue asked.

"Well, although the power of the hidden weapon is good, but the price is expensive, especially I am worried that if you do this, besides paying the fee, that Tang San will also ask for some other things, such as policy support, land and so on.

Doing so will only increase the power of Haotianzong, and the relationship between Haotianzong and Wuhundian is irreconcilable. "Muchen explained.

"It makes sense for you to say that, I'd better find a reason to prevaricate and refuse at that time.

Tang San, isn't that the person you were in Shrek Academy with before?

Who is he from the Haotian School, why do I feel that you, Xiaochen, don't like him very much. "Qian Renxue nodded.

"Son of Tang Hao, the relationship between us in Shrek Academy was not friendly before, and your father's death was not because of Tang Hao?
Before leaving, I asked Na'er to directly cripple that Tang Hao, and all the spirit bones on his body are now on my body. "Muchen said.

Amidst Qian Renxue's astonishment, Mu Chen also roughly talked about the things between himself and Tang Hao. After hearing this, Qian Renxue was also very surprised, and then said with emotion: "I can't think of the Haotian Dou who was so famous in the mainland back then." It's bragging that Luo has become such a useless person now.

Xiaochen, you didn't ask Na'er to kill Tang Hao directly, did you want to make his life worse than death? "

"Yes, wanting to die is not that easy.

Anyway, you can leave it to me to deal with Tang Hao and Tang San's affairs, forget about the hidden weapon matter, and if Tang San wants to produce in the Heaven Dou Empire, you have to create some difficulties to hinder Tang San. "Muchen said lightly.

"Xue'er, after talking so much about me, you should also say something about yourself." Mu Chen changed the subject.

In fact, it was also a chance for Qian Renxue to confide, after all, lurking in Tiandou City, Qian Renxue had nothing to confide in.

"Actually, there's nothing exciting about it, what's so interesting about facing those old fellows from the Heaven Dou Empire every day, and pretending to be filial to Emperor Xue Ye every day, alas~
Even though Emperor Xue Ye was poisoned by me, he will still last for a few more years, and I don't dare to make it too obvious.

But it was that Prince Xue Xing who started to fight against me again recently. "

When Qian Renxue mentioned these things, she started to tell Muchen about the unsatisfactory things she had encountered during this period.

Mu Chen hugged Qian Renxue with some pity when he heard it. It was not easy for Xue'er to face those old foxes in Tiandou City alone, and Xue'er was still a girl.

"I'm sorry Xue'er, but I let you spend your most beautiful years like this~" Mu Chen sighed.

"It's okay. It's good that we can work together for the future. If it's so easy to get everything, wouldn't it be very boring." Qian Renxue comforted.

"By the way, Xue'er, regarding the poison in Emperor Xue Ye, although it is powerful, there are people in this world who can undo it, so I mean kill him.

That person is the patriarch of the Min clan——Yang Wudi. "Muchen said.

In the original book, the poison of Qian Renxue was really powerful, even Tang San and Dugu Bo couldn't help it, but Yang Wudi undid it.

Now that I am here, it is natural to avoid such a thing from happening.

"How did you know?"

Qian Renxue's face was full of doubts, even if she said she was poisoned, how did Xiaochen know that only Yang Wudi could detoxify?

Could it be that Xiaochen still has something to hide from himself?

"Anyway, it's right for you to listen to me, and let Wuhundian send someone to kill Yang Wudi." Mu Chen said.

"Well~, I will tell this matter to Wuhun City, and let people deal with Yang Wudi and even the entire Minzhi clan.

It's getting late, we should go out, otherwise, it's easy to attract suspicion. "Qian Renxue nodded.

But then Mu Chen secretly kissed her cherry lips, Qian Renxue also glanced at Mu Chen angrily, and then began to resume her Xue Qinghe disguise.

(End of this chapter)

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